Read The Demon Who Fed on a Shark Online

Authors: Scarlet Hyacinth

Tags: #General Fiction, #Romance MM, #erotic MM

The Demon Who Fed on a Shark (7 page)

BOOK: The Demon Who Fed on a Shark
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Alexis released a choked moan and moved with Morgan, seeking

a deeper, harder penetration. His thoughts dissolved in a litany of his lover’s name as he clung to Morgan, impaling himself on the shark’s

twin cocks.

Over and over, Morgan fucked him, the continuous dance of

passion coming into contact with Alexis’s incubus senses. He took it

all in, becoming a vessel for the pleasure, a conduit for the sex and the desire. It was too much, and not even his hunger could contain it all.

The ecstasy overflowed, seeping into Morgan through their intimately

connected bodies.

It wasn’t even a conscious move from Alexis’s part. Incubi could

and often did seduce people by inducing sexual arousal, but this was

different. It was true, genuine pleasure, filtered through Alexis and pushing its way into Morgan, forming a perfect circle of desire,

unbreakable, almost unthinkable. Alexis saw it, felt it, could almost touch it. It was there, right in front of his eyes, binding them together, and it fed on itself, on each motion of Morgan’s cock inside Alexis’s body, on Alexis’s every cry, on every thrust that unerringly hit

Alexis’s prostate, on the pressure gathering in his balls and at the

bottom of his spine. It fueled itself on Alexis’s power and on

Morgan’s need, like a bomb ready to explode and consume them both.

So close, Alexis was so close, and he wanted to see that circle

engulf them both, wipe them clean of everything else except their

own passions. One more thing, he needed just one more thing to lose

himself forever.

Whether Morgan sensed his need or not, Alexis didn’t know. A

few instants later, Morgan thrust one last time inside him, so hard

Alexis’s teeth rattled. A rough whisper sounded in his ear, “Come.”


Scarlet Hyacinth

Even if Alexis would have liked to hold on, to cling to that

pleasure and find that peak still out of his reach, he couldn’t hold

back. With a desperate cry, he came, splattering Morgan’s belly with

his spunk. Morgan’s cock throbbed inside him, and moments later,

wet heat filled his ass and Morgan’s orgasm washed over him through

his incubus senses.

Alexis rode it all, accepting the pleasure Morgan offered, opening

himself to the experience. It was like floating on a cloud that smelled like the sea and like lust and home. His world was just Morgan, his

heat, his love, and passion. But all too soon, the ecstasy began to

diminish, and Alexis managed to focus his vision once again.

He felt oddly disappointed, but too exhausted to wonder what

Morgan had held back. His heart and his body were completely sated,

and as Morgan cuddled him to his chest, Alexis allowed himself to

relax in his lover’s embrace. Soon, they’d have to return to the real world, but for the moment, Alexis was happy here, where Morgan’s

strong arms kept him safe from all harm.

His eyes only opened when he remembered where he’d just had

sex. “Oh, God, your parents,” he told Morgan.

Morgan just chuckled, sounding completely carefree. “They’re

fine with it, baby. I told you. Now close your eyes and get some rest.

I’ll wake you for dinner.”

Morgan’s voice was so gently coaxing that Alexis couldn’t bring

himself to resist. He fell asleep like that, still in Morgan’s embrace, and with a question still prodding at the bottom of his mind. What had Morgan intended to do, and why had he decided against it?

The Demon Who Fed on a Shark


Chapter Three

Morgan sat at the dinner table, Alexis to his right, his father to his left at the head of the table, and his dad opposite him. The rest of his family, his brother and grandparents, were spread out along the table.

Usually, when they had guests, his two fathers sat opposite each

other, but they were going for a friendlier approach in an attempt to make Alexis feel at home. Morgan could see it in everything they did

and was very thankful for it.

None of those present had given more than a cursory glance to the

scarred side of Alexis’s face. The scar wasn’t even so visible now,

especially with Alexis’s hair covering it, but Morgan knew Alexis still felt very self-conscious about it. But Morgan’s family had shown

incredible tact about the whole thing, and barring the occasional

awkward comment, the visit was going very smoothly, even better

than Morgan had expected.

