Rescued by Fate (Fate Trilogy) (5 page)

BOOK: Rescued by Fate (Fate Trilogy)
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Chapter 8

Izz had had enough. He wanted to know what the fuck was going on with Sam. He had diverted a pickup with no real reason and asked for a few more hours.
Well, Fuck that!
They had shit to do and whatever was going on, Izz planned on finding out. It had crossed his mind that Sam was being held hostage and that was why he sounded so off on the phone, but he hadn’t given the distress code so there wasn’t any real reason to be making the 5-kilometer trek out of his way to the cave.  He didn’t care. He wanted to see for himself that Sam wasn’t losing his fucking mind. He approached The Cave from the North in the absolute silence only an experienced hunter could pull off. He paused to assess his surroundings once more before diving into the small hole at the bottom of the hillside.  Donovan or “Donny the Weasel,” had found this place almost a year ago and SEAL team 4 had converted it to a modified supply station and safe house. It wasn’t completely secure so they didn’t leave any weapons, just supplies in case someone stumbled across them, it wouldn’t cause any harm. More than a handful of times, operators had come here when situations were too hot or they needed a quiet place to wait while an evac was coming. He heard something now, a rhythmic knocking that he couldn’t quite place. He took a last look around and seeing nothing unusual, slipped off his pack and dropped down into the cave.

Emma heard the
same noise that had interrupted her yesterday. Someone was entering the cave. But instead of being alone this time, she was naked on her hands and knees with Sam slamming his dick into her from behind. She was pressing her face down into the cot so she wouldn’t scream and he was wrapped around her pinching and rolling her nipples between his fingers.

he sound was unmistakable. Apparently, despite his vigorous fucking, Sam also heard the noise and grabbed his gun from a previously unknown to Emma location. The intruder stood up and raised his hands in the air. His 6’2”frame was too large for the space. Emma wanted to panic but since he was clearly not a local and dressed like a member of the SEAL team, she decided maybe he wasn’t here to kill her and panic wasn’t the best solution. Sam flipped her on her back and slid his naked body in front of hers, his dick still hard, wet and fully visible.

,” the stranger said, looking only at Sam. Despite having clearly seen her ass flying in the air, he didn’t seem fazed at all. “Would you lower your weapon please.” He laughed to himself and said “I meant the pistol if you didn’t realize,” glancing down at his friend’s bouncing cock.

Sam lowered his
weapon and quickly, of not smoothly, pulled the blanket over both of them. “Izz, what the fuck are you doing here?” he replied.

“I was worried about you
, and when our thing was dealt with, I decided to check in with you and hey, uhh, maybe I could lend a hand.” He smiled and looked at Emma for the first time.

,” he said, extending his hand to her.

!” Sam barked.

Izz laughed and raised his hands again.
“Whoa. Touchy, touchy. It’s not like we haven’t shared before.”

Emma gasped. Not because she was shocked
at what she was hearing, but because it made her excited.

Izz look
ed at her with a knowing smile and asked, “You want us to share you too, don’t you Doc?”

Uhhh…” was all she could manage. Sam pulled her against him and she wrapped her arms around his muscled abs.

“Not funny Izz
,” Sam said.

I wasn’t trying to be funny Sam. It has been a long time,” Izz said, staring at Emma. “And don’t even try to say you don’t miss it. You know being in the same woman at the same time is the greatest sex you’ve ever had.”

Emma again gasped and Izz la
ughed. Sam scowled at Izz, willing him to shut the fuck up. “Hey settle down Sammy. I was just worried about you and came to make sure nothing funny was going on. And now that I see in fact, there is something funny is going on, I will head back and get out of your shit.”

. Thanks Izz, don’t let the pretend cave door hit you on the ass on the way out”

Wait!” Emma shouted, forgetting she was completely naked as she jumped up on the cot.

“Damn Doc
,” Izz sighed, “Those are some seriously amazing breasts.”  She laughed and stepped toward him.

Sam wanted to stop her but being naked himself, he wasn’t sure how best to play this situation.
Izz was his best friend and had been since the first day of BUDS. They had shared a few women in their time together. Two one nights stands, and then an on again, off again girlfriend of Izz’s. She had taught them both everything they knew about a woman’s body. He was incredibly grateful that Izz had been willing to share Stacy, but he wasn’t sure that he was willing to share Emma just now.

out thinking, she approached Izz totally naked, her pussy slick and dripping from Sam’s recent fucking. She had never in her life considered having sex with two men before,
she thought,
when in Rome fuck like you’re in the jungle… Or whatever
.   She stood directly in front of him, and to his credit, he looked directly into her eyes.

