The Man's Outrageous Demands (15 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lennox

BOOK: The Man's Outrageous Demands
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“I want to go on,” she said, and her hand reached to help him undo his belt. He stood up and pulled his pants off, then his boxers, standing before her completely naked.

Marabeth took her fill of him, marveling in the amazing muscular strength of his perfect body. His arms were well defined and bulging with biceps and triceps. His shoulders had at least two inches more than the other men of her acquaintance, pounded with thick muscles as well. And the man’s chest and stomach would make a sculptor drool, she thought, they were so hard and contoured.

She wouldn’t let her eyes drop lower and he chuckled softly when her eyes snapped back to his, her face reddening in embarrassment. He leaned back over her, took her hand in his and pulled it against him. “Don’t be embarrassed, Marabeth. I intend to touch you everywhere,” he said. “So feel free to explore my body as well.”

Marabeth gasped yet again when he lowered his naked body to cover hers. She wished she could be non-chalant about it but she just wanted to scream out with her need. It was a physical force now and when his mouth bent down to capture her nipple, she almost screamed out. Her hips moved and pressed against his while her hands went to his arms and shoulders, tracing the hard muscles in fascination.

When his hand moved downward, her legs closed up and her eyes snapped up, looking to him for reassurance. “Don’t be afraid,” he said and kissed her passionately.

Marabeth saw the sweat forming on his forehead and she understood he was exerting a great deal of effort to go slower for her. In response, she turned fully to him, closing her eyes and opening for him. Her reward was to find that his hands weren’t made of flesh and bone but were actually magic.

Marabeth could no more contain her reaction to his fingers than she could stop the tides from flowing across the earth. With mounting pressure, Sam’s fingers moved along her soft, slick folds until her breath stopped and she cried out her release.

The next thing she knew, Sam was moving over her, his manhood sliding inside her center and the tide started all over again. Her eyes were wide and there was only a moment of pain before he was fully embedded inside her. She watched the bliss pass over his face and then he started moving. There was no time for thought or even breathing as Sam took her to the pinnacle of ecstasy yet again.

Two days later, Marabeth walked to the breakfast table feeling like she was walking on a cloud. Sam had woken her with kisses the following morning and then made love to her yet again. It had been the most amazing experience of her life.

Unfortunately, or maybe it was fortunate, Sam had had to leave for the Cordova coast for a three day trip to plan out some secret military base. She didn’t know the details. All she knew was that she missed him. And that her feelings were very confused about him.

How did she feel about the man? Why was she still holding back? Maybe because she didn’t know how he felt about her. What were his real motives for wanting her? Did he really want her as a woman? Or did he want her as a princess?

She was sitting at her desk, staring out the window when Stacy announced that her brother was here to see her. Max walked into her office and Marabeth stood up. “What are you doing down at this end of the palace?” she asked, smiling a greeting to him. Since she’d first met Sam, she hadn’t seen much of her brother. Probably because he and Sam were good friends and initially, Marabeth had been trying to avoid Sam. Now that she wasn’t running away from him exactly, she’d been spending more time on her own, trying to figure out what she wanted from life. Just as she had been a moment ago.

“I’ve come to talk to you,” he said, taking a seat on the opposite side of her desk. “I wanted to know what you have against Sam,” he said without preamble.

Marabeth smothered a smile. “You mean besides the fact that he’s one of the most arrogant and bossy men I’ve ever met? You and father not included.” She could tell that her brother didn’t like her teasing but perhaps it was because she wasn’t really teasing him.

“I think you’ve mistaken his intentions,” he countered.

“I don’t think I have. He’s asked father for permission to marry me. I think that makes things pretty clear.” Stating that out loud made her realize one thing that was bothering her about her relationship with Sam. He hadn’t ever really asked her to marry him. He’d just decided it was a good thing and then moved on to assuming she would fall in line with his opinion.

“He’ll take very good care of you, Marabeth. He’s a strong leader.”


Marabeth sank back into her chair. “And I guess that’s part of the problem,” she said out loud.

