Premature Evacuation (Underground Sorority #1) (6 page)

BOOK: Premature Evacuation (Underground Sorority #1)
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Bianca ran her hand through her hair. She glanced at the guys through the space between her fingers. “Rum and diet.”

Nate suggested we all do tequila shots. I nodded my consent. It was easier to be with Corey in public when he wasn’t actually in my vicinity, so I let out a breath as he fled to the bar.

“Be right back. Holly’s over there.” Erin squeezed her way through the crowd, brandishing her marker, toward a girl dressed in skinny jeans and bouncy pony tail.

Bianca moved her shoulders to the trendy Clever Trevor pop song booming through the room. She gyrated close to me, her butt grazing my thighs. “Mackenzie, look at him over there. God, he looks
in that shirt.”

My eyes flew to where Corey stood by the bar, Nate stretching a long tanned arm to reach over his shoulder. She was right, Corey looked damn good in that tight-fitting white Polo that sculpted his barely there abs. But I couldn’t stoke her fire. “I think he wore that shirt last week.” In fact, I knew he did, I remembered clutching the bottom in my fists and pulling it over his head.

She wrapped her silver nails around my shoulder. “I can’t take it anymore. I have to tell him how I feel. What should I say?” Bianca’s big green eyes blinked at me. Was
an option I could give her?

Corey glanced back and gave us a chin nod followed by a smile that lit the entire room.

I swallowed past the lump in my throat. “Do you—do you think he likes you back?”

Her cheekbones slid like tectonic plates. “Yeah, I think he might. You’ve seen the way we dance.”

I nodded. I had. I couldn’t deny it.

My nod was all the confirmation she needed. She squared her shoulders and pointed her determined face in their direction. Her pointy heel brought her one step closer to them. Fight or flight mode took over, and I grabbed her arm. Before she had a chance to wriggle free, I blurted, “I slept with him.”

Her manufactured tan bleached into stark whiteness, so much so that the girls dancing next to her backed away as if she might faint on them. Her eyes glistened and her mouth parted, making her look like a child who’d just been scolded. But that was nothing to how I felt, my breath ragged, my pulse spiking to heart attack levels, my shoulders free of their burden.


Sweat beaded along my forehead. The truth was out there now, hanging heavy between us. I couldn’t take it back, and frankly, I didn’t want to. “It was really fucking good sex, too.” Holy hell, why did I say that? Sometimes I sucked. “It’s been going on for a while.” That wasn’t any better. I tried to slide my features into something that resembled guilt. “I’m sorry, I should have told you.” I had to work extra hard to keep the smile off my face.

“But—” Bianca swiveled her head back at the boys. “You never even talk to him. You’re always talking to Corey.”


My head snapped up, all the guilt rushing from my body like the flood gates had opened. Still, I squinted at her to make sure. “You like Nate?”

She hesitated, like she was afraid to admit it, afraid of my answer. “I’ve had the biggest crush on him for over a year.” Lament filled her tone for all she thought she’d lost.

She liked Nate!
, who’d barely said two full sentences to me in the entire month Corey and I were seeing each other. Nate, whose only relevant trait seemed to be his chiseled face and hardened abs that hopefully made up for his lack of personality. Nate, who never ever slept in his own room but didn’t have a girlfriend as far as I could tell.

The whole situation was so hilariously ridiculous to me, I burst out laughing. I’d been so terrified of Bianca crushing on Corey that I neglected to acknowledge the fact whenever she glanced in his direction, there was always another guy standing right next to him. I’d obsessed about her dancing with Corey and ignored all the dancing she did with Nate.

Bianca crossed her arms, her features hardening to ice. “Seriously? You’re laughing at me?”

I spit out the truth before she could get angry. “I’m laughing because we’re idiots. I slept with
. Not Nate.”

