100% Wolf (14 page)

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Authors: Jayne Lyons

BOOK: 100% Wolf
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The Key

A wet tongue reached out from the muzzle and licked
Freddy's cheek.

'Batty?' he cried in wonderment.

The mongrel's pretty eyes opened briefly then
closed again and she began to snore contentedly.

Freddy hooted with relief. He spotted a tissue on
the ground nearby and picked it up. There was some
sort of chemical on it.

'She's been
he cried in delight. 'She's
only asleep, Dad. She's okay.' He hugged the dozing
mongrel tightly once again.

With a sudden growl, Flasheart turned around and
stared intently into the gloom. Someone or something
was coming. Bruno gave a bark and bravely jumped
forward to investigate. He heard a sound and raced off
into the woods in pursuit. Flasheart nudged his son
in warning and Freddy shook Batty urgently. The tired
mongrel woke up reluctantly and tried to bare her
teeth, but the muzzle prevented it. She sniffed Freddy
and looked at his pink hair, and her eyes suddenly
flashed into life. She jumped up in delight and wagged
her tail madly.

'Yes, it's me!' Freddy laughed quickly, 'but shush,
girl, someone's coming. Dad, is it Cripp?'

Freddy untied Batty's muzzle and released her.
The huge wolf turned to face Batty, who flinched in
terror. Flasheart gently licked her forehead, while
Batty stared in amazement. She looked at Freddy
and realised that whoever the wolf was, he must be a
friend. Nervously, she held out her paw as Freddy had
taught her. Flasheart patted it with his and the two
wagged their tails happily. She really was the bravest
mongrel Freddy had ever known.

The three companions ran quickly towards Farfang
Castle. Flasheart kept looking behind him in concern,
but they reached the door in safety. The rain was now
falling heavily. The door was slightly open, as Dr Cripp
had left it.

'Let's get inside,' Freddy whispered. 'We can find
something to get your chain off with.'

The wolf and mongrel nipped inside. Freddy
entered last and pushed the door closed with all his
strength. It banged behind him with a horrible slam
that echoed throughout Farfang Castle. Their arrival
had been announced.

Bruno's chase had been fruitless. He returned to
the lawn in time to see Batty run inside and flopped
onto the grass in relief. He barked out the news to
the other dogs and they soon joined him. They would
wait there in case Freddy needed them.

Freddy led his father and friend up to the tower room
and then sneaked downstairs towards the kitchen.
He hunted about in the nearby workroom and then
sprinted back up the spiral staircase.

Ten minutes later, the wolf inspected his chain
collar in the mirror. The Moonstone shone back at
him mockingly. Freddy had tried bashing it with a
hammer, picking it out with a nail file and sawing
through the chain. All to no avail.

'The key must be in Uncle Hotspur's study. He put
the padlock on you, he must have the key. I'm going
to look for it.'

The wolf flicked his ears doubtfully.

'Well, it's worth a try.' Freddy jumped up.

The wolf frowned his disapproval; it was too
dangerous. He rose to come too.

'No, Dad. You have to stay here. I'll be okay. Uncle
doesn't even know we're in the castle. If he catches
me, you'll still be safe – he thinks you're in Coldfax.
Promise to stay hidden.'

The wolf reluctantly flicked his tail in agreement.

Freddy scooted down the spiral stairs and paused
at the bottom to listen carefully. The old stone
passage leading to the main castle was silent. With a
racing heart, he ran for it. He passed the kitchen and
there, straight ahead of him, was the door that led
to the famous pond. Freddy opened it and peeped
out. The square courtyard was empty. Rain began
to fall from the dark clouds above. It splashed into
the ornamental pond. Above him a thunderclap
boomed. Freddy sprinted out. By short-cutting across
the courtyard to the far side of the castle, he could
avoid walking past the Red Stairs. He was drenched
when he reached the opposite door, which squeaked
horribly when Freddy opened it.

'Great howls,' he muttered. 'Why does every door
squeak when I need it to be quiet?'

He was right outside the door to Uncle Hotspur's
study. Freddy looked up and down the dark corridor.
Everything was quiet.

'Stinky feet! Here we go ...' Freddy ran towards
the study door.

'Arrghh!' He had tripped. He flew through the air
and torpedoed headfirst through the door.

