Stolen Moments (And Then Came Love Book 2) (19 page)

BOOK: Stolen Moments (And Then Came Love Book 2)
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Sig laughed. “I’ve been told that.” He motioned to the vehicle. “Come on, let’s get you to Uncle Kurt and Aunt Asri’s place. They’ll be calling wondering if I’ve kidnapped you if we don’t arrive soon.”






Chapter Seventeen

Arianna gasped as Sig turned off from a narrow dirt road. It was like a picture book or travel brochure of Norway.

“Uncle Kurt’s place is right up the drive.” Sig glanced in the rear view mirror.

The drive crushed white gravel with a fence of low stone river rock walls. Ash and Elm trees lined the drive and extended the boughs like welcoming arms as the car came to a stop.

Gramps looked back at her from the front seat. “Welcome to my second home.”

Trevor stepped out then offered his hand and helped her hop down from the SUV.

Gramps, Pops, Petur, and Sig climbed out of the vehicle. The dust settled on the gravel drive.

“The house is beautiful,” she whispered to Trevor. The house had a raised stone foundation and an earthen roof. At the center of the long stretch was the entrance. A long awning stretched over the entrance to the end of the house. Porch swings and rocking chairs graced the front.

He put his arm around her shoulders. “Falling in love with Minnesota?”

“Look above the porch.” She pointed to the wooden carved and hand painted leaping fish.

“They’re gables, dear”

“It’s pretty.” Arianna smacked him gently on the arm as they walked toward the porch.

A teenager leaned against the support post at the base of the steps. A broad smile spread across his face revealing dimples.

Arianna looked behind her to see Mina scuffing her feet behind them. “Those dimples are going to melt my daughter.” She frowned. “Along with the blond curls and blue eyes.”

The young man turned to the old man sitting in one of the rocking chairs. “Opa! Oma! They’re here.”

Pushing himself to his feet, the man shuffled to the front of the porch. “I can see that Guttmein, but should you not be practicing your Norwegian? What would bestemor say?” The German accent was still thick. His gait, although slower and less defined still showed time spent in the military.

Mina stared into the trees. “We’re in the middle of nowhere.”

Kurt’s laugh echoed across the grass. “Not so remote as it looks Fraulein. We are but ten minutes by automobile from Roselv.”

Mina frowned. “The small town we drove through on the way here? Yeah, middle of nowhere.” Her gaze fell onto Hart. He smiled and his dimples appeared.

Mina gave him a doe eyed look.

“Hi. I’m Reinhardt Muller. My friends call me Hart.” He grinned at Mina and offered her his hand. “You can call me whatever you like.”

Mina took his hand and her face reddened.

Arianna put her hands on her daughter’s shoulders. “Her name’s Mina. She’ll call you Hart. I’m Arianna, her mother.”

Trevor chuckled. He walked over to the porch and held out his hand to Kurt. “For some reason, your friends seem to be hanging back.” He motioned to Pops and Gramps who stood by the truck. “I’m Trevor Vitalli.”

Kurt took Trevor’s hand and shook it solemnly and then smiled broadly and drew him in for a smothering hug. “Your Opa is like a brother! That makes you a nephew!” He loosed his embrace and drew Trevor up onto the porch with an arm about his shoulder. “Come! Come inside! There is coffee and cake waiting. I want to know all news you would share.” He turned to Gramps and Pops. “Well get along you Guinea, and you Mick! You’ve got slower in your old age!”

“Nice to see you too, Kurt.” Gramps smiled as he walked over to the porch.

Pops walked much slower, huffing and puffing, sweat broke out above his brow

Trevor waited and helped him up the steps.

“Ticker’s working a little slower these days.” He stopped at the top of the steps to catch his breath.

Kurt froze “Oh my friend! I didn’t mean-”

Pops held up his hand. “Don’t worry your head about it. I’ll be fine. Just a little slower. Now go inside, before your wife drags us all inside.”

“She’ll do it too!” The booming voice of Sig came from the car. “Aunt Asri never takes no for an answer.”

The huge red haired man that had driven them from the airport had spoken and his voice was as big as his body.

