Lost Wanderer Awakened - Book One of the Airendell Chronicles (63 page)

Read Lost Wanderer Awakened - Book One of the Airendell Chronicles Online

Authors: Audra Hart

Tags: #vampires, #reincarnation, #curses, #spell weavers, #magical immortal beings

BOOK: Lost Wanderer Awakened - Book One of the Airendell Chronicles
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“Son?” asks Aideen, looking very

Luca hugs her again and says, “We have sort
of adopted him little-girl. Your Mama and I haven’t really been
procreating new siblings for you.” He says with a grin.

Morna removes the green jacket and uses the
sleeve to wipe sweat from her face and neck before tying the
sleeves around her waist. She takes her mate’s hand and says,
“Luca, you and I should go into town and rent a car. We won’t all
fit in the Jeep. Damian can you take everyone else to our home on
Maple Street?”

“George can take my car to visit his
grandmother.” Says Luca. Damian takes the set of keys out his
pocket and tosses them to George.

Morna doesn’t wait for a response from
Damian. She kisses her daughter on the top of her head and turns to
fish her phone out of her purse. She had left the sword and shield
in the gateway, and retrieved her purse where she had left it by
the entrance. She dials The Bridge and puts her shoes on while the
phone rings. Enya answers on the third ring.

“Enya? Is that you? This is Morna. So good to
hear your voice! Is everything okay there?”

“Hey Morna! Yes, we are all fine, bored out
of our minds, but fine.” She assures Morna. “Bronwyn and Brian are
here too. Elias and Micah should be here momentarily. What’s the

“Honestly, we aren’t sure yet. We need to get
back to our house. I guess we need to all get together for a
strategy meeting. I am sure you guys have some information we need
and I know we have tons to tell you.” Morna turns to look at Luca.
“Luca, should they all head to our place in a few hours?” asks

“Tell them to meet us there in four hours,”
he suggests. “We still need to get a car, and drive to back to town
ourselves. The others have already left and your father went back
through the gateway. He said that he would come to our place at
11:00. We are thinking everyone needs to get together too.”

“Enya, did you hear all that?” Morna asks.
“Well, good. See you guys at 11:00? Fine. Bye.”

Morna hangs up and then dials another number.
“Mike, hey this is M… Deidra. How are you feeling?” She is quiet
while she listens to Mike on the other end. “I am sorry this round
of chemo is so rough on you. Yes, Monica did close The Shack on my
instructions. We have some heavy stuff going on right now and I
can’t be around to help her. We should be able to reopen soon. But
more importantly, do you have everything you need? … Your helper is
with you? … Good, ok call if you need me. Do you have Carlisle’s
number? Good call him if you can’t reach me. He has my power of
attorney and can do anything legal for you that I could. You are
welcome. Try to get some rest. Bye.”

When Morna hangs up she turns to Luca. He is
watching her very intently, with a look on his face she knows so
well. She chuckles and says, “I am corrupting you! We don’t have
time love.”

He takes her in his arms and kisses her
feverishly. “We will make the time!” He hisses. “Let’s move away
from this smell, I see a little clearing inside that thicket over
there.” He takes her hand and leads the way to a sheltered clearing
about 250 yards upwind from where they started. He takes her into
his arms and starts kissing her passionately.

She pulls back a little bit and asks, “What
brought this on? Not that I am complaining mind you, just

Luca chuckles and says, “Look at yourself
woman!” Morna looks down and is shocked by what she sees. Her
cotton pullover is soaked in perspiration and is clinging to her
newly upgraded breasts. Her nipples are erect atop the perky
globes. Morna groans and Luca chuckles.

“Holy cow! Did anyone else notice?” she
whispers, feeling embarrassed.

“Yes, they all did.” He laughs. He laughs and
then lowers her to the ground as he is kissing her.

He lifts her blouse to suckle the gloriously
aroused breasts. She moans loudly and presses his head in closer as
he nips the sensitive flesh with his teeth. Luca places his hands
on her backside to knead her ample flesh, and then slowly moves his
right hand down her hip and leg until he can get under her skirt.
He slowly works his way up her strong left leg and moans loudly
when he realizes she isn’t wearing any panties either. She undoes
his pants and they come together urgently, without removing any
clothing. Morna works her way on top of him, where he could freely
knead and suckle the breasts that had started all of this. And when
they finally achieve their mutual release she collapses into him,
breathing raggedly and feeling totally spent and satiated. Luca
chuckles and lies back on the ground with her in his arms.

