Reluctant Mates - 21 Paranormal Romance Stories (Werewolf, Vampire, Minotaur and Monster collection) (24 page)

Read Reluctant Mates - 21 Paranormal Romance Stories (Werewolf, Vampire, Minotaur and Monster collection) Online

Authors: Francis Ashe

Tags: #werewolf romance, #werewolf erotic romance, #werewolf menage, #vampire menage, #Gay Romance, #gay werewolf romance, #gay werewolf erotic romance, #first time gay romance, #gay vampire romance

BOOK: Reluctant Mates - 21 Paranormal Romance Stories (Werewolf, Vampire, Minotaur and Monster collection)
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The way he looked at me made me want him. Made me want to touch him and feel his powerful, muscled chest against the soft swell of my breasts which prickled up underneath the fur blanket wrapped around my shoulders. Walking toward Kalak, the fire from the pit bounced off his gorgeously tanned face. He extended a hand and grasped mine, then pulled me against him.

“Nothing change,” he said again, stroking his hand up and down the length of my back. His voice rumbled in his chest and vibrated mine. God what I wouldn’t give for him to take me to his tent, to ravish me and caress me, I thought. It had been – what – six hours since the last time? “Nothing change until you come. You come and save Kalak.”

“How did I save you?”

The corner of his mouth twitched in an almost-smile.

“There you are. You’re back. The Kalak I know – the one I fell in love with. Hard and leathery on the outside, but when it’s just you and your Gina, you can’t wait to soften up.”

Up my back went his hand until his fingers slid through my hair and sent little tingles over my scalp, down my shoulders. He pushed my chin up with his thumb, meeting my gaze with those smoldering brown eyes.

“Gina teach Kalak how care again.” He kissed me then. His soft, warm lips felt heavenly against mine. After my lips, he touched my chin, and then traced my jaw back to the place right below my earlobe that only he knows about. Warmth filling me, hands sliding up and down over my fur covering, I shrugged my shoulders and let the skin drop to the ground. The slight chill in the early morning air made my nipples prickle to life, and when Kalak felt them against his skin, he took his lips away from my neck, smiled, and wrapped his arms around my waist.

I let myself go limp as he dragged me back, giggling, beneath the tent and lay me down on the thick pile of furs where we slept.

“Your hair so soft, Gina,” my gentle giant said, running his fingers along the side of my face and curling a lock around one. He kissed my neck, and took a deep breath through his nose. “Your hair soft. Your smell peaceful. You make Kalak calm. Kalak full of rage. Want to hunt – to kill – but Gina make calm.”

I put my hand to the side of his face, his sun-kissed skin warm under my palm, his hairless cheeks smooth, except for the scars. His great silver mane was spread out underneath his heft in a fan-shape. Nuzzling my face into it, and then in the crook of Kalak’s neck, I smelled the forest, and I smelled the sweet smoke of a pine fire.

His finger slid up to my chin and then down my throat as he kissed soft, fluttering kisses along the same path. Everywhere he touched my skin seemed to flare to life with goose bumps and little electric tingles. Kalak flattened his hand against my chest when his fingertips made their way between my breasts and he pressed his lips where my collarbones met.

“You’re so powerful, so strong. Where did you ever learn to make love so gently, Kalak? So passionately?”

“Kalak do whatever he feel like doing. Sometime feel gentle, other time...”

“Other times what? Sometimes gentle and sometimes what, Kalak?”

Something flared behind Kalak’s eyes. The rage, I think, that he felt, or maybe it was fear of what was happening to Makel. Either way, I knew that look. I knew what it meant when his eyes flashed, when he decided what it was he wanted.

“Is that... what Gina want? Gentle?”

As he spoke, Kalak’s hand trailed back up my chest. His thumb slid around one side of my neck and his fingers around the other. Softly, he squeezed.

I was sure that he would never actually harm me on purpose, but just knowing that all it would take for him to crush the life out of me was to grip a little harder was an incredible rush.

His other hand slid up and over my thigh. His fingertip brushed my sex.

“Gina want gentle?”

Kalak lowered his face until it almost touched mine, until his lips were so close that I felt his breath. “Mmm... Gina wet. So, so wet.” He dragged the pad of his giant thumb up my slit and down to my asshole. Parting my folds ever so slightly, he dipped it between and circled my entrance for a long moment.

Against my chest, I felt his breath rise and fall deep and slow. His finger ran another circle around me, and then he pulled it to his lips, moaning as he tasted my pussy on his thumb.

