Play Me, I'm Yours [Library Edition] (20 page)

BOOK: Play Me, I'm Yours [Library Edition]
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“Which do you like better?” Lucas said. “Batman or Robin?”

“You mean Throbbin.”

Lucas laughed. “Okay, Batman or Throbbin?”

“Neither. I like boys who sparkle.”

? Really?” Lucas shook his head. “I never would have guessed.”

“You’d make a sexy vampire.”

Lucas blushed. Did Zach just call him sexy? “And I suppose you’d be the sexy werewolf?”

“No way. I’d be your sexy human slave,” said Zach, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Lucas’s stomach flip-flopped. “Now that would be ridiculous. You’re so much bigger than I am.”

“Doesn’t matter,” Zach said matter-of-factly. “It’s the size of your heart that counts.”

Lucas swooned, remembering that this was the boy who wrote poetry.

“And the size of your fangs, of course,” Zach said with a grin. “So what’s your favorite movie, then? Wait—don’t answer that.”

Zach got up and rummaged around the kitchen, returning with a notepad and pens.

“We’re not writing poetry, are we?” said Lucas.

Zach gave him a quizzical look, not knowing where Lucas’s mind had just been. “No. Well you can write in rhyme if you want to, but that’s not what I had in mind.”

Lucas watched Zach tear off two strips of paper. “We each write a question we want to ask the other person. The more outlandish the better. First category is movies. And don’t write ‘What’s your favorite movie?’ Be creative.”

Lucas thought for a moment, then wrote out his question.

“Okay, you pick the next category,” said Zach.

“Aren’t we going to ask each other our questions?”

“Yeah, when we’re done. Fold them up like this,” Zach said, folding his strip into a small rectangle. “We’ll make two piles. Now pick the next category.”

There was so much Lucas didn’t know about Zach. “Is anything off limits?”

“Nope. Bring it on. But remember, I get to ask a question too.”

“Okay… family.” Lucas saw a flash of something troublesome in Zach’s face, but it quickly disappeared.

“Ahh, I thought you were going to ask about sex,” Zach said.

Lucas could see through his armor. Maybe he shouldn’t ask Zach about his dad.

They finished writing the questions, and then Zach said, “My turn… sex. And remember, don’t go for the obvious.”

Lucas’s heart thumped in his chest. What should he ask?
How far have you gone? How many people have you been with? What’s your favorite thing to do? Do you want to do that stuff with me? Will you let me see you naked? Do you want to see me naked?

Then it occurred to him that Zach would ask him a question too. What would he ask? Would he ask how far Lucas had gone or what he liked to do? Hell, Lucas didn’t even know what he liked. Would he ask what Lucas had done with Donovan? He shouldn’t have done any of that stuff with Donovan. It didn’t mean anything. He wished he could take it back. He wished he had waited so Zach could be his first. He didn’t want Zach to know about Donovan. It felt like a dirty, shameful secret.

Lucas blinked rapidly, feeling his eyes burn.

“Lucas? What’s wrong?”

He took a deep breath and swallowed, trying to clear the lump in his throat. “Nothing.”

“It’s not nothing. What’s wrong?”

Lucas shook his head. “I’m fine.”

Zach reached over and pulled him into a hug, kissing his temple. “Please tell me what’s wrong. I’m imagining all kinds of horrible things right now.”

“It’s nothing. It’s just—”

Zach rubbed his back, and Lucas sank deeper into the hug.

Lucas sighed. Was he going to act like a baby every time they got together? He pulled away and straightened himself up. “I just… was worried you’d ask me about Donovan.”

“Why would I ask you about—oh.” Zach’s expression sobered. “Did he… force you into anything?”

“No,” Lucas said. “I’m just embarrassed that I did anything with him at all. I wish I could take it back.”

“He’s such a dick. That day in class when he asked you out—I nearly lost it. I was out of my mind with jealousy.”

“You were? I thought you hated me.”

“What? Why would you think that?”

“I didn’t know you were gay. I thought you were mad because you caught me staring at the pool.”

Zach grinned. “No, that didn’t make me mad. Quite the opposite. The only person I was angry at was myself, for not having the courage to ask you out.”

“Did you draw that picture?” Lucas asked in a small voice.

“What picture?”

“Someone threw a wadded up piece of paper at me in Mr. Rose’s class a couple weeks ago. I saw you looking at me.”

“No, Donovan did that. What was it?”

