Release (21 page)

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Authors: Louise J

Tags: #Captured

BOOK: Release
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“It’s nothing personal,
bruv. It’s just that she’s so far.”

“I understand.”

“I was about to come out of
the toilets when your sister had a go at you and your mate.”

Fucking great!

“It’s quite funny seeing two
strapping lads being reduced to little boys by a pint-sized woman.” He laughs.
“It’s obvious you both let her, which tells me more about you than what you
just said. People say things they don’t mean all the time, and if you want me
on your side you’ll say anything. So hearing your sister talk about what you
feel for Brooklyn, and then listening to you telling your mate you don’t
disrespect Brooklyn, reassures me more than anything you might say to me.” He
shudders. “But we won’t talk about him fancying my mum. You’re right about it
being gross. Nah, let’s leave it at that.”      

As the drinks are set out on
the bar, and before I can respond to a reaction that went beyond what I expected,
Brooklyn appears between us. She drapes one arm over my shoulders and the other
over Tommy’s.

“What you two talking
about?” she asks, lowering her head to rest it sideways against my shoulder,
hugging into me, and looking at her brother.

“Annoying little sisters who
interrupt men when they’re talking,” he says, teasing.

“I’m not the annoying one.
Nor am I the little one, lil’ bro.”

“Even from this side of the
pond you’re still annoying, you don’t know how not to be.” His playful gaze
moves from Brooklyn to me. “Has she made you watch
The Rocky Horror

Brooklyn moves fast, one
hand going over Tommy’s mouth, the other behind his head. “Shhh, shut up.”

He pulls back, grasping her
wrist and freeing his mouth. “Don’t let her do it to you, mate.”

“Shut up, shit head.”

 He chuckles at her,
still fighting off his sister’s attempts to silence him. “Blokes in suspenders
and all this proper weird singing.”

“Don’t listen to him,”
Brooklyn says, looking at me and giving up the fight, “it’s not weird. The term
here is garters, not suspenders – get your facts straight,” she tells him.

“It’s only a matter of time,
bruv. Just don’t watch it with her and Lee, they take on the roles and sing

 Brooklyn shakes her
head as she tries to suppress her smile. “Don’t listen to him, I’m not gonna
make you watch it.”

“Bet she will,” Tommy says,
“it’s one of her favorites.”

I straighten up. “Who is
this strange woman I’ve hooked up with?” I ask her.

“He’s talking shit.” She
tries to give Tommy the evil eye, but it’s not really convincing. She still
wants to laugh. “You’re a troublemaker.”

“That’s what you get when
you interrupt man talk.” He holds out his hand to me. “I bet she makes you
watch it. Six months tops.”

I shake his hand.
“No-fucking-way am I watching a bunch of men dressed in garters singing.”

Tommy laughs and ushers his
sister away.

With a fake pout, Brooklyn
heads over to the table where her mom is.

She looks super cute, and I
feel like a sappy fool.

Nine: Dane

In a bar and grill, I’m sitting at a table next to
Evelyn. Our attention is on her daughter, who’s with Tommy and Katie over at
the jukebox.

I’m not sure whether it’s
because of the relationship I have with Saffron, but few things please me more
than observing close siblings. Brooklyn and her brother adore each other and
they share the same sense of humor. That means I get to indulge in Brooklyn’s
laugh, which I’m doing right now. It’s impossible not to smile.

My gaze slides to Evelyn,
who’s now watching me.

Her lips curve and she looks
back over at her grown up kids. “I know it’s early days,” she says, her stare
unwavering, “and no pressure or anything, but I trust you to take care of my
baby. I don’t know you that well, but the way you are with her and the way you
look at her sets my mind at ease. She’s a tough little cookie, but cookies do
crumble. This is the happiest she’s been in a while. That’s because of the show
and you.”

For a moment, I don’t know
what to say. I wasn’t expecting that.

“I’m glad you can leave
tomorrow with that peace of mind. We’ve all got our breaking points, but I’ll
do my very best to avoid anything happening with your daughter that’ll take her

She grasps the hand I have
resting on top of the table and squeezes it. “Thank you. It’s hard being so far
away from my girl. I’m pleased she has a nice group of people around her here,
especially Leona, Kayla and now you. Your sister and your friends seem lovely
as well.” She moves her hand from mine and reaches into her purse.

“Put that in your jacket
pocket.” I look down, and she’s discretely passing me a DVD under the table.
Taking her offering, I reach for my jacket.

“If you’re going to tell
Brooklyn I gave that to you, at least wait until I’m on the plane.” She smiles
wide, looking even younger and quite mischievous. “She’ll kill me when she
realizes what I’ve done.”

I frown, curiously, and that
seems to be enough to get an answer to the question I haven’t asked yet.

“It’s Brooklyn’s first show
when she was seven years old. Tommy transferred it from video tape to DVD for
me. Everyone that gets close to my baby sees this, and since you’ve watched her
…” Evelyn raises her right shoulder. “You’ll recognize her
immediately. Her favorite performance on there is the one to
Disco Inferno
She’ll go mad when she knows I’ve given you that, but it’s tough luck. I’m
proud of her and that was her first ever show, a year after she started
dancing. Leona’s in it, too. She’ll go mad as well.” She chuckles without
shame, and how the hell can I not laugh with her.

