Meant To Be (9 page)

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Authors: Donna Marie Rogers

BOOK: Meant To Be
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Jessica sat up straight, insulted. “Are you insinuating I'm not fun to be around?"

"You're not exactly a barrel of monkeys tonight,” he said with a shrug. He ran his finger through a glob of cinnamon-ricotta cream that was left on his plate. “Man, do I love cannoli. And these are without a doubt the best. I'll have to order a dozen to take home."

Jessica watched in anticipation as he stuck his finger in his mouth and sucked off the sweet filling. She gave herself a mental shake and cleared her throat. “So seriously, why haven't you slept with Miss Beautiful, Sexy, and Fun to be around?"

He wiped his hands with his napkin before meeting her gaze. “Because she's not the one I want."

you want?"

"Don't play coy, Jess. You know who I want. And you want me, too. Don't deny it."

Jessica swallowed. Deny it? All the man had to do was touch her and she melted like marshmallows in a cup of hot cocoa. Oh, she wanted him all right, no question about it. But she had a sinking feeling it would be impossible to keep from falling in love with this man. And love was something she wanted no part of. Along with love came commitment, marriage, children. And Jessica no longer had an interest in those things. Not now—maybe not ever.

"You're a hottie, Jamison,” she stated matter-of-factly. “And you and I both know I'd be lying if I said I wasn't attracted to you, or that I didn't want you."

He looked thoroughly exasperated. “Then why the games? You pull me in, you push me away. It's damned frustrating."

Jessica glanced around the restaurant and noticed that a few people were still eyeing them. “Please, can we just get out of here and talk about this later?"

Garrett nodded and motioned for the waiter.

He'd just unlocked the passenger-side door when he snapped his fingers and said, “Damn, I forgot the cannoli. I'll only be a minute."

He started back across the parking lot as Jessica opened the door to climb inside. She heard the screech of tires and spun around just in time to see a large car heading straight for Garrett.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter 6

A scream tore from Jessica's throat, but the car swerved a split second before Garrett dove between two parked vehicles, as if the driver'd had a last minute change of heart. Then it sped out onto Military Avenue heading north.

Jessica raced across the parking lot. “Garrett! Oh my God, are you all right?"

Garrett climbed to his feet and swore up a blue streak. “I couldn't make out the license plate number. Did you happen to catch it?"

Desperately afraid her knees were about to give out, she murmured, “No ... I'm sorry, I didn't even think..."

Garrett wrapped his arms around her, saving her from collapsing into a puddle on the asphalt. “Shhh, don't worry about it. Are you all right? Jesus, you're shaking."

She snuggled against his chest and took a deep, shuddering breath. “Y-you could've been killed. Who in the world would...” The words froze in Jessica's mouth.

Could it have been Wade? He
promised to come after her once he got out of prison, and the man had a jealous streak a mile wide. Jessica hadn't been able to even look at another man without him trying to start a fight. But would he really try to run someone down? Her common sense said no. The idiot had just gotten out of prison. But then, who else? Jessica didn't believe in coincidences.

"Sweetheart, it's all right,” Garrett assured her as he tightened his hold. “I'm fine and so are you, and that's all that matters. It was probably just some kids being stupid and blowing off steam.” He started walking her back toward his truck.

She nodded, deathly afraid she knew exactly who was responsible for this. And it wasn't a carload of teenagers. Wade had promised to come for her when he got out of prison, and for the first time since she'd met him, Jessica was afraid he'd kept his word.

* * * *

Garrett pulled his truck into the driveway and killed the engine. He leaned back and glanced over at Jessica. She sat staring out the passenger window, deep in thought. She hadn't said a word on the ride home, and frankly, he was starting to worry. He wanted to reach across the seat and take her in his arms. “It's over, sweetheart, I promise. Come on, let me walk you to your door."

She nodded without looking at him. Garrett got out of the truck and came around to open her door. She climbed down, slowly, into his waiting arms. Garrett couldn't remember the last time he'd felt this protective of anyone who wasn't a blood relative. Hell, until Jessica, the strongest emotion he'd ever felt over a woman had been intense lust. Not that he wasn't in lust with Jessica. It just seemed to be more with her. He wanted to sleep with her, no doubt about it. But he also wanted to protect her, take care of her, comfort her, keep her safe.

