What the Duke Wants (14 page)

Read What the Duke Wants Online

Authors: Kristin Vayden

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #Regency

BOOK: What the Duke Wants
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“Why, Lady Southridge, I thought you’d be impressed with my consideration of your delicate sensibilities.” He bowed with a flourish, mostly to hide the smile from Lady Southridge’s view.
Delicate sensibilities, Ha!

“Are you feeling quite well, Charles? You looked… flushed.”

“Quite well, my lady.” Charles cleared his throat.

“I see… about this governess. I have not seen her and your servants are quite unhelpful I must say. I wish to speak with her. How am I to determine character—”

“Lady Southridge, I’m sure that she is occupied at the present. She does have three wards to care for.”

“Speaking of which, I did get to meet your wards.” Lady Southridge’s face transformed. Her earlier pinched expression lit up, causing her face to break into a rapturous smile. “Lovely young ladies, Charles. I cannot believe you were able to separate yourself from them for so long. Their manners are impeccable and all three of them will set Town on fire upon their come-out. I cannot wait.” She sighed in delight.


“Don’t even think of denying me this privilege, Charles. I’ll not have it.” She shrugged a shoulder delicately, but her gaze was ironclad, making her will quite clear.

Charles sighed. He’d deal with this later. What he needed to do was get rid of Lady Southridge from his study so that Carlotta could come out of hiding.

He paused, determining his plan. “Why don’t you spend some more time with the wards then, Lady Southridge. I’m sure you have much that you’d be able to teach them.” Charles was proud of his bait; surely she’d take it and leave.

“Perhaps you’re right… but I wonder, where is their governess? It seems she was summoned by your butler… Charles.” She narrowed her eyes and took a determined step forward.

“Yes?” Charles resisted the urge to back up, or loosen his cravat, really anything to take her gaze from inspecting his own.

“What did you do with her?” Lady Southridge asked with an all too deceptive calm. Her gaze then left his and began to study the room.

“I haven’t done anything.”
That I’d dare tell you.
He added silently, thus making his lie more of a truth At least that’s what he told himself.

Her eyes widened and Charles panicked.

“What a lovely view! I had all but forgotten that your grounds are so high. I can see part of Bath from here.” She stepped towards the window, her eyes focused on the view outside.

Charles’ heart hammered, he forgot to breathe. Of course, Lady Southridge would approach the window right next to Carlotta.

Fate really shouldn’t be so cruel.

Or maybe he should have not hidden her at all.

But the real question was, did Lady Southridge
Carlotta was hiding and simply was toying with him, or was she truly oblivious? Charles scanned the tapestries, there was no bulge, and since the cloth touched the floor, no dainty slippered foot could be seen peeking out.

The stress was killing him.

As if to confirm his anxious state, a drop of perspiration trickled down his temple.

And it wasn’t even warm in the room.

“Has your governess taken the girls to Bath? I would love to accompany them… perhaps tomorrow. That is, if we can find her. I do say Charles, for one so smitten, you really are quite unaware of her person,” she chided.

Charles closed his eyes, praying that perhaps Carlotta would have missed that very loud statement of Lady Southridge’s. He felt his face color, his humiliation compounded by her next statement. “ I say, for her to have you in such a lather, I’d of thought you’d seek her out immediately, yet here I find you… alone… you
alone… aren’t you Charles?” she asked, her gaze piercing him as if she could lift the answer from his mind.

“Actually… I am
alone. You are in my company, Lady Southridge… It would be quite neglectful of me to not acknowledge your presence,” he responded with his usual wit, but his voice sounded strange, strained.

As if smelling his deception, she sniffed then narrowed her eyes.

“That goes without saying, Charles. I’m quite aware of my own person. I’m not senile… yet,” she added with a slight smile.

She turned to the window once more, her slight smile growing.

It was the cat and mouse game. One Charles had enjoyed playing more than once before… but he was always the cat. Never the mouse.

However, right now he was the mouse.

