12 Borrowing Trouble (32 page)

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Authors: Becky McGraw

Tags: #Texas Trouble

BOOK: 12 Borrowing Trouble
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Carrie was surprised when she looked at the seat behind her and saw Ronnie Rooks sitting there with her legs crossed watching them
, one auburn brow lifted.  “You done now, or you going to give me an encore?  I’m fine either way.”

Sitting up straighter, Carrie turned in the chair.  “Where’s Chris?” she asked with fear punching her in the gut.

“Probably watching his sister entertain Judge Masterson.”

Carrie’s heart shot up to her throat.  “Izzy’s with the judge?” She launched herself up to her feet, and tried to get by Dylan’s knees, but Ronnie’s hand dropped on her shoulder.  She stopped.

“Chris is off the hook.  The judge listened to all the witnesses informally in chambers.  I think the fact that Susan Whitmore called him from the Dallas FBI office to sing Chris’s praises helped too.  He said if Chris had that kind of support system and backing, he felt sure he wouldn’t be seeing him in his courtroom again.  He gave him community service, which he can probably do through the church you attend, and restitution for the damages to the truck.  He didn’t accept the drug charges, because of Chris’s explanation and cooperation.”

“No hearing, then?” Carrie asked, her voice shaking
, not really believing what she was hearing.

Ronnie shook her head and smiled. 
Carrie’s relief deflated her whole body.  She leaned into Dylan’s chest and closed her fists in his shirt, resting her forehead against his chest.    When she finally knew she wasn’t going to collapse, her hands loosened and she smoothed out the wrinkles with shaking hands, then smiled up at him.  “Get that spoon ready, baby.  I feel a great big hell yeah coming on.”





Becky McGraw is a married mother of three adult children, and a Southern girl by birth and the grace of God, ya'll. She resides in South Texas with her husband and dog Abby.  A jack of many trades in her life, Becky has been an optician, a beautician, a legal secretary, a senior project manager for an aviation management consulting firm, which took her all over the United States, a real estate broker, and now a graphic artist, web designer and writer.


She knows just enough about a variety of topics to make her dangerous, and her romance novels interesting and varied. Being a graphic artist is a good thing for her, too, because she creates her own cover art, along with writing the novels.


Becky has been an avid reader of romance novels since she was a teenager, and has been known to read up to four novels of that genre a week, much to the dismay of her husband, and the delight of e-book sellers.


She has been writing fictional short stories and novels for fun, as well as technical copy for her jobs for many years. She was a member of the Writer's Guild on AOL during her last venture into writing romance, as well as a founding member and treasurer of the first online chapter of the Romance Writers of America, From the Heart Romance Writers. Currently, she is a member of both organizations.


You can contact Becky McGraw at [email protected]

Please 'Like' Becky on her Facebook fan page at www.facebook.com/beckymcgrawbooks and visit her website at www.beckymcgraw.com


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