“Oh.” Her arms fell to her sides and her body relaxed. “
” She fanned the air in front of her. “You had
with him? With
Corey? Oh my God!” Bianca emphasized the word
by screaming it while only whispering the rest of the sentence. The couple dancing next to us turned to stare. Bianca clasped her throat as if she was gasping for air.

I shrugged as heat flew to my cheeks. “It’s not a big deal.” She looked at me like I had just written a calculus problem on a napkin and asked her to solve it.

“And ew, now I know he’s good in bed. I did
want to know that about Corey!” Bianca covered her ears and pretended to hyperventilate.

My chest cinched tight. “Well, look at the bright side. Now you totally have my blessing to go after Nate. Go ahead, pull him onto the dance floor and kiss him.”

I eyed the way Nate placed a firm hand on the back of Corey’s shoulder, patting once, before sliding several shot glasses between his fingers. I still couldn’t figure out what she saw in Nate. I kept forgetting he existed.

She scrunched up her nose. “Ew. No. I won’t do that in public. It’s rude.”

Around us, several couples sucked face while gyrating their hips the same way Corey and I did in the bedroom. Before I could point that out, Corey thrust a shot glass into my hands and strung an arm around my shoulders. He did that sometimes, only for a second or two and he’d always balanced it by doing the same thing to Bianca next. An anvil tore through my gut and dropped straight to the floor at the giddy smile on her face. I had to do damage control. I had to—

“Corey! I can’t believe you!” Bianca took her shot from Corey’s other hand, then pushed him so hard he stumbled.

He strung his free hand over his heart. “What did I do?”

” Bianca said. “You mean,
did you do!”

His eyes flashed to me, smile waning. I downed the shot without waiting for the others. My voice came out scratchy. “Um, can I talk to you for a sec?”

“No. He’s talking to me.” Bianca clasped his fingers, forcing him to remove his arm from around me.

Panic shot through my gut like an arrow. I pleaded with my eyes from Bianca to Nate—
talk to Nate! Not Corey!—
but the two of them retreated into the far corner of the bar, shots in hand like weapons. That left me alone with Nate. He acknowledged my glance with an elongated blink, and the two of us stood in utter silence. Corey and Bianca whispered into each other’s ears, his palm resting on her shoulder. He flicked his face in my direction, smile completely flattened. My blood turned to sludge.

The song changed to a slow melodic one and here I stood statue-still next to a guy with his eyes closed swaying to the beat. I willed myself to think of something to say to Nate, but came up with nothing that didn’t involve me blurting the whole secret all over again. I couldn’t even talk about the weather. Upstate New York was always gray and cloudy with the threat of snow. What was I supposed to say? “So, Nate, think it’ll snow tomorrow?” The obvious answer was always “yes!”

I took a deep breath and tried the question that had been pestering me for weeks. “Where do you sleep?”

His eyes popped open, blood shot, and he squinted at me as if he were just noticing my presence for the first time ever. “Huh?”

“Spoiler alert: I think I’ve spent more time in your room this semester than you.”

His red eyes opened a fraction of a centimeter wider, which might be considered bugging out for expressionless him. “Oh, so
the sexcapades?” His eyes narrowed back to normal droopiness.

Corey and Bianca separated, and he stormed back to me. He swooped in with a hand on my back and guided me through the packed crowd. He had his back to me but the brief glimpse I caught of his straight-line lips made my tongue swell. My pulse
tap tap tapped
faster than the beat, making me feel out of sync, like I no longer had a place in the bar or in my clique.

When he spun around, he leaned way back, cocking his head and rubbing his chin with his index finger and thumb. “So. You burst.”

I clenched my teeth and avoided eye contact. “I’d blame the alcohol but that came after.” I tried to laugh. He didn’t join in. “I didn’t want to keep lying to Bianca.”

“Neither did I.” His lips curled into the slightest of smiles.

I exhaled and collapsed into him, pushing away the questions rising into the fog of my brain. Both of our legs parted to make way for the other’s knee, letting us grind closely. My hands rubbed all over his back. I had to keep touching him to make sure he was still real. He held his mouth so close to my ear that his staccato breathing sent chills down my spine.

