Magical Mayhem (20 page)

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Authors: Amity Maree

BOOK: Magical Mayhem
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Montague gave Megan a meaningful look when she squirmed on her chair. Megan crossed her eyes at him and continued to sip her coffee, ignoring his directive to sit still. "You were right, Linda. Men are clueless."

Linda nearly spit her coffee across the table when Megan said that. She wanted to laugh, but knew that Jon would have her hide if she did. Still it was difficult to hide her amusement when Megan crossed her eyes at Six yet again and deliberately squirmed on her chair.

"I think perhaps we should take our breakfast upstairs to our suite," Montague said firmly.

"Nope! You wanted to eat down here, Majestic One, so suck it up and eat. After all, I don't know why you are so embarrassed...? You're the one who made me so miserable I can barely sit on this chair, and both Linda and Jonathan can see that, so why go upstairs so you can tell me again what a horrible person I am because I can't sit still after you spanked me again!" Megan enjoyed watching his face turn a deep red.

"Megan, this is a personal matter."

"If it is so personal, then you should have let me stay upstairs where I wouldn't embarrass you by squirming."

Linda couldn't help it, she giggled. Jonathan gave her a warning look, and she said, "I can't help it, Jon. You men are so much alike! You make us sore and then can't believe it when we don't want to sit in front of others and pretend we aren't in pain. It is so embarrassing, and the more we sit there trying not to wiggle, the more we have to wiggle, and then we wonder if anyone else is looking and knows we were spanked. It isn't exactly politically correct these days, you know."

"Linda, you are to stay out of this. It's between Megan and Six."

"Oh, I don't mind Linda's input, Jonathan. At least she understands me. I feel ill. I feel angry and I feel betrayed. I am not in like with Montague right now." The server brought their food and Megan pushed her plate away, feeling her stomach lurch as she looked at the eggs and smelled them. Suddenly, she knew she was going to be sick! She jumped to her feet and literally ran for the ladies room, hoping she would make it in time.

"I'd better go with her," Linda said, rising and hurrying after the other woman.

"I apologize, Jon. I don't know what has come over Megan. She's never acted like this before."

"She's a woman, my friend. My guess, based on several years with my lady, she is probably getting ready for her monthly. Women tend to act crazy right before."

Montague immediately tried to remember his dates. The last time Megan's time came that he was aware of was a couple of months ago. It could very well be what Jon suggested. Megan skipped months at a time, so it was nothing unusual, and she usually did get emotional right before. Of course, that would explain her moodiness.

"I'm sorry Lin interfered, Six."

"By going after Megan...?" Montague asked, confused.

"No; by helping her with the restroom scheme last evening. She shouldn't have encouraged Megan to keep getting off her chair."

"Lin was just trying to make Megan feel welcome. I was grateful for that. Megan was afraid no one would like her."

"Why would she think something like that? We're friendly people." Jonathan was amazed that the redhead would think such a thing.

"She felt as though all of you were sizing her up and finding her lacking... perhaps thinking she wasn't good enough for me."

"Well, we were sizing her up and making sure she loved you, but we all decided she was the perfect woman for you," Jon admitted with an apologetic smile. "She is very observant... and sensitive. I'll apologize to her for being so obvious."

"Perhaps I shouldn't have spanked her for feeling like she was being studied...?"

"I can't tell you that, Six. I have troubles of my own with my woman. I told her I was going to spank her for the restroom thing... interfering in your marriage and Megan's punishment, and Lin insists she is innocent of wrongdoing. She locked me out of our bedroom last night, friend, and she has never done that before." His face was red and he was acutely embarrassed.

"I know how you feel, Jon. Megan locked me out, too."

"Is that why you spanked her this morning?" Jon listened intently for his answer, still trying to make up his mind on how to deal with Linda.

"No. I spanked her because she kept insisting she was beyond sore when there wasn't a mark anywhere on her. I don't like being fibbed to, so I gave her a spanking to sit on today."

"She could have been telling you the truth, Six. Lin doesn't bruise much, but she squirms around like I murdered her behind." He looked up and then said, "There they are, Six... and Megan looks terrible."

