The Lost Treasure Map Series (60 page)

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Authors: V Bertolaccini

Tags: #adventure books, #mystery suspense, #mystery detective, #classic horror, #national treasure, #quadrilogy, #classic bestsellers, #science fiction classics, #ancient lost treasures, #fantastic journeys

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They had found
ways to increase the communications between William and the entity
by using specially designed equipment, connected to the alien

William was in
a seat where he had objects covering his head connected to
equipment that monitored him and his thoughts and transmitted his
thoughts to the alien artifact.

Bryson realized that they had been
correct in informing the entity that the other transcendent and its
alien artifact at the other castle no longer existed, which it had
been stuck there trying to make contact with, and it had told them
that it had detected it was. It had been designed to meet it and
destroy it if it was a danger to it or its creators

and it had been
unable to do it as it had been damaged by having its energy source
damaged, which had happened so fast that it had not realized what
had happened.

They had all
watched it activating their equipment – which they had taught
William how to use and how it worked.

All the
scientists had stood back as it burst into life – using massive
amounts of energy fed to it through attached cables – with the
sheer energy making the castle about them vibrate and lurch!

though it was a great deal of energy to them it was little to the
entity – but enough to allow it to do what they had told it to do

and to open a gateway through time to itself before
it had entered this universe, just before it had made its
appearance on this world where it had failed to get enough

All the scientists there realized
immediately that it was working and that it had achieved its

and that it could use the energy supply from itself in

realized that they had actually found out from their questioning of
it that it was partly programmed, but nothing like their computers,
or from this universe, and that it mainly functioned carrying out
what it had been created for and that it had been a form of time
probe – which they had not been properly able to deduce – as vast
amounts of information that it had could not be translated or
understood, and had no equivalent.

For a moment Bryson wondered if it could
change history and do something like stop itself from entering the
universe in 1620, when the fishermen at the fishing village had
witnessed its materialization and bright light exploding out of the
early morning mist over the sea, like a crazy shooting star.

Suddenly William and the alien
artifact vanished and
Bryson realized the hideous reality of the situation and
that they had let it loose on the universe and on the whole of

In the
first place it had been virtual mad when it had been split in half!
It surely had been altered by William Randall and his men’s
experiments – and them altering it to believe in tales of
witchcraft, magic, demons, and hell – and the other
haunting the other castle that it had

and there was no proper proof that it was undamaged by its
entrance into the universe, and it crashing into the

Though they all soon sensed that it had not
and felt its power and intelligence, and how sane it was, and that
it was far more than anything that he had ever thought existed!

Light from it exploded everywhere all
over the world showing them its new existence

and entities in the form of
large bright globes appeared around them and slowly

When it finished Bryson felt vaguely
confused but knew that it had left the universe and that they had
done everything that they could for it, and the world.

He then wondered if William had told
him the truth earlier that day when he had told him that William
Randall had got his treasure from the entity, which had collected
it from many sources, and that he had only removed part of the
treasure to the other castle

which had been what Bryson had found at the
other castle

and that the remains of the treasure had been buried away in
a secret chamber under floor of the second tunnel.

When Bryson investigated it he was staggered
to find Pendleton there already, digging up the ground under the
second tunnel and that he had just uncovered the secret chamber,
and both of them climbed into it and found an entire room full of




The Transcendent


For billions of years the transcendent
voyager had existed never wholly knowing what had created it or
where it had originated, carrying out its mission of searching
through time and space in its universe for abnormalities, unknown
civilizations and species, and transcendent entities with colossal
powers and capabilities and to destroy them if they were dangerous
to reality and what its programming considered dangerous.

It had been designed and given technology
beyond anything else that it had encountered and had the abilities
to search its universe in a degree and with abilities that would
not have been believed to exist by the most advanced transcendences
and civilizations, and would have been thought of as magical
powers, and it had the ability to search its universe throughout

Its form had been an invisible complex mass
of energy, stored in many dimensions, that had been built to last
forever, and it directly entered stars to energize itself and store
its vast powers for extensive amounts of time.

Its stores of information had been vast and
it had the ability to collect as much information on what it had
been programmed for eternally and improve its defenses and other
abilities, and it had become the ultimate weapon of destruction
against the destruction of its universe.

It had stored the technology and abilities
of zillions of species and had the ability to recognize and handle
what it had been searching for within a range of its universe.

At one point it had unintentionally left the
universe and had entered an outer universe that it had not known
the existence of, where colossal amounts of universes had existed,
and on its entrance there its programming had accepted it as the
real universe and that it had to accept it as the universe that it
had to carry out its mission in.

At first it had been unable to enter the
universes and properly detect anything in them and it used all its
information and studied how it had entered the outer universe and
found a way to enter them and locate particular things in them, but
infinite amounts of things of unknown origins existed in them.