The light buzz of conversation around him made for a pleasant

atmosphere. Alexis seemed more relaxed now, and Morgan’s dad

showed great interest in getting to know the incubus better. This time, though, Skylar dodged all possible sensitive subjects, instead

choosing to comment on aspects strictly related to Alexis as a person.

Alexis’s family was a no-go zone, as Morgan had taken precautions

and warned his parents not to mention the Whitakers in any way.

It then occurred to Morgan that Alexis spoke more than ate. It was

something he’d come to expect by now, since Alexis was no

gourmand. His dad, however, took note of it, and his host instincts

kicked in. “Is everything okay?” he asked. “You’ve barely touched

your dinner.”


Scarlet Hyacinth

Alexis fidgeted. “Oh, no, this is fine. I just don’t eat a lot,” the

incubus replied.

“If the dinner’s not to your liking, we can have the cook prepare

something else,” Skylar offered.

Suddenly, all eyes studied Alexis, which made Morgan’s hackles

rise. “He said it’s fine,” he replied to his dad in Alexis’s stead. His voice came out rougher than he intended, and his dad gave him a

startled look. Morgan half wanted to apologize since he was well

aware of his parents’ good intentions. But he could not bring himself to be sorry for anything he’d done or would do for Alexis.

His father narrowed his eyes at him, but Morgan didn’t avert his

gaze. Alexis placed a hand on his, and Morgan took a deep breath,

struggling for calm. His lover must have sensed the tension in the air because he started to explain, “We incubi don’t eat much.”

Morgan’s dad made a sound of acknowledgment. “I see. But if

you change your mind…”

He trailed off, and Alexis took his cue to effusively thank Skylar

for his offer and hospitality. Once again, it made Morgan wonder

about the real cause behind Alexis’s strange diet. He’d always thought there was something not right about it, but had waited for his lover to tell him. He wasn’t stupid, and he had his suspicions about the whole thing. Of course, he couldn’t share his doubts with anyone, except maybe his brother, and he didn’t want to push Alexis into a

confession the incubus was reluctant to make.

He shook himself, physically trying to push the thought away. For

the moment, it didn’t matter. He had Alexis here, and it was the only thing that counted. To reassure both himself and Alexis, he reached

for his lover under the table and squeezed Alexis’s thigh. Briefly,

Alexis turned toward him and gave him a fleeting smile. Morgan saw

so much love in that smile, a love Morgan suspected Alexis himself

didn’t realize, but awed Morgan. At the same time, though, the

expression held a hidden sadness and apprehension, and Morgan

berated himself for ever doubting Alexis. He knew by now that incubi

The Demon Who Fed on a Shark


were particularly sensitive to emotion, and while it didn’t bother him, it made Alexis acknowledge Morgan’s moods much more easily than

Morgan was used to.

For that reason, Morgan struggled to open his heart and convey all

the love he felt for Alexis through that one gaze. By now, he’d

accepted he was in love with the incubus, even if there had never been a true chance for him to sit down and talk about it. There was always one thing or another going on in their lives, and now, Alexis seemed

so frail that Morgan even feared speaking of his feelings, lest he scare the incubus away.

Still, Alexis relaxed visibly and turned his attention to the rest of the occupants of the table once again. Morgan’s parents gave him a

puzzled look, but Morgan couldn’t explain, not yet, not until Alexis

passed over this difficult time in his life and was well enough for him to be claimed by Morgan.

On the whole, the dinner ended on a positive note. Once more,

Alexis thanked Morgan’s family, and then Morgan led his lover out of

the dining room, sensing Alexis’s need to talk to him.

Morgan walked Alexis outside of the house and into the huge

gardens. At this hour, most of the staff had retreated to their own

quarters, so they were alone. Once they were safely out of earshot,

Alexis began to speak, “I know I never explained much about my

lifestyle, and I probably should have, at least, before we came here.”

Alexis bit his lip, radiating nervousness. “Just promise you’ll hear me out before making any judgments.”

