Trouble at the Treble T (6 page)

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Authors: Desiree Holt

BOOK: Trouble at the Treble T
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“Oh, oh, oh,” she whimpered, as the climax swirled deep inside her and spooled its way through her body.

And then it was there—crashing down on her, lifting and spinning her, her body anchored in place only by Mark’s strong arms around her. As the first tremor hit, she felt the splash of hot semen on her breast and heard Cade’s deep groans of pleasure. The muscles in her cunt clamped down on Justin’s busy fingers, and if not for Mark’s grip on her, she would have drawn up into a tight ball to ride out the spasms shaking her.

As the fierce tremors subsided into milder aftershocks, Mark stroked the lips of her cunt and Cade rubbed his spent cock over her nipple again and again. Mark undid the sleeves of her shirt then tossed the wet garment to the side, along with her bra, freeing her hands. Marti lay back in Mark’s arms, spent and exhausted, waiting for her thundering heartbeat to ease. She was breathless and sweaty and temporarily satisfied. But the erotic nature of the scene and the anticipation of what was yet to come kept her riding the thin edge of desire.

“I think we could all use a dip in the water.” Mark leant forward, moving her with him. “Here, Justin. Catch. And don’t miss.”

He eased Marti forward and gave her a gentle push. She fell headlong into Justin’s arms, catching the laughter in his eyes as he helped her slide into the pool. The water felt good on her slick, heated skin. Justin splashed water on her breasts then eased his hand down to push the cooling liquid against her hot pussy.

“Spread your legs, sugar. Let me make that little sore cunt feel good. We aren’t half done with it.”

He arranged her so she leaned against the wall of the pool, then nudged her legs apart with his foot. Marti looked down to see his impressive cock bobbing in the water and remembered what Cade had said earlier. She might indeed have trouble deciding whose was the most outstanding. And she hadn’t even seen Mark’s yet.

But apparently Mark was about to remedy that. He rose from the lounger, whipped off the towel and stood at the edge of the pool. Marti made a small O with her mouth. Was it a genetic thing that had all the Thompson brothers so well hung? Heat flashed through her as she imagined taking all their cocks at once—one in her mouth, one in her pussy and one in her ass. She shivered at the imagery.

Marti was suddenly conscious of all three brothers looking at her intently—Justin, still splashing water between her legs, Cade, in the pool on one side of her, and Mark, who had just slid into the water on the other side.

“So tell me, Marti Jensen,” Cade said. “Besides being a hot shot bar manager, where’d you learn to be so sexy? I know Daisy probably gave you an earful about how we like to play, and I’d have sworn our brand of sexual hijinks would have scared you off.”

She gave them a sultry smile. “You don’t think I’m going to tell you all my secrets, do you?”

Cade slid his fingers into the damp strands of her hair and bent his head so his lips were just a breath away from hers. “Oh, I think we have ways of coaxing it out of you.”

His mouth came down on hers, his lips soft but firm, his tongue probing, seeking until she opened and let him in. God, he had the most erotic mouth she’d ever kissed. Sinful, in fact. His tongue probed and licked while Mark, on her other side, caressed her breasts and teased her nipples. And Justin, who’d waited so patiently for his turn, was rubbing his impressive cock against her already sensitive clit.

“Open up, honey,” Cade whispered into her mouth. “Let my brother in.”

She’d thought they’d at least give her a few minutes to catch her breath, but apparently a few was all she would get. Justin rubbed his shaft lower against the lips of her pussy. And incredibly, as Mark continued to knead her breasts and pinch her nipples and Cade ate at her mouth, desire stirred and came to life. The heat of it fired the nerves in her pussy and warmed the blood in her veins.

“Her nipples are hard as diamonds,” Mark said. “She’s already hot again.”

“It’s a good thing,” Justin said, his voice taut with need. “’Cause I’m ready to go. Give me a hand here, guys.”

“You going first today?” Cade’s voice was thick with lust but still held a note of amusement. His lips were now barely touching Marti’s.

“I think you need a little recovery time, big brother. So how about it?”

She wasn’t sure what to expect until Mark and Cade each lifted one of her legs and supported it with their arms, opening her wide for their brother. Justin slid his fingers inside her again, thoughtfully testing to see if she was slick with something besides the pool water. She saw his eyes flash when he found her rich with cream.