Kalak smiled that broad, toothy smile and pushed his thumb harder against me, up one side and down the other. Popping it back and forth over the sweet ache at the top of my cleft, he kissed me again, lips warm and safe.

“Gina want gentle?”

“Oh!” I gasped when he hooked his fingers deep and dragged them in a curl along my front wall. “I want whatever you want, Kalak! Whatever you want! I just want you, it doesn’t matter how.”

He locked his mouth over mine, shoved his tongue deep and tasted me almost all the way to my throat. Rough against the soft flesh on my neck, his calloused palm squeezed again. My breath grew hot and quick in my chest, just like the red heat that spilled up my thighs and wrapped around my legs, up my back, and over my tits.

“Gina red,” the giant groaned. “Why Gina so red?” Does she like the way Kalak touch her?”

All I could do was moan when he finally released my throat and let me breathe again. Long, slow and deep, my voice dripped out of my mouth, and hung in the air between us for long enough for him to slip another finger – the third – in my cunt. Each time he pumped his hand forward or back, I was so sloppy wet that I could feel my juice dripping down in between slick, naughty sounds.

His moved his lips down the side of my face and after he sucked my earlobe and breathed “Kalak keep Gina safe,” he kissed the line of my jaw, my chin, and traced a warm line down my throat and between my breasts.

“Please, Kalak!” I cried out, a little louder than I thought, “please, I need you so bad. I hurt whenever you leave me. All I think about is you, all day long, every single night. Just you.”

Driving his fingers in and stretching against my walls so hard that a burning ache spread from the muscles between my legs up my spine. Kalak made me scream again, pleasure at first, then pain, and then warmth filled my body. When I opened my eyes, he was watching my face. For a moment, I lost myself, lost the world, as I stared into my giant beastman’s bared soul.

His lips made their way to my navel where he kissed and then nibbled before shoving his fingers deeper, and then pulled them back along my front wall, lingering on that little spot that made me shiver.

“When Gina make that face,” he paused and nibbled down my side. The whiskers running down the sides of his head tickling me when he got to my hips, “Gina make Kalak fill up with – fill up with...”

“Lust,” I whispered, “lust, Kalak. Say it in my ear. Whisper in my ear how I make you feel. Whisper what you want to do to my body and then blow in my ear.”

For a second, he stayed quiet, the warmth of his breath slipping down my sides and leaving a little trail of goose bumps in its wake.

“The way you touch me, Kalak, the way you kiss me. I’ve never felt anything like this. Never felt anything like you.”

Slowly, so slowly that I felt every single wrinkle and crease, Kalak slipped those thick, hard fingers out of my pussy and drew a line in my juice up over my belly that quickly dried when a little draft of morning air caressed my skin. His tongue followed the drying sex all the way up until he licked over my chin and kissed me hard and deep. His tongue drove hard, and almost forced me to arch my back and let another moan slip out between my full, parted lips.

My giant rolled so that his weight rested ever so slightly against me. As he did, the heavy girth of his long, solid cock wedged itself against my leg. I reached down, running my hand along my side and over the solid muscle on Kalak’s side. Following the taper of his body, I felt first the hard hairs at the top of his thigh, and then the softer, curly ones around the base of his cock.

Warm under my fingertips, and unimaginably soft, whenever I touched him, Kalak let out an “mmm...” and adjusted himself to give me more room to play. All the way to his tip, I tickled my fingers in tiny, soft brushes against his prickling flesh. When I looked at him, his soft eyes were closed.

“Does that feel good? Do you like it when I touch you?”

His response was a broad smile, an honest smile. I knew too much to think he was simple, but just then, as I felt his cock, and watching his eyes flutter behind their lids, he looked more content than I had ever seen him.

“I know you’re worried,” I began, but he hushed me with a finger on my lips.

“No worry. Not when with Gina.”

I kissed him on the side of the face and then his neck, biting just a little. Slipping my lips around his earlobe and sucking made Kalak’s smile grow broader still. When my fingertips finally reached the tip of his cock, his mouth fell open.

Throwing one of my legs over his massive hip, the lips of my cunt greeted him. I stroked his thickness up my slit and then down, up then down, until he was so slick with my juice that I was able to pump my fist along his prick just by squeezing.

It was his turn to moan.

I grabbed his base and crushed him with one finger after another. My fist slid all the way up until I felt the ridge around his tip. I played for a second, flicking my thumb across the delicate bridge of skin under his monstrous glans.

“I want you to fill me up,” I whispered in his ear. “I can’t take it anymore. I can’t take this cock not being in me.” I squeezed him for emphasis, which made him chuckle.