"Are you all right?" Montague asked her when they came back to the table.

"I feel better now. It was the eggs. I took one look at them and felt sick. I can't eat, Montague."

"I understand," he said, even though he didn't. "Do you need to see a doctor?"

"No!" She looked at him in horror. Megan didn't like doctors. "I just want to go upstairs and lie down for a while."

Montague didn't know if she was playing him for a fool or not, but he could hardly expect her to sit at the table if she was ill. He decided to take the high road. "Okay, honey, go on up to our room and lie down. I'll check on you when I'm finished eating." She nodded and made polite goodbyes to Linda and Jonathan.

"She really is ill, Six. She threw up three times in there. Pain can do that, you know!" The look Linda gave him was full of accusation.

"Linda! Apologize right now." Jon was livid.

"Why should I apologize for speaking the truth?" she asked of her husband. "I don't lie, and poor Megan said she was in so much pain she thought that was why she was ill. She has a terrible headache, too. I am not going to sit here and lie to protect Six's feelings. He was too hard on Megan."

"Linda, you can go up to our room right now." Jon's tone of voice brooked no argument, and Linda knew she was in big trouble. She quietly got up and left the restaurant without once looking back.

"I feel like a jackass," Montague told the other man.

"They are trying to make you feel guilty, friend. Women are good at that. You eat your food before it gets cold, and then we'll both go upstairs and talk to our ladies. Mine needs a good discussion with the flat of my hand on her bare bottom, and it is up to you to decide if Megan needs a warming or a hug. Sometimes the hug works better than the spanking, and you can always spank later if the hug doesn't work," he advised, smiling at Six. He'd never seen him as upset as he was now.

Once they finished their breakfast, the two men rode upstairs in the elevator. "I wanted to sit in on Larry's lecture this morning, but it might not happen," Six said as they soared upwards.

"What time is your lecture?" Jon asked.

"Two o'clock; right before they have the close-up contest."

"Good, I don't want to miss yours, and I always enjoy voting in the contests."

"Me, too." The elevator doors opened and the men walked down the hallway, determination in their steps, and both of them determined to deal with recalcitrant wives.


Chapter Fourteen

Montague let himself into the suite and went directly to the bedroom, prepared to discuss matters with Megan, but she was lying on the bed, face-down, and whimpering in her sleep. He walked over and placed his hand on her shoulder. She winced and pulled away from him, letting him know that his very touch displeased her. He cursed himself for being such a fool, and he left the bedroom, deciding to let her sleep while he tried to come up with some way to apologize to her for being such a damned fool. He wished he knew some magic that would help with that, but when it came to life's problems there was no magical cure-all.

Megan came fully awake when her husband gently closed the door to the bedroom. She was angry and hurt and the person she normally turned to when she was feeling this way was the person she was furious with! If she didn't love him so much she would pack a bag and simply leave, but the truth was that she DID love him... even though she was angry that he would spank her right after making love to her several times! She was in pain, and she knew for a fact that it was the sitting at the table right after he spanked her on top of the spanking from the evening before! She was already so sore she could barely manage to sit, and Montague had taken great pains to insure she couldn't sit at all before insisting she do just that. She was so embarrassed she didn't think she could ever face Linda and Jonathan again!

Her magician husband needed a lesson he would remember forever and she was in the mood to give him that lesson. The plan that Megan came up with earlier when she was fantasizing about revenge came to mind once again, and this time she gave it some serious thought. Her timing would have to be just right, of course.

* * *

Jonathan found his wife in the bedroom in their suite right across the hall from the one that Six and Megan were using. Linda's cheeks were red, a sure sign that she knew she was in the wrong and didn't have a leg to stand on. Of course, she would try to talk her way out of a spanking. It was human nature, he supposed.

"I feel so sorry for Megan, Jon, and I feel you should have a serious, big brother type of talk with Six. He is a good man, and I know he loves Megan, but he is simply too harsh with her. She was so sick with pain, crying and throwing up at the same time... Honey, she told me that Six didn't believe her when she told him she was really sore and he spanked her again for lying to him, and when she said she didn't feel like eating breakfast, he used her hairbrush on her! The poor woman is devastated right now, and I didn't know what to say to make her feel better. Could you talk to Six...?" she pleaded with him and Jon knew that her concern for the other couple was genuine.

