Tangled Web (13 page)

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Authors: Lizzie James

BOOK: Tangled Web
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Nathan’s hands shot out and grabbed my wrists as I tried to
cover myself. “Don’t hide yourself from me.”
He pulled my arms down so they were at my sides.
“Why are you hiding from me?” He took my face
in his hands.

“You didn’t look,” I whispered.
This made Nathan frown at me.
“I thought when you didn’t look… there was
something… wrong.” I blushed.

“No, baby, no.” He gasped, placing his forehead against
“You’re sexy, gorgeous and turn me
on like no other.” He grinned when I giggled.
“Want to know why I didn’t look?” He waited for me to nod yes.
“I didn’t need to baby.”

I frowned.
comment confused me.

“Whatever is happening between us … no matter what we’re
doing … there’s only one place I need to look.
That’s right here,” he said, leaning down so we were eye-level.
“Everything I need to know is right here, in
those beautiful eyes of yours.
Everything else just falls into place.”

I urgently pressed my lips to his.
He always knew just what to say.
Just how to reach me.

He pulled away kissing me gently one more time.
“Now what about last night?”

I frowned in confusion as he said this.

“You were hiding yourself from me last night.
I want to know why,” he demanded.

His tone may have been harsh but his eyes remained
He cocked his eyebrow at me when
I just continued to stare at him.
sighed out loud.
He wasn’t going to let
me get away with avoiding his question.

“After last night…” I started.
He shook his head but before he could say
anything I quickly continued.
your family, Nathan.
They raised
I wouldn’t be surprised if you
would start to have second thoughts about us.”

“I don’t care what they think of us.” He kissed the corner
of my lips, pulled back biting his lip.

The way he was looking at me was making me nervous.
As I went to ask him what was wrong, his
fists tensed against my back.
he was about to say was making him anxious.

“I could love you so easily,” he admitted.

I grinned as he said that.
It wasn’t an
‘I love you’
it was damn close.
I quickly took his
lips with mine and crushed my body to his.
As my breasts came into contact with his chest he groaned and lifted me
up so my legs were dangling off the floor.
My hands went to his shorts and dragged them down over his hips.
As he kicked his boxers off he walked me
backwards and placed me just outside the shower cubicle.
I shimmied my underwear off much to Nathan’s
amusement and stepped into the cubicle.
He slipped into the bedroom and was back a few seconds later.
When he joined me he moved me so that I would
be under the spray as he turned the shower on.
After checking the shower temperature wouldn’t burn he took my hand and
pulled me beneath the shower.

“Just when you couldn’t get any sexier, you start taking
care of me and protecting me from the hot water.” I wrapped my arms around his
neck and leaned up on my tiptoes.
Sometimes I hated being so much shorter than him.
He threw his head back and laughed when I
said this.
I loved his laugh.
I planned to make him laugh as much as I
Nathan gently put me down and
turned me around so that he spooned me.

“I wasn’t going to have you again, baby, but you had to go
and rub your wet fuckable body against me.” He nibbled my earlobe.

I moaned out loud, leaning my head back against his
I ground my ass against his rock
hard cock.

“Hands on the wall, baby,” he whispered, placing his hands
on my waist.

I heard the quick tear of a condom and Nathan thrust into me
from behind so fast that it took me by surprise.
I was jolted into the wall and if Nathan
wasn’t holding me up I would have slipped.
Nathan’s hands slapped onto the wall on either side of my head and his
hips began a pounding mission.
never been this deep before.

“Fuck, baby, you’re so tight.”
Nathan began sucking and licking the side of
my neck.
I held onto his arms on either
side of me and began meeting him thrust for thrust.
“Fuck, that’s it, baby, fuck, come for me.”

Fuck, hearing Nathan lose control was one of the sexiest
sounds on this Earth.
As the water
rained down on us I was completely surrounded by Nathan.
His moans, his arms and the way his cock
pounded into me was driving me crazy.
Nathan’s fingers slipped in between my legs and began rubbing my clit
back and forth.

That did it.
quickly came apart in Nathan’s arms and felt him join me as he rammed me into
the wall and ground his cock into me as he came inside me.

“Fuck, baby, every time gets better.” He chuckled.
I giggled as he said this and he quickly
pulled out of me, taking the pressure off me and the wall.
“Damn, baby, I’m sorry.” He gasped.
“Did I hurt you?” he asked, checking me over.

“I think you cracked a tile.” I sniggered.

He sighed with relief as I said this.
He quickly leaned down and softly kissed
“You bring out the best in me,” he
whispered, smoothing my wet hair behind my ears.

“You do the same to me,” I whispered back.

Nathan turned around and grabbed my shampoo. “Let me wash
you before we make an appearance at the office,” he said, with a devious grin
on his face.

After Nathan lovingly washed my hair we took turns washing
each other and gently kissing.

On the way to our offices I began feeling extremely
What would everyone think?
Would they think I was screwing Nathan as
part of the latest Johnson/Walker challenge?
Or would they just assume I was a bored, spoilt little girl trying to
get back at her family?

