Sal Gabrini: His House of Cards (5 page)

BOOK: Sal Gabrini: His House of Cards
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Gemma was
“But Sal,” she said, unable to
comprehend such a gift, “that cost more than your Porsche!
That’s a two hundred thousand dollar car

“What do you
care how much it costs?” Sal shot back.
“And of course it cost more.
a classy car for a classy lady.”

Gemma smiled
and shook her head.
“That’s so sweet,

“Nothing but
the best for my baby,” Sal said, and pointed his fork at her.
“Don’t you forget that.”

“I won’t.”

“So we’ll go
look at it.
If you like it, then it’s
If you don’t, then you keep driving
my Porsche and we keep looking.
I don’t
do cheap, and you aren’t doing it either.
We work too damn hard.”

Especially Sal, Gemma thought, as her heart
swelled with emotion.
She used to wonder
if she would ever find a good man, period, let alone one who loved her so
But Sal was a good man who
loved her.
Despite all of his
infuriating absences, he loved her.
that she had no doubt.
And she loved

She sat down
her fork, got up and went over to him.
She placed her hands on either side of his face.
He had the bluest eyes she’d ever seen, and
the biggest heart.
“I love you, baby,”
she said, and kissed him on the lips.

Sal closed
his eyes and drank up her long, sweet kiss.
And suddenly the sweet scent of her overtook him, and her big breasts
were in his face.
His hands began
rubbing the back of her thighs.
Then his
hands moved up beneath the shirt she wore and rubbed her bare ass.
And as he put his tongue into her mouth, and
she tongued him, and they kissed so passionately they were moaning, his hands
forced her legs open.
She straddled him,
but remained standing as they continued to kiss.
He slipped his hand between her legs, and
began massaging her there.

,” he said as her pussy got wet on
his fingers.
“My sweet baby.”

Gemma knew
what was coming next.
Sal pulled out his
penis through the opening of his pants and guided it to the tip of her
And then he waited.
They kissed again, and waited, savoring the
And then Gemma eased her pussy
down his fully erected rod, pulsating from the thickness of his veins as they
electrified her, until he was so far inside of her that her ass cheeks were
sitting on his lap.
It was a lot to take
in all at once and for a moment she had to sit still and endure the pain of his

And then, as
she began to ride him, as she began to move up and down along that cock she
loved so much, and the feelings overtook her, she smiled that whimsical smile
Sal was waiting to see.

He rubbed
her soft, natural hair, and stared at this gorgeous woman fucking him.
The idea that Reno would think that he didn’t
care about her, or that she didn’t mean everything to him, was a fucking joke
to Sal.
This woman was his life.
This woman was his world.
And every man alive had better believe
Gemma was his!

Sal grabbed
her by the hair, and kissed her so hard that she could feel it in her pussy,
and then he took over.
He placed his
other hand on the side of her hip, positioning her ass just above his lap, and
then began pushing his cock into her himself.
But only Sal pushed harder and faster.
It was as if Gemma had been the warm up act and he was the main
He fucked her hard and kissed her
hard and held her hair until she could feel her roots stretch.
It was that rough way they liked.
And Sal was taking her there.
And the more he banged her, the more he
pounded her, the more elated she felt.
Until she couldn’t hold it off a second longer.
Her orgasm took hold.

Sal felt
gratified when Gemma wrapped her arms around him and squeezed and pulsated and
endured the totality of what it meant to be fucked by him.
Because he knew what she was feeling.
The breasts beneath his shirt she wore were
smashed against his bare chest, and every inch of her body was under his
He was doing something he
He was completely satisfying his
Who in this world, he thought, as
he fucked her harder and began to cum and release a deluge inside of her, could
ask for anything more?


salesman and clerk inside the dealership were staring at Gemma and Sal as Sal
sat her down in the most expensive automobile on their showroom floor.
A spanking brand new Aston-Martin DB9 with
baby blue exterior, pearl-white leather interior: the Volante Carbon
Gemma had never seen a car more
When Sal sat down on the
front seat beside her, she nodded her head.
“It’s amazing, Sal.”