That was back when Donovan supposedly liked him. He should have known. How could he have been so blind? Was he so desperate to find someone that he overlooked the warning signs? Would that happen with Zach too?

Lucas shook his head. “Nothing. He was just playing a joke, I guess.”

a joke. If he pulls that shit again, he’ll have to answer to me.”

Lucas’s heart swelled. There was no mistaking how Zach felt about him. Lucas pushed his fear aside, picked up his pen and the blank slip of paper, and then smiled as a question popped into his head.

Zach watched Lucas carefully as he crumpled the paper and tossed it into his pile. “I won’t ask about Donovan. Not tonight, anyway.”

They continued, adding several more questions to their piles before Zach’s mom came downstairs. Introductions were brief. She managed a smile but didn’t seem interested in making small talk. She merely told Zach to lock up once she’d gone.

“Come on,” Zach said. “Let’s get some drinks and go upstairs.”

He scooped up his folded papers, shoving them into his pocket.

Lucas did the same, and before he knew it, he was sitting on the edge of Zach’s bed. He bit his bottom lip to keep from laughing. He could tell the room had only recently been tidied. The hamper bulged with clothing. Stacks of papers and other odds and ends sat piled high on the desk. The edges of shoes, mismatched and facing different directions, poked out from under the bed.

“I like your room,” Lucas said, unable to suppress a wide grin.

Zach eyed him suspiciously. “What’s so funny?”

“Oh, nothing.” He kicked off his shoes and pulled his legs onto the comforter. “Just a little worried about what’s lurking under your bed.” Lucas peered dramatically over the edge. “If my shoes suddenly go missing, I may scream like a girl.”

Zach flashed a wicked grin. “I know another way to make you scream like a girl.”

The mischievous look on Zach’s face warned Lucas of impending danger.

He tucked his elbows tightly against his sides and braced himself as Zach lunged, grabbed Lucas’s waist, and dug in his thumbs.

“Help! Stop!” Lucas laughed as his legs flailed helplessly. “Can’t! Breathe!”

Zach didn’t tickle him for long, but they were both out of breath and laughing when he finally stopped.

“God,” Lucas said. “I nearly peed my pants.”

“Good to know. I’ll try harder next time.”

“You wouldn’t think it was so funny if you were the one being tickled.”

“Try me.”

Lucas licked his lips. He leaned forward and tentatively grabbed Zach’s sides. He dug his fingers into warm, firm flesh and started tickling, but Zach merely looked at him with a goofy grin.

“That’s it?” Zach said.

“Jerk. You’re not even ticklish, are you?”

“You give up too easily. You just gotta find the right spot.”

“Cover your eyes.”

Lucas had a plan. As soon as Zach lifted his arms to cover his eyes, Lucas went in for the kill, attacking his armpits.

Zach let out a maniacal laugh and wrapped his arms around Lucas, then flipped him over.

Lucas’s heart pounded as Zach brought their faces close together.

“Kiss me,” Lucas whispered, and Zach dove in.

It was all heat and want, the tangle of tongues driving Lucas to thrust his hips up involuntarily. Meeting nothing but air, he released a frustrated whimper. As Zach moved from his lips to place openmouthed kisses along his jaw and down his neck, Lucas felt a hand on his inner thigh and moaned.

Zach inched his hand up slowly, kneading Lucas’s leg, and then slipped his fingers inside Lucas’s front pocket. But instead of seeking his dick, he seemed to be digging for something else. Was he trying to tickle him again?

Zach pulled his hand away and propped himself on an elbow. Waving the tiny, folded paper, he said, “Time for Q&A.”

“What?” Lucas said, panting.

“I’ll go first.” He winked at Lucas, then unfolded the paper.

“You’re torturing me on purpose, aren’t you?”

Zach ignored the comment as he read the question aloud. “If you could be an extra in any film, which movie would it be and who would you play?”

Lucas smiled as he remembered writing the question.

Zach thought about it for a minute. “Don’t laugh.”


“Okay. Have you ever seen

Lucas shook his head.

“It’s an ’80s movie about a… mermaid.”

Lucas bit his cheek. “You want to be a mermaid?”

“Don’t laugh. And no, I don’t want to be a mermaid. I want to be a merman. There’s a difference.”

Lucas couldn’t contain his laughter.

“And if you tell anyone I said that, I’ll lock you in my underwater dungeon.”

“You practically are one already, you know.”

“Yeah, yeah. Your turn.”