“You were one radio when we were almost killed
, weren’t you?” she said. “I heard someone say down just before. I thought it was my imagination but it wasn’t was it? That was you? In Sam’s ear?”

Izz smiled
. “Yes I was watching on the Satellite and saw them coming before Sam did. Don’t worry, he would have taken care them either way, I just gave him a heads-up.”

“I know
,” she replied, turning to smile at Sam who was now lying on his back on the cot. “What’s the plan here Izz?” she asked, turning back to him.

, since I thought Sam had been kidnapped and was being forced to call in, I had expected to be finishing kicking ass at this time so… no plan I guess. I do think Sam would like me to GTFO ASAP and give you two crazy kids some privacy.”


She jumped and Izz grabbed her. Sam jumped to his feet and pressed his naked body to her back and she buried he face in Izz’s shirt. “Fuck
, how close was that?” she cried out. “I think it may have hit just outside.” He pushed against her as another CRACK and flash lit up the cave around them. She shivered as she stood there pinned between two men, one naked and one full clothed. Normally she loved lightning and thunder, just not right on top of her.

Crack Sizzle

his time the tree just outside the cave sparked. Izz scrabbled out the hole to make sure there wasn’t a fire. Emma spun around and grabbed Sam. “We can’t let him leave in this weather, please don’t make him leave, he helped save me and I couldn’t bear it if he got hurt, just because we want to be alone.”

He held her tighter and whispered
“No Doc, I won’t make him go anywhere.”

She looked
up into his eyes and realized that, although this was more love than she had ever felt before, it could never last. Instead of worrying about tomorrow’s heartache, she decided to focus on tonight’s pleasure, and that would include her first threesome if she had any say in it. Maybe it was a way to make what she was feeling with Sam a little less intense, or maybe it was being bad for the first time. Either way, she wanted Izz now too, and tonight she would experience herself, just what all the erotic books she had read were talking about.

Chapter 9

! Izz thought to himself as the sky lit up with lightning. Storms here were nasty and you didn’t want to be caught out in one if you didn’t have to be. This brought him back to what he had witnessed in the cave earlier. He had never expected to find Sam fucking the Doc when he arrived. It had never crossed his mind; this was not like Sam at all. Now that he realized what was really going on it made much more sense. Fuck, Izz was horny as hell too and just seeing them going at it had his hard cock throbbing in his pants. The Doc was hot. He knew what Sam saw in her, and he knew Sam was currently undergoing an epic dry spell in that area so he couldn’t blame the guy too much. Izz wasn’t one to judge, and maybe, if he played his cards right, he would get in on the fun as well.

He an
d Sam had shared women before. He wasn’t attracted to Sam, they were just so close and connected that working together to make a woman cum had turned out to be more fun than either one had ever anticipated. Ok, so the first one wasn’t so great, but once Izz started dating Stacy, that all changed. She told him early on how much she loved double penetration or DP as she called it.  Izz knew immediately that Sam was the only man for the job. Sam had been single and willing with a very sizable cock. He knew Sam tended to need to have feelings for the women that he slept with, but he seemed to like Stacy well enough and fucking her together was fun.

t helped a lot that Stacy turned out to be a super freak, and an even better teacher for them. She knew what she liked and how to make them get her there.  Sam and Izz had fucked her in positions they never even imagined. She had taught them how to pace themselves and what stamina truly meant. She would make them hold off, and would spank them if either man came too soon. It had been embarrassing, the first time Stacy spanked his ass with her stick, but then it made his cock hard again and he realized it was actually very erotic. His favorite times had been when Sam was on his back with his huge cock inside her pussy. He would climb up and slowly press the head of his dick to her tight bud. He was patient; he would press slowly and wait for the exact right moment. She would ride on Sam’s cock, back and forth, controlling the rhythm and building the juices in her pussy until it flowed out. He would pull out and use his hand to spread her lubrication around his dick as he pressed his thumb into her. She fucking loved it. She would beg, “Izz please, I need your dick in my ass! Now! Please hurry, my ass is so empty. Give it to me hard big boy!”

o he would. He pushed his hard cock all the way balls deep in her ass. Feeling Sam’s cock through the thin membrane was unreal. Sam would be perfectly still either trying to control his cum or waiting for Izz to start the fucking. They fucked until they all came at the same time.
Good Times,
he thought. His relationship with Stacy had ended when he deployed again, but looking back at the three months they had, he was incredibly grateful for the knowledge and the pleasure that she had given them. He was hoping to put it all to good use tonight. Izz slipped back into The Cave to find out.