“What do you mean?” Max asked, leaning forward, eager to listen. Marabeth understood though. Max was just like Sam and her father. When there was a problem, they felt it was their duty to fix it. It didn’t matter if the woman was able to handle the problem on her own.

“I mean, I don’t like being taken care of.”


Max’s confusion was evident. “But what do you want?”


That was the million dollar question, wasn’t it? “I don’t know,” she said, sighing heavily.


Max leaned back again. “Do you love him?” he asked.

Marabeth laughed. “I barely know the man. I don’t think I’m in a position to love him,” she said, but a voice in the back of her mind was calling her a liar. She suspected that she really did love him. Unfortunately, she also wanted his love in return. And she didn’t think there was any reason for him to love her.

Venturing into strange territory with her ever so proper brother, she asked, “Max, why do you think Sam wants to marry me? I mean, he could have any woman he wants.”

Max raised an eyebrow as he took in the delicate beauty of his sister. Her red, flaming hair was her best asset but that was only because her soft, white skin didn’t compete but complimented it. And her eyes! Good grief, he thought. His baby sister was a raving beauty. “You’re kidding, right?” he asked, sure she understood her worth.

Marabeth shook her head. “No. I can see how marrying me would ensure his place within the Cordova government.” Her voice was strong but her insides were sad. She put a bright face on it for her brother though.

Max smiled broadly. “Well, I know hearing this from your brother won’t mean much to you, but you’re very pretty, Marabeth.” He turned his head to one side, considering her features. “Some might say stunning.”

Marabeth was grateful for his compliment but he was right. It didn’t mean much coming from him. She suspected that he was only trying to make her feel better. It worked, but it didn’t help her to understand why Sam wanted to marry her.

“Listen, if you’re thinking he’s marrying you for title or position, or even your wealth, then forget it. You don’t know Sam if that’s what you’re thinking. Sam is incredibly wealthy in his own right. Probably wealthier than you but no one knows his actual net worth. And it took a lot of convincing by father and me to get him to take this job. So I can pretty much guarantee that it isn’t to maintain his place in the government. He’d be out of here in a heartbeat if we could find someone to do the job better than he could. But the fact is, he’s the best man for the job. His changes are already being felt and I know he has a lot more to implement. If you don’t believe me, just ask father or even better, talk to Sam.”
Marabeth nodded, smiling her appreciation for his talk. “Thank you, Max.”

“But you’re not going to listen to me, are you?”


“I’ll take your words into consideration.”


“And marry him?”


“Maybe,” she said tartly, smiling to ease the non-answer.

Max stood up, preparing to leave but he said one more thing before he left. “Don’t doubt Sam, Marabeth. He’s his own man. If he says he wants to marry you, there are no ulterior motives,” he said.

Marabeth sat back and absorbed his words, turning to stare out the window again. What Max had said fit in with what she knew about Sam, but her whole life, she’d been the ugly duckling. So it still didn’t make sense. Why, after so many years and horrible men like George rejecting her, would someone as handsome, charming and intelligent as Sam want someone like her?

Sighing, she picked up her pencil and forced her mind back on her work. She knew she had many things to research and, now that Sam wouldn’t let her leave the palace, she had plenty of time to do that.

Thinking of the restrictions, she made a mental note to talk to Sam about them. She hated these silly, overly protective restrictions.

The three days without Sam helped her put her relationship in some sort of perspective. Sam was wonderful and, in the dark hours of the night, she knew she was falling in love with him. Without him here to muddy up the air, she was able to think more clearly and see that her feelings for him were deeper than she wanted, but they were what they were.

She also realized that she needed to get out of the palace. It was a huge building with offices on one end and the private wing on the other. It really was a complete city unto itself but that didn’t mean she liked not being able to see other people.

So when Sam walked into her office three days later, she stood up and stopped him before he could give her a kiss in greeting. “Sam, what’s going on?” she asked.

He stopped, took her hand in his and caressed the soft skin on her wrist. “What’s going on?” he repeated. “You mean besides the fact that I’m about to throw you over my shoulder and carry you to your bedroom?”

