Looking At Forever (The Rock Gods Book 4) (36 page)

BOOK: Looking At Forever (The Rock Gods Book 4)
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“So, Wheland,” Marcos said. “Salvatore tells us you’re a musician like him?”

“Yes, sir. I’ve been playing guitar for longer than I can remember,” Wheland said.

“His band is touring right now,” Rooster said, cutting in to a stuffed shell and lifting the piece to his mouth.

“Yes, we just finished the south east states,” Wheland said. “We’ll work our way across the country and end up on the West Coast.”

“Do you like all the travel?” Angela asked. “My brother hated it. That’s why he’s put himself out to pasture like an old man.”

“I prefer to work in the studio nowadays and write music,” Rooster said in his defense. “Nothing wrong with that.”

“Your brother is far from being an old man,” Wheland said with a grin.

“If you say so,” Angela said. “Sometimes I think he acts older than me.”

“I’m young when it matters most, Sis,” Rooster said.

Wheland nearly choked on his lasagna and didn’t dare glance at Rooster.

The conversation shifted to world news and politics and Wheland was thoroughly enjoying the banter, bordering on arguing, going on between this family. The food was delicious and the company was welcoming; Wheland couldn’t remember having had a better time sitting at someone’s dinner table.

“Have you been married like our Salvatore?” Sophie asked Wheland.

“Nope, I haven’t wanted to commit to anyone until I met Sonny,” Wheland answered.

“He needs someone in his life,” Sophie said. “I worry about him.”

“Mom, I’m in my thirties!”

“That doesn’t mean I’ll stop worrying about you,” Sophie said. “What about you, Wheland? I bet your mother still worries about you, doesn’t she?”

“My mother passed away a few years ago,” Wheland said. “But, even while she was alive she wasn’t much of a mother. Sonny is very blessed to have all of you.”

“I’m very sorry to hear about your mother, Wheland, but I hope you’ll consider us your family now,” Sophie said with a smile.

After the meal was completed and the food returned to the kitchen, Wheland and Rooster walked in to the living room with Marcos. Marcos cracked the seal on the Wild Turkey and poured three shot glasses with the bourbon.

“It was very nice to meet you today, Wheland,” Marcos said. “And I do hope Salvatore brings you around to see us again.”

“I think it’s obvious how highly I think of your son,” Wheland said. “And now after meeting all of you, it is easy for me to see where he gets all his charm.”

“Did you really just say I was charming?” Rooster teased. “Next you’ll be saying I came from good wholesome stock.”

Wheland felt his cheeks flush. He met Rooster’s eyes and their gaze held. The playful glint in Rooster’s expression made Wheland weak in the knees. He loved that side to his man and he couldn’t remember ever wanting to kiss Rooster more than in this moment. The only thing holding him back from that urge was Marcos. He wasn’t sure how Rooster’s father would feel about his son kissing a man. Nonetheless, Wheland’s cock twitched inside his pants at the thought of taking Rooster’s mouth. Once they got home though, all bets were off. Rooster would be his in more than one way.

An hour later Rooster noticed how late it had gotten and suggested they hit the road for the two hour ride back to Los Angeles. They said their good-byes and Wheland loved the feeling of warmth as everyone gave him a hug, including Marcos. He truly felt part of this family after only a few hours and the emotion that came with that was huge. Rooster had already given Wheland so much himself, but offering his family was the one thing Wheland had never truly had or known and it was powerful.

As soon as their car pulled away from the curb, Wheland reached for Rooster’s hand. “Thank you so much for today,” Wheland said. “You have no idea what it means to me.” His voice cracked mid-sentence, but he pushed on with what was in his heart. “I never had that as a kid and having a piece of it now... wow. It’s difficult for me to even put it into words, but thanks.” Wheland wiped at his eyes, but he couldn’t stop the tears from continuing to fall.

Rooster looked over at Wheland and quickly pulled off to the side of the road and parked. He pulled Wheland into his arms and nuzzled his face into the warmth of Wheland’s neck.

“Babe, it’s okay,” Rooster whispered. “Let it all out. I’m right here for you.”

Wheland tightened his embrace. “Christ, I fucking love you so much,” Wheland said, and another strangled sob rumbled in his throat. “I’m sorry, but seeing you with your family was so emotional for me. It’s everything I lacked in my own childhood.”