'Ow!' he yelped.

Freddy rolled into a small table. He knocked off a
delicate vase which smashed nicely onto his head.

he yelped again. If he had used a megaphone
to announce his arrival back in the castle it would
have made less noise. A tight string stretched across
the doorway had tripped him.

'A booby trap!' he whispered. But who had laid it?
Dr Cripp? Uncle Hotspur? With a horrid creepy feeling
that someone was watching him, Freddy jumped up
and began to search through Uncle Hotspur's drawers.
He wanted to find that key as quickly as possible and
get away from whoever had set the trap.

'Where is it?' he groaned in frustration.

'Looking for this, sir?'

Freddy yelped as his uncle's dreaded voice boomed
out from the doorway behind him. He swung around
to see Sir Hotspur holding up a small steel key, his
eyes glinting furiously. He held the silver gun in
his other hand. Freddy's face fell at the sight of it.

'It wasn't me!' he croaked uselessly.

'But it was you, sir. And this
stays with me.
Flasheart will never be a man again. Not ever, sir!'

'But that's so mean. You're so totally ...
You've broken the Golden Rule,' Freddy cried.
'All werefolk are supposed to protect their pack –
not ... lock them up, not

Sir Hotspur ignored him.

'Why aren't you a poodle? I'll teach you, sir. I'll
teach you not to be a poodle.'

Sir Hotspur raised his gun and took aim. Freddy
picked up a cushion and threw it at his uncle, but he
flung it away with a snarl and stepped forward. With
a roar of surprise he tripped over into the room.

'What in the name of All Howls?' Sir Hotspur yelped
as he crashed to the floor. The booby trap had struck
again. Freddy jumped high with fright as his uncle fell
towards him. The small key flew from his grasp and
with a cry of delight Freddy jumped for it.

'No, sir!' Hotspur roared, grabbing the boy's ankle.
The key lay just beyond Freddy's hand. As he kicked
and strained to reach it, Sir Hotspur began pulling
him slowly away. Just then his uncle gave a bellow of
pain and anger and released Freddy, who jumped up.
He grasped the key safely in his hand.

He turned in triumph to see Batty's teeth firmly
embedded in Uncle Hotspur's large backside. The
outraged man roared in fury but couldn't remove

'Nobody messes with
wolf and his friends!'
Freddy yelled.

He jumped over his uncle and ran to the door.

'Okay, Batty, release that fat bum,' he called back.
The mongrel did, with a growl of distaste.

The two friends didn't wait to see the furious man
rise but sped back across the rainy courtyard. Behind
them they heard the mighty roar of Sir Hotspur Lupin
in pursuit.

He was an extremely angry werewolf and he still
held the silver gun in his hand.

Old Enemies

Freddy and Batty charged up the spiral stairs to the
tower. Freddy rushed in but Batty, concerned about
Uncle Hotspur's pursuit, stayed outside to guard.

'Dad, I've got it!' Freddy shouted as he crashed into
his room. His father wasn't there.

Instead he was greeted by the pink piggy smiles of
Harriet and Chariot.

'What are
doing here? Where's the wolf?' he cried.

'Wolf?' Harriet snorted. 'No wolf in England would
be seen with you, Dripsy-Wimpsy.'

'Hey, Barbie boy, nice hair,' Chariot snorted like a pig.

Freddy was not the boy, or poodle, he had been
last time he saw the Putrid Pair. He had much bigger
problems to worry about than their teasing ... saving
the whole of Wolfenkind being just one of them.

'Clear off, fart-breaths,' he ordered.

'Dad, come out quick! They're just Werens, just
babies,' he called, hoping his father was near.

The terrible twins didn't approve of this at all. It
was so unlike Freddy to be calm under fire. From
below came Uncle Hotspur's shouts.

'I'm coming, sir. I'm coming,' he bellowed.

'Oh, vomitous puke,' Freddy groaned. He heard
his uncle's heavy feet slamming upon the stone steps.

'He's up here, Dad. Don't worry, we've got him!'
Harriet called down.

'Keep quiet, butt-brain, he's gone mad!' Freddy
told her. 'He's broken the Golden Rule. He's a danger
to all werefolk.'

