Pregnant with His Werewolf's Baby (10 page)

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Authors: Anya Byrne

Tags: #anal sex, #erotic, #erotic romance, #explicit adult content, #gay, #gay sex, #MM

BOOK: Pregnant with His Werewolf's Baby
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As if following Gavin's train of thought, his lover flipped
him on all fours. Gavin's heart started to beat impossibly fast as Saul spread
his ass cheeks. He tried to remember if he had lubricant somewhere in the room
and finally directed Saul toward the nightstand. "Lube… There."

Saul didn't follow Gavin's urge, and Gavin almost thought
that his lover hadn't heard him. After that, he didn't think anything anymore,
because Saul speared his tongue into Gavin's anus. Gavin nearly came on the
spot, the taboo caress making hot pleasure erupt over him. God, he was so
close, so damn close he could taste it, almost feel the orgasm. And yet, he
didn't fall over the edge. Even as Saul wiggled his slick muscle into Gavin's
fluttering hole, using it like a little dick, Gavin pushed back against his
lover, fucking Saul's face. He felt like he was hovering on the brink of something
momentous, and the pleasure kept piling up. It seemed as if he was coming over
and over, only he really hadn't, and probably wouldn't until Saul took him.

Saul finally lifted his head, ceasing his ministrations on
Gavin's ass. He rummaged through the drawer Gavin had indicated earlier,
retrieving the half-empty tube of lubricant Gavin had lately been using to

A pop and a squirt signaled the fact that Saul had opened the
tube. Just like Gavin had wanted a few minutes earlier, Saul's fingers slid
into Gavin's hole, now slick with the lubricant. Even if the rimming would have
likely worked just fine as preparation, Saul still finger-fucked Gavin,
maddeningly thorough as he made sure Gavin was ready for him. And okay, a part
of Gavin didn't really mind, especially not when Saul brushed his fingers over
Gavin's prostate. But he was quickly reaching a tipping point, and he feared
that he might lose his mind if Saul didn't claim him.

Fortunately, Saul's empathic link to him did its job this
time around too. All of a sudden, Saul changed their positions, lying down and
pulling Gavin on top of him. Gavin just blinked, and the next thing he knew,
he'd ended up in Gavin's lap, with his ass hovering just above Saul's hard
dick. "We'll take it slow," Saul said. "At your own pace. Don't
strain yourself."

Gavin wondered if Saul was saying the words for his own
benefit, or for Gavin's. The tightness in the werewolf's jaw reminded Gavin of
their first time, when Saul had held back to give Gavin time to adjust. And
maybe the situation wasn't that different, but this time, Gavin was absolutely
and utterly certain of what he wanted and what he needed—and not just to
surpass his former intimacy problems.

Smiling at Saul, Gavin slowly pushed down. Both of them gasped
as Saul's dick popped past the ring of guardian muscle. Saul's hands landed on
Gavin's hips, guiding Gavin's motions, keeping him from moving too quickly. In
spite of his urgency, Gavin let Saul dictate the rhythm. It just felt so right
to be like this with Saul, their bodies entwined, but their souls reaching for
each other as well. He didn't want it to ever end.

The moment he took Saul's dick all the way inside him,
everything seemed to fall into place. It wasn't even about the pleasure
anymore, or at least, not only about that. He'd asked Gavin what love meant.
This was it, the closeness, seeing his future in Saul's eyes, and knowing that
they'd have a family together.

As he started to move up and down Saul's dick, he allowed
that knowledge to combine with the physical sensations. He felt so full of
Saul, in every possible way,
that he no
longer knew where he ended and Saul began. And even as he rode Saul's dick, he
never looked away from Saul's face, taking in all the emotions flashing through
his mate's eyes.

Alas, even something so beautiful couldn't last forever.
Every time Saul thrust inside him, he struck Gavin's prostate, pushing him even
higher on the peaks of rapture. Any moment now, he'd fall over the edge, into
that beautiful abyss that had tempted him for too long. But before he could do
so, something swelled inside Gavin, an ache that he couldn't fully comprehend
or identify. "Saul," he whispered brokenly. "Please…"

As it turned out, Saul did know what that meant and what
Gavin needed. His right hand briefly abandoned Gavin's hip and a strikingly
sharp claw drew a bloody line over his own chest. Gavin would have been
frightened, except he instinctively guessed Saul's reasons before Saul even
explained. "Bite down, baby," the man—the werewolf—said. "Claim
me. Be mine."

