The World's Biggest Bogey (7 page)

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Authors: Steve Hartley

BOOK: The World's Biggest Bogey
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‘Danny! Shoot!’ yelled Matthew.

What’s he talking about? thought Danny.

And then he saw it: the empty Hogton goal!

Danny took two steps towards the edge of his penalty area, and with the last bit of strength left in his exhausted legs, punted the ball down the pitch as hard and as high and as straight as he

‘Owwwww!’ His feet had finally had enough. Pain burst up his legs and he collapsed on the grass.

For a moment the whole stadium fell silent. Everyone held their breath. All eyes followed the ball as it looped up high over the halfway line, and then began to fall slowly back to earth. It
bounced about fifteen metres inside the Hogton half.

Four of the Growlers team began to race as fast as they could up the field.

The referee chased up the field too, glancing at his stopwatch as the seconds ticked down to the final whistle.

With each bounce the ball got lower and slower, and the four defenders got closer. When it crossed into the Hogton penalty area it was rolling, and they were gaining on it quickly.

The ball trickled over the six-yard line.

The referee looked at his watch again and put the whistle to his lips.

‘It’s not going to make it,’ groaned Danny.

The ball dribbled a metre, then half a metre from the line.

One of the Hogton players was nearly there. He lunged desperately, sliding across the grass towards the ball as it reached the goal line. Danny saw him kick the ball clear, and at the same
moment the referee blew his whistle for the end of the game.

The Coalclough supporters shouted, ‘GOAL!’

The Hogton supporters yelled, ‘NO GOAL!’

‘Look!’ said Danny, pointing down the pitch. The referee was shaking his head and pointing to his watch. ‘It didn’t make it.’

‘We can still win on penalties,’ said Matthew.

Danny groaned quietly. Exhaustion and disappointment rolled over him like a wave. He fell back on the ground and closed his eyes. He had nothing left. He didn’t even think he could stand
up any more, never mind save five penalties.

Danny just wanted to go to sleep. The howling, bellowing crowd seemed to be a long way away down a deep, dark tunnel.

Suddenly, Danny was being lifted off the ground. He struggled to open his eyes, expecting to see the Coalclough Sparrows’ trainers putting him on a stretcher, but there were no trainers
and there was no stretcher. He was being carried by people from the crowd, and they were smiling and cheering.

Matthew pushed through the crush of legs and bodies.

‘What’s going on, Matt?’ whispered Danny.

a goal!’ cried his friend. ‘Someone took a video of it and showed the referee. Their player cleared it
it crossed the line, and
ref blew the whistle!’

‘What?’ Danny was groggy and confused.

‘WE’VE WON THE CUP!’ screamed Matthew.

Two of the Coalclough fans lifted Danny on to their shoulders, and the crowd roared. As they carried him around the pitch, people slapped him on the back and clapped and cheered. Even the girls
in the team were dancing with excitement.

have we won?’ asked Amy Johnson.

‘I’m not sure,’ answered Gracie Green. ‘I think so.’

As the throng of people reached the stand, Danny looked for his mum and dad.

He saw them hugging each other and jumping up and down. Mum blew Danny a kiss and Dad punched the air.

And there, on a small table on the pitch in front of the stand, glinting in the sunlight, was the Penleydale Schools Cup.

‘Ace!’ cried Danny.

‘Cool,’ agreed Matthew.

Danny Baker – Record Breaker

Dear Mr Bibby

I believe you know my son, Danny Baker. He tells me that he has written to you several times about his world-record

Yesterday, Danny won He Penleydale Schoo Cup single-handedly. I made a video of the game and have enclosed a copy with this
letter. During the game Danny made eighty-seven saves that would have been goals for Hogton Growlers, the opposition team. Is this a record?

Yours sincerely

Robert Baker

PS Danny doesn’t know I have sent this, so if he has not broken a record, can you write back to me and not tell him.
He would be very disappointed.


Dear Danny

Congratulations on winning the Penleydale Schools Cup! Your dad sent me a video of the game. It was a thrilling match and your performance was
heroic. What a goal! What brilliant saves!

I counted that you made eighty–seven saves in the match. I am thrilled to tell you that this beats the previous world record of
fifty–six saves, held by Robert ‘Bobby’ Baker, who I am sure you would agree was the Best Goalkeeper in the World Ever. I am delighted to enclose your certificate to record this
amazing achievement.

Put your poor feet up, Danny, and have a rest. They, and you, have earned it. You are a record breaker!

Best wishes

Eric Bibby

Keeper of the Records


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