Victorious Star (38 page)

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Authors: Morgan Hawke

BOOK: Victorious Star
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Seht came lunging after her, grinning broadly and displaying his long teeth. He executed a fantastic leap that took him clear over her head to land gracefully before the door to the salon. “You’re not going anywhere.”

Victoria gasped and twisted from his reach then leaped away. In all honesty, she knew very well that he would catch her, in fact she counted on it, but there was no way in hell she was going to make it easy for him.

The chase continued all through the bedchamber until Victoria was forced to make a long leap over the bed. Seht leaped and caught her around the waist in mid-air directly over the bed. They plummeted onto the mattress and landed in a small explosion of blankets and pillows. The resulting struggle was full of masculine growls, feminine gasps and flailing limbs.

Victoria found herself face up and panting among the pillows with her wrists pulled over her head. “Hey!”

Seht grinned above her, cradled between her thighs. His hair hung in a silver curtain around them and his eyes were dilated feline slits. Both his cocks pressed against her belly with dire intent. He slowly dropped down over her. “I win.”

“You think so?” Victoria released a growl that vibrated through her. “I think not.” She twisted her hands around and slipped from his hold. She scored his back with her claws.

He gasped and reared back, baring his teeth. “Bitch!”

She swung up a leg that tossed him to the side. She rolled on top of him in an instant, straddling his waist and trapping his wrists to press him down into the mattress. She smiled. “You were saying?”

Seht’s blue gaze flashed with heat. “I’m dominant, not you.”

Victoria raised her brow. “Are you sure?” She grinned and ground her wet heat down on his cocks. “Looks like I’m on top to me.”

Seht nodded slowly. “Quite sure.” He exploded under her. Blankets and pillows went flying as they wrestled across the bed.

“Don’t rip my sheets!” Ravnos called out.

They both looked up.

Ravnos sprawled comfortably in a plush chair with a half-full wineglass in his fingers. The wine carafe was at his feet. He smiled. “Other than that, by all means, continue.”

Seht rolled over her and Victoria found herself face down on the mattress with both arms pinned to the small of her back while his full weight held her still. “Shit…” She struggled under him but he held her easily.

Seht leaned over her and his breath heated the flesh of her shoulder, then his lips scorched the tender skin of her throat. His tongue, wet and hot, swept across her fast-beating pulse. He whispered in her ear. “Who is on top?”

She arched and thrashed.

Seht groaned. “Oh, do that some more.” He shifted above her and then his fingers found the wet folds to her body’s opening. He chuckled. “Chaos, you are going to soak the mattress.” His fingers forged within and explored.

Victoria whimpered and writhed under him. His fingers thrummed tiny shudders of delight from her, relentlessly stirring the coiling hunger in her core.

He groaned in her ear. “I can take you like this, on your stomach with my primary cock jammed up your ass, but once I knot, you’ll stay that way throughout the night. Or you can be good and I’ll let you roll on your back. Either way is good for me, since I sleep on top of you.”

Victoria moaned. She did not want his huge cock jammed up her ass all night. “I’ll be good!”

Seht leaned up. “Good. Roll over and put your hands over your head.”

Victoria rolled over on her back and lifted her hands above her head.

Seht nodded. “Very good, pet.” He pressed his palm against her damp heat, wetting his hand. He leaned back just enough to let her see him coat his lower cock with her body’s cream.

Ravnos chuckled from his chair. “Oh, go ahead and jam it up her ass. It’ll do her some good to get that tight hole stretched.”

Seht snorted. “I like sleeping on her tits.” He lifted her knees and positioned himself between them. “You should try it sometime.”

Victoria rolled her hips and licked her lips.

“Impatient?” He dropped heavily on top of her and his primary cock nudged at her wet folds. “So am I.” He curled his fingers into her hair and urged her head to the side, baring her throat. His tongue laved her pulse, then his lips closed on her throat.

Fear and lust skittered up her spine. She could feel his intent to bite, his need to taste blood, his need to make her cum screaming while impaled upon his cocks. She released a whimper of alarm and desire. His bite was going to hurt…

He bit deeply and without mercy.

Victoria howled and bucked under him, held fast in his arms and by the teeth buried in her throat. The venom in his bite raced through her blood and stabbed into her nerves, making every shiver of pain, and every sizzle of pleasure, greater.

He released her throat and stroked the four small gouges with his tongue, adding more venom to her bloodstream. He turned her head and took her mouth. He shoved his primary cock deep into her core, swallowing her deep-throated cry. He thrust again, and his secondary cock, greased with her own excitement, nudged then demanded entry into her anus.

She moaned and opened to him.

He surged within and took possession, filling both of her passages with his hardness, and raking her senses with savage pleasure. His hips pumped, fucking her with hammering and ruthless thrusts. He was not gentle. His strokes pounded into her and rocked the bed beneath them. But then she did not want him to be gentle. She wanted to be reminded that he was dominant, her possessor, her master and her love.

She couldn’t think past the hunger in her core as she clutched the blankets above her. Riding the raging surge of rising passion, she met him, stroke for stroke, encouraging him to take her harder, deeper and more brutally.

Shivering with urgency, he took her invitation and raked her back and her flanks with his nails. His thrusts increased in both speed and power until his knots, swollen hard and pressing for entry, slid enticingly on her excitement.

Seht groaned, twisted, and his knots slid within, locking them tight together.

Pleasure built to an explosive edge, crested and held. She thrashed, unable to fall over into climax.

Seht ground deep into her and crooned into her ear. “What’s the matter, pet?”

Victoria gasped and shivered. “I can’t…I can’t…”

“Can’t what?” He chuckled in her ear. “Can’t cum?”

