Wanting You (15 page)

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Authors: Ryan Michele

Tags: #love_contemporary, #love_erotica

BOOK: Wanting You
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Knocking on the door, I got no answer. “Sawyer, its Deke. Open up.”
I saw the blind to the side of the door slightly open as eyes peeked through. I stood there waiting. The lock slowly disengaged and the door opened.
“Where is she?” I asked, entering the house.
“In her room.”
“Which is where?”
“Down the hall, third door on the left.” Sawyer’s voice was shaky.
“You okay?”
“Just scared.” Sawyer’s face was ashen, her eyes totally void. “She went in there when we got home. I laid with her for a while, but she never moved. She has her head buried in a pillow.”
“Lock up, I’m going in.” I’d have to worry about Sawyer later.
Walking down the hallway, the only shut door was the third on the left. Upon opening it slowly, I found Vann lying on the bed in the exact position Sawyer described. She was clutching her pillow tightly—her body falling up and down slowly.
Thinking she was asleep, I climbed in bed beside her. I knew I reeked of sweat, but I didn’t give a shit. I pulled her close, her entire body jerking away.
“It’s okay Vann, it’s me.” Her eyes darted open, staring at me as if to make sure I was real. “It’s okay. I’m here. You’re safe.”
Vann closed her eyes and pressed into my body, her hands clutching onto my shirt. Her body began shaking, and I could hear her small sobs. Rubbing her hair, I held her as close to me as I could. I kept giving her reassuring words, trying to calm her, but she needed to get it out. And damn if I wasn’t happy to be the one to hold her through it. She said before I wasn’t there for her, so I was damn well gonna be there this time.
* * *
Waking up with a jolt, I gripped onto Vann. She was thrashing around in my arms. “Vann,” I said calmly, trying to wake her up.
Nothing, but more thrashing.
“Vann,” I said in a very stern voice, causing her entire body to stop. Her eyes flew open, and she stared at me.
“Deke,” she whispered.
“It’s all right.”
Vann’s grip tightened on me as she pulled my body even closer into hers. She began sobbing into my shirt again. “It’s okay.”
She pulled away and looked into my eyes. “Okay … okay? Are you serious? It’s not okay. He wants to kidnap me and do … things to me.”
“I know.”
“You know what?”
“I know you’re Gabriella Daniels and you have a stalker … who has apparently followed you to Alabama.”
She stared at me. “Z told you!” The anger pulsated through Vann as she clenched her fists.
“He had to.”
“To hell he had to! I trusted him to keep his mouth shut.” At least her temper was back in full force. It was better than crying. She’d be ready to take action, and even though I did like having her in my arms, I didn’t want her hysterical.
“Vann, I’m gonna tell you something.” I let out a deep breath. I was gonna get in so much shit for this, but fuck it. “I’m an undercover cop.”
“No, you’re not. You got kicked off the force. Grams told me all about it, and I Googled it,” Vann seethed.
“I did get kicked off that force. I then entered a different kind … I find the lowest scum and bring them in.”
“No, you own a bar,” she argued. I really didn’t think it would be this hard to convince her.
“I do that, too. But I’d always wanted to own one, so I did. It ended up being a great cover.”
“Really?” Her voice calmed as she stared at me. I loved seeing those beautiful blue-gray eyes of hers.
“Yeah. Really.” I began stroking her hair; it was so smooth and soft.
“So you know what I do for a living?” Vann’s cheeks blushed as she bit her bottom lip.
“Yep, and I gotta say, it’s hot.”
Vann smiled for the first time since I’d gotten here. “You don’t think it’s nerdy?”
“Vann, I’ve never thought of you as nerdy … ever.” Hell no, I couldn’t wait to read what she wrote.
Vann rolled her eyes. “That’s debatable.”
Letting that roll off my back, I moved forward, “Tell me what happened.”
“Deke,” she whispered, digging her face into my chest.
“Vann. Pretty soon Z’s gonna be here with a lot of cops. Ones that do not know I’m undercover. I need to know what happened.”
Vann’s body went rigid against mine. I wrapped my arms around her even tighter, as if holding her body from floating away. I needed to know what happened so I could rip this asshole apart.
