Love Lost (Love's Improbable Possibility) (14 page)

BOOK: Love Lost (Love's Improbable Possibility)
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We went upstairs and while her girl was in the bathroom, I tried to spark up a little conversation. What I really wanted to know was how soon she would be at my fingertips so I asked her. Again she seemed a little shy but I remained inquisitive. Tara called from downstairs asking what the holdup was. I told her I’d be down in a minute trying to get her off the damn phone.

When her friend came out of the bathroom Brimm flew in like she was about to piss her pants or something. We returned downstairs and I was mad as hell, I didn’t feel like I accomplished anything with her. I didn’t even understand why that bothered me. I can’t remember the last time I was on the chase.

A while after coming back to the table Petey received a call that our man, Two-Times, had been rushed to the hospital. We hauled ass out of the club to go and see about him. I parted ways with Tara and her peoples outside of Cobalt. Kid asked if Kim could drop Syn off at home while he and Petey stayed with me. Kid drove Petey and me while they made phone calls trying to learn what had happened.

As it turn
ed out a couple of little ass, wanna-be-gangsters were on one of my blocks trying to make a name for themselves by stealing a corner and shot Two-Times. I hated when situations like this occurred because retaliation was difficult considering the perpetrators. These were kids—kids that needed to be dealt with no less—but kids. They were at the age where they’re feeling themselves and wanted to take over some of the blocks I owned. We were supposed to be meeting about addressing this very issue later on that night. I don’t believe in killing kids. In fact, I’ve been developing and funding programs for fucking punks like this.

According to the report Petey got over the phone, the kid was about
sixteen or seventeen years old. In my private thoughts I screamed, “
I can’t take this shit no more. I gotta get outta these streets!
” I had to keep those thoughts to myself. After all, I was a boss and was looked to for leadership and direction. Two-Times was around my age—thirty-seven years old and had a girl and a few kids. He’s been on staff for almost a decade and was a block general so I had to check up on duke myself. He got his name from not being afraid to shoot at one-time, also known as the police.

After going to the hospital to check up on my man and mak
ing sure I got in touch with his family, I went to Marina Del Rey, my safe haven. I needed to clear my head.

What a fucking night.




Well into the New Year
, I’d starting looking for a house diligently. I decided at the end of the previous year that it was time to acquire a piece of property. One afternoon I’d taken all of my real estate books with me over to the cafeteria at the recreation center next door. I was there finishing a chicken Caesar salad and looking over available properties in the L.A. and Orange County areas when someone in a very familiar tone said, “House shopping, are we?”

I looked up to find Mr. Azmir Jacobs flashing the sexiest smirk I’d ever seen. It immediately spoke to my libido and I felt my val
ley bellow tighten reflexively. My mouth grew dry as I assessed his person. He stood tall and masculine in a very handsome, well-tailored, grey suit with a lavender shirt and matching tie. His hair was freshly cut low as always and once again I noticed his scent. I knew I’d smelled it somewhere before but couldn’t place it because it smelled different on him,

I forced a smile and tried to hide my disarray, “Something like that.”

I quickly used my tongue to brush over my teeth desperately praying there were no debris from my lunch in my smile.

“You’re saying
but the only person here with a book in their hands looking is

He gave a chuckle and the sight of him leaning over my table with one hand in his pocket and the other hand
he used the tips of his long fingers to lean on was delicious. He was so damn sexy; I felt heated blood coursing through my veins.

“Where are you looking?”

Calm down, Rayna. Be cool.

“Anywhere I can afford. Of course, I need to limit my options to this vicinity. I don’t want to have to travel more than an hour in L.A. traffic.”

That a girl!

“There are beautiful homes in Naples, Signal Hill
, and Seal Beach. Or do you live near here already?”

“Is that where you live?” I quizzed.

“I travel more than an hour to get to work each day.”

didn’t answer my question.”

“What question?” His
slightly furrowed eyebrows appeared simultaneously with a gentle smirk, a panty-snatching smirk.

“I asked if you lived in Naples, Signal Hill
, or Seal Beach but you didn’t answer.”

didn’t answer because I asked where
live and
didn’t answer. Why should I tell you where I live if you don’t want to tell me where you live? This is a dangerous city. How do I know you won’t come and violate me?”

He shot off a line that I used often!

Azmir flashed a smile, a coochie-creaming smile, the most disarming that I’d ever encountered. His teeth weren’t chalk white but they were damn near that and perfectly aligned. I blushed inwardly. He was right. I always avoided telling men where I lived.

“Ummmm…you’re right. I live in Glendale. And you?” I asked
acerbically in defeat.

“That’s funny. I use to live next door in Pasadena. We were practically neighbors. How long have you been there?”

I noticed right away that Azmir’s words were measured and his voice was controlled. He was deliberate in speech and delivery. His calculated tête-à-tête, though intimidating, kept me on my toes.

“For a couple of years now. How about you?”
I asked, not missing how he still hadn’t shared where he resided.

“I bought the place about ten years or so ago. I was thinking about moving to Glendale but now that you’re leaving I’ve changed my mind.” He was flirting. That was a blatant flirt that caught me clear off guard. He didn’t even blink while speaking, his eyes settled on me with a searing gaze that a predator used to lure its prey. I glanced around to see who was looking or listening, but no one had been.

“Do you flirt with all of your associates like this? Or—
don’t tell me
—I’m a special exception, right?” My eyes squinted at him to caution his charm. I didn’t want him to know how magnetic it was, I couldn’t.