“Hey,” Nathan’s voice interrupted my thoughts.
He frowned at my glance.
“Stop,” he said, extending his arm out to
I went to him, quickly.
Nathan wrapped his arm around me and squeezed
me to him.
I could feel Nathan pressing
his nose into my hair and inhaling.
liked my smell.
“Don’t do that.” He
pressed a kiss to my hairline.

“Aren’t you worried what people will think?” I whispered,
squeezing myself to him.

He gently pushed the hair back from my face and rested his
cheek on my head. “No, baby,” he soothed.
“I don’t care what anyone else thinks.
I’m not going to run away from this.
This feels right.
You feel
He knew just what to say.
“I’m sure some people will have their
But we have got to ignore
We’re not doing anything wrong and
I refuse to act like we are.”
He tilted
my head up and pressed his lips to mine.
“Now put those worries to rest baby and let’s
face this shit together,” he said, giving me a sexy wink.
I pressed my lips to his as the limo came to
a stop.
Nathan helped me from the limo as
I looked up at the skyscraper taking my hand and threading his fingers through

As soon as we entered the lobby and made our way to the
elevators I was beginning to think it was a bad idea agreeing to Nathan walking
me to my office.
Basically walking into
enemy territory.
This wasn’t going to
end well.
A few people greeted Nathan
always with a polite “Good morning, Mr. Walker”, while Nathan just replied with
a swift head nod.
He was in boss mode
right now.
As we entered the elevator he
pressed the button for my floor and smiled down at me.
I couldn’t smile back when he looked at me
like that.

“So what’s next?” I squeezed his hand for reassurance.

“Well, you will continue as normal.”
I nodded when he said this.
“Then I will go to my office and change my

“You do smell,” I said seriously.
He dug his fingers into my ribs and found my
ticklish spot which caused me to giggle and struggle against him.
He stopped and wrapped his arm around my

“Then I have to meet my father and bring up what the entire
building will be gossiping about.
building and yours.”
He shook his
“Bunch of gossipers,” he muttered,
Before the doors opened I
leaned up and gave him a quick kiss and left the elevator.
“Come and have lunch with me later.” He
winked as the doors closed.

A few hours later I was debating why I didn’t just stay in
bed that morning.
My desk was littered
with invoices that needed processing and they were sending me around the
As my phone rang I checked the

“Where are you?” Nathan asked.
“You’re supposed to come and eat these
sandwiches with me.”

I giggled as he said this. “I’ll be right there, sir.”

He growled when I said that. “Get your sexy ass over here.” He
“The ladies are out to lunch so
just come straight through to my office.”

I rushed across to the Walker tower and used the elevator to
Nathan’s floor.
As I exited the elevator
I was greeted by Nathan at one of the assistant’s desks answering the

“No, he’s out of the office at the moment.”
“Yes, this is Nathan.
Okay then.
He slammed the phone down and looked up.
“There you are,” he said, sounding relieved.
“Damn phones haven’t stopped ringing.” He
muttered, taking my hand and dragged me all the way to his desk and sat me in
the chair reserved for visitors opposite his desk.

I noticed there was already a packed sandwich and bottle of
water from the nearby deli on the desk.
I smiled as I opened my sandwich.
“You bought me lunch?” I was touched he made an effort to give me a
normal office lunch.

“I’m trying to be professional.” He smirked.
“I’m assuming you don’t want any funny
business in the office?” He cocked an inquisitive eyebrow at me.

“You assume correct,” I said, nodding my head.
“While we’re in the office – me and you –
we’re just colleagues and friends.” I twisted the cap on my water.

“And when we’re out of the office?” he asked, biting his

His eyes were so intense on my face I could feel the blush
spreading across my cheeks. “When we’re out of the office,” I continued,
grinning, “I’m all yours.”
I wasn’t
usually one to flirt but I wanted to make him as hot for me as I was for him.

“Fuck me,” he silently mouthed.

I giggled when I noticed that.

He smiled in return.
“Sexy minx.” He winked at me.
“So,” he said, breaking the crusts off his sandwich.
“I’ve been meaning to ask, what are your
plans this weekend?”
He looked extremely

Why would he be nervous over asking what my plans were?

“Washing my hair.” I grinned.
He laughed out loud as I said this.
“My plans are to see as much of London as I
can this weekend.
From Leicester Square to Piccadilly, the
London Eye, museums and I’m going to see the Queen.”
I was bouncing in my seat at this point.

“I didn’t know you and the Queen were friends,” he teased
and laughed when I rolled my eyes.
when you say the Queen, you mean…?”
circulated his hand in a moving gesture for me to fill in the blanks.

“Well, I’m going to go to Buckingham Palace.”
He cocked his eyebrow when I said this.
I felt stupid now.
“I just want to reacquaint myself with all
the sights of London,” I whispered, looking down at my half-eaten
“For so long,” I continued,
“I’ve wanted to do this.
I missed London
so much when I was living in Paris.”
swallowed past the lump in my throat.
was silly I was getting so emotional.

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