New Beginnings (True Hybrid Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: New Beginnings (True Hybrid Book 1)
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I look at Zander and he thinks my thoughts are anything but funny. I giggle and shrug at Rage when he gives me that questioning look. I don’t know what to tell him, but it sure isn’t going to be what made Zander upset over.


“So you're coming back to shadow pack with us right?”


Zander looks at the group expectantly. They nod as one. It is kind of funny. This group acts like a pack.


“That’s because they are.”


I feel his warm breath on my neck and face as he speaks in my ear. It sends chills down my spine. I could get use to his effect on me. He places his hand on the small of my back, and walks to the car. I’m ready to be away from prying eyes.


Me too love.


I look at Zander in surprise.


Can we communicate like this or you just talk to me like this.


He smiles at me.


No. It works both ways.


Well hell. That might have saved me some embarrassment to have known earlier. Zander is silently laughing at me.


That’s not funny. I didn’t know we could do this. You’re going to have to tell me everything.


He nods in agreement as he opens my door. I sit down and pull my legs in. Zander closes the door and runs around to the driver’s side to get in. As he closes the door, he turns the key in the ignition. The car roars to life. We back out of the parking spot, and are followed by 2 large SUV’s. They must’ve packed heavy to help Zander. I wonder where they are from.


They will be your bodyguards until all this is over. I won’t take no for an answer. They are just like you, paid assassins. They are just freelance, and my friends.


I close off my mind. I don’t want them putting their life on the line for me. Hell. I don’t want Zander to either. I’m not use to anyone doing anything for me that I haven’t earned to begin with. It’s a new concept and I’m not sure I like it. I think about everything that has happened in the past few days.


“Why are you blocking me? Is something wrong?”


I look at Zander’s worried face and open up to him.


I’m not use to having anyone in my head.


It seems like everything is moving too fast.


I watch the world pass me by. I think about how all the romance novels I read are wrong about our world. Like we can only reproduce with our bond, unless a witch/warlock helps you out. Vampires can be in the sun. They have us all wrong.


Humans assume the worse when they don’t understand something. They think we kill for fun. We are different than them. We don’t hunt for sport. We hunt for survival. I feel something and it shakes me from my thoughts.


I look down and notice my flat stomach is now bulging some now. The baby is growing fast. I watch my stomach jump. I laugh a little.


“Give me your hand.”


Zander looks at me with confusion. It is cute.


“What for?”


I reach for his hand.


“Stop being a baby and give it here.”


He does as I ask. I place his hand against my stomach. The baby kicks and I laugh as Zander jerks his hand back. He looks at his hand for a moment like something is wrong with it. I place both my hands on my stomach and look back out the window.


I feel different. Something strange is happening to me. I feel like more than the pregnancy is going on.


There is something different about you. I feel it. There’s something different about me too.


I think about what Zander is saying. Maybe what is happening to me is happening to him too.


We are going to have to stop soon. I need to feed.


Zander just nods. We find a truck stop about 20 minutes later. I’m embarrassed that Zander is so open to me feeding from him. I don’t have to feed very often but Zander makes sure I can only feed from him. He goes into the store and gets some drinks and snacks. He also walks out with a bottle of vitamins. I wonder what he needs vitamins for.


He opens the door and hands me 2 bottles of orange juice and 2 bags of chips. He gets in and drives the car to the back of the parking lot. So, no one will see us.


After parking, he pulls me onto his lap. So, I can access his neck easier. My incisors grow just from the smell of him. I lean forward. Being as gentle as possible, my teeth sink into his flesh where the mark is.  He tenses for a moment, but relaxes quickly. His shaft is hard under me. He doesn’t try anything.


His hand reaches for my stomach and starts soothingly rubbing in small circles. I don’t need much. So, I try to pull away.


If you stop now you will have to feed again tomorrow. The baby is going to make your hunger worse because it’s feeding from it too.


I understand so sate myself before pulling away. After I lick the wound closed, I move back to my seat. Zander puts the car in gear and we leave, with everyone behind us. It is strange to know there is someone following us on purpose. The thought still makes me nervous.


I decide to think about other things. My mind starts to wonder about the baby. Whether it is going to be like me or like Zander. If it is a boy or girl. What it is going to be like, look like. Is the baby going to look more like Zander or me? I wondered if the baby is going to grow like I did.


At that thought, I remember when I first saw Zander. I was 10 and I looked exactly like I do now. The body of a 21 year old with the mentality of a 10 year old. Not only did I grow fast in my mother’s womb, but once I was born. I grew until I was 10. I looked like an adult. Zander squeezes my hand and brings me out of my thoughts.