And Lady Southridge was a very large cat. Who looked very much like she had just eaten the canary.

Clearing his throat, Charles reached up to loosen his cravat.
Blast it all it was sweltering in that room!

“If you are so set on finding Miss Lottie then I’ll call Tibbs, surely he will help you locate her.”

Lady Southridge sighed. “That will not be necessary.” She eyed him meaningfully.

Charles swallowed hard. Holding his breath, he waited.

“I’ll simply retire for a few moments and then I’m sure I’ll find her quite easily. She must have simply stepped out. Even governesses need fresh air.” She spoke graciously all while eyeing him meaningfully.

If he could only figure out what her
glance meant.

“Very well, I’ll not detain you.”

She left quietly, her skirts swishing as she departed. Charles exhaled the breath he had held until she was out of sight, then he leaned against his desk, his heart sill pounding. Turning he strode to the window.

“Charles?” Lady Southridge’s voice startled him, causing him to jump and turn, his eyes large and his pride quite wounded at his own response.

“I do say… are you quite well? You’re quite agitated. Perhaps I shouldn’t leave,” she mused.

“I’m well, quite well. What is it you needed?” he asked, forcing his demeanor to its usual poise.

“I was simply going to ask at what time we dine? Country hours are usually different than that of Town, you know.”

“Six thirty,” he responded curtly, annoyed that her further intrusion was for such a trivial matter.

“Very fashionable, Charles.” She nodded then left, but not before she cast a curious glance to the window as if something she saw there was not quite right… but she was unable to determine just what.

“I’ll see you at dinner. It will be quite informal as I’m assuming you’ll wish the girls to dine with us,” Charles offered, trying to steal her attention away from the window.

Desperation was nipping at his heels.

“Delightful. I shall look forward to it. And you’re sure your well?” Her gaze swept over him with concern.

“Perfectly splendid.”

“Very well.” She gave him once last glance that spoke of her lack of convincing, but she departed nonetheless.

Miracles do happen.

However, just to be safe, he waited till he heard her footsteps faded from the hall.

Then he went and shut the door.

Then locked it for good measure.

Then just to be sure, he put the key in his pocket and waited one minute more.

it’s safe now, Miss Lottie,” he called out; his nerves were shot.

Carlotta threw the tapestry away from her person and stormed out of hiding, her face flushed and her hair askew from the rubbing of the rough cloth against it.

“Hide? You have me
” she asked, her color bright and her eyes sparking with defiance and indignant anger.

Charles had never seen her more beautiful.

Really, he should have stayed in London.

“I wasn’t thinking rationally, I must admit.” He rubbed the back of his neck.


“Sarcasm with a smile. I must add that talent to your growing list of attributes,” he retorted, but his face broke into a grin.

It wasn’t that funny. But the tension from the previous situation was draining from him leaving him slightly unhinged.

Or maybe it was just her.

“Never in all my life have I been asked to
from someone! If I cause you that much humiliation that you cannot even have me in the same room—”

“Hush now, little kitten. Retract those claws and cease your hissing.” Charles chuckled even as he noted her cheeks filled with a deepening reddish hue as he did so. “I’m not ashamed of you… however since our… conversation was more intimate than I was comfortable with in allowing for introductions, I admit my sense left me and I resorted to juvenile behavior.” He took a step towards her, unable to resist the furious flush of her countenance.

Carlotta sniffed indignantly, crossing her arms and then uncrossing them so she could tuck the stray strands of hair released from her proper style behind her dainty ears.

Her color faded into more of her natural rosy elegance and Charles relaxed, risking another step forward.

“I must ask you to stop, your grace.” She spoke softly, her eyes limpid pools of untapped passion that Charles very greedily wanted to explore.

But he obeyed and held his position.

“You… I’m not…” she began then hesitated, tucking more free strands of hair behind her ears. The gesture made her appear vulnerable and Charles felt a strange yet overwhelming desire to protect her from whatever caused her wariness.

Even if it meant protecting her from himself.

Strange irony, that.