Just the idea had her shaking with the need for a repeat of the night they’d spent together. Despite that need, she shook her head. “No,” she said firmly. Taking a deep breath to clear her mind of the images of Sam naked again, she concentrated on her mission instead. “I want to know why I’m not allowed out of the palace. And when are the restrictions going to be lifted?”

Marabeth knew she was in trouble when the fire in Sam’s eyes only intensified. “Do you know how sexy you are when you try and be firm?”

Marabeth’s mouth dried up at the desire she saw in his eyes. “Sam, I’m warning you. Stop this right now,” she said but her voice didn’t sound very firm anymore. It sounded breathy, as if even now she was thinking about how wonderful it would be for him to take her into his arms. “I want some answers,” she said.

Sam turned her hand over and kissed her wrist, sending sparks of fire along her nerve endings. “How about this for an answer…I want to take off that prim little silk shirt you have on and see what color underwear you’re wearing. Then I want to peel the underwear off you and kiss you’re beautiful breasts. After that…”

“Stop it,” she demanded. But there was no heat in her voice. It was all in her veins. “You can’t do this to me,” she said. “It’s the middle of the day.”

“What difference does it make? I want to see you naked and writhing underneath me, feeling the same things I’m currently feeling,” he said and took her hand to cover his heartbeat which was beating wildly.

“Sam, it is the middle of the day. We can’t….”

He interrupted her but kissing her, hard, passionately. When he lifted his head, he looked down into her eyes, noting with satisfaction that she was feeling the same way. “Yes, we can. And if you don’t come with me to your apartment, I’ll turn around and lock the door and take you right here on your dainty little desk.”

Marabeth could barely breathe. In fact, her breath was coming in small little gasps as her mind pictured exactly what he was suggesting. She wanted him to do just that but the more sensible part of her knew it would be a very bad thing if they were caught. “My apartment,” she said and was almost yanked off her feet as he took her hand in his.

They were in her apartment within minutes thanks to Sam’s ability to ignore several people’s calls. Once there, he pushed her into her bedroom and told her to take off her clothes.

“But…” “Now, Marabeth,” he ordered, tossing his tie onto a chair. His hand moved to the buttons on his shirt and she realized he wasn’t kidding. It turned her on to have him watch her although she was thrilled by the idea. Could she do it? Her tongue licked her suddenly dry lips and watched as his chest was bared to her view. “You’re not moving fast enough,” he said and walked over to her.

With deft movements, he slipped her black, wool jacket off to the same chair now holding his own plus his shirt and tie. Then he stepped back and started with his belt. “Finish it,” he demanded.

This time, his voice was hoarse so she knew he was feeling exactly what she was feeling. The bulge in his pants also told her that he was turned on. She reached behind her to release the button on her silk shirt, then slipped it over her head, taking the silk camisole with it. She then stood there, in only her white, lace bra. Her eyes looked over at him and saw that his hand was frozen on his belt as he watched her.

“Keep going,” he said. His voice was softer this time but just as raspy. She did what he said, reaching for the zipper on her skirt, slipping it off and tossing it onto the chair again.

“Now what?” she said, standing there in only her bra, panties and thigh high stockings.


“You’re bra. Take it off,” he said.

She reached behind her and unclasped the lace nothing, tossing it over her skirt. “Now what?” she said, feeling the heat between her legs. She wanted him so intensely but she held back, knowing that he would probably think she was wanton if she did everything she wanted to do to him.

“Take off your underwear.”


She reached for her underwear and almost pulled her stockings down as well. “No, leave the stockings on,” he said.

When she slipped the underwear off and stood in front of him naked except for her stockings and shoes, she was so ready for him she wanted to reach out for him. But something held her back.

Sam was having none of that. He tossed his slacks and underwear over their stack of clothes, then came forward, taking her in his arms and lifting her against him. “Sam!” she called out, feeling as if she would explode.

“Touch me,” he said, and she reached out for him, running her hands over his shoulders, her mouth finding his and her hands holding his head.

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