Vann’s voice was barely a whisper. As she replayed the entire scene, the anger set in deep in my soul and all I wanted was to kill this asshole.
I didn’t think Vann’s body could get any stiffer, but it did. “What is it?”
“His blood. It’s on me.” Pushing me away, Vann scrambled to her feet running toward the bathroom. “I’ve gotta get it off!” She was in pure panic mode.
“I’ll help you get it off. Calm down.” Damn near sprinting to the shower, she turned it on full blast and began ripping her clothes off. I shucked my clothes off, too, jumping in right behind her.
“What are you doing?” she shrieked.
“Helping you. Relax.” I began rubbing shampoo into her hair, massaging as I went. I pulled her into the spray and watched the water turn from clear, to red, to clear again. I added conditioner and began to massage her head once again.
Watching the water run down her beautiful body was giving me a hard on that I couldn’t control. I didn’t want that from her, but damn if my body didn’t. Trying to conceal it would be no use. It was there in full force.
I rubbed the soap all over her body and washed her. Nothing I was doing was intended to be sexual, even though I loved touching every inch of her body.
Vann turned around staring at me, something flickering in her eyes. “Give me the soap.” I complied.
Vann began rubbing the soap up and down my body. I wasn’t sure if she was trying to turn me on, but she so fucking was. Every pass over my body sent electricity straight to my cock.
As Vann’s hands glided along my chest, I was about ready to lose my mind. As she began teasing my nipple, I stared at her. She looked up at me and whispered, “Please.” I nodded my head as she began to lick, nip, and suck on my nipples, pleasure surging through me.
Vann suddenly dropped down to her knees and mine about buckled. She took the soap and lathered up my cock, massaging every step of the way. I thought for sure I’d lose my load, but somehow hung on.
After rinsing me, her tongue reached out and licked the top seam of my cock, sending me into oblivion. I’d dreamt of having Vann on her knees in front of me, and this was better than every one of those dreams—like I’d gone to heaven.
I needed to taste him—roll him around on my tongue and send him to ultimate pleasure. Why? Don’t know. I needed him to make me forget.
I took Deke into my mouth. He was huge, but I made it work. I licked up and down, sucking the tip. I used my hand at his base, pumping as I sucked.
Reaching down, I began touching myself, slipping my fingers around my clit and in and out of my pussy. I never thought sucking Deke off would be such a turn on.
“Vann.” At his groan, my eyes fluttered to his. The lust found in them was undeniable. Deke grabbed under my arms and pulled me up.
His tongue thrusting inside my mouth muffled my protests. Wrapping my arms around him, I kissed him with everything I had. Every emotion, every bit of love and anger … everything, I poured into him.
Deke ripped his mouth away from mine. “Turn around.”
I did so quickly. I knew what was coming, and I needed it more than my next breath. I needed to feel alive … I needed Deke.
Placing my hands on the glass that encased the shower, I felt Deke move in behind me. After sweeping my hair to the side, Deke began kissing down my neck, shoulder, and back. A loud thud behind me had me turning.
“Look at the glass,” Deke ordered.
I was forced to only feel … and trust. Deke’s kisses trailed to the cheeks of my ass and down my legs. “Spread ‘em.”
Spreading my legs, Deke’s hands moved slowly up, sending tingles throughout my body. Closing my eyes, I enjoyed every second of his touch. Then, Deke’s head was between my legs, his tongue grazing over my clit, sending fire racing through every part of my body. I couldn’t help but gasp.
“Deke.” I heard the moan come out of my mouth before I could think. As his fingers began their assault on me, I lost it. “Deke, please.”
“Please what?”
“I want you in me.”
“I am in you.” His fingers continued to do wicked things to me, sending me close to the edge but not quite enough to free-fall.
“Deke,” I barked.
He laughed. “Hang on, baby. I’ll fix it.” I could feel his hard body behind me, his cock resting in the small of my ass, and I so badly wanted it inside of me. Deke’s hands went to my hips, spreading my legs unusually far.