“You’re not mad?”

He didn’t answer, just wrapped his arms around me and rocked me to the beat. I risked a kiss in public, planted on his neck, a safe spot until I became braver. I took the way he leaned into the kiss as an invitation. We were doing this. In full view of a packed bar. My lips trailed up his neck, grazing against the short stubble coating his skin. I hovered my mouth over his, giving him the opportunity to initiate a kiss, be the one to make what we had officially public, but he didn’t move any closer. “She asked me if I thought Nate liked her.”

I wasn’t sure why we were talking about this instead of kissing. But he seemed to be waiting for my response. “I think he does,” I said, just to say something and effectively end this topic of conversation.

We were so close that as his chest rose with his sigh, his stomach pressed firmly into mine. “You do? Why?” He stole a glance in Bianca’s direction, his chest stilling as though he were holding his breath for the answer. A sharp jolt of worry made my muscles tense. Crap.

I rippled my hand through his hair. “Lots of reasons.”
Think of some, damn it!
“The way he’s always looking at her.”
When he has his eyes open and manages to aim them randomly in her direction…
“The way he’s always checking up on her when we’re out together.”
To make sure she pays him back when she owes him money…
“Don’t you see it?”
Please see it. Please don’t see the same thing everyone else sees about Bianca: that she’s gorgeous in a way I’m not

Corey shrugged, his Adam’s apple bobbing. “Hmmm, not really. But not like I can stop her.”

His words thudded into me like an avalanche. The way he said it sounded like he wanted to stop her. Possibly in one of those cliche movie tropes where he stormed into the church on her wedding day and coaxed her to leave her groom at the altar.

I was at a school that required decent grades—and a lot of money—to get in, so I knew the smart thing to do. Drop the conversation. Distract him with a kiss or a whispered promise of what to expect later. But my mouth betrayed me. “Are you okay with that? You seem upset.” I still had some brains left though that hadn’t been destroyed by alcohol, so I added a
get out of jail free
card for him, an excuse he could grab like a handle on a subway car to keep him from falling over. “I mean, I know you guys were friends before I came along so I’m not sure if it would be weird for you to see them together.”

“I guess I have to be okay with it, don’t I?” He sighed heavily. “I don’t know. I had a bit of a crush on her last year.”

I waited for the
, the loophole to his statement.
But that’s in the past
But I’m totally over her
. But the only
I got was in the form of silence, hanging off the end of his sentence like a steep cliff.

I’d gotten it all wrong. It wasn’t Bianca with the crush; it was Corey.

His words kept echoing in my head like a gong, drowning out the song, my racing heart. My hips revolved on auto-pilot, dancing with him as if nothing was wrong, but my head had checked out. I swiveled my neck to watch the whispered conversation flying between Bianca and Nate. My lips took up prayer:
please like her, please kiss her, please take her far away from Corey.

Corey pulled back to studied my face. I tried to keep my features even, forcing my mouth into the most half-assed smile that ever existed. He pursed his own. “Listen, I never did anything about it though. She’s a bit too, uh, tightly wound for me.” His arms encircled me tighter and his lips found my ear. “Besides, she’s not who I want anymore.”

I latched onto his declaration like a life raft, hoping what he said was true. I gripped his shoulder tightly, my hands balled into fists behind his back. We fell into the silent rhythm of dancing. The room spun around me and the crowd blurred like a photo taken with the shutter angle set too high. I squeezed him, hoping I could wring the feelings he ever had for her out of his body like a tube of toothpaste.

OREY DIDN’T INVITE ME back to his room that night. I wouldn’t have gotten much sleep if I’d been in his arms, but I got even less in my lonely room. The darkness wrapped around me, and I shivered in my tiny cot. Flashes of the way Corey shut down at Bianca’s crush confession pounded against my skull.

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