Read 0986388661 (R) Online

Authors: Melissa Collins

Tags: #New Adult, #Romance

0986388661 (R) (20 page)

BOOK: 0986388661 (R)
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Muffled words filter out into the hall. “I can still see you.”

Burying her face against my chest, Grace laughs, mumbling, “Jade.”

And with that, we leave the building. The wait will make licking every inch of her skin that much more delectable. At least that’s the lie I tell myself as I readjust myself before stepping out onto the sidewalk.

“So where are we going?” She twines our fingers together as we walk down the street.

“It’s a surprise,” I answer, squeezing her small, warm hand in mine. “But if you’re up for it, I’d like to walk.”

“A stroll through the city with this piece of man candy on my arm.” She looks up at me, her eyes bright and shining, her smile full and warm. “I can’t think of anything better.”

I’ve always enjoyed walking through the streets of Manhattan, basking in the lively feel of pretty much everything. But doing it with Grace’s hand in mine, listening to her jabber on about her day, that brings it all to life in a completely different way. “So the school called,” she says out of nowhere.

We haven’t talked about her new job since I dropped her off at the train station. On her words, more than a touch of tension fills our bubble of space. “Oh, yeah,” I answer tentatively. “Was it a good call or a bad call?”

“Good,” she says excitedly. “I actually met with the superintendent yesterday afternoon.” Looking up at me, she’s gauging my reaction. Her words stop me in my tracks, not because I’m upset she didn’t call, but because I can’t wait to hear how it went.

There’s a small coffee shop a few feet in front of us. Walking us over to a table in their outside seating area, I pull out a chair for her, prompting her to sit. “I’m sorry,” she admits quietly. “I overreacted with you calling in a favor to get me the interview. And it was childish of me to be all shitty about it.” Taking a deep breath, she covers my hands with hers. “I never said thank you and that was so very wrong of me. So thank you.”

“You know this isn’t going to be the first time I help you out. I’ve never been in one before, but I
this is how relationships work. I help you. You help me. It’s some crazy shit like that,” I joke. “But seriously.” I use the change in tone to lace our fingers together, staring deep into her eyes. “It’s okay that you were upset with me. Maybe I did overstep my boundaries. I was just doing what I thought was best for you.”

“You’re too good. I flip out on you and here you are being the sensible one.” Pulling our hands up to her soft lips, she kisses my knuckle, a playful glimmer in her eyes. “I’ll make it up to you. I promise,” she mutters, a seductive lilt to her words.

“Sounds like a plan. This whole you making it up to me.” I try my best for a sexy grin, but when she calls me a dork, I guess I fail. “Sure am, but now I’m your dork.” When she smiles at me, I can tell she likes the sound of that. Standing from the table, I pull her next to me. “Let’s go. If we don’t hurry, we’ll miss it.”

“Miss what?”

“There’s no fun in telling you.” I grin again, this time looking slightly less like a dork.

On the rest of the walk to our destination, she tells me about how she’ll be starting a summer curriculum writing project. She’ll be paired up with two senior English teachers and a team of social studies teachers as they revamp the interdisciplinary reading and writing program. Her enthusiasm is contagious and I couldn’t be prouder of her.

“So will you be taking the train out there every day?”

“Actually, I think it’ll be easier if I move,” she explains. “I mean, it’s well over an hour-long commute on a good day. Jade and I talked about it yesterday after the second interview. It just doesn’t make sense.”

“Look at you! A new job, new apartment, and I’m assuming a new car, too. I mean unless you plan on living in the basement of the school, but I’m pretty sure they frown on that.” We laugh as our joined hands swing between us.

“I know. It’s crazy how quickly everything is changing. But they’re good changes. I’m really excited about it all. My parents are actually going to come and help me find a car and do a day of apartment hunting with me.”

Part of me is wounded that she didn’t think to ask me, but at the same time, given my level of interference last time, I can understand why.

“Sounds like you’ve got it all figured out.”