In supernatural universes it had learned to
open and use gateways that shifted it accurately to destinations.
It discovered far more than it had ever realized could exist and it
gave itself colossal magical abilities and energies and it had
analyzed everything in a greater degree.

On its first entrances to the universes it
had been left staggered when it had encountered something of
unknown origins that had drained its energy from it!

Something had virtually absorbed all
its power instantly on its entrance of the Earth

s atmosphere, only leaving
it with some of its energy in other dimensions, which it had not
considered possible as it had not been possible in its own
universe, and it could not get proper amounts of power in other
dimensions and had to fight to survive and had continuously tried
to alter and adapt to something that it could survive as, and it
had to create dormant states and ways of collecting energy from
small sources and storing it until it had enough to reactivate
itself, and work on finding a source powerful enough for it to use
to leave there.

Even though it had not done much in its
damaged condition, with its vast abilities virtually unusable, it
had been able to explore things through supernatural gateways into
universes, going out into the strangest places, and it had even
considered if there had been others such as it in the endless
universes and if they had created it, and if it could contact them
to help it, and it had gained abilities to explore inconceivable
dimensions and powers in the universes, far beyond its original
knowledge and powers.

The humans had helped it and it had used its
powers to help them and it had created things for them, including
defenses and entities to protect them, and it had created things to
hide itself away, even though it had almost damaged itself by
splitting itself into two halves.

The humans had become far more advanced and
it had been surprised that they had actually found a way for it to
restore itself!

On entering the outer universes it had
repaired itself and immediately made sure nothing could drain it of
energy again and gave itself abilities to create energy in new ways
anywhere, and it altered most of its programming to adapt.

It created colossal supernatural powers,
going beyond anything known, and used its magical powers to
transform it into something beyond anything that it had ever
encountered and it gained powers to build universes, and others,
and found far more than it had ever realized could exist and
another universe beyond there.


Part III


Novel 3


The Lost Treasure Map 3


Victor Bertolaccini



The Lost


For centuries
stories of an ultimate time traveler and lost treasures had been
passed on through generations of future civilizations, even though
a few details only existed of its nature and time zone.

How it had
been detected in time had never been told and most people had
thought time travel had never properly worked, and that nothing had
existed that would possibly allow people to locate anything of that
nature, and later on when time travel had become possible, though
rarely worked properly, stories of treasure seekers risking their
lives in deadly pursuits had emerged.

So throughout months Bryson unraveled and
translated what the human time traveler had given them, and what
they had missed when he had told it. His future language was
different, being of a far distant and different future world, and
he realized again that he had realized that they had been recording
everything that he had said and had deliberately disguised facts
throughout his message, which Bryson went over until he started
knowing the time traveler and his ways, and what he had thought of

He was sure that he had given them far more
information than he should have, as it would do damage to his
future world! Yet if he located anything the people of the future
would hear of it, and that surely had been his intension.

He originally had intended to get the
technology and treasures, and had proven that they had existed
before his dangerous mission and voyage, and during it he had found
evidence of its existence and that it had been partly located at
this time zone and had become undetectable on his entrance to it,
and its location had been detectable through the many time

Bryson knew that he had been given a major
clue to its location, and he eventually discovered it and that it
was located on the same latitude as where the artifact had been

From a majority of accumulated
sources, the origins of the accounts
had emerged
from people using time
probes to check throughout the depths of time for unusual
occurrences and treasures. Even though the time probes had rarely
worked and required colossal amounts of time and

Lost treasures
and ultimate technology of colossal value had been thought to exist
and explorers had gone to incredible lengths searching for it, and
had carried out investigations for it with the most highly advanced
time probes, as treasure seekers in the twentieth century had used
undersea probes to search for lost treasures beneath the ocean.

What existed had been mythical and
priceless to the time traveler and other explorers and he knew that
they had not entirely grasped what the
ultimate time traveler and lost treasures had
been, and the
accounts of its powers and deadliness
indicated that it might have altered from something else to exist
in this universe!







The Lost Time



Chapter 1


The Exploration


Media from throughout the globe arrived at
the annual Exploration Association conference and Thomas Bryson
realized straight away that the whole world could now know of the
occurrences before he had anything, with it being in newspapers,
magazines, television, and about every media source.

They were packed together around the stage
platform and were interviewing and filming famous scientists
everywhere! Luckily the scientists avoided telling anything and the
majority of the people there never knew what was happening either,
and the media was mainly investigating things and doing media
updates on the famous Exploration Association.

Bryson recalled everything that he had heard
of the science conventions of the Exploration Association as he sat
silently next to other famous scientists going in a line alone the
back of the stage, with him beside paranormal scientists Merton and
Mortimer at the side of the stage curiously examining the audience,
made up of vast amounts of major scientists and explorers.

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