Trouble Comes in Threes (12 page)

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Dolf brushed his lips over mine. “Then I’ll make sure you do.”

“Dolf….” I sighed into his mouth. God, the man could kiss. “There’s no way I can get it up again tonight. As much as I want to, and we need to, it’s just not happening.”

“I know. There’s always tomorrow.”

I lay down on my back, Dolf off to the left of me. His hand rested on my chest, our fingers entwined. We both lay there, watching the fire. Tal joined us, snuggling in on the right. His hand joined ours on top of my chest.

Between the heat from them and the fire, I dozed off, content for the first time in a long time.



contentment didn’t last. Tal and Dolf were used to sleeping with another body in the bed. I wasn’t. I’d gotten used to being able to spread out and… well, Tal was a snuggler. His hands caressed me all night. How many brain cells had I lost from lack of oxygen because of the blood pooling at my groin? Every time I turned, Tal turned with me. I’d wiggle away, and he’d follow me.

The sun was barely up, and here I was in the kitchen, trying to find something for the three of us to eat. I had not slept well. Cancel that. I hadn’t slept at all. My body was stiff, probably from tossing and turning all night on a hard floor. I also had a low-grade ache at the base of my neck. Not a full-out headache, which was odd. Considering how good I felt, I had to question if I even had a concussion. And to top it off, all I had to feed Tal and Dolf was instant oatmeal with some lovely instant coffee. Well, so much for a nice breakfast.

I’d just taken a sip of coffee when Tal stumbled in the kitchen. Several little wisps of blond hair had come loose from his braid, curling around his face, and his eyes were heavy. The night pants rode low on his hips and his feet were bare. Jesus, he had the longest middle toe. I’d love nothing more than to hold his foot and suck that sexy long toe until Tal begged to come. Fuck it, I wanted to throw him on the table and have him for breakfast.

“Ooooh, coffee. Thank the goddess, you have coffee. Please, I beg you, gimme.”

“Okay, beg.” Hadn’t I been thinking just that—him begging? My cock jerked with interest.

Tal’s lovely blue eyes widened.

“You know, you should really be careful what you say around me. I just might take you up on that offer.” I opened a cabinet and handed Tal a mug. The table was looking better and better.

“Hey, I’ve been known to.” Dolf strolled into my little kitchen, looking wide-awake and totally alert. It made me want to get him all messy and sleepy. “Good morning, Kirk.”

“Good morning. Want some coffee? It’s instant, but that’s better than nothing, I guess.”

“Coffee sounds great, thanks.”

I handed a mug to Dolf. “I think I have some sugar around here somewhere if either of you want that.”

Dolf poured himself a cup. “We both drink it black. Felines can’t taste sweet things.”

I took another sip of mine. “Wow, really? That sucks.” Well, that was deep. “Um, I don’t have much for breakfast, but I have that oatmeal you make with water.”

“That sounds good.” Dolf sipped some more of his coffee.

“Okay, then, breakfast coming up,” I said.

Tal shivered. “Could we turn the heat up a bit? It’s cold in here.”

“I, um… I….” My face was probably a nice flaming red, I just knew it. “Sure, the thermostat is in the den.”

“Oh, thank you.” Tal hurried out of the kitchen.

“I assume you leave it off because it’s cheaper to use the fireplace.”

“I….” No point in trying to pretty it up. They had the right to know just how bad my financials really were. “Things are tight. I’m struggling to pay the bills, and things around here just keep breaking. You should know I’m pretty much broke.”

Dolf crossed over to me. “It’s not just you now. You’re not alone. And don’t worry about running the heat here. We are a partnership now, so we will help.”

“This is my place, though.”

“But you plan to move in with us. Is that going to be just our place, not yours too? Are you going to act like a guest in our home? Or is our home going to be your home?”

“Well….” Jesus, this guy was good. He was talking rings around me. So what if he had good points?

“No, Kirk. Where we live will be your place too. Your home. The three of us will share a bed, but you will have your own space. Tal and I each have a space that’s ours, a private spot. We want you to move in and make any changes you want, bring whatever from here you need.”

“I don’t have much worth a damn.” Suddenly, the packages of oatmeal were the most interesting thing in the world. I didn’t want to see pity in Dolf’s eyes.

“If it means something to you, then it means a damn. We aren’t just making room for you, you know. You’re part of us, Kirk. You’ve had a hard time, but now you have someone to share those hard times with.”

“Thank you. Also, I intend to pay my share of the bills.”

“I would expect no less from you.”