“If Gina want cock, she have to work for it.”

“Oh yeah? You want me to work?”

He nodded.

Flattening my hand against his shoulder and feeling the rippling muscle, the tight tendons, I shoved him as hard as I could.

“Oh! Gina is strong! So strong!” Laughing, he fell backwards. “Kalak no fight that! No fight!”

Hearing his booming, rumbling bass made me happy. To think that I was able to help him, even a little, to forget about all the terror and sadness was really all I wanted.

“I can’t believe you’re so weak,” I said, shoving him flat on his back, “you’re letting a tiny girl like me push you around?”

“Gina so strong!” He fake-shoved, and then let his arms flop onto the furs underneath.

When I first straddled him, it was hard to believe he was so big. I had to crouch, feet underneath me, in order to actually get my legs on either side of him. He crooked one of his massive arms underneath his head for a pillow and put the other between my legs. Two of his fingers first pushed inside my cunt, spreading me out, and then guided his tip between my folds.

As soon as he pushed past my entrance, his girth spreading sparks as he worked his tip inside. Half of it at first, then more, and more, and more, slowly, slowly moved inside.

“So big,” I gasped. “You’re so, so big.”

He pushed his hips up, cramming more and forcing me forward. My hands fell on his chest, on his fur-covered, glistening, muscular chest. For a moment, he lay motionless underneath me. I felt his breath rise, and then fall with a deep, powerful breath, and his cock pulsed inside me in time with his heart. Rotating my hips, I dropped a little deeper, and let him sink further.

Each time I pushed up on his cock, Kalak groaned and I felt his body shake. Pumping my hips until he almost fell out, I thrust them forward and back, squeezing his tip as hard as I possibly could with all those little muscles between my legs.

With a heavy, happy sigh, Kalak put his hands on my back, first stroking and then scratching me up and down in time with my hips moving on his prick. One hand kept brushing up my back and clawing downward and the other tangled in my hair, wrapped around the beastman’s monstrous fist.

“Yank it oh my God yank that hair. Pull it so hard!” He grinned and tugged. Again, he gave me a gentle pull. He was toying with me, and I loved it. “Yank! Please, please, please hurt me! Pull my hair so hard I scream!”

Hands braced against his belly, I drove my hips down until Kalak’s entire savage thickness was somehow crammed in my cunt. Pushing forward, I felt his balls, wet from my juice, against my ass and then squeeze between my legs when I relaxed and reached back to grab them.

“Pull my hair! Fuck me fuck me fuck me!”

When next I looked down and opened my eyes, the giant between my legs had a huge, almost frightening smile stretched across his face as I rode him, driving his cock against the back of my pussy so hard it put a deep, aching, wonderful burn inside me. His hand on my back slipped all the way down to my ass where he grabbed a handful of my soft cheek, and squeezed. The other hand slipped over my shoulder and cupped up underneath one of my tits, pushing up, and his fingers around my nipple twisting and pinching.

“Yes, yes, yes, squeeze that tit, squeeze it!”

From the look on his face, and the rock solid girth ramming up inside my pussy, Kalak was enjoying all my groaning and screaming and carrying on. He gripped, rough fingers rasping against the puckered flesh around my pink nib. For a moment he took his hand away, shoved two fingers in my mouth and then returned to my nipple, twisting, as he pounded faster. Balls slapped against the skin between my cunt and my asshole with rhythmic thumps.

His hands both locked on my ass, grinding me down against him, as his fingers dug into my flesh.

“I can’t – oh fuck! Hooooh, fuck fuck fuck, ram that dick in, I’m coming, I’m coming!”

Kalak snarled and moved his hands to my waist, vice-gripping me between them. Holding me in the air just off his pubis and driving up, again and again, his cock spearing me so deep that I felt bruises begin to form as he slammed me over and over.

I threw my head back, felt a wave of tightness creep down my belly and constrict my pussy around him. A moment later, less maybe, as I squeezed my jaws together, clenched as hard as I could to keep from losing control, Kalak held me still and fucked his cock straight in, straight out, filling me with agony, filling me with ecstasy and then, with a loud roar, filling me with his hot, milky cum until it brimmed over and spilled back onto his belly.

As he erupted, the feeling of his heat dripping down my walls sent me careening over the edge. All the tightness, all the tension that gripped my body slid away at once, my pussy quivering and my breath holding in my breath as the entire world around me turned from low-light dawn to brilliant, body-warming white heat. I squeezed my knees together, milking out the very last of my climax and making sure every single drop of Kalak was inside me, even if it didn’t stay.

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