“Only the ones that I want to take out and get to know. Tell me, Ms. Brimm, are you dating someone?”

My breath hitched, I was so green and enraptured by his authoritative
and enchanting mien
, I didn’t know what to do. I’d been approached by a fair number of men in my life, but this man was different. He had this quality that was unlike anything I’d ever been up against.

Virile dominance radiated from his head that would occasionally cock to the side bringing my attention to the way his tongue pressed back into his molars telling of exercised patience. His broad shoulders caped in designer vesture, his long and coordinated fingers that flickered indiscriminately as if they communicated fleeting self-control or unspoken desire. The width of the space between his thighs as his extended legs supported his long commanding frame revealed his confident stance. And his buffed oxfords that told of a man on a cosmopolitan journey. I was instantly smitten by him.

“What are you asking? Let’s be clear here.” I gave a fixed “
matter of fact
” tone that did not include a smile on my face.

He smirked as if he was impressed...
or well entertained

“What are you doing Saturday night?”

“I have class on Saturday.” Something that didn’t typically occur and I suddenly regretted the inconvenience.

“How about Friday?” he tried again.

“I’m taking my girlfriend out for her birthday.”

He sighed so sexily with a hint of a smirk and I felt the coolness of his breath hitting my face making my belly clench.

“You’re killing me.” His tone was low and husky. My nipples hardened at his despair. It was so unintentionally seductive,

“Here. Take this number and call. This is a realtor friend of mine.”  Pulling a business card from his wallet his voice was authoritative, succinct. “He’s good. I’ll tell him to expect your call and to treat you like a friend…of mine, of course.” His eyes were fastened to mine communicating something luminous. “You can give him a ring after you call me.” His voice was crisp and commanding, I felt slightly intimidated as he pulled a pen from his inner suit jacket pocket and wrote on a napkin. He pushed it over to me with
long fingers.

“Thanks.” I took the napkin he’d scribbled the contact information on and began gathering my things. I was over my allotted time. “Now, I know you’re a busy man, so I’ll be on my way. Thanks for the contact. I’ll give…” I glanced at the business card. “…Mr. Scott a call using you as a reference. But as far as your old-school cacography on a napkin, if you’re really interested

work for it
,” I challenged him as I finished collecting my belongings to leave.

I noticed from my periphery that Azmir pulled out that gold pocket watch to assess the time and pointedly gazed at my scurry. The watch
was only a tad less intimidating since the first time I’d seen it, but nonetheless entrancing. 

As I got up from the table and turned to walk away
, I heard him mutter, “eight ten to five fifteen.”

Halting my stride
, I turned to him. “Excuse me?”

“Your typical work hours. Eight ten to five fifteen. Sometimes, you stay until seven but you never go past eight, at least not to date.”

I studied his features
as he returned the pocket watch into his jacket, amazed by his knowledge of my work hours, not knowing if I should be afraid or awed.

types of hours make for a dull Ms. Brimm…” Azmir’s head cocked to the side with his tongue pushed into his molars and a salacious smile formed across his face. “…but we’ll do something about that.” Azmir’s eyes flickered with promise.

There was a hum in
his voice, a longing, that made me smile and my belly flutter. For some reason I didn’t think it was intended for my entertainment but more of a declaration.

see you Ms. Brimm,” Azmir yelled out in a more formal tone as I walked away.

“…and you, Mr. Jacobs
,” I replied headed towards the door.

As I was preparing
to leave that afternoon around five that evening, I worked my way up to the receptionist desk to talk to Sharon and give my goodbyes. I was happy that I was able to bring her aboard my team in the LBC. I’d always enjoyed working with her in the past and was constantly impressed by her competence and professionalism. We’d never become personal friends but professionally we meshed very well.

While we were chatting about the following day’s schedule, a delivery personnel walked in with a beautiful bouquet of pink tulips and mini calla lilies.

The deliveryman crossed the foyer, “A Ms. Brimm, please…”

“In the flesh…
” Sharon responded directing him to me.

He smiled while Sharon took the clipboard to sign for them.

“Ohhhh, Ms. Brimm! Who are they from?
If you don’t mind me asking
,” Sharon spoke in one breath with wide eyes like a high school cheerleader.

She had to tell me the type of flowers they were, I’
d never been a flower type of girl but the arrangement was breathtaking. 

“I’m not sure.” I anxiously searched
the box for a correspondence. Once located, I opened it and immediately recognized the handwriting when I read,

I’m on the hunt, Ms. Brimm.

Thursday night right after work. Dinner.

See you then.

A.D. Jacobs

My heart nearly leaped from my chest and I stopped breathing. He wasn’t leaving an opportunity for me to turn him down.

After clearing my throat, mustering my wits
, I said, “Well…goodnight, Sharon. I’ll see you in the morning,” and walked out.

Thursday came and I was nervous as hell. I got up that morning and hit the treadmill like always. This particular morning I did an extra half hour
; I’d gotten this burst of energy out of nowhere. I hadn’t been out on a real date in so long; I had to ask Michelle to help me remember. We spent almost a half hour trying to recall.

It was January so I put on a grey
two-piece suit. The pencil mini showed the contour of my shape so perfectly. I’d gotten my hair done the previous night in an up do. I figured for work I’d wear small, conservative earrings but for dinner, I would wear a pair of hoops for a more casual look. All day I had an extra pep in my step. I wanted to share my excitement with Sharon but decided to not only keep it to myself just in case it went horribly wrong, but also to keep it professional; I didn’t want to compromise that with my subordinates.

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