Strum: virgin captive of the billionaire demon rock star monster (The Squirm Files) (4 page)

BOOK: Strum: virgin captive of the billionaire demon rock star monster (The Squirm Files)
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I’m here
, came the dry reply. A rasping sound intruded.
Doing my nails. You sacked me.

Did not
, she told it indignantly.

Did. Stop with the drama, girl. Suck him off. We both know you want to.

Consciences were clearly overrated. Delay him! What was a good question?

“Is this going to kill me?”

“No.” He leaned over, put his hand to the back of her head then kissed her forehead, murmuring, so close. “Do it.”

With her fingertips
clenched by his, she was slowly unzipping him and she couldn’t tear her eyes away. The tip of his cock appeared, pulsing deep, incandescent purple, orange, and red, jutting from the top of his boxer shorts. The man...demon, was big. Perhaps too big for her mouth.

Stop! I’m almost married! Even if I forget what his best bits look like.”

But she s
ighed at the sight of that cock. The thing looked like it might have a life of its own.

“You’re not yet. And this is for him.”

What an argument. Zagan was a master at debate.

The author typed faster, desperately hoping no one noticed the
super-bad almost pun.

“We don’
t know each other. How do I even know you like me? That seems a minimum requirement.” Ignoring the insta-love, which was so convenient she had a feeling someone had fudged the results.

He eyed her, then his twitching cock. Her mouth was barely two inches away from taking him in
side...sucking...slurping...doing naughty stuff that needed even more of those dot dot dot ellipsis things.

She licked her lips and
wriggled to assuage the ache between her legs.

His reply was soft. Though
, gosh darnit, his cock was rather hard. “You want proof? Who do you think awakened you? I went back to see if you were okay. Everyone was asleep.”

Oh. M
“You came back.” Tears threatened to spill. “Did you kiss me to wake me?”

“Yes.” He nodded. “
I did, Virginia.”

Her mind had a bad habit of thinking things through. Everyone was asleep. She frowned.
“And the others? Did you kiss them too?”

“Hell, no!
I’m not sick.”

If he’d kissed a shitload of castle people, and then kissed her...ick.

Listen. I’m radioactive. But you can take one dose.” His murmur cut through the last of her resistance. His fingers in her hair crackled with force and just their presence coaxed her to get nearer, to do bad things, to lick him.

The enormous cock
swayed there before her, fully erect, waiting for her to close her mouth over it.

“This is fuck
ing huge,” she said, awestruck, and going cross-eyed.

Everything about it reminded her of a rocket about to take off. The way it strained
upward, swelling with each pulse of his blood. The tortuous veins that ran up its length to the flared tip were like pipelines supplying fuel. The beautiful depth of color – she half expected to see numbers stenciled on the side like
Space Shuttle Number 99
. Plus no cock she’d heard of, and none she’d seen through the multitude of holes she’d drilled in toilet doors, was ever this amazing purplish-red.

For years she’
d wanted to see the fabled ten inch purple-headed schlong, and now, one was before her lips.

Like any decent butterfly collector she had this indefinable urge to capture it with a net and
smoosh it between a book.

Had she ever had Karl’s co
ck in her mouth? It was odd that she couldn’t remember. Could it rival this weapon of mass seduction of Zagan’s? The thing looked powerful, lethal. Like, if it went off while she was sucking him, would it blow her head off?

“Do it, girl. Don’t hesitate.”

“I’m wondering if insurance will cover my head exploding. This is supersize, Zagan. Does it come in extra small or with training wheels?” She twisted her mouth. Not that she really wanted that but it was kinda scary.

“It’s the way I roll.” He
laughed then lowered his voice. “I’m a demon. Trust me, you wouldn’t want it smaller. When I come I might not blow your head off but I plan to be so far down your throat, I’ll be saying hello to your pussy.”

She eyed him.
Inspiring confidence was obviously not his strong suit.

You think too much.” Then he grabbed her and shoved, demanding entry, sliding his cock in through her stretched lips. “There.”

had to open more and more as the blunt thing pushed slowly into her mouth. The head slid, prodded, and despite her gagging, travelled inward. Her teeth grazed him as she sank lower and lower, his length gliding over her tongue, sliding on her spit.

Breathing through her nose seemed essential.
The things one learned by doing. She made a gurgling noise, and encouraged him to pull out by trying to move her head.

Good girl.” He groaned, took a double handful of her hair, and forced her down onto him another half inch.

He tasted of toasted coconut.
Her vision started to blur.

He let her up and she gasped.
Had he never heard of breathing?

“The deeper I go, the more you take of me, the more power my balls get from this. Suck me. Lick me.
Let me in all the fucking way.”

Power to his balls?
Somehow, she figured he didn’t mean crystal ones.

But was that the t
ruth? If he said it to all his girlfriends...if she found out he didn’t really need a BJ. She shot him a sour look.

If the man couldn’t harness the power of the sun after this
, she was smacking him.

She curled her tongue and caressed the underside,
slurping well, pleased at his long groan.