Lucas stared at Zach’s pocket with wide eyes. Zach was sporting a prominent erection. Was Lucas supposed to reach in there? He glanced at Zach to see that mischievous grin again. Lucas reached over slowly and slipped the tips of his fingers into Zach’s pocket. God, Zach looked sexy with his cock straining against his jeans. As Lucas slid his hand in farther, Zach let out a moan. Lucas was surprised by his own boldness as he ran his thumb along the outline of Zach’s cock, fingers searching for a slip of paper. Zach closed his eyes, and Lucas took advantage of the opportunity to watch his face. Seeing that look of desire, knowing it was for him, made his own dick throb in his jeans.

When Zach opened his eyes, Lucas suddenly felt nervous. Grabbing a slip of paper, he pulled it out quickly. His eyes widened as he read the question. “This must be your sex question.”

“Serves you right for laughing at my last answer.”

Lucas took a deep breath and read the question aloud. “When was the last time you jerked off?”

Zach raised his eyebrows, awaiting an answer.

Lucas blushed and chewed on his bottom lip. “You’re really gonna make me say it?”

“Yep. Shoot.”

“This morning.”

Zach let out another low moan.

“I was thinking about you.”

In one swift motion, Zach rolled on top of Lucas, pinning him to the bed while he aligned their groins. Zach kissed him sloppily as he ground into him.

It was Lucas’s turn to moan. God, it felt good. He bucked his hips, meeting each of Zach’s thrusts. Lucas wrapped his arms around Zach’s broad back, holding on for dear life as he rocketed toward his release.

They were both panting, unable to keep their lips together as they frantically sought more friction. Lucas tried desperately to hold out, not sure if he was supposed to come or not, not wanting to displease Zach if this was only meant to lead up to something more. It was so intense, though, Lucas didn’t know if he could stand any more. He tried to control his high-pitched noises, but he could only concentrate on so many things at once as he clenched his muscles, trying to maintain control.

“Come for me,” Zach said in a breathy moan. “Let go.”

Lucas cried out, trembling as his orgasm ripped through him. He clung to Zach desperately, recovering from the aftershocks, only vaguely aware that Zach was still grinding against him. When Lucas felt Zach still, his body tensing and stuttering, he knew Zach was coming too.

Zach let out a deep grunt that was the sexiest thing Lucas had ever heard, then went boneless on top of him. They stayed like that for a minute before Zach rolled onto his side, pulling Lucas with him. Zach kissed him gently, then whispered Lucas’s name so sweetly, it made him want to cry. Zach pulled him close, tucking Lucas’s head under his chin.

Lucas was hot and sweaty, and more than a little sticky, but he wouldn’t have budged for the world. He lay there, letting his thoughts wander, until he eventually began to chuckle.

“What’s so funny?” Zach said.

“I was just thinking… how do mermen have sex?”

They both laughed, and Zach pinched him playfully.

Lucas responded by squeezing Zach into a tight hug. “I don’t want to go home yet,” he said.

“You’re not going anywhere. It’s not even close to your curfew yet.”

Lucas remembered the way Donovan had rushed him out as soon as they’d finished messing around. He was relieved Zach wasn’t like that. Only now did he fully realize how stupid he’d been, letting Donovan treat him that way. He and Zach hadn’t even touched each other under clothes, and it had felt ten times better than it had when Donovan’s mouth was on him.

“Besides, you’ve got more questions to answer.” Zach rolled Lucas onto his back and reached into his pocket.

Lucas scrunched up his nose. “Eww, I’m squicky.”

“Me too. We can clean up in a minute.”

Zach read the question he’d picked from Lucas’s pocket and started laughing. “Is this your sex question?”

“I don’t know. What does it say?”

“It says, ‘Do you really shave your entire body?’”

Lucas blushed. “Well, you said not to go for the obvious. And seeing as I
don’t know the answer, I’d say it’s not obvious.”

Zach sat up and smiled. “Do you want me to show you or tell you?”

Lucas opened his mouth and then closed it, not trusting himself to speak.

“Well, I obviously don’t shave my head. No point. Swim caps are made to reduce drag in the water. But I keep it short anyway.”

Zach grabbed the hem of his shirt and tugged it off before tossing it on the floor.

Lucas gulped. Was Zach going to get naked? Lucas had trouble catching his breath at the sight of Zach’s bare torso. It was completely smooth. He’d seen it before, of course, but somehow this felt different. It was so much more intimate.

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