"Six and I did have a brotherly talk, Lin."

"Good! I hope he will take your advice."

"Lin, we can't interfere in their marriage. Do you remember our first year, and how many ups and downs we had until we figured each other out? Six and Megan are going to have to work through these things on their own... without us telling them what is right or wrong. They will find their way."

"But... Don't you think Six was too hard on Megan?" Linda demanded.

"Yes, I do. I did explain to him that you almost never show bruising, but tell me that you are extremely sore. He didn't know that was possible, and I am sure he is apologizing to little Megan right now and doing what he can to make it better. In the meantime, we have our own discussion to have, and I suggest that this time you don't try to argue your way out of it." When her pretty eyes filled with guilt, Jon knew that he was on the right track... and he wondered why he didn't realize last night that she was completely innocent...? Even after years of marriage it was still possible to make a mistake, and he was going to keep that in mind for the future. "You didn't have the right to speak the way you did to Six, honey. I think you already know that...?"

She nodded. "I was just so angry and feeling bad for Megan. I will apologize to Six when I see him later," she agreed.

"I'm sure he would appreciate that, and I know it would make me feel a lot better, too. Let's get this reminder over with," he said, speaking gently as he took her hand and led her over to the bed. She didn't resist at all, and in the future he would remember that he needed to take a time out and reconsider everything when she protested as she did last night. Linda wasn't the type of woman to adamantly refuse a spanking when she knew she was in the wrong. She might try to talk him out of it, but she never acted as she did last night.

Jonathan took a seat on the side of the bed, and careful of Linda's back, he drew her down over one thigh and permitted her to rest her upper body on the bed. He place his leg over her thighs, simply because he didn't want to get kicked, which was another natural reaction to the pain of a spanking. Jonathan unfastened her slacks and slid them down, and then he started the spanking, gently warming her bottom over her nylon panties. They were red and he wondered if he could match the color on her cheeks and upper thighs...?

Linda was able to lie still at first. Jon always gave a warm-up because of her back. He knew that she would fight the spanking if it was too hard in the beginning, and he feared putting her back out of place. These first spanks would have been enjoyable if she didn't know that they were merely going to get harder and she would be crying real tears in a few short minutes, and sitting through the afternoon's and evening's activities wouldn't be enjoyable. Jon was thorough when he felt a lesson was deserved.

"Why are you getting your butt spanked, Linda?" he asked of her.

Linda knew that the spanking was about to get much harder. She swallowed hard and said, "Because of the way I spoke to Six, and for interfering in their marriage." She held her breath, hoping that was all. She would seriously hate for him to bring up last night and being locked out of this very room.

"I know you were upset at the time, honey, and I know you feel sympathetic towards Megan, but Six is an old friend, and we don't want to lose his friendship. Will you try not to do this again, please?"

Linda wanted to kiss him. Jon was focusing on just the incident from earlier, and for nothing before. "I know I was in the wrong, honey, and I will tell Six I'm sorry, I promise. I don't want to do anything to lose his friendship... or Megan's. I really do like her."

"Good. We'll get this spanking over with now. Keep your hands out of the way, Lin. I don't want to injure you, or have to take off my belt for extras. No cursing, either," he warned, and then the real spanking started, right over her red panties. Linda's body immediately tensed and Jonathan warned, "No tensing, babe, or it will bruise more..." She immediately relaxed, and he automatically put less strength into the spanks he was giving her. He would increase them gradually. Miss Lin would be sitting gingerly the rest of the day. Otherwise she wouldn't take the little reminder seriously and he would be repeating it again in the near future. Jonathan did not enjoy giving punishment spankings. He would rather give her pretty little butt the sexy kind of spankings that they both enjoyed so much. When he felt a stirring of his manhood, he forced his thoughts back to the things she said to Six earlier and concentrated on punishing her instead of making love to her.

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