“You appear to be deep in thought.”


I study his face for a moment.


“You have access to my mind. Why didn’t you just look for yourself?”


He looks hurt by what I said.


“I didn’t, because I figured if you wanted me to know you’d tell me.”


I’m shocked by his confession. He’s trying to give me some privacy. I appreciate that.


“I was thinking about the baby. I know the pregnancy is going to fly by, but I was wondering if the baby was going to grow up fast like I did or grow at a normal pace.”


He nods his head in agreement.


“It’s a different thing compared to what normally happens. We grow at normal rate until we turn 18 and get our supernatural beings abilities. You on the other hand got yours at birth. Your body went through drastic changes in almost half the time.”


I thought about it a moment longer.


“It was harder being me. I had the body of an older child but thought like a normal child of my age. No one understood me.”


Zander now appears to be deep in thought. The conversation ends there. He is focused on the road while being deep in thought about what I told him. While my mind is drifting back to the danger that is following us. I hate he is being hunted because of me.


Now, more people are going to get thrown into the mix. I think at the next stop I’m going to get away from them. Something is telling me I have to face this issue with the Elders alone. If not, they are going to destroy anyone and anything to get to me. Zander thinks he can protect me, but I know better.


My eyelids are starting to get heavy and everything from the past week is weighing on my mind. I decide it is time to take me a nap. Before I doze off I notice I’m rubbing my belly. I’m assuming out of comfort. I have grown since this morning, and looks like I’m about 4 1\2 months. I haven’t felt anything symptom related to the pregnancy. And with that thought I drift off to sleep.


I hear footsteps.

Someone is walking towards me.

I’m not sure how much I like that.

I sit up in a cot that’s attached to the wall.

I look over and notice a silver and titanium mixed door to my left and a sink and toilet to my right.

My head jerks to the left as I hear keys jingling right outside my door.

The door opens to reveal Samuel.

Samuel is a Halo.

He is 7’, toned with white cloudy eyes, and white hair.

He always gave me the creeps.

So you’re awake.”

I notice he is alone, but I don’t dare attack him.

He is well over a thousand years old.

What’s going on?
Why am I in a cell?”

He looks at me like we’ve had this conversation already.

“You’re in here to keep that child safe.”

I look down and notice I appear to be about 8 months pregnant.

“What is so special about my child Samuel?
What would compel the Elders to think I would harm my child or let anyone else?”

He inhales deeply.

Drawing my attention to his mouth.

It is soft and sweet looking.

I feel my desire rise.

I’m craving a male touch.

It is strange to want this man.

He inhales my arousal and his eyes change.

They become a stormy grey.

“You want me.
I will kindly oblige you in a moment, but I’m sure you won’t want me touching you after that.
Or at least I hope you won’t.”

He laughs.

It is sinister.

“The Elders aren’t worried about you or your child.
I on the other hand have a great interest in both of you.
Unlike everyone else I’m curious to see if the child will turn out like you or differently.
You on the other hand I want for myself.”

I become very angry.

He wants my child as an experiment and wants me as a slave.

I feel more power than ever before course through me.

I let it seep out.

So, he can feel it.

A scared look appears on his face for a split second.

It is erased with a blank stare.

Before I’m able to advance on him, he leaves the room.

Locking the door.

“You and yours will be mine.”

I run to the door and notice it doesn’t burn.

I grab the edges and pull, hearing the satisfying shrieking sound of the metal giving away.


I jolt awake. I look down and notice my stomach isn’t much bigger than before I fell to sleep.


It’s ok mommy. I won’t let anyone hurt you.


I look around to see we are. At a truck stop. Zander is walking around to my side of the car. The stop must have woke me. My door opens and Zander reaches his hand into the car to help me out.


“Are you ok?”


His hand goes to my stomach to check on the baby. A kick assures him the baby is ok.


“Did you hear the little boy talking?”


His eyes shoot to mine, looking to see if I’m pulling his leg. He squats down so his head is next to my stomach. I watch as he closes his eyes and focuses. A smile appears on his face, which causes me to smile. He has his head against the front of my stomach and his hands on the sides, rubbing in soothing circles. His eyes open after a few moments. He kisses my stomach and stands up, engulfing me in his arms and body.


“That was our son you heard. He was trying to make you feel better. He felt you having a bad dream.”


I probably have a horrified shocked look on my face, because Zander laughs.


“They weren’t trying to scare you.”


I close my mouth and start rubbing my stomach.


“Wait. You said they. There’s more than one?”


Yes mommy.  There is four of us. 2 boys and 2 girls. We are all happy and healthy.

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