Rise of the Sparrows (Relics of Ar'Zac #1) (24 page)

BOOK: Rise of the Sparrows (Relics of Ar'Zac #1)
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Chapter Thirty-Four


Before Rachael knew what was happening, Ailis grabbed for her sword. Rachael only managed to hold on to it in the last second before Ailis would have taken it, and run herself through with it. How could this be? She knew there had been reports of people even without the gift who had killed themselves recently, but she had never thought that one of them would fall ill despite the illness spreading.

Rachael was struggling. Ailis showed an incredible amount of strength in her small body and tugged at the bare blade, while Rachael tried to keep the tip turned away from her. Cale reacted just seconds later, tackling Ailis to the floor. Her hands were bloody where the cold steel had cut into her flesh, but she looked unharmed otherwise. Now that Cale was pinning her down, all Rachael could do was stare at the scene unfolding in front of her. Ailis struggled against her much stronger brother, her arms and legs flailing in a desperate attempt to break free.

“Kill me!” Never before had Rachael heard so much force behind the woman's voice. The difference in personality was too overbearing, too strong for Rachael to know what to do. The knowledge that, if Cale hadn't been there, Ailis would have killed herself with her sword choked her every thought. If Cale hadn't been there, Ailis would lie dying on the floor. Because Rachael hadn't reacted fast enough. As it was her hands had been cut deeply and more blood than Rachael had ever seen before soaked the ground around her. Ailis didn't seem to be affected by the pain she was no doubt in. Desperate to break free and do the unthinkable, she did her best to kick and punch her brother in the limited amount of space she had.

“Snap out of it!” Cale's commanding order was fit for the leader of the resistance. Rachael felt helpless knowing that nothing he could say to his sister would stop her madness. Husbands and children of afflicted people had tried their best, too. Their spouses and parents had committed suicide nonetheless. If the love for one's child wasn't enough to break someone out of this insanity, then how could Cale believe he could make a difference? She didn't believe anyone could make that difference, no matter how close their relationship.

She feared there was only one thing that would end it, and she didn't want Ailis to go through that.

With an incredible show of strength, Ailis hurled Cale away from her and jumped on to her feet, launching herself at Rachael's exposed blade. Cale lost his footing, and fell. Rachael hurried to sheathe the weapon but Ailis was fast. She only had time to turn the tip away from Ailis before she would have impaled herself, leaving Ailis to run at full speed into the blunt end of the hilt.

The force of the impact knocked the air out of her, and she staggered back. Despite the pain there was a mad look in her eyes, and seemingly possessed by the Dark One Himself she launched herself towards the blade once more. Rachael stepped away, glad she had managed to sheathe her weapon in the short amount of time Ailis had given her. Ailis glared at Rachael for a brief moment, insanity written all over her once beautiful features, and ran towards the pond.

“Cale!” Rachael didn't know if she would have the strength to tackle her down like Cale had done, but she needed to try. Determined to save her, Rachael sped after her but she wasn't fast enough. Ailis reached the water and threw herself into the clear surface, not struggling the smallest bit as water began to fill her lungs.

Rachael did her best to pull her out, but Ailis' wet clothes added weight and dragged her down. Cale jumped into the water beside her, his head bleeding from the fall. Without much effort he managed to pull Ailis out of the water. She coughed as her body betrayed her mind and tried to rid itself of the water.

To Rachael's surprise, Cale took hold of a large rock and hit his sister over the head with it.

“What are you doing!”

Breathless, he slumped down next to her. “She's fine, Rachael. Or I hope she will be. Don't worry, it's not enough to kill her but she should be out of it for a few hours at least. Help me get her to the house.”

Glad to do something useful, she nodded and put one of Ailis' arms around her shoulder while Cale took the other side. Together they brought her into the house, sitting her down on one of the chairs.

“Go clear out her room. Make sure there are no sharp objects left, and nothing else she could hurt herself with. Lock the window. Don't leave any potential weapons.”

Nodding, Rachael entered the woman's room and busied herself with clearing it out while Cale rummaged around in the kitchen.

She had never been inside this part of the house before. Ailis had only ever entered Rachael's room when they had tried to tap into the source of her gift together, and likewise Rachael had never entered Ailis' room.

The bedchamber was a perfect fit for kind, caring Ailis. Soft lavender tones adorned the walls, and her bed in white sheets lit up the dark room. Only two small windows let in a bit of sunlight, which sent rays of gentle lighting through the chamber. Rachael couldn't find many sharp looking objects. Everything about Ailis' private room seemed to be soft and as gentle as she was.

Rachael threw all objects out of the room, whether they looked like a potential threat or not. She didn't know what exactly Cale had planned but she didn't want to leave any risks in here for when Ailis woke up. They couldn't keep knocking her out until this illness was lifted off her. Best to be sure than to regret it later.

Cale staggered into the room with Ailis still unconscious on his back. Careful not to hurt her further, he set her down on the bed and gently slid her down on to the floor. He crossed her wrists behind the legs of the bed, and tied a thick rope around her wrists.

“Will this be enough?” Remembering the sudden burst of strength Ailis had used before she wasn't sure that a bit of string would be good enough.

“I hope so.” Cale nodded, focused on tying the rope into a knot. “It's not easy to get out of this. I've never seen anyone just pull their hands out. Chances are she'll hurt her wrists a little but it won't be enough to kill her. If we're lucky she'll knock herself out next time.”

Rachael nodded, hoping that Cale was right.

“Hide.” Alarmed by the sudden force in his voice, Rachael felt her heart pounding anew.


“There are men outside. Hide, now.”