“You like it

“I really do.
I’m not a materialistic person, you know I’m
not, but I think I love this, Sal.”

Sal was
looking around at the thick, posh interior too.
“It’s cute, isn’t it?”

Gemma asked.
“My BMW was cute.
A Ford Focus is cute.”

“No, it
ain’t,” Sal said.

“Yes, it
is,” Gemma shot back.
“A Ford Focus is
But this is beyond cute.
This is elegance on steroids.”

“I hear ya, sister.
It’s a beauty.”
He looked at her.
“You want it?”

Gemma looked
at him.
“I love it, Sal.
I hate to admit it because it’s such an
outrageously expensive car, but I love it.”

“Then it’s
yours,” Sal said, rubbing his hands together.
He loved when he pleased her.
“Let’s get the keys, fire this baby up, and see how well it rides.”

He got out
of the car and walked around to the driver side just as the dealership manager
was coming toward them.
Sal always
presented as a very wealthy man.
suits always appeared far more expensive than the next guy’s, and better
But he had that walk about
him, and that style about him, that screamed street.
Bad man.
They wanted no parts of

Somebody had
gone and gotten the head man, and he was hurrying over.
“Good afternoon, sir,” the manager said,
virtually out of breath.
He and Sal
shook hands.
“How may I help you, sir?”

“We want to
take it for a spin and see how this baby rides,” Sal informed him.
“Get the keys.”

“Um, why,
yes, sir.
I will have one of my men pull
one around from the back for the test drive.
It’s an older version, but it should give you and your lady friend some
idea of how beautifully it rides.”

Sal didn’t
“Pull it from the back?
An older version?
What are you talking?
Why would I want to test a car I’m not
I want to test this one.
Get the keys for this one.”

The manager
wasn’t accustomed to being so roundly bossed around, and he didn’t like it.
“Well, sir, for your information,” he said, “our policy is not to remove the
showroom cars unless we are certain of a sale.
We do not allow miles to pile up on our showroom versions.
Especially with our more expensive models.”

Sal was
about to go off on the man.
hurried out of the car.
“Get the keys to
this one,” she said in a softer, more persuasive voice.
“We plan to purchase this automobile.”

Aston-Martin?” the manager asked doubtfully.

What was
with this guy, Sal wondered.
“No,” he
“We plan to purchase a Kia
That’s why we want to test drive
this Aston.
Because we want to purchase
a Kia.”

“But what I
meant to say,” the manager said, looking more at Gemma, “is that the price of
this automobile, with its unique upgrades, well exceeds two hundred-and-fifty
thousand dollars.
That’s a quarter of a
million dollars.
Do you understand the

Gemma rolled
her eyes.
Why did these people always
make such assumptions?
And to make these
assumptions around Sal?
She knew Sal was
not pleased.

And he
He frowned.
“Does she understand the price?” he asked the
“Do you understand the price,
What kind of question is
Get the fucking keys so we can
take this fucking thing on a test ride.
What the fuck is wrong with you?”

By now, the entire dealership staff was
watching the scene unfold.
They fully
expected their manager to kick the couple out.
He’d kicked other wannabe rich people out before who wanted to pretend
they could afford such luxuries.
And the
manager was about to do just that.
one of his salesmen, one who had just arrived into the showroom, one with some
sense, hurried to his side.

“That’s Sal Gabrini,
sir,” he whispered frantically in the manager’s ear.
“You’re making a terrible mistake.
He owns the Gabrini Corporation.
He’s Reno Gabrini’s cousin!”

manager’s eyes widened with shock.
knew about the Gabrini Corporation, and he definitely knew about Reno Gabrini’s
PaLargio Hotel and Casino on the Vegas Strip.
He immediately ordered the salesman to go get the keys.
“We’ll be right with you, sir, ma’am,” he said
to Sal and Gemma with respect this time, and then hurried to ensure that his
salesman hurried back.

Sal looked at Gemma.
“You okay?” he asked.

“I’m good,”
Gemma responded.
“These people don’t
bother me, Sal.
They feel better about
themselves when they denigrate others.
Don’t let them get to you.”