Jesus, he was falling in love with her. The revelation hit him so hard he almost lost his balance.

They reached her front door, and Garrett kept his arm around her while she dug her keys out of her purse. He watched her fumble to get the key in the lock, then gently took the keys from her and opened the door. He walked her in, shut the door, and guided her toward the sofa.

"Are you going to be all right?” he asked, once she was seated. “Can I make you a cup of tea or something?"

Jessica kicked off her sandals and curled her legs beneath her, but wouldn't let go of his hand. She finally met his gaze and said, “No, just ... stay. Please. I don't want to be alone."

Garrett dropped down onto the sofa and gathered her into his arms. He didn't want to make light of what had happened, but her reaction to the attempted hit-and-run seemed a little extreme. Especially since she was about the feistiest woman he'd ever known.

He smoothed her hair back and examined her face. Her eye makeup had run a bit, but other than that, she looked fine if a little distracted. “I'll stay, if you want me to. How ‘bout I fix you a cup of tea?"

She nodded and cleared her throat. “That'd be great. Thanks."

He'd just dropped a tea bag in the cup when he heard the faint sound of springs creaking. She appeared in the doorway of the kitchen a moment later, her expression chagrined.

"I'm sorry. You must think I'm the biggest wimp in the universe."

He strode over and cupped her cheek. “Not even close. But I do think there's something you're not telling me. I'd half expected you to race after the car, not get all quiet and thoughtful."

She dismissed his words with a shrug, dislodged his hand from her face, then walked over to the table and sat down. “You have quite an imagination, Jamison. Must be that cop's instinct."

Garrett inwardly flinched. What an ironic choice of words, he thought. Of course, she couldn't have known how that simple statement would affect him. He grabbed the mug of tea he'd made for her and followed her to the table. “I didn't imagine your reaction, Jess."

"You were nearly run over by a car right in front of me,” she pointed out. “How was I supposed to react?” She grabbed a couple of napkins from the holder and started wiping the smudged mascara from beneath her eyes.

Garrett took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Well, the good news, Jessica seemed to be back to her normal self. The bad news, someone had attempted to run him down, and that same someone had to have followed them from home. The thought froze the blood in his veins. Not because he was concerned about himself, but Jessica.

He hadn't worried too much about it earlier when Mike mentioned it, but Jimmy Montgomery had been released from the hospital a few days ago and transferred to Green Bay Correctional. He knew the connection was doubtful since Montgomery was a slug with few friends, but it was certainly worth looking into.

He rose to his feet. “Since you seem to be feeling better, I think I'll head home.” She looked up, eyes wide, so he quickly added, “Sweetheart, if you want me to stay, I will. It's completely up to you."

She thought about it for a moment. “No ... no, I'll be fine, thanks.” She offered him a wide, unconvincing smile. “I'm good, really."

"Liar.” Garrett knelt down next to her chair and grasped her hand. “I had a great time tonight."

A small smile curved her lips. “Me, too. Although it would've been better if you'd remembered the cannoli."

He chuckled, brought her hand up for a kiss, then stood back up. He smiled down at her, amazed to discover that even with makeup smudged under her eyes, she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. “'Night, Jess. I'll give you a call in the morning."

He'd just reached for the doorknob when her words stopped him in his tracks. “Garrett? I don't want you to go."

He turned to face her. Christ, she was going to be the death of him. “Sweetheart, I think I need you to be more specific."

Jessica rose to her feet and crossed the kitchen to stand before him. She reached up and placed both hands on his chest. Garrett closed his eyes for a brief second, but when he opened them she was still there, staring up at him, her invitation unmistakable. He let out a deep, ragged breath.

She wrapped her arms around him. “I want you.” She pressed her lips against his shirt-clad chest. “In my bed.” Tilting her head back, she gazed up at him again, and Garrett became lost in those incredible eyes. “Is that specific enough?"

"Are you sure?” he asked even as he grasped her by the waist and pulled her flush against him.

In response, she reached between them and ran her palm up his iron-hard erection.

Garrett growled low in his throat and swept her up into his arms.

