Read 10 Nights Online

Authors: Michelle Hughes,Amp,Karl Jones

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

10 Nights (22 page)

BOOK: 10 Nights
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When they finally made
it back to the hotel Leah was ready to relax, more than ready in fact. She
wanted nothing more than to sink into the huge tub the bathroom boasted and
soak for the rest of the evening.

It came as an
unpleasant shock to her when Rhett announced that they had another night to
mark off their list. She had allowed herself to forget the ten nights in the
pleasure of their day together.

“Sir, could we maybe
just not have this night tonight?” she asked timidly. She didn’t want to ruin
the incredible mood Rhett was in but was really tired.

He held out his hand to
her and smiled when she immediately took it. He knew how tired she was, it had
been an exhausting day, so he understood her desire, but his plans could not be
changed. “I have already made arrangements for our last two nights together
here, sweetheart.” He pulled her into an embrace and kissed the top of her
head. “I promise you can sleep late tomorrow.”

She nodded wearily
against his chest, not wanting to disappoint him. “Okay, sir.”

“Go take a hot bath, my
sweet, it will relax your muscles and I’ll have dinner waiting for you when you
get out.” He felt it was fair concession. He turned her around and pushed her
gently in the direction of the bathroom, patting her backside lightly,
encouraging her to do as he asked.

Leah walked into the
bathroom feeling dead on her feet. The heat of the island, combined with the
exertion of all the walking she had done, not to mention their frenzied
lovemaking in the pool, had sapped her energy. She felt better as she slipped
into the steaming hot water and allowed herself to soak for a while, just
drifting there while the heat relaxed her aching muscles.

She intended only to
soak for a few minutes before cleaning herself, but the combination of her
tiredness and the soothing effect of the water in the bath soon had her asleep.

That was how Rhett
found her half an hour later. Dead to the world, her head resting on the
cushion placed at the top of the bath for just that purpose. Smiling in an
amused fashion he shook his head as he bent over and lifted her from the tub.

Her eyes opened as he
picked her up and she smiled at him sleepily. She looked so young and innocent
while still half asleep, he couldn’t believe she was the same woman whose body
he had enjoyed over the past few nights. “I wish now I could cancel our plans
for the evening.” He chuckled softly at her blush and lowered her to her feet.

Drying her body gently
he wrapped her in a large towel. “Your dinner is in the other room; go eat
while I grab a quick shower.”

“Thank for you dinner,
Sir, and for today, it was wonderful.” Smiling she left him, following the
heavenly aromas to where the food waited for her. On the veranda table was a
glass of wine and a sterling silver covered tray, a long stemmed red rose sat
in a small vase next to it, while a single white candle provided light for her
meal. He really was pampering her she thought, grinning.

Sitting on one of the
cushioned chairs she reached over to lift the cover off the tray. Though she
had eaten plenty at the picnic Rhett had arranged for their lunch, the
swimming, the sex and all the walking had left her ravenous and she was
delighted to see Chicken Masala, one of her favorite dishes, on the tray.

Eagerly she set the
cover aside and dug into the meal; it was delicious, her hunger making it taste
all the more so. She ate more than was good for her but she enjoyed every
morsel of it, and only when she was finally full and could eat no more did she
put her fork down.

Feeling more awake Leah
sipped the last of her wine and then made her way into the bedroom, where she
was gifted with the sight of a glistening Rhett, a towel wrapped around his
waist. She couldn’t help herself, her eyes roamed over his chiseled abs and
strong chest.

“I wish we had time for
me to show you what a look like that will get you, sweetheart, but you need to
get that sexy ass dressed.” Winking at her he walked into the closet and pulled
out a pair of black dress pants and a dark grey dress shirt. Walking back out
he laid them on the bed. “Go dry your hair, babe, I’ll lay out something for
you to wear as soon as I’m dressed.”

She didn’t argue, right
then she didn’t care what she wore as long as it pleased him. Once she had
untangled her long hair with a comb she dried it thoroughly. With that done she
took out her cosmetics bag and dusted a light layer of bronzer over her face,
she then applied a touch of mascara and finished by adding a hint of color to
her lips with a coral gloss.

Rhett was already
dressed when she returned to the bedroom and she hurried to pull on a pair of
lacy white panties. Not sure what bra to wear she glanced over to the bed to
see what he had picked out for her. It was one of the silk mini-dresses with
spaghetti straps so she grabbed a strapless half bra.

“You look gorgeous,
baby, now grab your shoes and let’s get out of here,” he told when she had
slipped the dress on over her head and settled it over her hips. “I don’t want
to be late.” With that he walked out into the main room to make a phone call.

Finding her three inch
heels Leah slid them on, grabbed her purse and joined Rhett in the main room of
the suite. “Ready when you are, Sir,” she announced with a smile that she hoped
hid her nerves, she had no idea what he was going to teach her, and as she had
been on the previous nights she was a mix of nerves and excitement.

He held out his hand
for her and together they left the room. When they were outside they made the
brief walk to the dock, where, to Leah’s surprise, Rhett guided her into a
waiting powerboat. Stifling her curiosity as best she could she sat back as the
boat took off across the water.

It took almost no time
for the boat to reach their destination, another island in the chain, and Rhett
climbed out quickly before turning to assist Leah out onto the dock. “We are
meeting a dear friend of mine tonight, Leah; he owns the resort on this island.
I am sure you will find him as charming as most other women do,” he said as he
led her up the dock to the hotel, which was just as beautiful as where they
were staying.

It was clear to Leah
that Rhett’s friend was rich; she could only imagine how rich he must be to own
an entire holiday resort, especially one so beautiful and exclusive.

“I want you to remember
something tonight, sweetheart,” Rhett said as they walked through the doors and
into the impressive lobby. “By pleasing me you also please yourself.” He
squeezed her hand lightly and guided her over to the golden gilded elevators.

