The Silken Edge (Silken Edge 1) (21 page)

BOOK: The Silken Edge (Silken Edge 1)
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“I really like this. I feel powerful.” Hitting the rug a few more times made her blood rush in her veins.

“That’s really nice baby,” he moaned. “We’ll play later. Go to work.” He took the flogger from her and patted her ass. “Go!”

She kissed him quick on the lips and ran out of the room. Kristy felt elated and left with two thoughts; no one better mess with her at work, and when can she train next?

Chapter Twenty


It had been weeks into their new relationship, and Jake was the dominant one thus far. He wanted Kristy to be the Top for the night and wasn’t sure how to ask. After dinner they stretched out on the couch together to watch a movie, but Jake couldn’t get into it and couldn’t sit still.

“What’s wrong?” She smoothed her hand over his cheek. “You can tell me anything, except that you’re leaving me.” Sure she was kidding, he gave her a pissed off look anyway. “I’m sorry, bad joke,” she said.

“Yes, very bad.” He sat up abruptly and cupped her face in his large hands. “I can’t imagine my life without you in it.” His lips pressed against hers quick and hard. “You mean the world to me. I—I....”

She looked expectantly almost tearing up, and he dropped his head. “…I want to say them to you. I do.”

“Say what Jake?”

“Those three words every woman wants to hear, but it’s hard for me. I’ve never spoken those words to anyone. Ever.” He couldn’t tell what he was more mortified over, the fact that she knew he loved her, or what he just shared with her.

“No one? Not even family?” She trailed a fingernail along his jaw.

“No one. My family was never into the whole affectionate thing. We just knew we loved each other, I guess.” He shrugged.

“Well, I know you love me, and I also know you will tell me one day, when you’re ready.” She smiled at him and it warmed his heart. He did love her, and maybe he would be able to tell her one day, but as he thought about it, panic struck. Did she feel the same way, and love him back?

She rose from the couch heading to the kitchen. He loved watching her hips sway as she walked away. Half way there she stopped and turned to him. “Jake, I love you, too.”

He was stunned and didn’t know what to say or do. He wanted to say it, really he did, and he wanted to jump up and hug her tight. Instead, he sat there.

Her lips pulled into a beautiful smile and she left for the other room.

When she came back with two beers and popcorn, he realized he hadn’t moved since she left. He wanted to tell her, but his lips wouldn’t form the words.

She placed the goodies on the coffee table in front of the couch, and then sat down and snuggled up against him. “And I didn’t say that just because. You can ask your sister.”

“What? You talked to her about this? About us?”

“She asked me if I loved you, and I told her yes. Now shush. Let’s watch the movie.” She picked up the remote and before she could hit a button, he took it from her.

“You are unbelievable. How do you get deeper and deeper into my heart by the minute? Come with me. Now.” His voice was raspy. He led her to the playroom. “I want to show you something.” He walked in the room and pointed to a hook next to the door. From his pocket he pulled the silver silky bit of fabric from their first session and hung it from the hook. “I carry this around quite often. It reminds me of you. You wouldn’t recognize it by sight, but maybe if you feel it...” He took the material and ran it over her cheeks and down her neck and arms. She closed her eyes and her breathing stuttered.

“Being a switch is still new to me and I’m not sure how to go about certain things. So I’ve come up with an idea.” He hung the silk on the hook. “Whoever wants to Top a scene will take this fabric and present it to the other. Once the other person accepts it, the scene begins, and the silk is given back to the Top.”

“Or one could just ask?” She shrugged.

“Just play my game, okay?” He pleaded with her, and she nodded. “Tonight though, I want you to present it to me.”

“Jake, I’m not very good at this. I don’t know how to use anything in here.” She motioned around the room. “Nor do I know how to set up a scene.” Apprehension flooded her face.

“I will teach you in time, but for now restrain me and have your way with me. I don’t want to think, I just want to feel.” He begged with his eyes.

“Oh, Jake.” She wrapped her arms around him and held him swaying back and forth, and it felt so good to him, he felt like he belonged. “Oh, how I love you,” she said.

Leaving him there for a brief moment, she went to reach for the silk. Holding it to her chest she turned and locked the door.

The cloth went from her hand to his and back to her again. Jake knelt down at her feet. Giving himself over freely, his head dropped from her gaze. He waited for a long moment thinking she wasn’t able to go through with it, and then finally her hand ran over the top of his head. She walked a circle around him. “I don’t like this position. When you kneel for me I want you standing on your knees, wrists crossed behind your lower back, and your head down.”

He adjusted his position. “Does this please you, Ma’am?”

She stood directly in front of him and pulled his face to her breasts. “Mmmm, I believe it does.” She ran her hands through his hair. Her nails dug in and trailed from his scalp, inside his shirt, and down his back as far as she could reach. He shivered. “
Oh yes it does
, but don’t call me Ma’am, makes me feel older than I am, and we both know I have issues with that.” She bent over and swatted his ass.

“Yes, Mistress.”

“That’s better, but we have the matter of all these clothes on your body. Remove them.”

He removed his clothing and stood before her, head down with his hands clasped in front of him waiting for her next instruction.

“To the table.” She ordered, and pointed to the padded vinyl table he had her on not too long ago.

Once on the table, she tried to strap him in but had trouble doing so. “Here let me help.” He sat up and showed her how to adjust the cuffs and secure them around his ankles.

“Lay down.” She shoved him back and restrained his wrists almost like a pro. “Not gonna do anything crazy, but use your safewords if needed. Standard ones apply.” She smirked at him.

“Yes, Mistress.” He was thrilled to hear her getting into her role, and his erection proved it. “May I ask a question?” he said.

“Yes.” Her reply came out a little on the breathless side so he assumed she’d seen his shaft and was as affected as he was.