The front door opened and a woman walked out. Her hair had likely once been as red as the giant’s but had now paled to a soft peach color, but her eyes were the same blue as Hart’s, and just as alive with strength and love as a woman a quarter her age. “Was that my name I heard? Was that me you’re telling tales about Sigurt Hennerson?” She pointed a wooden spoon at him. “I’ll mix your wails in with my Lefse batter my fine cheeky boy!”

Trevor held out his hand. “You must be the Red-Headed Goddess, as Pops affectionately calls you. I’m Trevor Vitalli.” A light breeze blew and carried with it the scent of pine from the nearby woods.

Asri turned to him, dropped the spoon and cupped his face in her hands. “Guttmein! Oh I’m so glad to finally meet you! You’re all Brennan talks of when he comes to visit.” She kissed both cheeks. “Another nephew! The heart always has room for one more!”

“Now Edelweiss.he talks of the other boys too.”

“And the girls.” Petur stepped up onto the porch.

Asri turned to Petur and hugged him tightly. “Oh my boy.when will you bring me home a pretty wife to fawn over?”

“Bestemor.” Petur looked to Trevor and Arianna as if pleading for rescue.

Trevor motioned for Arianna and Mina to join him. “Asri, this is my girlfriend Arianna and her daughter, Mina.”

“See Petur? Even Trevor has a sweetheart. You should follow his example.”

Petur glared at Trevor with a look that plainly said “Thanks for nothing.”

“I tried.” Trevor shrugged. “I doubt she’s easily distracted.”

Gramps shook his head, put his arm around Asri. “Come, darling, I need to get off my feet. Lucille says hi, by the way.”

Asri turned to Gramps. “Why didn’t you bring her Don? She would have been most welcome.”

Kurt laughed and opened the door so they could go inside.

“She had some charity event to go to this weekend. Said to wish you all well. I guess this has been in the works for months.” He leaned over to Trevor. “See how much I pay attention to her charity events.”

Asri nodded mollified. “Well come on then.before the cake dries out and the coffee stews to bitterness.”

Hart spoke up. “Umm.Bestemor.I already had a huge slice. Can I wrap up one for Mina and we can go ahead to the Cabin and unpack?”

“We could have them unpacked before they finished up here.” He smiled, showing both dimples

Mina grabbed a hold of her mother’s arm. “Can I go, Mom? Please?”

Arianna’s eyes widened. “I feel like I should send a chaperone.”

Petur spoke up. “I’ll go. Bestemor is likely to stuff me to bursting tonight at dinner anyhow.”

Mina rolled her eyes. “We don’t need a chaperone, Mom.”

Arianna nodded. “Yep, Petur’s the right choice. Either that or Sig.”

Sig rested his giant hands on Hart’s shoulders. “Send us both! One for each of those damned dimples.” He pointed a thumb at his own chest. “Uncle Sig’ll make sure there are no Roman hands and Russian fingers!”

Arianna shook her finger at Sig. “Smart man! You’re both hired.”

Hart rolled his eyes. “Big tough biker guy. Don’t you have a Harley to wrench on?”

Mina giggled.

Trevor frowned. “I don’t believe there should be much discussion. Her mother said two adults are going with you and that’s the end of the story.”

Mina let out a heavy sigh. “Fine.”

Kurt looked at Hart with steely eyes and said something that sounded most menacing in German.

Hart hung his head. “Ya Opa. Sorry, Uncle Sig.”

Sig chuckled and Petur smiled behind his hand. “Come on Romeo. Let’s go get them settled.” He pushed Hart and Mina toward the car.

Kurt ushered the rest of them into the house. Inside was a long great room with couches surrounding a circular chimney stove. Around the stove was a step of table height of polished flagstone. Laid out upon this were three plates of food: a honey spice cake with chopped walnuts, krumkake with cream cheese and lingonberry jelly, and chocolate dipped strawberries arranged like a bouquet of roses.

Asri was coming out of the kitchen with a silver coffee serving set as Kurt pointed to the couches. “Please, sit and be welcome! Our home is yours.”

Asri smiled over at him “Mein Fiske, would you please get the cups and the Irish Cream from the Hoosier?”

“As you command Edelweiss.”

Kurt moved to a handmade cabinet that was beautifully carved and a metal counter plated with enamel. He opened the right cupboard and removed a number of china cups that had Norwegian knot work painted on them.