'What's the matter, Wimpsy? Scared of my da–?' Her
voice trailed away. She pointed in terror at the huge black
wolf that had emerged from under the bed. Flasheart
had hidden so as not to frighten the children.

'Who's that?' Chariot trembled and took a step

'My dad!' Freddy cried in triumph. 'Why, are you
scared of him?' he laughed. Now clear off,
is wolves' work.'

Freddy had the key in his hand, but could hear
Uncle Hotspur approaching rapidly. There wasn't
enough time to unlock his father's chain. He had a
spark of inspiration.

'The Slide of Doom!' he roared.

In an instant he had pulled out the large metal tray.
The wolf leapt onto it with a twinkle in his eye – he
had always loved this ride. Freddy began to push it
towards the steps with some difficulty.

'No way, Dripsy-Wimpsy,' Harriet cried. She started
pulling at Freddy's pink raincoat.

can't you see I'm busy?' he complained,
trying to shake her off.

Once again he was saved by Batty. She charged
into the room from the top of the stairs, barking
ferociously. She backed Harriet and Chariot into the
corner as if they were a couple of timid, pink, porky
sheep. With a last heave Freddy pushed the tray to
the stairs. He could hear Uncle Hotspur's heavy gasps
only feet away.

'Batty, let's go!' he cried.

With a mighty push, he sent the tray down the
stairs and jumped on, clinging onto his father's neck.
Batty took a great leap and landed with a thump
behind Freddy, as the tray shot down the corkscrew
stairs at breakneck speed. The instant they saw Uncle
Hotspur, they crashed into him. Before he could raise
his gun he was bowled up into the air. He landed
heavily across all three and joined them down the
Slide of Doom.

'All hail the Plan Master!' Freddy laughed. He was
almost squashed beneath the weight of his uncle.

'So, Flasheart, it is you,' Sir Hotspur muttered into
the wolf's ear, which was next to his nose. The wolf
gave a low menacing growl. The tray sped faster and
faster down the ancient steps as Freddy tried to reach
his father's collar with the key.

'You'll wish you'd stayed in Coldfax, sir,' Sir
Hotspur laughed and fumbled with his little gun.
Batty reached up and took his wrist in her jaws. Sir
Hotspur gave a roar of anger. Flasheart howled with
laughter. He loved being free. They reached the foot
of the stairs and sped along the corridor. Freddy at
last managed to place the key in his father's padlock.
It popped open.

Sir Hotspur finally shook Batty off. He grasped
the padlock and tried to close it once again, just as
the tray zoomed out into the courtyard and hit the
fountain. Wolf, dog, boy and man flew through the air
and landed with one great splash in the ornamental
pond. Once more the stone boy peed water onto
Sir Hotspur's face. In his left hand was Flasheart's
Moonstone in its chain collar. The open padlock fell
into the water and Hotspur looked around in fright. In
the dark and heavy rain he couldn't make out where
his brother was. As the thunder rolled around above
him, he held the Moonstone high.

'I order you to put this collar back on, sir,' he roared
into the night.

Suddenly a large human figure rose from the water.

'It's all over, Hotspur,' a deep voice said coldly. 'You
are undone.'

'Dad!' Freddy spluttered, paddling over to hug his

'Not so, Flasheart.
are undone, sir!' Sir Hotspur
gave a cold laugh and took aim with his gun.

Hotspur pulled the trigger but the wet gun didn't
fire. Freddy gasped with relief as Sir Hotspur threw it
away in disgust.

'You never frightened me before, Hotspur,' Flasheart
laughed. 'And you don't now.'

'Nor me!' Freddy cried, but not so convincingly.
A fork of lightning illuminated Flasheart's face. He
had long black hair, a black beard and his bright green
eyes gleamed fiercely. All except Hotspur climbed out
of the pond. Freddy watched another bolt of lightning
hit the flagpole on top of his tower.

'Wow!' he yelped, but no-one else seemed to notice.
Batty stuck by Freddy's side, unsure who was friend
and who was foe.

'I am the Grand Growler and I command you to
put on this collar,' Sir Hotspur roared, once again
holding the Moonstone high.

'Never!' Flasheart roared back.

'So, I was right!' a new voice called. 'At last I meet
the Grand Growler.'

All turned at the unpleasant surprise. There stood
their greatest enemy.

'Cripp!' Flasheart growled.

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