Looking up at me with a hint of shyness in her deep blue eyes, she asks, “Would you come with us?” She worries her lip, waiting on me to answer. “I told them about you . . . I mean about us and they were really excited to see you. Plus, you know so much more about the area than I do. I know I chewed you out for helping before, but I would really love it–” she rambles, cutting herself off when she sees the laughter lighting up my face.

“You’re kind of cute when you ramble like that.”

Offended, she gasps, “I was not rambling.”

“Yes, you were.” I laugh past the matter-of-fact words. “And yes, I’d love to help. It’ll be nice to see your parents after all these years.”

Stretching up on her toes, she presses a soft kiss to my cheek. “You’re perfect. Thank you.”

“So are you,” I whisper, looping my arms around her waist. “And so is this.” Our lips come together in a moment of emotion unlike any I’ve ever felt. For some reason, this simple kiss means more than I can put to words—as if it’s a kiss promising something unnamable and intangible. Something fleeting yet permanent. Something alive and breathing right here between us.

As our lips move apart, I turn us around to show her where we are. And my timing couldn’t have worked out any better, either. “It’s beautiful. Breathtaking, actually,” she gasps, covering her mouth with her hand.

And it is. The 9/11 Memorial is one of the most awe-inspiring locations in New York. There’s a mystical tranquility surrounding the place, a spiritual reverence hovering right at the surface. “I wanted to bring you here because it’s so important to me.” With the sun setting in the early evening sky, the entire location is almost glowing. Holding her hand, we walk into the grounds. “These lives”—moving my hand along the wall on which the victims’ names are engraved—“were taken far too soon. I was in middle school when it happened and I remember my teachers panicking. We had no clue what was going on, but we knew it was something big. All I remember was my dad picking me up from school early. He had tears in his eyes as he signed me out and by that point, I’d heard enough to know that we’d been attacked.”

Offering me her wordless support, she squeezes my hand as we look into the tranquility pool. The sound of the water cascading over the edges drowns out the surrounding noise of the city. “In the weeks and months that followed, I pieced together most of what happened. Well, as much as a thirteen-year-old could have. It really affected me.” Raking a hand through my hair, I stare out across the water, watching the surface shimmer and sparkle as it reflects the lights of the surrounding memorial.

“It affected all of us.” Gazing up at me, there are tears in her eyes.

“Seven guys from my squad died that day. Seeing their names and faces on the walls of my station every day . . .” Fighting hard, I swallow back the emotion rising in my chest. “It gives me a purpose, you know? Like I’m living their legacy. I know this probably all sounds really cheesy.” I huff, a little embarrassed by my show of emotions. “But you said you wanted to get to know me and I couldn’t think of a better place to bring you to show you who I really am. This,”—swiping my arm to the side, I put the memorial on display before dropping my arm on her shoulder—“these people, this city, it’s more than just a job. It’s been in my blood since the night I saved you. And being a part of something bigger than myself, it’s all I know. So it was natural for me to show you the most important part of who I am.”

“David . . . I . . .” Words fail her, the sound of the water filling the silence.

“I know it’s not the most romantic thing ever. And it’s probably a really crappy first date idea, but–”

“It’s the best first date I’ve ever had. Thank you for giving me this part of you.” Resting her head on my shoulder, we let the water say what we can’t. “I’ll never forget this night, ever.”

And her words, so simple and so true are the last either of us speaks before leaving for dinner half an hour later.




“Do you, um, want to come up?” Fidgeting with the belt of my dress, a flutter of excitement swarms low in my belly. David hasn’t been able to keep his hands off me all night. From the moment we arrived at the memorial, through dinner, and then even on the walk back to my apartment. A light touch on my shoulder, a gentle brush against my thigh, a possessive hand on my lower back. It’s done nothing but set my skin on fire, his fingers constantly fanning the flames.

Torn, he steps back from me, digging his hands deep into his back pockets. “No. I can’t.” His denial stings, lighting up all the places he’s touched me with his refusal.