Leah could only wonder
at what he meant as the lift rose swiftly to the top floor of the hotel. His
words were pushed from her mind however when the doors open; before her was a
suite that looked as though it took up the entire floor. She could only gasp at
the opulence she saw.

She was still taking in
the suite when a man walked forward into her field of vision. Immediately her
focus was drawn away from the suite, and its decorations, and onto him. He was
handsome, almost impossibly so, with movie star looks that could have earned
him millions even if he didn’t possess a single ounce of acting ability.

He wasn’t as large and
muscular as Rhett, but the skintight t-shirt he was wearing showed Leah that he
had a physique to make men jealous and women swoon. His jet black hair was
swept back in a casual style, which she was sure was anything but casual, while
his grey eyes sparkled with amusement as he looked her over appreciatively.

“It has been too long
my friend.” The hunk moved forward to embrace Rhett, pulling him into a bear

Leah could only watch
in surprise as the two men greeted each other. In her experience men shook
hands, or slapped each other on the ass; she had never before seen men be so
open and affectionate in their greetings.

“Come, Leah, meet
Manuel.” Rhett smiled broadly and held out his hand for her to join them.

“She is even lovelier
than you told me in our conversations,” Manuel said. Taking Leah’s hand he
lifted it to his lips and kissed it gallantly. “A pleasure to meet you.”

He had a strong accent
and a charming manner that Leah was instantly attracted to. “It’s very nice to
meet you, Sir.” She wasn’t sure what to call him, but assumed that being a
close friend of Rhett’s he had at least some knowledge of his lifestyle.

“So well trained
already.” Manuel nodded approvingly, smiling at Rhett. “I am impressed, old
friend.” He looked back at Leah. “Am I to assume she has not been told why you
have brought her to me?”

“You would assume correctly.”
Rhett chuckled at the confused look that crossed Leah’s face. “She does know
that this will be part of our ten nights. I can only hope she does as well
tonight as she has during the other nights.” He spoke to his friend but kept
his eyes on Leah, attempting to read her mood.

“I am sure if you have
been training her that she will do very well,” Manuel remarked. “Shall we get
more comfortable?” he asked. Not waiting for either of them to answer he walked
off, knowing Rhett would follow, and sure his submissive would do so as well.

Rhett took Leah’s hand
and led her after his friend, whispering softly, “You do this tonight to show
me that you trust me in all things.”

Leah was becoming more
and more nervous. She got the distinct impression that whatever was going to
happen that night was something she wouldn’t be comfortable with. Her heart
beat faster with every step and when she walked into the room Manuel had
disappeared into she froze.

Manuel was waiting for
them in a bedroom. In the center of which was a very large bed; it was larger
than any bed she had ever seen and it overshadowed everything else in the room.

“I don’t understand,
Sir,” Leah whispered in confusion, looking from Rhett to Manuel and back again,
not understanding why both of them were smiling at her in such a strange way.

“Tonight, Leah, we will
both enjoy you.” Rhett watched her eyes widen with fear and when she took a few
steps away from him he knew it was time to command her. “This is not debatable,
sweetheart,” he told her firmly. “You have nothing to fear, and a world of
pleasure to be gained.”

“I c-can’t, Sir.” She
looked at him in shock, finding it hard to speak. She couldn’t believe what he
was asking of her. It was too much. The very thought of it made her heart race
in fear.

“Do you remember what
we discussed last night, Leah?” His grew even more cold and stern. “I can only
unlock your passion when you trust me completely.”

“I c-can’t do this,
Sir, please, I’m begging you not to ask me.” How could he even want such a

Sure, Manuel was an
extremely gorgeous man, and she doubted many girls turned him down, but what
Rhett was asking of her then went beyond anything she had done for him. She
knew that some women, not any that she knew personally, were okay with the idea
of sleeping with two men at the same time, but she knew she was not that kind
of woman. She was sure that she would never become the type of woman who would
be okay with having two lovers at the same time.

“You’re overthinking
things, Leah, undress, now!” Rhett knew just how hard what he had planned would
be for her, it was pushing her boundaries further than they’d ever been pushed
in her life. He wasn’t prepared to back down though; if she didn’t use her safe
words then the night was going to go ahead as planned.

“I c-can’t, Sir,” she
cried out softly, lowering her head. She didn’t like denying him, and hated
that he was going to be upset with her, but it was just too much. She shook her
head, fighting back tears.

Manuel watched the
beautiful girl fall apart and smiled warmly. She had no idea what pleasures
awaited her in their arms. He knew instinctively, and from the talks he had had
with Rhett, that she would enjoy it, all she had to do was surrender.

He was curious to see
who was going to win the battle of wills. An innocent in his lifestyle was a
rarity and he wondered if someone with her limited experience could be
convinced to love so freely.

Rhett had no intention
of accepting defeat and with no warning he reached out. In a quick move he
pulled the straps off her shoulders so the dress fell to pool at her feet.

Her hands moved
instinctively to cover her chest, shocked that he had done such a thing in
front of a man who was a stranger to her, no matter how beautiful she thought
he was. “Sir, please stop!” She was humiliated, and in that moment she felt
herself hating Rhett. She didn’t understand how he could treat her in such a
fashion, especially after the day they had spent together.

“Don’t fight me on
this, girl, just surrender and allow yourself to enjoy it. Tomorrow you will
wonder what you were so afraid of.” Wrapping his arms around her waist he held
her tight against him. Her body was trembling violently but he was sure that
was mainly from embarrassment.

“You have no need to be
embarrassed, dear one,” Manuel told her, “your body is perfeccion.” He glanced
over her slender form, thinking how fortunate his friend was to own her.

BOOK: 10 Nights
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