The rhythm intensified as his enormous rocket to the heavens
delved into her mouth. Her jaw started to ache but still he thrust in and out, holding her hair to make her do it the way he wanted. Saliva dribbled past her lips and down the now red-hot shaft. She swore she heard sizzling noises. Steam rose from his pants. The pulse in those thick blood vessels hummed against her tongue.

hummed too and she knew he must be looking at what he was making her do. This was sexy, powerful, and so arousing. She was sure she needed to come almost as much as he did.

“Yes. Fuck, yes,” he gasped and he rammed his cock deeper down her throat, choking her
again. The pump of his cum as it erupted sent a thrill, a buzz, through the flesh filling her mouth and she swallowed convulsively, feeling cum spurt against the back of her throat.

We have liftoff!

Hot and burning. It mightn’t be rocket fuel, but it was radioactive.

Jeez, the things she did for...herself.

She couldn’t deny it; she’d liked doing that. When he extracted his cock from her mouth, she sat there on her knees with her eyes mostly closed, clouded in steam and licking her lips of the last of his taste.

“Come here
, Virginia.” He pulled her up onto his lap and stuck his hand down her tights. “Let’s see what this octopus is so fascinated by. Girl, you are so fucking sexy.” His hand anchored into the hair at her nape and he dragged her head back and kissed her fully on the mouth. She moaned breathlessly, hypnotized by his flaming eyes and the possessive touch of his mouth on hers.

She drew away
a fraction of an inch, her lips brushing his as she spoke.

“Wait. Karl...”

“He’s not here. You need this.” Then he smothered any further protests with his mouth.

His finge
rs below alternated between slipping up and down her soaking wet slit and around and around her clit like some tantalizing game of tag where her clit was home base. At first she strived to get away but passion overrode her misgivings. She writhed. She pushed her pelvis up at him then compulsion arrived and, moaning, she rode his fingers hard, grinding.

She gasped.
Oh fuck. More.

When she tried her
to unstick her mouth from his to say something, he kissed her harder, made her bring her tongue into the game.

Their tongues dueled like a pair of the
three musketeers doing sword practice. En guard. Riposte. Parry.

er arousal rose, built to the edge of the edge of a big mile-deep chasm and when she fell she was going to need some damn good wings. One of his fingers parted her lower lips and drove up inside her. She arched and came, spasming around his hand, gasping into his mouth. The luscious joy expanded into her mind and carried everything away except it, the O, making her feel, and strain upward with her thighs, and grab at the nearest hard muscle. With her eyes rolled back, she keened until she collapsed back into the real world and found her mouth still open, screaming quietly. He kissed her once more.

“Done, beautiful?”

“That. Was incredible.”

“I am a demon.
A sex demon.”

Panting, with her forehead tucked into his chest, she clutched his shoulders. Whatever the rules were for this sport, she needed to get a copy of the manual, ASAP.



“Hiya. Want some? This is great!”

The words from some unknown man, made her gasp and swing her head up to look.

“It’s just Lars,” Zagan whispered, but he let her see.

To the right, a
t the other end of the coffee table, on yet another leather armchair, slouched Lars Trask, the bass player of Purgatory. His long black hair disguised what he was doing but the snorting sound, then coughing and sneezing, made it clear he was snorting a line of some drug from the glass. Something shot across the table and rattled as it spun onto the floor.

She peered and frowned.
Small. Brown. Disc-like. Not cocaine?

“What the fuck are you doing, Lars?”
Zagan hitched forward to look. “What was that?”

Lars coughed again and wiped his nose. “Fuckin’ supplier ran out of coke, crack, heroine, damn everything. It’s...”
Blearily, his finger swaying he pointed at the tiny brown thing on the floor. These’re leftovers from someone’s comeback tour. Found ’em in a cupboard. Brown fuckin’ candy. N and N’s, or something? They taste good too.” He threw one in his mouth and chewed happily.

The chuckling by
Zagan rocked her on his lap. Finally, Virginia remembered to blush. He would have seen what they’d been doing. She wanted to crawl under the table and hide. Although...Lars looked so out of it he might not have noticed.

Another man spoke up from the left.

She shut her eyes for a second. What next? Had they been filming a documentary while she sucked off Zagan?

ut yes, there he was, Skoll Blade, leaning on a chair and grinning at them both. Short red hair, black nails, tattoos of spiders down his neck, fantastic vocalist and rhythm guitarist. Yes, he was fully compos mentis, and he’d been watching.

“Keep going, you two.
Yep, it’s me, the ass-fucking specialist. Mr. T. Rex told me she was one of my candidates.”

Not anymore. She’s mine and we’re leaving.” He stood and helped Virginia to her feet, steadied her, adjusted her shirt. “You want this book?”

She nodded, having
decided to ignore the asshole specialist.

We have to get to the roof. I need a view to do this.”

“Damn. I was taking notes too.”
Skoll made a

flipped him the bird. “You get enough women to take your own notes. Help Lars get to the hotel. I’ll need you all soon. Cancel the concerts for the rest of the week.”

Lars let his mouth fall open then shut it with his hand. “We’ll lose hundreds of thousands, man. Insurance won’t cover this.”