Sal knew he
needed to be more like Gemma.
He knew he
needed to take all forms of disrespect in stride.
But he couldn’t.
“Fucker have the nerve to ask if we understand
the price of some fucking car,” he said, his blood still boiling.
“As if we’re living hand to mouth or pinching
pennies or something.
Like I’m going to
bring you here, sit you in this car, and then embarrass you because I can’t
afford it.
What kind of sense does that

Gemma said.
“But they have this
narrative that they want to keep believing, that no minority woman is going to
be valued the way you value me, and spend this kind of money on me, so they
play that game.
It’s jealousy pure and
They’re fooling nobody but
themselves, Sal.”
Then she added, in the
best Italian voice she could muster:
“Forget about it!”

Sal smiled,
and then laughed.
And then placed his
arm around her and kissed her.
“You’re a
gem, Gemma,” he said.
“One of a kind.”

Gemma smiled
She wasn’t about to let anybody
ruin this beautiful Saturday afternoon with her hubby.
Especially not some stuffy-ass car salesman.


But her joy
became fright when they dropped Sal’s Porsche off at the house and Sal got on
the passenger side of her brand new Aston-Martin.
She thought they would go for a drive in the
Sal thought they’d go skating.

Gemma asked as she drove out of their circular driveway.
“Why would we want to do that?”

“Because we
haven’t done it in ages.
Because this is
the first time in a long time that we didn’t have to be apart from each other
working on a Saturday.
I don’t want to
spend it driving around.
I want to do
something special with you.
We’ll go
driving tomorrow, after church.
Let’s go
skating today.”

Gemma looked
at him.
Was he joking?
“You mean it?” she asked.

“Yeah, I
mean it.
When was the last time you went

couldn’t remember the time.
“It’s been a
while,” she admitted.

“It’s scary,
isn’t it?” Sal asked.

“Yes, as a matter of fact.
The idea of my behind on skates is a scary

“Don’t worry
about it,” Sal said and leaned his head back.
“You’ll be fine.”

She enjoyed skating when she
used to skate.
And it would be
She warmed to the idea.
“Let’s give it a whirl,” she said.
“But if I fall, Salvatore Luciano, you’d
better catch me.”

“I told you not to worry,” he
“When have I ever let you fall?”


But when
they arrived at the rink, and placed on their skates, he began moving too
Gemma could barely keep up.

“Sal, slow
your butt down,” she admonished him angrily as she held onto his
“I told you I haven’t skated
in years.” They were surrounded by young people whizzing past them as if they
were standing still.

“You can do
it, Gem,” Sal said with a grin.
on, babe.
It’s easy, you know it’s
Just follow me and do like I

“Let me get
my balance first,” Gemma said as she continued to hold his shirttail.
Then she nodded.
“Okay, I’m ready,” she said.

“Just move
the way I’m moving,” Sal said as she removed her hand from his shirttail, and
watched him make his move.
Sal put one
skate in front of the other skate and moved slowly.
Gemma put one skate in front of the other
skate and followed him.
And she was
beginning to enjoy herself too.
She was
beginning to get her skate groove back big time.

But within
seconds of her newfound confidence, Sal lost his balance, began moving side to
side to regain it, and fell hard on his ass.
Gemma had to grab his head to keep herself from skating into him and
tipping over him.
And to keep herself
from laughing to death.

“I don’t
know, Sal,” she said as she laughed.
don’t think I want to do it like you do it.”

funny,” Sal said, as Gemma, unable to stop laughing, helped him to his feet.


And that night,
they laid under the stars, arm in arm, in their own backyard.
It was a beautiful, quiet time for them.
All the demons Sal had to deal with, and all
the people he had to take out, disappeared from his troubled mind whenever he
was with Gemma.
They laid side by side
and listened to the sounds of the night, and Sal knew it couldn’t get any
better than this.
This was heavenly to

But when he
looked over at Gemma, to see if she was feeling such beauty too, she was fast
Sal smiled.
Because that sight alone, to Sal, showed how
much she trusted him.
He pulled her
closer into his arms, and held her tenderly.


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