With my hands still pinned to the glass, I tried to grip it but my fingers kept slipping. I felt Deke’s cock inch closer to my pussy only to have him pull away. I groaned in defeat. Deke tortured me this way for quite a few minutes, before finally plunging deep inside of me.
I screamed out. I was ready for him, but with his size the stretch caused a pleasure-pain mix sending me spiraling. Deke’s arm wrapped around my waist as he began pounding inside of me. Reaching around, he rubbed my clit and sent me into the most intense orgasm I’d ever felt.
Deke released my waist, just as my knees decided to work again. He wrapped one of my legs around his hip, my foot rested on his ass, and interlaced his fingers with mine on the glass. He continued pumping inside me, sending me over again and again.
I felt Deke grow even larger inside of me. Releasing my hand, he started rubbing my clit, sending me into another wonderful orgasm as he released deep inside me.
Out of breath, Deke asked, “Vann?”
“I didn’t wear a condom.”
“Shit. I’m on the pill. You’re clean, right?”
“Yep. I’ve only not used a condom this time with you,” Deke said, wrapping his arms around my body as I released the glass and rested my head on his shoulder, Deke still inside of me.
“I’m clean,” I panted, out of breath. Not that any of this information would do us a damn bit of good now, we should have talked about this before the sex. “Thank you,” I whispered.
“This.” My hand motioned to the shower.
“This. I’ll do anytime.”
“You know I can’t be that person for you.”
“I do.” Deke pulled out of my body, and I instantly felt the loss. I also felt the surge of his release running down my leg as the water pelted it away.
Turning to him, I asked, “You do?”
“Vann, let’s get you out and dried off. Z will be here soon.” Confusion set in. He knew I wasn’t the plaything he wanted, but look what did I the first chance I had … screwed him … in the shower. What a great way to prove that.
Deke turned off the water, stepped out of the shower, and grabbed towels. He wrapped one around his waist and then wrapped one around me.
“I can do it,” I said, batting his hands.
“I know you can. Let me take care of you.” I quit fighting as Deke patted down my entire body using the towel from the rack. He even began to dry my hair for me. I felt unbelievably pampered and cared for. Something I hadn’t ever felt before, which scared the living hell out of me.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Go get some clothes on. We’ll go out and see what’s going on out there,” he said, nudging me toward the closet.
Stopping, I turned to him. “I really don’t want to do this … tell it again.” Looking down at the tan carpet, I just wanted to disappear for a while—be someone else, somewhere else. The calmness from our sexual fun in the shower had vanished. Calm was nowhere in my realm now.
Deke wrapped his arms around my body, pulling me close to him. “You know I’m proud of you.” I stared up at him.
“I am. You knew not to let him take you out of there, and you fought like hell. I’m proud of you.”
Feeling the flush on my face, one question stood out that I needed answered. “Why are you here?”
“Because I want to be. I’ve been trying to call you, but you don’t seem to want to answer, so coming by was my only option.” Feeling his strong exhale, he continued, “When Z called me and told me what happened, I couldn’t get here fast enough. I know I fucked up … can we talk about all that later? Just let me be here with you.”
I looked into his beautiful blue eyes. “You know I missed you,” I whispered.
“And I’m realizing the same.”
His words made me melt. “You know this conversation isn’t over … right?”
“You’re too stubborn to let it go.”
I smiled. “Damn straight.”
“Are you okay?”
“I don’t know yet.” Deke kissed my forehead and released me. I wore my comfy sweatpants, pulling the bottom of the legs up to my knees and an old t-shirt. Deke went to a bag by the door and pulled out clothes.
“Why do you have a bag?” I thought it a bit odd that he had an extra change of clothes with him.
“I was at the gym when Z called, so I just grabbed my bag and left.” He shrugged, pulling on a pair of shorts and t-shirt. “I’ve gotta ask you a question.”
“You said something about a letter this asshole sent you. Where is it?”
I cringed. “I never got a letter, at least not that I know of. But I’ve been holed up here writing for the past few days and haven’t checked the mail.”
“We need to go check the mail.” Deke interlaced our fingers and began to lead us down to the kitchen. The voices coming through were all mumbled making it difficult to decipher who was who. Entering, all eyes shot to the two of us, making me feel a bit embarrassed.

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