“My turn,” he told her. “I get first crack at that sweet little cunt and I can’t tell you how I’ve been looking forward to this.”

Marti forced her eyes to stay open so she could watch as he wrapped his fingers around his erection and nudged her opening with the broad head. Like his brothers, he was thick and long and hard as steel. Rocking his hips back and forth, he eased himself into her until she’d taken his full length. His balls slapped against her ass as he pumped into her, slowly at first then faster.

Cade, who still had his other hand threaded through her hair, cradled her head. But this time it was Mark who pressed his mouth to hers and thrust his tongue inside. His lips were harder than Cade’s, with more ardour, and his tongue swept everywhere, dancing with hers. As Justin pumped his hips faster, Mark increased the movement of his tongue so that they were fucking her in two places like a well-choreographed ballet.

Mark’s tongue was so deep in her throat she could barely breathe, but the slide of it over her skin was intensely exciting. She gave Mark back as good as she got. Justin continued to drive into her, harder and faster, his cock thickening even more. As he neared his release, he gasped out, “Please tell us you’re on the pill.”

“Mmm,” was all she could manage with her mouth consumed by Mark’s.

“All…right, then.”

He barely got the words out before Marti felt the spurt of his release in her, and that triggered her own climax. Justin grasped her by the waist and pulled her hard against him while her pussy clamped down on him, milking his cock, sucking him deep inside her passage. She clung to his shoulders for dear life as the spasms rocketed through her, shaking her, the water around them swirling with their movements.

Marti closed her eyes as she spiralled out, the tremors finally easing until they subsided. Cade and Mark eased her legs down. Each slid an arm around her, cupped a breast and soothed her until her body relaxed again. Justin leant forward and brushed his mouth over hers. He kissed the belly button ring again then smiled at her, that sexy Thompson smile.

“You’re a winner, Marti.”

She certainly hoped so, especially for one of the Thompson brothers. Cade. The oldest. The hottest. The one she’d focussed on from the day she’d first met all three of them. Now she had to work hard not to let it show. That wasn’t the way they played. It was all of them or none of them, a fact that gave her a tiny stab of regret.

What the hell, Marti? This is the way you like it. You changing direction all of a sudden?

She smiled back at Justin and pushed the errant thoughts from her mind.


* * * *


Mark had taken drinks from the refrigerator in the outdoor kitchen—beer for the men, a wine cooler for Marti—and they relaxed and recovered at the side of the pool, their faces flushed with the heat of sexual activity and anticipation of what was yet to come. Marti laughed and joked with them, obviously comfortable and at ease with the situation. Cade would have given a month’s receipts from the ranch to know how she’d got to this point in her life for her to be so at ease with the situation.

On top of that, he was doing his best to control an unfamiliar feeling that he vaguely recognised as jealousy. He couldn’t remember ever being jealous of his brothers in his life…except for the time he’d broken his leg and they’d got to go into San Antonio to watch the Spurs play while he had to stay home. The three of them had played their games with a list of women longer than he cared to think about without the green-eyed monster ever creeping in.

Oh sure, they’d all agreed that one of these days—sometime in the distant future—they’d need to think about settling down, getting married. But no one had yet figured out how they’d be able to adjust their sexual appetites to accommodate that. Not to mention the fact that it would take a pretty special woman to agree to their situation.

Maybe it was turning thirty-six last month—seeing forty stare him in the face—and realising he needed some structure to his life. Maybe he was just tired of the same vapid females they brought to the ranch.

Or maybe—shit, he could hardly even think about this—it had something to do with Marti herself. The minute she’d walked into Treble Shooters to meet with the three of them about the job, he’d felt an electrified connection that he’d never had with anyone else. It wasn’t just the physical appeal. Truth be told, some of the women they’d played with might have been more beautiful. Maybe. But Marti was the whole package—looks, brains and a vibrant personality. A sense of self he found missing in most women. And an aura of sexual knowledge that very few women had. At least the ones that he knew.

She was a woman a man could hold on to for the long run.

Hold it, Cade. You’re letting your mind wander into dangerous territory. That’s not even on the table here. Right? Right?