“Good. But here’s the thing. For me to pay my share, I have to work. And to work, I need a place to work out of. I guess I could work from my shop here, but if I rent this place out, that might be a problem.”

“No. Your home is with us, so you will need to work close to home. Tal will build whatever type of shop you need.”

“You sure he doesn’t mind?” I glanced around. “Maybe I can sell some stuff around here to pay for it. It doesn’t have to be grand.”

“Mind? Heck no, I don’t mind. I’d love to build a shop for you, Kirk.” Tal entered the kitchen. “Don’t worry about the cost.”

I’d finished the oatmeal and quickly served it. “Ah, about that. I’m not a mooch.”

“But….” Tal bit his lip. “I didn’t say you were. I just want to give you something. Mates do that kind of stuff. I just… I just wanted….”

Dolf’s hand slipped under Tal’s braid, massaging Tal’s neck. “Yes, mates do that kind of stuff. But remember, Kirk is new to this.”

Shit. Pond scum was better than me. “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, cutie. Anything you build for me, I’ll cherish. But I have to contribute too. I
to pull my weight.”

“Tell you what, Kirk. Tal will build the shop. Once you get up and running, you take over the loan payment. The loan has to be in Tal’s company’s name, though.”

“That’s fine. Really, that works for me.” Did it ever. I could live with this and not sacrifice my pride. “God knows I certainly can’t get a loan. I… thank you, both of you. I’m not used to…. No one has ever… just, thank you. I promise I’ll make the payments on time.”

“Of that, I have no doubt.” Dolf sat at the table. “Let’s eat.”

There wasn’t much, so our meal didn’t last long. Dolf offered to help clean up, but there wasn’t that much to clean. I entered the den to find Dolf and Tal sitting on the couch, Dolf flipping through the channels.

“Weather’s looking good, and the snow’s melting fast. Maybe we can get home tomorrow.”

God, was I ready for that? “Um, wow. This suddenly got real again.”

“It’s been real all along.” Dolf grabbed my hand. “I know it’s nerve-wracking, meeting new people, but we’ll be there with you.” Dolf’s gaze suddenly intensified. “Before we return home, we need to finish the mating process. I want all three of us fully claimed. That means you need to make love to me and take my blood.”

“I, ah… no pressure there.” I ran my hands through my hair. “Bedroom. Let’s go to the bedroom. I want you to be as comfortable as possible. Hopefully this won’t be too bad.”

“Hey….” Dolf cupped my chin. “Just because I don’t enjoy the actual act, doesn’t mean I won’t enjoy your attention. There’s more to sex than anal penetration.”

“You’re right. You’re absolutely right.” I took his hand and led him to the bedroom.

Tal followed us. I closed all the curtains and turned on a lamp. It wasn’t candlelight, but it would work. I slowly stripped Dolf, taking time to kiss each strip of skin I uncovered. I stood in front of Dolf, and Tal was behind him, both of us caressing Dolf.

Tal moved away, trailing his fingers across my shoulders. He winked at me, then slid across my bed until he was sitting against the headboard. He spread his legs, slowly stroking his cock. Moving behind Dolf, I turned him so he could watch Tal.

I stood behind Dolf, my body pressed close. Running my hands over his shoulders, I eased one of my hands down and tweaked his nipple. All this smooth, dark skin was just waiting for me to touch. I trailed my hand down his stomach, his cock brushing against my fingers. Oh, nice. I wrapped my hand around his shaft. My lips pressed against his neck, sucking hard enough to draw the blood to the top.

“Before we leave this room, you’re going to cut yourself, and then I’m going to drink your blood and take part of you in me. I’m going to claim you just like you claimed me.” Dolf thrust into my hand. “Fuck, Dolf, you’re so hot, and damn, I need some—”

“Here.” Tal was suddenly at my side, lube in hand. “Thought you might need this.”

“Oh God, thanks, cutie.”

Dolf rested his head against my shoulder as Tal drizzled slick across my hand. Tal feathered a kiss over Dolf’s lips, then moved back to the bed.

I stroked the thick, long cock I held.

“Mmm, that’s good. You have calluses like Tal. There’s nothing hotter than a man who works with his hands.”

“Like my calluses? Then you’re going to love my lube job. Guess it’s a good thing I’m a mechanic, huh?”
Oh Lord, did I really just say that?

Dolf snaked one of his arms around my neck. “I can’t wait.”

Thank God I didn’t ruin the mood with that bit of cheesiness
. “On the bed, then. Facedown.”