“No, but I will.”

“Fine.” Skoll shrugged.

led her into the main hall then out through an exit door. He put his hands on her waist, just above her hips and smiled. “You swallowed, didn’t you? Even though I said not to.”

“Yes. It just happened. Is that bad?”

“I think you’ll be
okay. I can’t detect any excessive radiation in you.”

“You can tell that?”

He raised his hand and used his fingers to smooth away hair from her cheek. “I can. I can see all sorts of things, now that I have my powers back. You’re different and I don’t know why.”

She nodded, turning her mouth down
and placing her hand over his where he held her face. “A catholic school education does that.”

It’s more than that. Much more.” He shut his eyes and a chill slowly ran through her, like a ship being scanned by sonar. “I can’t detect any radiation at all.”

Surely that was good? “
How are we getting to the roof? Ladder?” She raised her eyes. Four stories by normal building measurements? “Cause that’s a looong way up.”

“Ladder, no.” He hugged her close. “We do it this way.”

Then he took off into the air. They soared on a sweeping column of flame all the way to the roof, where he glided in to a gentle landing. After making sure she was ready, he let her step away.

She put her hand to her throat
. “Fuck.” She stomped out a few small fires – not easy to do with stilettos. Way to impress a lady, or scare her off, screaming and waving her arms like a psycho, which would no doubt result in her falling off this roof.

That was...” Flustered, she shook her head. “Are you going to tell me all that power was all from one BJ? Ever heard of conservation of energy?”

“There is no logic to my demonic powers.”

“Seriously? I mean, the calories in a bunch of sperm are miniscule. There’s maybe one to two calories in a load? I could probably offset them by unscrewing a jar. Whereas flying up here with flames decorating our asses? I reckon that equals a few hundred gallons of fuel.”

There was a long intense pause.
Zagan studied her from top to toe and back again, lingering on all her sexy bits. Her nipples hardened and had a second go at sawing through her top. Maybe sassing a demon was a bad idea?

“A load?”

She scrambled to figure out what he meant, screwed up her eyes. Did he want geek language? “Ejaculate?”

You know all that about cum?” His eyes flared deeper orange.


seemed to grow taller, darker, and a little more...loomy. She craned her neck back. Was that a word? As in, so tall she was about to need to see a chiropractor? It was now.

“Tell me, my mortal lover. What else do you know about cum?”

If he stared any harder she’d have a hole drilled in her. “Um. Um. Fat content one percent? Protein, way less. People say there’s heaps of vitamin C but that’s false.”

He drew in a deep breath and breathed out slow
through his big, white teeth. “That is sooo

Ahh. Okay. Fiiine.” Getting weirder.

“I’m a sex demon and a woman knowing that turns me on.” He yanked her closer and, with his large hand on her butt, held her in place. While he kissed her deeply, he ground his radioactive cock against her, around, up and down, around again, like a sexy X-rated merry-go-round, until she pressed back and groaned into his hungry mouth.

Asbestos or lead-lined panties might be a good buy next time she visited Walmart.

She fluttered her eyes open and struggled frantically to catch her breath. Being around Zagan was dangerous. “You really have to stop sucking all the oxygen from the air.”

His grin was infectious and she smiled back.

“I shouldn’t have let you do that. Karl may not be here but I do have his ring. Please. No more kissing me, or shoving your hand down”

She switched to feeling where h
is cock pulsed on her clit. If he unzipped himself and pushed down her tights, then wiggled aside her panties with his fingers, then slid that damn big thing into her, opening her up, slow-like.

She had to stop thinking like that.

Had or hadn’t she
ever made love to Karl? She vaguely recalled
going into her pussy. Something big, wriggly, started with T.

Dangerous Bob could not be right. She was not dirty like that.

bsentmindedly, she cruised her tongue tip across her lip.

“Do that again.”
Zagan purred like a starved lion with a meaty bone.

She shut her mouth and
pressed her lips together. “Did you hear me?”

“I heard you.
You want me to stop, don’t recite sex facts.”

She raised one brow. That was an interesting requirement. “Okay.”

“Also.” He did that mind-blowing thing with his cock again, infinitesimally circling his groin against her, making her
. “And...”

Mmm. Yes?” she asked, still in a fog, wanting to groan, to whimper, but holding back.

“Stop looking so
fuckable. Stop being female. And absolutely don’t give me ideas about sticking my cock or my tail in your pussy.”

He wasn’t asking much. She rolled her eyes.
Brakes came on. Did he say tail?
Naaaa. Don’t be silly.

Virginia, I really need to figure out why you do not have a trace of radioactivity showing in this delectable body despite swallowing my jizz.”

“Maybe I...
Fuck. Stop doing that. I’m just very...”
Down below, things like
her pussy, were making squishy sounds. She could get a job putting out fires she was that wet. “Maybe I’m just healthy.”

I think it’s more than that. However. To business.” He released her. “You may watch me analyze the thaumaturgical atmosphere.”

At that her brain woke her up.
She focused – a little cross-eyed but fine. “You what?”

“You’ll see.”


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