Unbridled and Unsaddled [The Double Rider Men's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (11 page)

BOOK: Unbridled and Unsaddled [The Double Rider Men's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Her place.” Parker tossed a folded piece of paper on this desk. “The directions to get there. See you at eight o’clock.”

“One other thing, Parker. Should we tell her that our old rivalry is fake?”

He inhaled deeply then shrugged. “I don’t see why not. She’s likely already guessed anyway by our tolerance of each other in a room together.”

Drew didn’t have mixed feelings about Sabrina. And truthfully, he didn’t have any doubts about Parker. He knew what kind of man he was. He did, however, have some more soul searching to do regarding this wild lifestyle and the idea of continuing it.

“I see the uncertainty in your expression,” Parker said. “What’s up?”

“I’ve never contemplated sharing a woman. And I certainly never did it until after the competition at that men’s club, but moving forward the crazy, unbridled sex certainly intrigues me.”

“So what’s the problem?”

“I’m worried about someone outside of the DRMC finding out, to be perfectly honest.” He lifted his arms and gestured to his office. “I have a job. A life. One that might cease or change drastically if my sexual proclivities were discovered.”

Parker’s hands spread wide and shrugged. “Well,
not going to tell anyone.”

“I know that. I’m not worried about you. But what happens if someone sees us with her, or finds out?”

He shrugged again and frowned this time. “They can kiss my ass?”

Drew was worried about the public rivalry from before and didn’t want it to intrude on their privacy, again.

“If the papers found out—”

Parker cut him off. “They won’t. And besides, after all this time, why would anyone care?”

“Because you know as well as I do that people like salacious gossip.”

Parker nodded. “You’re right. But I’m through living my life for the public. I refuse to be byline fodder. I’m retired. I don’t care what they print in the papers.”

“I wish I could be so cavalier.”

“Yes or no for Friday? It’s up to you. Will you be there or not?”

Drew pushed out a long breath. “I’ll be there.” He couldn’t stay away. He wanted to pursue this lifestyle. He just hoped his private life wouldn’t intrude on or interfere with his career.

“Good enough.” Parker headed for the door.

“Thanks, Parker.”

He turned. “For what?”

“For coming in person. And, well, for inviting me at all.”

Parker grinned. “Turns out that two is very fun, but three is extraordinary.”



* * * *


Heart pounding fiercely with excitement, Parker stepped across the threshold of Sabrina’s apartment Friday evening ready for anything. He’d looked forward to this night all week, and as a consequence was a bit early. Two weeks ago he’d spent the evening with Sabrina and Drew, thereby changing his life forever. He couldn’t wait to begin this journey.

Drew’s vehicle wasn’t in the parking lot close-by, so likely he wasn’t here yet. In his hands Parker carried a small box, with what probably constituted a very foolish gift to give Sabrina. He likely should have swung by and picked up a bouquet of flowers instead. Or at least he should have gotten something else in addition to this small token. But he hadn’t wanted to be late.

“Welcome,” she said, and gestured for him to come in.

“Thanks.” He stepped into her living room. The apartment was perfect for her and exactly what he expected. Not superfancy or superplain, her place very inviting and very comfortable. Just like she was. This time she wore a cropped T-shirt showing off her sexy midriff, and low, tight blue jeans riding her hips instead of see-through lingerie. She looked just as amazing tonight as she had after the DRMC competition.

The door closed and immediately, her hand pressed squarely in the center of his back. He turned around quickly, but before he could act himself, she plastered herself against his body.

Her lips pushed into his, her tongue licked into his mouth, and a tantalizing kiss commenced. The sweet taste of her flooded his system and stirred his passion. Why had he waited so long to get together with her? He should have called last weekend.

Parker wrapped his arms around her body trying to keep from dropping the small box he’d brought and squeezed her tightly to his frame. He moved them forward a step and pressed her hard against the front door. His growing cock began to thrust repeatedly against her belly, readying for what might hopefully come later.

They might have dropped to the entryway floor and fucked then and there, but a sudden knock at the door broke their sultry embrace.

“Drew,” they both said quietly at the same time, and they also grinned.

Sabrina took a step away from him and blew out a quick breath. Her lips looked swollen from their kiss. A surge of lust hit him at the realization. She reached for the door handle, but Parker stayed close behind her. Moving away might cause him physical pain.

She opened the door to a stranger instead of Drew. An unremarkable, medium-sized guy wearing wire-frame glasses and holding a notebook, smiled at Sabrina. He looked a little like a middle-aged college student.

Parker backed away from Sabrina half a step in surprise, but the guy standing there had to see clearly that they’d just been kissing and mauling each other. Because they had been. Although Parker didn’t particularly care if a salesman or census taker knew they were kissing. The guy audaciously made a move as if planning to cross the threshold before she’d offered to invite him in. He was about to share an important lesson on manners with the idiot stranger, but Sabrina spoke and the guy stopped in his tracks.

“Ben?” she asked. “What on earth are you doing here?”

The certain note of alarm in her tone put Parker on alert. He moved forward again and put his hand in the center of her back.

“Sorry, Sabrina, I didn’t know you had company.” The man sent his intent gaze in Parker’s direction. He eyed Parker carefully as if he wanted to know why Sabrina had a man in her apartment.

“Why are you here?” She repeated her question a little more sternly this time. Parker felt her muscles stiffen beneath his palm. This man was unwelcome and made Parker very glad he was here. He rubbed the center of her back to offer a comforting silent message of solidarity.

The man turned his focus back to Sabrina. He gestured to the notebook he held and said, “I wanted to discuss the preliminary strategy for the County Western Day event coming up.”

Sabrina crossed her arms. “I already told you earlier that I had other plans tonight.”