“You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to, baby,”

Morgan said, keeping his voice kind. “I can wait for as long as you

need to.”

Alexis laughed, the sound brittle and humorless. “That’s the

problem, you see,” he said. “You’ve been so patient already, but

patience always runs out in the end.”

Morgan opened his mouth to protest, but Alexis stopped him

before he said anything. “I didn’t mean that the way it came out.” The

Scarlet Hyacinth

incubus sighed. “It’s just…You’ve introduced me to your family, let

me in your life, but you know next to nothing about my life before

you. It’s not fair.”

“I know enough,” Morgan replied. He’d been acquainted with

Alexis’s parents and was not impressed.

“I gather you must think that.” Alexis sat down on a bench and

rubbed his arms as if he suddenly felt cold. “And some things are

obvious because, after all, everybody knows incubi are sex demons.”

Morgan didn’t like the way this conversation was going. He

accepted his lover’s demon nature, of course, but he didn’t want to

think about Alexis’s previous sex life. It made the beast inside him

rear up possessively, and that wasn’t a good thing.

Still, he sat next to Alexis and pulled the incubus close to him.

This was obviously important for Alexis, and maybe it would be

better if they got it out of the way before whatever secret Alexis was hiding turned into a Gordian knot neither of them could untie without cutting at the very basis of their relationship.

“Okay, baby,” he murmured. “I’m listening.”

“Thank you.” Alexis took a deep breath then began, “Let’s get the

first thing out of the way. You know how I don’t eat a lot? That’s

because I feed on sexual energy. Essentially, to live, incubi need sex, and if I have a very active sex life, I don’t require real food, not for its nutritive value, at least.”

Morgan nodded. It wasn’t very hard to figure that out, not really.

Anyone who gave it enough thought would end up putting things

together. His parents might not have known it outright, but they must at least suspect now.

He didn’t know what to say, so he didn’t speak at all. Alexis broke

out of his embrace, and his gaze shone with determination. “Please,

don’t get me wrong. I’m not using you as food. You’re…You’re

different from anyone who came before.”

Those simple words did wonders for Morgan’s mood. No matter

how many partners Alexis had before due to his nature, Morgan was

The Demon Who Fed on a Shark


different. He knew it. He’d known Alexis felt the same thing he

himself did.

He grabbed Alexis’s hand and squeezed it. “I would never think

you’re using me,” he replied. “You’re much too innocent for that.”

Alexis gave him a wide-eyed look. “Morgan, are you listening to

me? I just told you I live off sex. How can you tell me I’m innocent?”

Morgan brushed Alexis’s hair out of his face, as he was fond of

doing when they were alone. “Innocence isn’t just physical, baby.

Your heart is pure, and it’s mine. Tell me if I’m wrong there.”

For the longest time, Alexis just stared at him, his eyes fathomless

pools of deep black. Then he just threw his arms around Morgan’s

neck and climbed into his lap. “I don’t know how innocent I am,

Morgan,” he murmured, “but I’m all yours.”

Morgan caressed Alexis’s hair gently, his other hand reaching

under Alexis’s shirt to stroke skin. “That’s all I ask, baby. That’s all I ask.”

Alexis relaxed in his arms like a cat enjoying his master’s

attentions. Morgan was glad for their earlier romp because Alexis’s

pert little ass was right there, tantalizing him. As it was, the lust still rose within him, but he managed to hold it back, simply reveling in

the simple embrace, in feeling Alexis’s breath in his ear and the sound of their hearts beating in unison. “Now, tell me. Tell me everything

that’s on your mind.”

Alexis cuddled even closer to him, almost burying his face in his

neck, but not quite. He started to speak in a low tone, so much so that had Morgan not been gifted with particularly good hearing, he might

have missed it. “Incubi don’t live like other races. We flit through life, finding our pleasure and our nourishment among our own kind, or

among others, without shame. Some don’t understand it. Others do. It

is in our nature to be so.

“But few people know that our lives are a quest. We seek one

BOOK: The Demon Who Fed on a Shark
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