Holy shit, Evelyn Scott is
something else.


It’s the day after my family’s departure. I’m home
alone, not long after returning from the studio. All set for a lazy afternoon,
I lay back on my bed flipping through a magazine. I love the problem pages and
sometimes I like the real life stories. This month’s offerings are rape,
infidelity and domestic violence. I close the mag, drop it on my bed, and call
Dane on his mobile. He’s at work, but we always talk during the day so I know
he won’t mind.

“Hey, beautiful, what’s up?”

“Nothing, it’s just a bit
rubbish here. I think I got too used to having Mum, Tommy and Katie around. I
feel restless.”

“I think I’m gonna have to
do something about that. See you in two.”

“No, I don’t want to tear
you away from work.”

 “They’ll survive
without me for a little while.”

A massive grin rips across
my face.

Dane literally is at the
main entrance to my block within two minutes. When I open my front door, there
he stands in his black work T-shirt and cargo trousers. He hugs me in his way,
kisses me on the lips and surveys me as he toes-off his boots. “Nice shorts.
Best legs without a doubt,” he says.

With the way he’s looking at
me, he’s got about ten minutes of talk time before I pounce. No way is he
leaving this apartment untouched. To top it off, there’s no Leona or Kayla
around to have to take into consideration.

Once we’re in my bedroom
with the door closed, I stroll over to the radio and turn it off. I turn around
and frown at the sight of Dane topless and unbuttoning his trousers.

“Don’t get any ideas. I just
don’t feel right laying on your bed in my work clothes.”

I smile – he’s having a
laugh if he thinks his visit will be an innocent one. Especially as I watch him
stretch out on my bed in his black briefs. Oh yeah, the look of a bad boy and a
Calvin Klein underwear model combined to perfection.

He notices my magazine and
picks it up. He now has approximately six minutes.

“Anything useful for us in
here?” he asks in jest, as he scans the cover. He’s on his back with his head
on the pillows I already had piled up for me.

“Nothing we don’t already
know.” I walk over to join him. He starts flipping through the pages. “
I say slowly, as the word jumps out at me from the article he’s stopped on.

I kneel on the bed next to
him, to his right and facing him, and sit back on my heels. In about four and a
half minutes I’ll be straddling his hips.

“Would you? Have you?” he
asks, his enquiring gaze moving to me.

The right side of my mouth
lifts into an intended smirk. “It would be impossible for me to even consider
another when I have you. Impossible.” And I absolutely mean it. “So, no is the
answer to question number one.”

“Good answer.
answer. And question number two?” He’s already figured it out.

I grin, certain he won’t
suddenly develop a problem with my admission. “Yes.” I don’t fail to notice the
movement beneath his underwear. I arch a brow at him. Two minutes.

It pleases me that he seems
more intrigued than disappointed or jealous. You can’t change your past, so
it’s a pain in the backside when a man gets ridiculous and insecure about your
earlier sexual ventures. If they know you aren’t a virgin when you meet them,
and they still want you, then how dare they have a problem? I’m not offended
that Dane isn’t jealous. He’s secure and I like that.

“Who with?” he asks.

“My boyfriend, Calvin, and
his friend Dean.”

“Did you like it?”

I nod slowly with eye
contact that says this is turning me on. It’s turning us both on, he is
definitely hard now. I’m aware my ten minute time limit has now past, but I’m
liking our conversation. I still intend on putting that erection to good use.

“So no regrets?” he asks,
dropping the magazine on the floor.

“No. What would you say if I
wanted one with you and another man?”

His brows shoot up. “
you? Hell-fucking-no! I don’t want any other man’s hands on you unless it’s for
your performances.”

“Good answer.
answer,” I say to him, just as he did me.

I’d have been massively
unimpressed, pissed off, if he’d said yes. I have no problem with threesomes, I
had a great time, but I want, and expect, Dane to want me all to himself. Plus,
it was a one-off experience for me, experimentation. I have no desire to do
anything like that again.

“How many have you had?” No
sense in asking Dane

“Honest answer?” He’s
serious, and now I’m more intrigued.

“Honest answer.”


I’m not entirely surprised.
“Always two women and you?”


I shake my head, not really
disapproving. “You and your naughty mates,” I tease. “How many times was it
with two women?”

“Once, but not like one
time. I fell into an ...
with a couple chicks. It went on
for a few months.” He looks thoughtful for a moment. “One of them was

“Ah, so she wanted you all
to herself.” I’m telling, not asking, because I can imagine how the whole thing

I feel sorry for her; she
fell for Dane and ended up getting hurt.

He’s really not the type of
man any woman should fall for, based on his relationship history, but it is
such an easy thing to do.

I smile at him. I love the
way he’s looking at me, I feel no less than adored. I’m often on the receiving
end of that intense, deeply focused gaze, and I completely forget about
anything but him and me in those moments.