By the time he kicked her bedroom door open, Jessica had his tie undone and half his shirt unbuttoned. He switched on the lamp on her nightstand and pulled back the blue and yellow-flowered comforter before lying her down. The heady fragrance of her perfume wreaked havoc on his senses as did the clean scent of her freshly laundered sheets.

She rose up on her elbows and smiled at him; a siren's smile, sexy and seductive. Garrett's groin tightened. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. The last thing he wanted to do was take her roughly. And the way he felt right now, gentle wasn't an option. Plain and simple, he wanted to screw her brains out. The thought scared the hell out of him. He'd never felt this urgent need to be inside a woman before, to claim her as his own.

The look on his face must have been fierce because her smile faltered. “Garrett? Are you all right?"

"I...” He cleared his throat. “I don't want to hurt you."

She blinked, then smiled. “Well, that makes two of us. Maybe I should've said so earlier, but I'm not really into that kinky stuff."

Garrett kicked off his shoes and sat down on the edge of the bed. He trailed his hand up her calf, her thigh, stopping at the hem of her dress. “You know that's not what I meant. It's just,” he met her gaze, “I want you so bad I could burst into flame. And I'm ... big. I'm afraid I'll flatten you like a pancake."

She tipped her head back and laughed, the tinkling sound soft and seductive. “Don't worry, I'm made of sturdier stuff than that."

He ran a slow hand up the curve of her waist, over the outer swell of her breast until he reached her throat. He continued up, teasing the tender flesh just below her ear before leaning in to replace his hand with his lips. She let out a sigh and melted into him, tangling her fingers in his hair.

Garrett couldn't wait another second. He slanted his mouth across hers with hungry abandon, swallowing Jessica's gasp of surprise. She tasted like pure heaven; sweet and hot, just like the tea she'd drunk. She met the thrust of his tongue and tightened her hold on his hair, exciting him even more.

When she climbed onto his lap, Garrett nearly lost it. She straddled him, her dress hiked up to her hips. Garrett cupped her backside with both hands and fell backwards onto the bed, pulling her with him. Damn, she felt good in his arms.

Jessica tore her mouth from his and sat back up. She caught her bottom lip between her teeth as she ran her hands down his chest, slowly, until she reached the last few buttons that needed to be undone. Spreading his shirt open, she explored some more, stopping to tease each nipple, casting a quick, almost shy glance his way. Garrett closed his eyes with a sigh of contentment. It had been way too long since he'd felt a woman's touch.

And this woman had definitely been worth the wait.

With stunning clarity Garret realized he was dangerously close to falling in love with her. He grasped her wrists to stop her sweet torture and looked at her, really looked at her. Her eyes were dark with desire, her cheeks flushed, her mouth slightly open. He watched, transfixed, as her tongue came out and moistened her top lip. She smiled at him. A shy, hesitant smile as if afraid something was wrong.

Garrett reached up and tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. “I've never wanted another woman as much as I want you,” he said. “You've got me tied up in knots, lady."

"Yeah? I like the way that sounds. Let's see if I can make you unravel."

She draped herself across his chest and captured his lips. Garrett grasped her backside again, squeezing and kneading the soft globes until a sexy little sound escaped her. He nearly lost it when she ground herself against him. He wanted her so bad he was shaking with it.

Jessica kissed him with a ferocity he'd never known before. Her lips and hot, wet tongue mated with his while her hands smoothed over his shoulders, his arms, his chest. She broke the kiss, gently caught his bottom lip between her teeth, then kissed his chin, his jaw, nuzzled his ear. Christ, it'd be a miracle if he didn't explode into a puff of smoke.

In one quick motion, Garrett had her flat on her back. The little minx smiled up at him and ran the heels of her feet up the backs of his thighs. She was so tiny her legs barely wrapped around his waist. Jesus, he felt like a friggin’ giant lying on top of her. “Are you sure I'm not crushing you?” he whispered against her ear.

"I'm sure.” She feathered kisses along his jawline. “I love the feel of your weight on me."

Unconvinced, Garrett rolled to the side and propped his head on his hand. He traced her lower lip with his finger, then trailed a path down her chin, her throat, between her breasts. “I can't wait to see you naked."

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