They stood there, naked in the middle of the room. Tongues entwined. Sam’s hand squeezed Emma’s hips and pulled her toward him. They didn’t stop when Izz came in, they just kept right on making out, naked, in the middle of the room. He stripped off his equipment and sidearm and reached for a bottle of water.

finally pulled back and turned her head toward Izz, keeping her front pressed to Sam. “Everything ok out there?” she asked as the thunder crashed again outside. She jumped and Sam held her tight.

Izz stepped forward and put his hand on her back. “Yes, everything is fine. The
storm is moving away and I should be able to head out in while.” He looked at Sam and mouthed “Sorry” Sam shook him off.

“Izz you can’t go out in this weather. Doc says she wants you to s
tay and she even wants to say thank you.” Sam sounded almost ok with this.

Emma spun around still locked in Sam’s arms. She reached out and pulled Izz to her. She held on to his shirt and look
ed straight into his brown eyes. “Izz, you saved me.” And with that she leaned up and kissed him. He felt Sam’s arms relax from around her waist and she pushed her naked body against Izz. He automatically opened his mouth and the kiss deepened and he tasted her for the first time. She tasted like cum and his dick immediately went from hard to steel.

He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. He slid his hand up and down her bac
k caressing her skin. He moved his hand forward and cupped both breasts at the same time. Emma moaned into the kiss which he took as a good sign. He felt Sam’s body press against her from behind and felt his hand sliding around her round ass.

Sam kissed her neck and shoulders
, letting them have a “get to know you” kiss. He noticed Izz was rounding second base with his beautiful woman and decided he was ready to be involved. He didn’t know why she had agreed to this, but something in her eyes made him think that this was a very big deal. He wasn’t sure he was going to be able to handle sharing someone that he actually had feelings for, but what The Doc wanted, The Doc got.

Emma could not believe this was actually
going to happen. She was about to have her first threesome, and a MMF threesome at that. She had always assumed if this did happen, it would be some kind of a gift to her future husband or something, but when she considered it, it had always been with another woman. This was certainty a strange turn of events. “Izz, I want to be with both you and Sam tonight,” she said. It was simple and straight to the point and with his hands pinching and massaging her nipples she knew he would understand what she meant.

“At the same time or
separately?” he asked.

, she hadn’t really thought that far ahead. She had just assumed they would take care of the actual details. “Ummmm... well… I’m not sure. I’ve never had anal sex so I’m not sure if I’ll like it.”
Oh, my God
she could not believe she had just said that so matter-of-factly. If he didn’t need pretense, neither did she.

“Ok hang on here
… ” Sam started before realizing that he did not know what to say either. They both looked at him expectantly. “Well, shit.” He exhaled “Emma look at me… ” she turned to face him but kept Izz against her naked ass. “Why are you doing this?” he asked softly.

“I want this Sam. I want you and I want Izz and I want to know what’s it’s like to hav
e two men focused just on me.” She hadn’t realized that would be her answer until it was out but it was the truth. She felt Izz’s very long dick covered in his pants press against her low back and she pressed and wriggled back into him. “Sam, I want you to show me what’s possible. I will never have this chance again and I’m taking it.” She wanted this and she wanted it bad.

Sam looked at Izz now, years of combat together had given them a no
nverbal language all their own. He waited to speak and the tension suddenly tenfold. When he spoke all he said was, “I love her.” She gasped, not really expecting him to say that to Izz. It was one thing to profess love in a post coital haze but to your best friend, it was completely different. Izz’s eyed widened and then he gave a brief nod. “Give her what she wants,” Sam said and with that, he kissed her hard.


Izz thought to himself. He had really stepped in it this time. Sam loved her? When had that happened? I thought he was just fucking a hot piece of ass. Well it was too late, he was in and he intended to do exactly what Sam had requested. Give her what she wants. He slipped out of his fatigues and, once naked, he pressed himself against her back. With his now freed erection pressing into her back, she reached back with one hand and squeezed him against her ass cheeks. She pulled away from Sam’s mouth and gave him a quick smile. He winked at her and she turned around to face Izz, her suddenly nipples aching at the lack of solid object against them. She looked down at his very long, like nine inches long, dick dancing in the wind.