“May I look at you?”

“Briefly. Then I’m blindfolding you.” When he looked up, she gazed at him from hooded eyes, looking sexier than hell. He doubted she even knew what she did to him. She removed clothing down to her undergarments and stopped there. His dick bobbed. “That’s it big boy.” Crawling up the table and over his abs she straddled him. “See you later.” She winked and that was the last thing he saw before the darkness.

Jake lost track of time as she assaulted his senses using her lips, teeth, tongue and fingers to explore and ignite his body from head to toe. What started as a slow burn became a raging inferno. Jake couldn’t take the torture anymore. He was either going to die or explode. He tried to safeword but as his mouth opened Kristy’s tongue f
ound his and he moaned instead.

After her calming, loving kiss, she went south and her tongue probed his balls as they tightened. Her mouth found his head and took one hard long suck as his body started to shake involuntarily. Next thing he knew, a condom was rolled on and her wetness crashed down on him.

“Oh, yes Mistress, fuck me!” he cried.

She rode him fast and hard as her velvet walls milked him for all he was worth. He could hear himself making all kinds of perverse noises. He couldn’t help himself.
Oh, God what she does to me, how will I ever survive her?

He knew what was going to be the biggest orgasm of his life pooled down his lower back and up around to his balls. The burn of his erection was growing hotter as each minute passed. Finally he could go no more. He exploded fast and hard. He let out the loudest noise he’d ever heard leave his body as light exploded behind his eyes. Fighting to get his breath back, his dick rocked with spasms as Kristy let out a cry of her own release, and then collapsed on his chest.




He wasn’t exactly comfortable but felt warmth in his arms. His eyes fluttered open and the playroom ceiling came into focus. Kristy pressed up against his side, sleeping. They were still on the table, their naked bodies covered in one of his aftercare blankets.

He kissed her on the head. “Baby?” he whispered, and tried to untangle her limbs from his body so he could answer nature's call.

She startled and jumped looking around. Her eyes found Jake and he smiled a huge smile. “Hello there.”

“Hello there, yourself.”

She leaned to him and kissed him. “So I think you liked what I did, maybe just a little bit?” She giggled.

He flipped her and pressed his weight to pin her down. “Damn woman, as if you couldn’t tell.” He closed his eyes at the memory and opened them again. Touching his forehead against hers, he continued. “I don’t know that I liked the teasing. You almost killed me, and I almost used my safeword, I think, but then you changed tactics as if you knew. That was the hardest I can ever remember coming. Oh, God, it was good baby, so good.” He took a deep breath, shook his head, and rolled away off the table heading to the bathroom.

When he came back, she stood by the door wrapped in the blanket staring at the silver cloth she'd returned to the hook. Without turning to him, she said, “I like your idea, with the silk. I never knew what it looked like, and never associated a color with the feel
. Seeing it? Well, let’s just say it does things to me.”

He pulled the blanket off her. “Oh, yeah? What kinds of things?” He slid his hand between her folds and groaned at the wetness. “You’re so ready for me again.” He finger fucked her until her walls contracted. Dropping her to the floor, he growled, “I don’t have a condom. I want to fuck you now!” He kissed her passionately and the familiar ache of need was building painfully.

“I’m on the pill, Jake. Fuck me.” She breathed.

She used his name a lot and he loved hearing it from her mouth. He slipped his cock into her and practically whimpered at the feel of her hot wetness connecting with his skin. He slammed into her fast and hard, it was a quickie in the true sense of the word. She peaked first and he soon followed.

He slipped out and rolled onto the floor next to her placing his arm over his eyes. “Shit, baby. I can’t get enough.”

“I know how you feel,” she whispered.

They lay on the floor for a long time, cuddling on the blanket by the door. They never made it out that night, between talking, making love, and fucking. They discussed life - past, present, and future. It did his heart good. He could see a future with this woman. Something he’d never imagined for himself. When she bought up wanting children, he didn’t panic and was surprised that he, too, could see them with kids one day. His heart fluttered.

Epilogue ~ Two Months Later…


“Do you miss it Jake?” Kristy wanted to know. He seemed a little bit off lately and she sensed he missed the club.

“Miss what baby?” They were sitting next to one another on a park bench after a jog. He pressed his lips to her temple.

“Service Top.” A sideways glance told her he was mulling over the question.

“Sometimes I do. I mean, it was a big part of my life for quite some time so I can’t pretend it never happened.”

“No, I wasn’t asking you to. I just thought if you wanted to go back part-time, maybe you can talk to Master Kyle.”

“What? You want me to go back?” He released his arm from around her shoulder and pulled away to look at her with wide eyes.

“I know you enjoy it. I trust you. You know I love you, and I’m secure in our relationship. So I have no problem with it, unless you do.” She flipped her hair over her shoulder, and turned to face him on the bench.

“That’s kind of you, but I don’t know. While I do miss it, I don’t know if I could go back to doing it. I’ve changed so much since then.” He looked away from her and toward the traffic going by.

Kristy slouched down on the bench. Jake turned his attention back to her. “They called today to ask me if I’d do a demo tonight in the big room.”

“They did?” Kristy’s heart thudded in her chest at the thought of watching him in action again. It had been a while since she saw him in that atmosphere. “Are you going to do it?”

“I told them I’d let them know soon. I was going to tell them no anyway, but didn’t feel like arguing with Kyle when he called. He can be persuasive. So I was going to call back when someone else would be manning the phones to say no.” His eyes lowered toward her lips, she licked them.

“I think you should do it.” She sat up anticipating a kiss, but he just stared at her face, and she could see his eyes dilate.

“You do?” He pulled her close and his lips brushed her ear.

“Uh huh,” she breathed.

“Let’s go home.” He took her hand, but didn’t rise from the bench. “First, I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”

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