She wailed and twisted, but couldn’t make herself reach past the edge to fall. “Please,” she panted. “Let me cum, please!”

The mattress shivered as Ravnos lay down beside them. He propped his head up on his hand and smiled. “What seems to be the problem?”

Seht swept the hair his from his eyes and smiled. “Poor thing can’t cum.”

Victoria wailed and bucked, her nerves stretched taut with erotic tension and visceral need. “Damn you, let me cum!”

Ravnos grinned at Seht. “I just love the sound of begging. Don’t you?”

Victoria snarled and released the blanket to rake out at her tormentor with her claws. She’d had enough.

Seht grabbed for her wrists, pinned them back over her head and laughed. “What a temper!”

She screamed with impotent rage and thrashed.

Ravnos raised a brow as Seht struggled to hold her down. “Better let her cum.”

Seht turned to Ravnos. “Be my guest.”

“All right.” Ravnos caught Victoria’s chin and turned her to face him.

She blinked into his hard silver stare and whimpered. “Please, please…?”

Ravnos smiled. “Cum, pet. Cum for us.”

Victoria’s breath stopped. Climax exploded from her core with horrific force and blazed outward, blinding her with its terrible beauty. She howled, shaking hard with shockwaves of vicious delight.

Ravnos took her lips in a possessive kiss, his tongue surging within to taste her passion.

She moaned into his mouth as the last of her climax shivered through her.

Ravnos released her mouth and grinned at Seht. “Well now, looks like we finally have her properly trained to cum on command.”

Seht nodded. “And only on command.” He pressed a kiss on Victoria’s brow then smiled at her. “No more masturbation for you.”

Ravnos nodded. “Not without one of us present.”

Victoria scowled at them both. “Bastards.”

Chapter 39
Victoria awoke on her side squeezed between them with Ravnos sliding into her cunt while Seht pressed into her already stretched backside.

Ravnos buried himself to the hilt and groaned. “Now this is how I like to wake up in the morning.”

“So do I.” Seht thrust hard and filled her. He groaned. “With her ass already full of my cum, she’s nice and greased.”

Victoria gasped with the aching fullness of them both. Wrapped tight in their mutual embrace, she could do no more than hold on as they drove into her, thrusting in opposing rhythms. Orgasm rose with blistering speed.

Ravnos grunted with his thrusts then stilled, hard and tight in her body. “All right you two, cum, cum now!”

Seht gasped and stilled. He thrust hard, then held tight and groaned. “Spawn of Chaos, I wasn’t ready!”

Victoria moaned between them as orgasm slammed with vicious speed and rolled over her as Seht filled her backside.

Ravnos thrust hard and groaned. “Oh yeah, much better…” His cock pulsed, releasing his load into her body.

Seht leaned up, panting. “I hate when you rush me like that.”

Ravnos raised his brow. “Tough. We don’t have all day to let you have your jollies. We have a starship to run.”

Victoria groaned. “Bloody Fate, I need a shower. I’m swimming in cum!”

Ravnos brushed his brow with lips. “Get used to it.” He slapped her flank as he slid from her. “Come on you two, it’s nearly breakfast. I don’t want you shocking the yeomen.”

* * * * *
Victoria stepped into the shower, her shoulders knotted with tension. The rendezvous with the
was scheduled for tonight. Once she delivered
her status as an officer with the Imperium was utterly over. Tonight she had to face an Imperial Captain, and turn over her officer’s sword, because she was no longer fit for duty. She had accomplished her mission, but destroyed her career.

Could she have done it another way? She could have saved herself by allowing his destruction… She shook her head. No. There had been no other way. It had been a choice between saving herself, and saving a war hero, someone who had lived and served decades longer than she, who would outlive her and continue to serve. She knew she had made the right decision, but by Fate, it hurt…

She shoved her head under the water to hide the sudden bout of tears.

After a breakfast she couldn’t make herself eat, Ravnos released
from stasis, but even his teasing about her evening perversions, as he called them, couldn’t break through the fist of dread wrapped around her heart.

Victoria settled into the navigation chair and dropped into the comfort of flight, hoping that her tension would bleed away. She barely paid attention as
flirted shamelessly with the
She refused to come out for lunch. The thought of food made her stomach churn.

As ship night approached, the
appeared on the distant edge of her sensors. At advance speed eight, they were only a matter of hours away.

Depression hammered Victoria so hard, she had to fight against a bout of tears.

* * * * *
Victoria went to her quarters to dress for dinner, and discovered that her black flight-suit and long coat were set out for her to wear. Her Imperial uniforms had been packed in a plain case that sat in the middle of her unused bed. Her officers’ sword, in its blazing white sheath marked with her rank, sat across the top.

Violence burned thick and hot in the back of her skull. She growled and shredded the uniform from her body.

made not a sound.

Victoria stared at the scraps of fabric on the floor, then went into the shower to bathe. She donned the suit and buckled it all the way up, covering the metal band around her throat. Sheer raging defiance drove her to pull her mane into a viciously tight braid that displayed the points of her ears.

* * * * *
Victoria dropped her coat over the back of her chair at Ravnos’s table, then sat and asked for coffee. She still wasn’t hungry. She leaned back in her chair with the coffee mug tight in her hands.

Seht leaned back in his chair, frowning. “Do you really have to take us both over?”

Ravnos lips curved slightly. “Of course. I thought you’d like to tell him yourself how
was rescued.”

Seht flinched and glanced at Victoria. “Somehow, I don’t think he’s going to be all that appreciative.” He tossed his napkin on his plate.

was conspicuously silent.

Victoria’s fingers tightened around the mug. “When do we leave?”

Ravnos lifted his glass. “As soon as we’re done eating.”

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