Luca strokes her damp hair and kisses the top
of her head. After her breathing calms enough that she can speak,
he asks, “Why aren’t you wearing any undergarments? Not that I am
complaining, just curious.” He chuckles because he’s using the same
line she used on him earlier.

“I forgot to take any into the bathroom when
I showered last night. And if I had gone back into the bedroom to
get any, well we might still be there right now. I am sorry; I had
forgotten I wasn’t wearing a bra when I took that jacket off. I was
just too hot to wear it.” Morna is mortified that everyone saw her
like that.

Luca gently rubs her back and then hugs her
to him. She tilts her face up to his and they kiss passionately
again, “I am certainly not complaining my love.”

She strokes his cheek and kisses him quickly.
“I need food, water and sleep. Sorry love, we better get moving.”
She rises fluidly, and smoothes her top and skirt back into
position. She fingers the leaves and grass out of her hair. She
starts laughing at herself. “I bet I make a sight.”

He growls and says, “We won’t talk about what
kind of sight you are unless you want to join me here in the grass
again.” Then he laughs richly and stands to right his own clothing.
Their eyes meet and they both start laughing. Morna picks some
grass and leaves out his hair and he gets the bits she missed in
her own hair. She stretches up and kisses him again, and then
reaches down to pick up her bag. He takes her hand and they start
running toward town.

They are only 15 miles out of town so they
get there pretty quickly. They find a small café. Morna orders a
ham and cheese omelet, a small stack of pancakes, 6 sausage links
and cup of coffee. The waitress looks at Luca and he says, “She
needs a glass of milk too, please. That’s all we need. Thank you.”
Morna goes to the bathroom to use the necessary, washes her hands
and face. She had put the jacket on before entering the café and
she is hot and miserable. She can’t wait to get home and bathe.

When Morna returns to the table the waitress
arrives with her food. Luca leans over and says, “Enjoy your
breakfast. I am going to go get a car.” He kisses her forehead and
says, “I love you Morna.”

“Me too!” she says around a mouth full of


After Morna finishes her food, and gets her
third refill of coffee. The waitress asks, “May I join you?”

“Sure.” Morna says as she indicates the seat
across from her. The waitress sits and says, “You are Mulder’s
friend aren’t you?”

Morna looks more carefully at the girl. “I am
friends with someone named Mulder. Who are you?” Morna asks
thoughtfully. The girl and her aura looks familiar but she can’t
place her just yet.

“I am Mulder’s granddaughter. I have seen you
at Grandfather’s work, but you look different than I remember. But
your aura is unmistakable. It looks stronger today, but it‘s the
same one.”

“Lila, right?” Morna asks. “Now I remember
you. How are you dear?”

“I am good, Morna. Did you see my Grandfather
today?” She asks.

“No, we didn’t see him when we came through.
No one was there. I was concerned. Anything wrong?” Morna

“I am not sure. I haven’t seen him in 3
days,” Lila admits.

“Who has been taking care of things at his
work?” Morna asks.

“No one. My father and brother fell to Trolls
two weeks back. I am not… er… qualified to cover it.” she admits.
“I am afraid no one has been there to keep an eye on things for 2
or 3 days. That could really be a problem, couldn’t it?” Lila

“Yes, that‘s definitely a problem,” Morna
admits. “You worried about your grandfather?”

“Very much so, I didn’t know who to turn to.
He doesn’t do things like not check in with me or his wife. Our
clan is very small and close knit. We were nearly wiped out during
outlaw years around here. I am really glad you are here.” Lila says

“Let me get someone down here to cover for
your grandpa, and then we will see what we can do to find out where
Mulder is. Okay?” asks Morna.

“Thank you,” Lila says.

Morna fishes her phone out of the side pocket
in her purse. She calls Breena. “Do you know how I can reach Elias
or Micah?”

“Sure, they are both right here. We are at
your place, well downstairs anyway. Tell Luca that his is buffer is
perfect.” Then she laughs. “You want to talk to them?”