Dolf hesitated. “I do better if I can see—”

“I know. All I’m going to do is massage your back. That’s all. I’m going to sit next to you, not on top of you. I want you to be as relaxed as possible. Please?”

“Oh, okay, then. That I can handle.”

“Good. Go lie down. I’ll get some lotion from the bathroom. It may not be the best thing to use, but it’s all I got.”

“That’ll work.” Tal still sat at the head of the bed, slowly stroking his cock. “I’ve used it too.”

When I returned, Dolf had spread out on the bed, facedown, one hand on Tal’s leg. “God, what an ass.”

Dolf snorted. “Most times I hear that, it’s not meant as a compliment.”

meant it as a compliment.” I laughed. If he was that relaxed, this might go okay. “You do have an exceptional ass.”

Pouring lotion onto my hands, I settled beside Dolf, working the muscles in his back and shoulders. As I worked, I paid attention to the low moans. Tal had stopped stroking his cock and was playing with Dolf’s hair. Taking my time, I worked Dolf’s back, then focused on his arms.

“Oh, that’s good,” Dolf moaned.

I moved to his legs and dug my fingers into any knots I found, bringing on more moans. I even worked those sexy feet of his.

“Turn over,” I whispered. Hell yeah, Dolf was hard. I licked his ankle, taking time to nibble on a toe. Grinning, I noticed the jerk of muscle and the quickly drawn breath. Huh, he wasn’t pulling away. As I stared at him, I sucked his big toe into my mouth, twirling my tongue around it. I wanted to see what he’d do.

“Fuck,” Dolf grunted, watching me.

Releasing that toe, I ran my lips down his instep. I placed a kiss on his heel, then licked my way up to his toes. Holding his foot, I blew gently against the wet skin.

“Holy fuck.” Dolf grabbed huge handfuls of sheet.

“Like that?”

“Enough I’m tempted to put you on your knees and make

I nipped another toe, and Dolf swore. Well, well, well, seemed like my little foot fetish was a hit. “One day, I want you to jack me off… using your feet.”

Dolf arched on the bed, a strange yowl coming from him. “Kirk, get me ready. I want you to fuck me. Now, dammit.”

“Wow,” Tal whispered. “He’s on fire.”

And I wanted to keep him that way. I sat between his spread legs and, stroking Dolf’s cock, eased a lubed finger inside. Fuck, he was hotter than hell and tighter than a virgin. With how little he bottomed, he might as well be. Tal was now kissing Dolf. Dolf had one hand buried in Tal’s braid. His other hand still gripped the sheet.

Bending, I slipped another finger in Dolf… then sucked his cock down my throat. His hips thrust up, and a weird hissing scream sounded through the room. Oh, I liked that. Dolf was so hard against my tongue. I stretched him, bobbing up and down on his cock as I opened him up. Crooking my finger, I pegged his hotspot. Dolf’s body twitched, and he flooded my mouth with precome. I pulled off Dolf’s dick and glanced up his body. Tal was sucking one of Dolf’s nipples.

I got on my knees and lubed my shaft. Tal raised his head and moved back a little. Dolf sprawled on the bed, flushed, his eyes glowing slightly. Staying on my knees, I gently pushed inside Dolf, watching for signs of pain in his face. Our gazes locked, I kept going until I was buried in his ass.

Dolf had gone soft, so I stroked him back to hardness before I moved the tiniest bit. Jesus, he was strangling my dick. Slowly, easily, gently, I moved. I saw him jerk when I finally found his hotspot. Still on my knees, I lifted his legs, letting them rest on my shoulders. I didn’t want to set his cat off, so I made a point in not covering him.

Thrusting fast, I watched him, still stroking his cock. I didn’t see pain, but I didn’t see eye-watering pleasure either. I had a plan for that. I released his shaft and pulled his foot closer to my face. With an evil smile, I licked his arch… then sucked one of his toes into my mouth. I sucked that toe as if my life depended on it. Then I gently bit it.

” Dolf’s body jerked… hard. His shaft pointed at his belly. Oh yeah, he liked this. Maybe even enough to get some pleasure out of bottoming. “Going to…. Going to…. Shit, you need to….”

Tal flew down the bed, held up a claw, and sliced a thin line down Dolf’s ankle.

“Oh fuck, yes, yes… fucking
, do it—”

I pressed my mouth to the cut… and sucked, sucked hard as I could as I thrust into Dolf’s ass. My orgasm hit me so hard spots danced before my eyes.

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