Determined not to seem upset, I nod. “Okay. Then I guess I’ll talk to you soon.” Turning away from him, I take a deep breath and blow away my frustration. The only thought racing through my brain is he has somewhere else to be. There’s no way he’s pitying me, but I won’t lie and say his refusal doesn’t sting.

With my key in the door, I feel his body looming behind me. His breathing is labored and when I spin back to look at him, his face is dark and conflicted somehow. “Gracie,” he nearly growls my name. His hand dives into my hair, wrapping around the nape of my neck. Angling my face up to his, he strokes my neck with his thumb. Surely he feels my pulse beating a wild and frantic pace there. “I want to. My god, I want to so fucking bad,” he grounds out his words. His jaw is clenched so tightly, his face doesn’t look like his own. “But–”

“But what?” I whimper, unable to bear the feel of his skin on mine knowing he isn’t willing to take it further.

He looks up into the night sky, letting out a deep and controlled breath as if it will somehow give him some semblance of strength. When he looks back into my eyes, there’s tension there. Clearly wavering, his chest rises and falls with his deep and almost annoyed breaths. Dropping a hand to his hard, warm chest, I hope to calm him some, but all it does is make his breath deeper, shuddery and irregular. “If I go up there, I won’t be able to keep my hands off you. It took all my strength tonight not to pull you into an alley and push you up against a wall just so I could feel your body against mine, so I could take what I’ve wanted all night. Hell, what I’ve wanted since I first saw you. God how I wanted to push your skirt up and have you wrap your legs around my waist just so I could finally feel how hot and tight you are.” His lips move so close to my ear it’s impossible not to break out in a river of goose bumps.

“What stopped you?” My words are uneven, breathless. If his touches turned me on, his words morphed me into a boneless heap of desire.

“You deserve better,” he states, his words weighed with simplicity and truth. “When you’re ready, you’ll get my time, my attention, my tenderness. Not a quick fuck in an alley.”

Confused, I stare at him with furrowed brows. “Ready? But I’m asking you up now. What makes you think I’m not ready?”

“The other night–”

“That was before. It was different. I can’t explain it.” Pushing down my frustration for letting my insecurities get in our way, I take a deep breath. “I never should have let what
said get in the way of how I feel about being with you. And I’m doing that tonight.” Leaning into him, I flex both hands on his chest. Moving my lips against the hollow of his neck, I beg, “Please. I’m ready now. I promise.”

His pulse rushes wildly under my kisses as his hands grip me so tightly it’s almost too much to bear. “Grace,” he grits out, making me look up at him through my lashes. “You’re too goddamn sexy to refuse.” He gives in, brushing my hair out of my eyes before tucking it behind my ear. “And fuck do I want you.” Though his words say one thing, he remains glued to the spot and he still looks torn over the whole thing.

“We’re on the same page then.” Smiling up at him, I know what will push him over the edge. “Besides, if you don’t come in there with me, I have a hot pink vibrator that won’t argue with me about it.” Arching a brow, I toss that out there, waiting to see what he has to say about it.

His fingers dig into my hips and his eyes widen. Without saying a word, he trails his fingers down my arm and pulls the keys out of my hand. Reaching around me, he unlocks the door, capturing me between it and him. Frozen on the spot, I stand there, giddy that I won him over, as he drops my keys back into my hand.

My excitement doesn’t vanish as we walk through the small entryway. When the elevator doors open, we step inside, the atmosphere sizzling and crackling around us. Taking on a life of its own, the air in the small space swirls around us, pulling us closer together until there’s no more than an inch between us. Electricity jolts to life as his arm brushes against mine. As the doors close, he steps in front of me, locking me between his body and the wall. When his leg slides between mine, I can barely breathe. “You look more than beautiful tonight,” he mutters, pressing his lips to my neck and dancing his fingers up my outer thigh. Stopping just shy of actually pushing my skirt up, he lets go of the flowy edges of the dress and moves his hands up my sides. Even over the thin material, I can feel the rough pads of his fingers, making me shiver in anticipation of what’s to come.

BOOK: 0986388661 (R)
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