She smiled and looked up
. “My what a big dick you have!” she cooed.

He laughed; well ok,
he could see why Sam liked her.

“I want you to fuck my
ass with your big long dick Izz,” she said. Their eyes stayed locked, neither blinking.

He smiled and
said, “What the Doc wants The Docs gets.” He pressed his body against hers and started to kiss her neck. She wrapped her arms around him and he lifted her off the ground. Her legs locked around his waist and he could feel her heat and wetness on him. His hands gripped her ass and rocked her back and forth. Sam pressed against her ass holding her in place, his hands running up and down her back as he kissed her shoulders.

whole body was now on fire. The sensations were so intense, she wasn’t sure if she could handle it; two mouths, two tongues, four hands, and two cocks. Despite the fact that she was hiding out in a cave and there was a price on her head, she could still say this was the greatest night of her life.

Sam unwrapped her leg from Izz and said “Izz I think you should taste this beautiful
woman. I think you are gonna love it.”

Izz smiled because
, yes he did think he would love it. He slipped to his knees on the floor with her other leg resting on his shoulder. Sam pulled her back, exposing her pink, glistening, wet pussy lips for Izz to admire. He glanced up seeing Sam’s other hand massaging her breasts as he whispered in her ear. “Your pussy is so delicious, I can’t wait for him to have a taste.” She moaned and thrust her pussy on to Izz’s extended tongue. He licked feverishly not wanting to disappoint either one of them. He slid his hand up and slipped a finger into her sopping wet cunt.

yes… ” she sighed “More… ”

Sam’s fingers
gave her nipple a rough pinch before he moved down to circle her lips. He slipped two fingers in and separated her hood, fully exposing her clit to Izz. Izz glanced up, nodded in thanks, and went back to his dinner. Emma shook with the added sensation of her clit being fully exposed and stimulated.

whispered, “Emma you are so amazing. Watching my best friend eating you and you humping his face, Baby I have never been more turned on in my whole life. I can’t wait to get this dick of mine deep inside of you.” Then he licked her earlobe.

She was so fucking close
! She pumped her hips faster, reaching down to grab the back of Izz’z head. Sam pulled her right leg further back, deepening the angle of Izz fingers and making her g-spot stand up and take notice. Izz was rubbing her with two fingers from deep inside and something was about to happen.

She could feel her
legs starting to tingle and was grateful for the two men holding her in the air because she would have collapsed right then. Then Izz slipped his thumb, wet with her juice, right into her tight virgin asshole, stretching and lubricating it with each thrust. He was preparing her for his cock and she fucking loved it already. The sensation she was about to pee came over her and then suddenly her pussy and ass seized shut and a wash of cum sprayed directly in Izz face. He was shocked but recovered quickly and licked up every last drop. He pulled all of his fingers from her and held her ass as she spasmed, shuddered, and came again for what seemed like forever. He knew after a female ejaculation her clit would be incredible sensitive and he didn’t want to overstimulate her…yet.

Sam pressed his mouth to her and turned her around in his arms.
Someone lead them to the cot. She was flying too high to know who or how. They lay down on their sides, her front to Sam’s front and her back to Izz’s. The caressing continued as they let her slowly drift back down to earth.

She opened her eyes and saw Sam’s
baby blues looking nervously back at her.

“You ok Doc
?” he asked, actual concern in his voice. He was worried that it had been too much for her. She did seem to enjoy it, but maybe it had been too overwhelming for her since she hadn’t said anything in the last 20 minutes. Izz smiled at him and continued stroking Emma’s body, paying particular attention to her ass. Sam knew Izz well enough to know that Izz was happy with anything but he truly did love to have his dick in a woman’s ass while Sam was deep in her cunt. 

“That was awesome,” Emma said. “
You two do excellent work.” She smiled and kissed Sam. “You boys know any other tricks?” She turned around and kissed Izz “Thanks Izz that was fucking outstanding!”

“It was my pleasure,” Izz

it’s going to be, that’s for sure.” Emma replied.

with that, the kissing and licking began again. The three of them were quickly consumed with passion. They were all kissing, nibbling and touching anything they could find. It wasn’t two guys and one girl it was just all of them.

“Izz grab the
Vaseline out of your bag. It’s her first time and I don’t want you to hurt her.” Sam said. He had spun around and was sucking on her swollen clit when he realized they were going to need lube if this was going to work.

n it,” Izz responded and he jumped up.

… who’s doing what?” Emma asked nervously.

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