“You’ve been driving women
crazy all over this city, Dane.”

His expression doesn’t
change from adoring, and I don’t think he’s taking my comment seriously. By no
means does he lack confidence, but he genuinely doesn’t understand the impact
he has. He’s ridiculously gorgeous with a body that’s beyond amazing – that’s
great, but it’s not the be-all and end-all. Dane is clever, creative and
skilled (sexually and otherwise), easy to be around, attentive, and he’s
undoubtedly a good person with a big heart. There’s also nothing like having a
man who’ll massage your heavy muscles on show nights, and any other time when
required, without you even having to ask him to.

What more could a woman
want? He exceeds desirable.

“Come here,” he says.

I shift over to straddle his
hips. Lowering my upper body down to his, I rest my forearms on the bed, either
side of his head. He grabs my hips, anchoring me in place, pushing his rigid
dick against me.

“Did they fuck you in the
ass?” He’s already figured out the answer.  

“Calvin did, many times.”

Until Dane, Calvin was the
one man I’d have done anything with. Until Dane, I’d labeled Calvin true love,
and the only reason we broke up was because he didn’t want me to come to
America for
All about the Dance
. We were together for three years. If it
was really true love, he wouldn’t have tried to stop me leaving, and I wouldn’t
have left him so easily.

“Why haven’t you yet?” I ask

“I was just thinking that

Right now we are serious and
acutely horny, and I am so glad I have a miniature bottle of lubricant in a
Goodie Bag I got from a cool sex party I went to about a month ago.


Once we’re naked and ready, I lie on my back with my
legs resting up against each of Dane’s shoulders and my hips propped up with
two pillows beneath me. Preparing me, Dane inches the tip of one lubricated
finger into my tight rear entrance. Press, retreat, press, retreat… Slowly and
gradually, I take the full length. Tiny sparks of goodness surround the finger
penetrating me. “I should get bored during the day more often,” I tell him.

“You won’t hear any
complaints from me. I might have to fire myself, though.”

Adding a second finger, he
works me again. Press, retreat, press, retreat... I watch him, his expression
shows deliberation.

When the head of his cock,
condom included on this occasion, is at my slippery passage, I close my eyes.
As he starts to push through, it doesn’t hurt, but my body’s not entirely ready
to accept him. It’s only a little uncomfortable, a slight burning sensation.

“You okay?” he asks, tone

Opening my eyes, I meet his
gaze. “Perfect.”

Gently, he goes deeper, the
nerves surrounding the first few millimeters awakening. Soon after, I feel full
and stretched firmly around him. I glance down to find I’ve underestimated this
well endowed man. We’re only about halfway there. Closing my eyes again, I
wonder if I’ll even be able to take all of him.

Dane continues to work with
my body’s acceptance, and I find his patience and care to be the sexiest thing
right now. Depth controlled, he starts to thrust faster. The sensitivity and
intense sensation is amazing, I forgot how good this can be. Just the thought
of what we’re doing is arousing, and that coupled with the feel of him is
incredible. Add to that the sight of him; features that have gone from tightly
drawn with careful consideration to a combination of slack and taut resulting
from blatant satisfaction, the tension adding further bulk to his inked biceps,
and the thick veins in his forearms. He is a vision like no other. I can’t help
the soft moans that escape me, moans from more than physical pleasure.

Anal sex is an acquired
taste, and I like it quite vigorous with the correct preparation and build up.
Dane always reads me well, and reacts accordingly, just as he is doing right
now; powerful, intent thrusts. Even now, I’m aware of his control.

He is
not in
control of himself.

I completely give myself
over, as I always do with Dane.

“You’re insane, girl,” he
says, his voice coarse. I know he’s not surprised by this; he’s no different to

My legs slither down from
his shoulders, but stay hooked over his arms, which are either side of my
waist. We both look down between my now wider open thighs and then at each
other. Maybe there’s a sexual psychic connection we share, because I’m pretty
sure we’re thinking the same thing.

I lower my hand to my
neglected pussy. I’m ridiculously aroused, soaked. I slip in and fuck myself
with two fingers in time with Dane. A threesome for two people who have no
desire to share each other.

“Fuck! That’s hot,” he says
in response to my self inflicted penetration.

With the finger tips of my
other hand, I caress my clit. My eyelids flutter closed. The overwhelming
feeling of Dane plus my well lubricated fingers has me so close to the edge, I
swear I can even feel the approach of my orgasm in my teeth. Every part of me
knows what’s about to happen and the pull to my center is fierce, almost

“Shit,” I moan. I’m fighting
to maintain my handwork as I’m taken over, and I’m aware that Dane is close.
“Shit, shit.” So close, but it’s difficult to keep up the stimulation.

“Don’t stop. Come with me,
baby,” he commands, his voice strained.

That sound, his voice, is
all I need and for the first time, simultaneously we climax. My skin prickles
and tingles all over as I come hard. My scream of Dane’s name blocks out any
noise he makes, but I’m semi-aware of his final thrust.

I move my aching hands and
wrap my arms around him as he lowers his body onto mine.

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