“Yes?” he prodded, his voice gentle in comparison to the war waging within him. All he wanted to do was devour her, taste her addicting flavor once more… yet he would not. As much as he wanted, no, burned for her, he’d rather feel the flames lick his feet than cause her distress.

Lord knows he’d already caused enough.

And the day wasn’t even over yet.

Bloody Hell.

But it was more than that. He was thinking about her, concerned for her, putting aside himself and his own desires… for her. The idea stopped him short. Truly, he couldn’t remember ever feeling this way before.

Which wasn’t exactly complimentary.

But he disregarded that epiphany, reverting back to the first truth. For the first time Charles felt that he might actually, truly be falling in love.

Real love.

The kind where he would actually look
to waking up beside that person for the rest of his life, rather than wanting to leave immediately after his lust was sated.

The kind where he would find the other person more attractive with silvery hair, and fine lines around her eyes from smiling too many times in his presence.

The kind that required a ring. Not simply a bed.

“Your grace?” Carlotta’s hand on his arm jolted him from his thoughts.

“Forgive me,” he whispered, his voice soft as he was still considering all he just uncovered within his own heart.

“There’s nothing to forgive…” She arched an eyebrow. “At least in the past few minutes.”

“I cannot think of anything today I’d ask forgiveness for,” he challenged back.

Her cheeks bloomed with rosy color. “Including when you asked me to hide?” She tilted her head slightly, her eyes dancing with the knowledge that she had bested him.

“Perhaps that… but
that.” He gave her his best smoldering gaze.

But her eyes didn’t dance with invitation as he had hoped. Rather they grew wary once more and she backed away, her arms crossing once again as if trying to give herself security.

Charles swallowed his impulse to kiss the worry from her expression; rather he relaxed on his back leg and waited.

“You cannot keep insisting on kissing me, your grace. There will be talk, there will be consequences and I will come out with the unfavorable end, to be sure.”

“Carlotta—” he began but hesitated as she lifted her gloved hand for him to wait.

“Your grace. We have already established that this—” She gestured between the two of them. “—is not wise. For pity’s sake, you’re a
. I might simply be a governess but I’m not unaware of how your social circles work. While I’m assured that you are most certainly aware of how incompatible any type of relationship beyond employer and employee would be, I feel compelled to add…” She paused with a soft sigh, her eyes closing as if humbled beyond what she could bear. “…I’m not one to consider

Her eyes were still closed.

Charles heart sank lower than hell itself.

Was that what she thought?

Granted his reputation didn’t add any shine to his character, but he had hoped she saw beyond… but apparently, he was incorrect.

“I do not remember asking you to be my mistress,” Charles said, keeping his voice deceptively calm.

“I didn’t wish to give you the opportunity. Such a… humiliation I could not bear, not at your hand,” she whispered, her eyes opening and her expression lacerating through his heart like a jagged and rusty knife.

“The wards will be searching for you, Miss Carlotta. You best seek them out,” his tone was cold, cruel to his own ears. He resented himself the moment he spoke but it was done.

It was done.

Silently he opened the door, stepping back for her to take her leave. He willed his expression to remain neutral, fighting the deep emotion suffocating him, emotion he couldn’t name nor did he want to explore.

At least not at the moment.

“Very well.” She curtseyed and quit the room but not before he saw the sheen of tears well within her eyes.

Charles waited till her footsteps vanished from hearing and then he closed his study door. He leaned against it, banging his head on the hard wood, praying for a punishment worse than the simple headache he’d have later.

Why did he send her off like that? All he had done was affirm that her opinion of him was correct. Hell, if he were a spectator in the tragedy that was now his life, he would have wanted to pummel himself. But no, his wicked blasted pride got in the way the moment she spoke of mistresses.

Little did she know that he hadn’t had one in quite a while. Not since her. And even the
of her as a mistress… it caused his blood to race yet spike with a dangerous pitch. It raced for the knowledge what would take place if she
his mistress, and it spiked in thinking that she’d be nothing more.

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