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The Ice Pilots by Michael Vlessides
Always You by Kirsty Moseley
All of Me by Sorelle, Gina
Free Agent by Roz Lee
Always Time To Die by Elizabeth Lowell
Cured by Diana
Liquidate Paris by Sven Hassel
Living With Miss G by Jordan, Mearene
The Atonement Child by Francine Rivers
The Tea Planter’s Wife by Jefferies, Dinah
Blood Money by Thomas Perry
On Photography by Susan Sontag
Weavers (The Frost Chronicles) by Ellison, Kate Avery
The Healer by Virginia Boecker
A Witch's World of Magick by Melanie Marquis
Ex Delicto by Valentina Khorkina
The Lady in the Tower by Marie-Louise Jensen
Cold Feet in Hot Sand by Lauren Gallagher