Ben’s eyebrows narrowed like he was puzzled. He remained silent, but his gaze slid to Parker once more. He took an even longer and more intense look this time.

The man suddenly grinned. “Who’s your friend here?”

“None of your business. I’ll talk to you about the County Western Day event plans on Monday. During working hours.” She grabbed the edge of the door and closed it halfway.

“Sabrina, this can’t wait until Monday. Kurt wants the prelims by Monday afternoon. We don’t even an evening show planned yet.” Almost whining in his tone, Ben didn’t seem to take the hint that Sabrina didn’t want him here and wasn’t going to work tonight. Parker was about to make Sabrina’s wishes clear in a more physical way if Ben didn’t get his ass off her doorstep.

She stuck her head out the door. “We have plenty of time. I’m not planning anything extra for the evening event. I already talked to Kurt earlier today. And most importantly, I’m not working tonight. So get lost. We’ll meet first thing on Monday. In the office this time.”

Ben pushed out a long, exasperated-sounding sigh like a temperamental child just finding out for the first time that he couldn’t
have his way. Parker was ready to help with the explanation, but Sabrina just shut the door in his face.

She leaned her forehead against the doorframe. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for him to see you here.”

“I really don’t care.” Parker put his other hand on her back and tried to ease the sudden tension in her shoulders with a quick massage.

She allowed it for a few seconds then turned around to face him. “You should. He probably knows who you are.”

Parker looked up and pretended to think carefully about Ben, knowing who he was. He dropped his head and stared deeply into her eyes. “Nope. Still don’t care.”

“He’ll probably want to ask you to perform in the coming County Western Day event in some manner. We don’t have anything rodeo-related planned, but I’m sure his little pea brain will work overtime this weekend until Monday.”

Parker huffed. “I won’t do a rodeo competition or show for anyone but you.
only if there’s a contest where you’re the prize. Oh, wait. We already did that, didn’t we? I liked it a lot. Guess we don’t need to do that again.” He eased in closer, bent forward, and kissed the space on her neck right below her ear. “It’s pretty much the only the reason I’m here.” He pushed his cock into her belly. “That competition turned out to be one of the best decisions I ever made.” He fastened his lips to the space along her jawline where he knew she liked to be kissed. The box he still held almost dropped to the floor.

“By the way, I brought you something to commemorate that first time we spent together in the cabin.”

She straightened from the door. “What is it?”

He handed her the small box. “Open it.”

Sabrina pulled the top off the square white box and looked inside. Nestled on a bed of cotton was something he’d found resting on his windshield wipers after leaving the cabin.

“Baby pinecones?” she asked. She reached into the box and removed what he’d brought.

Three small pinecones snuggled together and still attached to one branch. All together they were only about the size of her palm.

“I found them resting on my vehicle’s windshield when I left the cabin that first night we spent together. I thought it was an apt souvenir for the evening.”

Her surprised and overjoyed expression as she held the branch was all he needed to know he’d made the right choice to give up his treasure.

“I love it. Thank you so much.”

There was a table next to her door. She turned and leaned down to place the open box displaying the gift right there in her entryway. Before she turned back around, Parker crowded her against the door. She laughed as he pressed behind her and kissed the back of her neck. His cock dug immediately into her ass cheek. Her hands slid up the door frame and over her head. He smoothed his hands over her arms and eventually covered her hands with his.

Parker buried his face against her neck and inhaled deeply. Her arousing scent circled around his head like an aphrodisiac haze meant to drive his libido into the upper atmosphere. He gripped her hands and pushed his hard cock into her ass, thrusting a few times.

She moaned sending spikes of pleasure through his body all the way down to his rigid cock. She loosened one of her hands from his grip. She lowered it, pushed it behind her, and then reached between them placing her palm on his rigid cock. She squeezed and almost took his breath away.

All of a sudden, Sabrina turned around until she faced him. He let go of her other hand. He gently grabbed her shoulders. He leaned in for another kiss, but she dodged him. She flashed him a mischievous grin, unbuttoned the first button of his shirt, and kissed the exposed space at the center of his chest. She bent a little, moved her face down, and released the second button. Again, she kissed his chest. A little lower this time. When she slowly squatted down as she unbuttoned the third one, Parker’s cock pulsed in lustful delight.

Sabrina’s mouth was suddenly level with his rigid erection trying to escape from behind his zipper. Her fingers dropped from his shirt and moved to the front waistband of his pants. On her knees, she unbuckled, unsnapped, and unzipped his jeans in mere seconds. He braced his palms against the door and waited for her to complete her task.

He was trembling in unfettered desire as she shoved his jeans down to midthigh. His cock leapt forward in his boxers like it had been released from a spring-loaded device. She quickly pulled the cotton fabric away from his waist revealing his swollen cock ready for action.

Her mouth was so close he felt her warm breath cross his head. He didn’t say a word, but as if she read his mind, she slowly leaned forward and took his cock between those luscious lips she possessed. The immediate suction she exerted almost made his eyes roll back in their sockets.

Parker, hands still braced above her head fisted his fingers against the door. There was nothing as exhilarating as an unexpected blow job. His hips pushed forward of their own accord, exerting a quick thrust into her mouth.

Sabrina’s hands landed on his ass. She pulled him forward into her warm, wet luscious mouth harder and faster than the first time. He moved one hand off the door to hold the back of her head. In and out she sucked his cock, picking up speed like she couldn’t wait to drain him dry.

He grasped the back of her head to brace his light thrust as his hips pressed onward of their own volition. She tightened her grip on his ass and sucked harder. Fingernails suddenly piercing his bare ass cheeks, he was powerless to stop from exerting more force in fucking her mouth.

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