Gavin didn't hesitate for a single second. He lowered his
mouth over the cut and bit onto Saul's flesh. His blunt teeth couldn't have
pierced Saul's skin, but they didn't have to. Saul's blood flowed into Gavin's
mouth. The coppery taste should have disgusted Gavin, but it didn't. Instead,
it triggered an explosion inside Gavin, so powerful that it set to shame every
single expectation Gavin might have had of this.

It was an experience that combined the carnal with the
transcendental. Even as Gavin's dick spurted white streams of cum all over his
lover's chest, a flood of emotions swamped him.
It was sex and love, animalistic and human, a supernova of ecstasy that
changed Gavin's entire world. Mental walls he hadn't even been aware of
crumbled under the force of his orgasm. In his mind's eye, he could see it now,
so clearly, a glowing thread of gold reaching out to him, lonely and abandoned,
astray because Gavin hadn't known to reach back. He did so now, and as the
thread tightened and wrapped around him, the feelings and sensations solidified
into memories, images and thoughts—some his, others not his own.

He felt Saul's climax twofold, once through the sudden heat
filling his channel, and again through this new incredible bond. It actually
seemed like he'd come two times, and maybe he had, because his orgasm went on
and on and on, never-ending, destroying him and building him anew. And just
when Gavin thought it truly couldn't get any better, Saul's voice drifted into
his mind.
God, baby. I love you so much.

Before he'd met Saul, Gavin couldn't even have fathomed such
a thing could be possible, but now, he accepted it. The beauty of the mate bond
humbled him and he tentatively sent back,
I love you too.

At last, the high of their pleasure began to fade and they
collapsed together on the bed, their bodies still entwined. "I can't
believe I can hear you in my head," Gavin murmured breathlessly when he
could speak.

"It only happens when we're actually having sex,"
Saul replied. "The rest of the time, we just feel each other's

For the longest time, they just lay there, Saul's dick still
inside Gavin. Distantly, Gavin wondered why in the world this kept happening
after they had sex—and what exactly this was. William had mentioned it too, so
it had to be a werewolf thing.

Saul must have sensed his curiosity or guessed his thought,
because he proceeded to explain, "It's called knotting, baby. It only
shows up between werewolves and their mates. Supposedly, it exists to assist
with the impregnation of females."

"Looks like it works for men too," Gavin replied
with a slight snicker.

When Saul finally slid out of him, Gavin turned in Saul's
embrace and cuddled closer to his mate. "So now what? What's going to
happen? Do you need to go back to your pack?"

Saul shook his head. "They pushed me into something I
never wanted, and I don't want you or our son to be in the middle of that kind
of poison."

Gavin faced his lover and fixed him with a serious look.
"What exactly happened, Saul? Tell me everything, and don't ignore any

With a sigh, his new mate agreed. As he took in everything
Saul had gone through, Gavin couldn't help but gasp. "You could have been
killed, Saul. I can't believe your father would go for something like that."

"The werewolf world is often cruel," Saul answered,
kissing Gavin's forehead. "But don't worry, baby. We can build a pack of
our own, for the three of us and all those lone wolves out there who don't fit

"A lone wolf pack?" Gavin
beamed brightly, already loving the concept. It was kind of a paradox, just
like Saul, and because of that, it was perfect. "That's a great

Saul chuckled, obviously surprised by Gavin's enthusiasm.
"We'll see how it goes in time. For now, it'll be me, you and our son. And
I can't wait."

Gavin couldn't have agreed more. He had not expected to find
love when he'd gone to that club, but he had. And now, here he was, pregnant
with his werewolf's baby, ready to start a new life. He couldn't have been




A few weeks later

"Are you never going to tell me the truth about this
whole thing?"

