Stories From Candyland

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Authors: Candy Spelling

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Entertainment & Performing Arts

BOOK: Stories From Candyland
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Stories from




Stories from


Candy Spelling



St. Martin’s Press
New York






. Copyright © 2009 by Candyland, Inc.
All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America.
For information, address St. Martin’s Press,
175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.


“Sounds of Silence.” Copyright © 1964 Paul Simon. Used by permission of the Publisher: Paul Simon Music.


“Silence Is Golden.” Words and Music by Bob Crewe and Bob Gaudio. Copyright © 1963 (Renewed 1991) EMI LONGITUDE MUSIC and GAVADIMA MUSIC. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured. Used by Permission.


Excerpts from
Dick and Jane: Happy Days with Our Friends
Read with Dick and Jane: Guess Who
by Elizabeth Montgomery and W. W. Bauer, M.D., and William S. Gray, A. Sterl Artley, and Lillian Gray. Copyright © 1948 and 1951 by Scott Foresman and Company. Reprinted by permission of Pearson Education, Inc.


Book design by Kathryn Parise




Spelling, Candy.
     Stories from Candyland / Candy Spelling. —1st ed.
        p. cm.
     ISBN-13: 978-0-312-57070-5
     ISBN-10: 0-312-57070-8
  1. Spelling, Candy. 2. Spelling, Aaron. 3. Television producers’ and directors’ spouses—United States—Biography. I. Title.
      PN1992.4.S64A3 2009



First Edition: April 2009


10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1




To Aaron,
My love . . . and the man who entertained
the world with great stories.
I hope my storytelling makes you proud.












Chapter   1   My Rock for the Ages

Chapter   2   Dr. Spock or Mr. Spock: Did We Really Listen to These Guys?

Chapter   3   Fred Astaire Asked Me to Dance Because I’se Biggest

Chapter   4   Hollywood Wife and Mother 101: A Star Isn’t Born

Chapter   5   The Sounds of Silence: Golden or Dangerous?

Chapter   6   Celebrity Houses and Glue Guns Require a Gift-Wrapping Room

Chapter   7   Stop, Look, and Listen to My Dog

Chapter   8   Size Does Matter, Especially in Hollywood

Chapter   9   Wizards and Showgirls Need Fifty-Two Suitcases

Chapter 10   1984 Was a Very Good Year, After All

Chapter 11   There’s a Lot of Funny Business in Showbiz

Chapter 12   I’d Like a Thousand Shares of Pushkey, Please

Chapter 13   Sweets for My Sweet

Chapter 14   My Mother’s Gloves Were Off-White

Chapter 15   Help Me, Oprah

Chapter 16   Up, Up, and Put Away

Chapter 17   And Now a Word from . . . Everyone Else

Chapter 18   The Pop Culture Trail to Candyland




Addendum: Candy Spelling’s Favorite Recipes






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