“Mein Leib, which bottle of Irish Cream?”

“The one with a hint of vanilla and mint I think. It’ll go well with the cake.”

Kurt brought over the cups and the bottle and handed them to his wife.

Asri turned to the group as she set out the cups. “So, who wants their coffee Irish?” She winked at Brennan.

“Doctor’s limited my alcohol consumption, unfortunately, but I will take a regular cup.”

“I was glad to hear you were doing well enough to come on this trip.” Asri nodded. “Good thing I brought out the vanilla cream with mint I made this morning! Anyone else?”

Arianna smiled. “Simple coffee for me, I’m exhausted. “I delivered two babies this morning.”

Asri whistled. “Jentamein! You must rest and fortify yourself!” She handed Arianna a cup of black coffee. “If I had known some of my guests were going to want black coffee I would have made doughnuts.”

“Sit down, Asri. There’s not a one of us who can’t serve ourselves.” Gramps grinned.

Trevor looked at Kurt and Asri. “I feel like I know you, but at the same time, know so little about you two.”

Asri sat down only after doling out desserts as Kurt chuckled softly. “Ask us questions Trevor. We will answer. After the war I find I hate secrets, and thus, refuse to keep any.”

“Oh don’t let the old goat fool you Trevor! He was just as nosey during the war as he is now. Perhaps more so. It’s how we met. He loves a good story.” Asri handed Trevor a slice of cake that could feed two people.

Trevor took the cake and stared at it. “Thank you.”

Gramps leaned forward in the chair. “Doing any fishing lately, old man?”

Kurt pointed to the wall at a large stuffed pike and nodded. “Caught that one during the last fishing season and two others. But my time has been taken up this year with the Foundation. The descendant of one of my old ...” he eyed Arianna warily “... coworkers has been hiding stolen assets in the Caymans. I’ve been doing a bit of forensic accounting. I will be able to give one Schmoll Lieberman-Silverberg some very good news in the next couple of months.”

Asri sniffed. “Work. It always comes back to it. He won’t be retired until the day he’s called home, and then I’m sure he’ll volunteer for service as a ghostly detective!”

Trevor smiled. “That’s how Dad is too. He’s always working. I doubt he’ll ever retire.”

Kurt winked at Gramps. “Not in the old family business is he?”

Asri smacked Kurt’s shoulder. “Stop that! You know Everett was never mixed up in that sort of thing.”

Gramps laughed. “I wouldn’t say never. He is a Vitalli after all.”

Kurt chuckled. “See?” He tapped his nose. “ I can always smell a connection.”

Asri scoffed.

“Forty-two years he’s been building that business and talk about a success. He built it from the bottom up with very little help from us.” Gramps smiled. Trevor looked down at his hands.

When Trevor looked up he found Kurt’s ice blue eyes staring into his. “I smell something now in fact. I smell a question weighing heavy on a young mind.or is it a young heart?”

“It’s not a question. More regret.” He paused. “Dad and I have never been that close. I was rather independent and he was always at work. It took me twelve years in the army to realize he wasn’t purposely avoiding me.”

Kurt nodded. “I see. You ran away from home to join the military. Most run away from home to join the circus.”

“Kurt! What a thing to say!”

“The military is a circus, just with guns.” Trevor sighed. “You’re right though. It’s a lot easier to figure out you’re wrong when you’ve been away for so long.” Pops leaned forward. “I thought you joined the military because of me.” Trevor shook his head. “I’d been thinking about it since I was a kid. My final decision came when you and Gramps were the only two family members at my graduation.”

“Your father missed your graduation from high school?” Kurt turned to Gramps. “What kind of dummkopf are you raising?”

Asri put a hand on Kurt’s shoulder. “Everett is a grown man Mein Fiske.”

Gramps knitted his brow together. “It wasn’t his fault he missed it.”

Trevor threaded his fingers together. “It wasn’t, but in my stupid selfish state, it was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back.”

Gramps looked over at Kurt. “His older brother was in a car accident that day. Drunk driver slammed into him. They didn’t know if he was going to make it.”

BOOK: Stolen Moments (And Then Came Love Book 2)
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