“Yes please, I need someone to cover the
gateway out here. We have a bit of a mystery on our hands. I am
worried about my friend Mulder.” Morna admits. She hears Breena
call Micah to phone, and say, “Morna needs to speak to you.”

“Ma’am, this is Micah. What can I do for

“Hello Micah. Would you and your brother mind
coming to keep an eye on this gateway. The one who should be there
is gone. I am worried.” Morna informs him. “Damian can bring you
down here.”

“Yes ma’am, we can do that. Damian’s here
too. You want to speak with him?” Micah asks.

“Please, and thank you. I am eager to see how
you boys have grown up. It’s been a long time.”

“Yes ma’am, it sure has. Here is Damian.”

Morna hears Damian’s voice on the line next,
“Everything okay Morna?” Damian asks.

“I am not sure, Damian. Could you lead Micah
and Elias back down here? I want them to bring their own vehicle.
Come back to the place where we met up earlier today. I will fill
you guys in when you get here. Be on guard, all three of you.
Something is way off here. Okay?”

“We will be there as soon as we can.” Damian
assures her, and hangs up.

Morna snaps her phone closed and looks at the
worried young woman seated across the table from her.
“Reinforcements are coming Lila. Is there some place close by where
I can buy some clean clothes and a place to take a shower?” Morna

“There is a dollar store right down the road.
They don’t have much of a selection, but the only decent clothing
store is over an hour away. But you can shower, rest, and eat
whatever you need at my place. I get off work in an hour. I can
take you to my place or the store, whatever you need. I am grateful
for your help.” says Lila.

Morna hears a very loud car pull up out
front. She looks out the window, and sees Luca behind the wheel of
a rusty 1969 Dodge Daytona. She laughs, and sees him shrug through
the windshield. “Lila, it looks like my chariot has arrived.” She
pays her bill and tells Lila they will be back by the time she gets

She goes out to the car, and says, “I take it
that you couldn’t find one to rent, so bought this little gem
instead?” she asks, laughing nearly uncontrollably. He shrugs
again. “Oh well,” Morna giggles. “If all else fails, we can run.”
Then Morna directs him to the dollar store and fills him in on the
latest developments.

“Morna, I am sure this means our enemies are
already in place here.” Luca says worriedly. “Our allies are
scattered, we haven’t made good plans. I am worried about our

“Me too,” Morna admits. “I told those boys to
be careful coming down here but now I worried I should have asked
their parents or someone with more experience to come watch the

“Morna those boys as you called them are
fully grown, fully vested warriors and healers. They are both first
order weavers and are actually stronger than their parents.” Luca
assures her. “They know their duty and are eager and capable to
carry it out.”

“I forget they aren’t boys anymore.” Morna

When they get to the lovear store, Morna buys
a few changes of clothes, for herself and Luca, including sneakers,
socks, and undergarments. The clothing were cheaply made, but they
are clean. She had certainly worn worse over the years. She also
gets toiletries, beef jerky, granola bars, a twelve pack of cokes
and a case of water.

When they get back to the car, Luca says, “Do
you trust this Lila?”

“Honestly, she’s probably alright, but I
can’t get a good read on her. So let’s not tip our hand around her,
I don‘t want her to know how scattered our allies are and how
unprepared we truly are.” Morna admits. “She might be shielding
from me, I know she‘s capable, she can see my aura.”

After meeting up with Lila, they follow her
back to her house, where Morna quickly showers and changes clothes.
When she finishes, she thanks Lila and promises to do her best to
find her grandfather. And then they take off for Byrd’s Mill in the
old Daytona. Morna is impressed, the 440 under the hood sounds
good. With a little work this could be a real dream car for someone
into muscle cars.

When they are on their way, Luca looks over
her and smiles. “That bra isn’t hiding anything, you know.”

“I was afraid of that. It was the only one
they had in my size. It is horribly uncomfortable too. The clothes
you bought for me have spoiled me my love.” Morna admits. “But
honestly, I am in such a heightened state of … oh well, I am a
mess. I should put that button up shirt on that I got to go over
this tank top, but it’s too hot for it.”

“I am sure love. It’s about 70 degrees today,
and that probably seems very hot to you with your heightened
metabolism of a virtual newborn vampire. But I have to admit, I
like the look of the snug jeans and tank top on you. You look about
25 years old today.” says Luca.

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