Jessie crossed his arms over his chest and glared at his
father. The other man just ignored Jessie's pissed off expression and added
another shirt to his suitcase. "I told you. It's not my secret to share. I
swore to keep that knowledge from anyone. And as much as I want to tell you
about it, you're better off not knowing."

Jessie huffed in frustration. "Gav won't tell me either.
He said his lover claims it's too dangerous."

"And he's right." His father hugged him tightly,
just like he used to when Jessie had been young and confused. "Look, you
already have too much on your plate. Gavin will be fine. I've made arrangements
for after he gives birth. We'll say the baby is Saul's, and his mother, a good
friend of Gavin's, died in child birth. The two of them fell in love, and Gavin
adopted the baby."

Jessie grimaced. "But that'll mean the baby will believe
Gavin's not his real dad."

"They'll worry about that later. Sweetheart, this can't
be helped. Gavin wants his baby to have a normal life, and this way, it will be

His father freed Jessie from his embrace. "Now listen
closely. I might be going with Gavin to help him throughout this difficult
time, but I'm just a phone call away. If anything happens..."

Jessie chuckled at his father's worried expression.
"Don't be ridiculous, Dad. I'm not a kid anymore. I can handle

His father cupped his cheek with striking tenderness. "I
know you can, sweetheart. But that doesn't mean you have to." He hesitated
and stared at the half-packed luggage on the bed. "Maybe this is a bad
idea. I could just visit them from time to time, like I've been doing until

Jessie scoffed. "They need you more than I do. You know

Gavin and Saul had recently left the city and taken refuge in
a cabin rented by Saul. According to Jessie's dad, the fresh air was needed for
a healthy pregnancy—not to mention that Gavin's belly had been growing at an
alarmingly fast rate, and people were bound to notice something was wrong if
they hadn't already. Jessie visited the couple on a regular basis, and he could
tell his friend was happy and excited about his impending parenthood. But that
didn't mean they didn't need a physician there with them for Gavin's due date.

His father must have known that too, because he shot Jessie a
small smile. "You're such a good boy. I'll miss you so much."

This time, it was Jessie who hugged his father, all the while
struggling not to cry. The two of them had always been together, and it seemed
so crazy that his dad would go anywhere without him. "I'll miss you
too," he confessed.

He broke away from the hug before the two of them could
embarrass themselves any further. "Don't worry about me," he said.
"I'll be perfectly fine."

"Still, I want you to call me whenever you can. I'm not
used to being away from you."

Jessie smiled fondly as his father closed up his suitcase.
"I will," he promised. "Come on. I'll help you to the car."

Together, they carried all of the luggage to his dad's
vehicle and set them in the trunk. His father had already packed up all the
equipment he'd need to monitor Gavin's condition, so with this last suitcase,
the preparations were complete.

"Say hi to Saul and Gav for me," Jessie told his
dad as the other man closed the trunk.

"I will, although they will be waiting for a personal
visit from you."

"I'll drop by on the weekend," Jessie promised.
After a small pause, he added, "You know, I didn't really like Saul in the
beginning, but now, I kind of think he's good for Gav. Is that crazy?"

Was it his impression or did his father tense ever so
slightly? Nah, he was probably just imagining it. "It's not crazy,"
the other man said, a hint of melancholy in his voice. "Some people are
just meant to be."

Jessie wondered if his father was remembering his own
soulmate, the mother Jessie had never known. He didn't ask—he never did,
because it had always seemed like a painful topic to approach. He just smiled
at his father and replied, "Quite right."

Far too soon, the time for his father's departure arrived.
His dad slid into the car, and in place of a goodbye, he offered, "I love
you, Jessie."

"Love you too, Dad," Jessie answered, already
backing away from the car. His father shut the door, and moments later, the vehicle
started and engaged in traffic.

Jessie watched his father go, waving even if he knew his dad
probably couldn't see him. It was only minutes later than he mustered the
courage to drag himself into his dad's apartment. He still had to lock up his
dad's place, then return to his own apartment and figure out how to divide his
time between the two jobs he'd committed to.

Instead of going through with all that, Jessie plopped down
on his dad's couch. He was alone now. What in the world was he going to do?




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