“Cade, you falling asleep on us?”

Mark’s teasing voice broke into his abstract wanderings and he mentally shook himself. His eyes strayed to Marti’s naked form stretched out face down on one of the loungers. Justin had just commented that she really needed sun block so she wouldn’t burn in the hot Texas sun and had picked up the bottle they’d left on the umbrella table.

Marti turned her head and gave Cade a lazy smile. “You going to help here?” she asked. “Or you just planning to watch?”

Was that a signal of some kind she was sending him? Was he reading a message in her eyes that wasn’t really there?

Stop this shit. What’s gotten into you, asshole?

“Cade?” Mark’s voice was impatient.

“On it.” He dug out his usual smile and tried to bury all the disturbing thoughts clashing in his brain.

Mark was already sitting at the edge of the wide lounger smoothing the thick lotion into Marti’s shoulders and arms. Justin sat at the foot of the chaise working on her ankles and calves. Cade smiled to himself as he knelt on a towel beside her.

I get the best part.

He took the bottle from Mark, squirted some of the liquid into the palm of one hand then began to stroke it over the sweet curve of her ass. Her muscles tensed slightly at his touch then relaxed again. Her head was turned so she could see him and when his hot gaze locked on her sultry one, he swore he saw the same mysterious, knowing look in them as before.

What’s going on here?

He kept stroking her buttocks in a smooth circular motion, first one cheek then the other. He grabbed the bottle to squeeze more lotion, dripped it right at the top of her crevice and began to stroke his fingers through that hot, hot crease. He deliberately kept his touch light, especially when his fingertips brushed over her anus, but even that soft touch was enough to bring a tiny moan of pleasure from her.

“I think we need a little more sun block here.” Need thickened his voice. “Wouldn’t want anything this tender to get sunburned, would we?”

“Need any help with that?” Justin teased.

“I’ve got it. Thanks.”

And I’m going to keep it. Whatever else happens, I’m the only one that’s going to have her ass today. Period.

Whoa there. What’s going on?

Again he shook off the stray thoughts and pressed a little more firmly on that tiny opening. She moaned again and he pressed hard enough that the tip of his finger popped through the tight ring of muscle. 

Justin was working his way up the inside of her legs towards her sweet little pussy. He nudged her thighs apart with his hand and the movement made her ass clench, trapping his finger inside her. Cade’s cock sprang to life, throbbing with a sudden wave of need. He pressed deeper with his finger and stroked her hot inner tissues. Justin had reached her pussy by now and when Cade spared him a glance, he saw his brother’s fingers stroking the lotion over sweet pink pussy lips. Mark had moved his hand and was applying the liquid to the sides of her breasts.

Marti was whimpering now, delicious little sounds that sent bolts of lust straight to Cade’s balls.

Cade moved his head so his mouth was at Marti’s ear. “I don’t care what else happens,” he whispered. “I’m going to have your ass. Just me. You keep that in mind, sugar.”

She trembled both at the words and his tone and that same mysterious look flashed in her eyes again.

“We need to turn her over,” Mark said. “I think we’ve covered every inch of her back.” He chuckled. “That is, Cade, if we can talk you into taking your finger out of her sweet ass.”

Cade just grunted, but he stroked his finger in and out twice more just for good measure before pulling it free and wiping it on the towel. They turned her over and he took his first really good look at the front of her. Firm breasts, not too large and not too small, with dusky rose nipples pointing straight up at him. A stomach just slightly rounded, softening the toned lines of her body. And the most tempting cunt he’d seen in a long time, the hair neatly trimmed to form just two defining lines. He was afraid he’d come just from looking at her.

This time Mark took the bottle of sun block and squeezed a line of the lotion straight down her body, beginning at the hollow of her throat and trailing all the way to her cunt, pooling extra just at the top of her mound.

“Spread your legs, honey,” Justin told her in a husky voice.

Mark and Cade each took one breast, kneading the mounds and pinching the nipples while Justin worked his way up her legs from her ankles. They all moved their hands as if in an orchestrated plan towards her pussy, reaching it at the same time. Three pairs of hands worked the lotion into her. Cade went immediately to her clit while Mark and Justin each worked one side of her pussy lips.

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