“Anywhere where they can't find you!” Too scared of the look in his eyes to argue, Rachael slid into the small space under the bed. “Wait here” he said, leaving her alone with Ailis tied to the bed.

A few moments passed before she heard someone talk.

“Are you the owner of this house?” She didn't need to be able to see the men to know they were dangerous.

“I am. Who's asking?”

“Show some respect, kid! You're talking to-”

“Enough. We'll get a chance for that later.”

“How can I help you?”

“Are you Cale Spurling?” Rachael felt her stomach twist. Something was wrong.

“I am.” Feeling sick, she knew nothing good would come of this.

“Then we have orders to bring you before the King to be executed. You can either come quietly or you can put up a fight, it's all the same to us.”

Her eyes wide and insides in a knot as strong as the one Cale had put around Ailis, Rachael could do little but listen.

“On what accusations?”

The man who seemed to be in charge laughed. “On which accusations? For leading those Sparrows, you idiot! Now, what will it be?”

A moment of silence passed before Cale spoke.“I'll come quietly.”

By the
she guessed the first man didn't care for that. “Will he now, eh?” Both men laughed before the man in charge spoke again.

“Search the house. Make sure those girls we were asked to bring in aren't there and come back so we can take them to the commander.”

She panicked. What if they found her? What would they do to Ailis? They were definitely going to find Ailis like this, but the knot around her wrists was too tight for Rachael to move her anywhere else.

Before she could even attempt to hide her, the door to her room flew open. Heavy iron boots stomped into the chamber. He stopped before Ailis, and his knees bent.

“Dead, that one.” Rachael felt her heart sink. 

Holding her breath against every wish to scream, she tried not to move a muscle. Finally the White Guard grunted, smashed the mirror and left the room again.

Rachael listened as he searched the entire house. Every now and again she could hear objects breaking as he threw them on to the floor, mixed with the creaking of old floor boards. She was worried he would come crashing through he ceiling at any moment when he came back down the stairs and went outside to his partner.

“There's one dead bitch in there, but the other one isn't in there.”

“Which one's dead?”

“She looks like 'im, so I'd say it's his sister.”

She heard the man in charge grunt. “Sod it. That other girl must be around here somewhere. Search the area around the house, then follow me.”

“D'ye want me to burn the house?”

“No. She won't know we were here. We can station some men outside to wait for her to come back, but first we'll bring him to the commander. If you can't find her we can send some guards to watch the house.” The shuffling of feet followed, then everything went silent.


Hoping that she wasn't leaving her hiding place too soon, Rachael slid out from underneath the bed. It had been quiet outside for a while. That Guard had likely ended his search by now and gone back to report to his commander. They would come back, position more guards and then she would never be able to escape. Best to do it now when it was either only one of them them, or no one.

She turned to Ailis, and placed two fingers to the her neck. Once, years ago, she had seen some men do the same with a friend who had been robbed in the streets. They had said if they could still feel his pulse pumping, then he was alive. If they felt nothing, then...

She held her breath as she searched for that vital life sign, and sighed in relief when she found it. He'd been wrong—Ailis was alive. Her pulse was weak, but she wasn't dead.

Knowing that she likely wouldn't feel the gesture, Rachael squeezed her hand. Maybe Ailis would somehow know that it was Rachael, and that she was safe for the time being.

The weight of her sword felt strange when she got up. She hadn't been this conscious of it hanging by her waist before. Grateful for at least this much safety Rachael placed a hand on the hilt, feeling the weight of it in her palm as she lifted the sword out of its scabbard. She was still surprised by how light it felt, how right for her hands it was. With Cale gone and a White Guard searching the forest she had only herself left to count on again.

She hated to leave Ailis behind, but there was no other option. She was still unconscious, even dead as far as the White Guard knew. He had no reason to come back for her when they returned with more guards. Ailis would be fine, whereas Cale was being escorted to the King right now. She felt sick, thinking about what those men might do to him. From her trip to the market she knew roughly where the palace was. If she were quick, she could catch up with them and free Cale. There would be only one of them if the other guard hadn't caught up yet, and Cale was strong. If she gave him an opening she was sure he would be able to overpower his guard.

Determined, she dashed out the still open front door and froze. Behind her, in the shrubs, something was moving. Something big. Something strong.

Rachael swallowed, hand on her sword's hilt. Heavy footsteps broke out of the shrubs, walking towards her. Hoping she would look intimidating enough for the Guard to at least pause and give her an opening she drew her sword and spun around.

“Maker's Breeches, lass, it's me!”

“Arlo?” Stunned, she lowered her sword but didn't drop her guard.

“Aye, lass, I'm relieved you're safe! Who was that man searching the forest?”


A broad grin spread on Arlo's hairy face. “Aye, lass.

Relief washed over her. It was only a small consolation, but it was one less thing to worry about.

“What are you doing here?” She sheathed her weapon and walked towards the tall man, who still looked more intimidating to her than any White Guard she had seen.

“I got news that things were turning sour down here. 'Course that was weeks ago. The rumours I heard on the way made me pick up my speed. What's this I heard about people killing themselves?”

Rachael's heart sank thinking of Ailis still tied to the bed. Would she continue to try killing herself, until she finally succeeded? Rachael doubted that this was something conventional medicine could fix. Somewhere out there, a cure had to exist, but she didn't know where they would start searching or how they'd ensure Ailis' safety while they were gone.

“It's true. People have been committing suicide in public, and no one knows why.”

Arlo's face darkened. “It's foul sorcery, is what it is. I be damned if this isn't the work of that Mist Woman!”

“Aeron?” Rachael felt sick. Aeron had seemed spiteful the day Cale had come to take them away from her, but how would she get this many people to commit suicide? Why would she do something like this? What would she gain?

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