“They’re your family now, Mick. They love you like I knew they would,” Rooster said. “Thank you for agreeing to join me on this visit with me.”

Wheland pressed his forehead to Rooster’s. “I can’t wait to get you home,” Wheland said.

“Mmmm, I like the promise in those words,” Rooster said.

“You wanna hear a promise?” Wheland said, and covered Rooster’s mouth with his.

“Yessss,” Rooster sighed.

“I’m gonna fuck you so hard,” Wheland said. His tongue swiped a wet path across Rooster’s lips and over to the shell of his ear and Rooster shivered. “I’m getting a nice visual of you hanging by your wrists from the beam in my bedroom.”

“Oh, fuccckkk,” Rooster hissed.

“Put the car in drive and get us home,” Wheland said.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Wheland was the first to reach the bedroom, but Rooster was hot on his heels. It wasn’t necessarily a race, but Rooster wanted to be sure he stayed close so he wouldn’t miss any of the show as Wheland began stripping off his clothes. Rooster watched Wheland walk into his enormous closet and kick off his shoes, followed by his pants, then tossed his shirt onto a pile of clothing on the floor. Rooster came up behind Wheland. He could feel the heat radiating off Wheland’s body. It was always such a turn-on to feel the man without their bodies coming in to contact.

Wheland glanced over his shoulder at Rooster. “See the chest in the corner?” Wheland asked.

Rooster nodded, looking across the small room at the weathered, wooden crate with what looked like hand-forged brackets, no doubt created by a blacksmith. The container looked seriously old... as in ancient.

“That’s my toy box,” Wheland said. “Would you like to see what’s inside?”

Rooster’s cock jerked and rubbed against Wheland’s ass and Wheland chuckled. “I see you like the idea,” Wheland said. “Come on. Help me carry it out to the bed.”

Rooster grabbed an end of the wooden chest and lifted it with Wheland. It was heavier than he expected and he could hear things shifting inside as they walked. They lugged it out to the bedroom and set it on the end of the bed. Rooster put his hands on his hips and studied the box.

“This looks like a pirate’s treasure chest,” Rooster said.

“You’re not too far off the mark,” Wheland said. “It’s a chest from the shipwreck of the Atocha that sunk off the coast of Key West back in 1622. I bought it while on vacation there a few years ago. I was using it as a coffee table for a while, then decided to make it my toy chest.”

“You were using something this old as a coffee table?” Rooster asked. “This thing is probably worth a lot of money.”

“It is,” Wheland said and laughed. “You don’t want to know how much I paid for it.”

Rooster watched Wheland unhook the old padlock and flip open the wooden lid and the old hinges squeaked in protest. Rooster stepped closer and eyed the variety of colorful toys, ropes, and other restraining devices.

“Is this stuff from the Atocha, too?” Rooster teased.

“Nope. This is all from various sex shops around the world,” Wheland said. “I guess you could say I’m a connoisseur of the adult toy market.”

“Some people collect expensive wine,” Rooster said with a devilish grin. “It appears you’ve amassed a variety of sex toys. I see no problem with that.”

“I’m not much for wine,” Wheland said and winked at Rooster.

Wheland reached inside the box and retrieved a pair of leather handcuffs along with a very long section of nylon rope and set them on the bed. Rooster felt his cock stiffening again from the serious way Wheland selected each item from the box, carefully considering each object before making his decision. He laid everything out on the comforter, then went back to the box for a thin strip of leather about two inches wide and held it in his hand. Rooster watched Wheland caress the leather between his thumb pad and index finger. It was a simple gesture, but Rooster could feel it as if Wheland was stroking him.

“Time to play,” Wheland said, and turned to face Rooster. “That means no more talking from you.”

Wheland held Rooster’s gaze and waited for him to nod in compliance, then he stepped behind Rooster. A moment later the cool, strip of leather covered Rooster’s eyes and was tied at the back of his head. Having his sight taken away from him brought every one of his senses to the razor’s edge of sensation. He quivered at the thought of what was coming next. Christ, every time they played these games, he loved it more and more.

“Do you remember the rules from last time?” Wheland asked, his breath floating across the shell of Rooster’s ear.

Rooster nodded again and Wheland moved in front of him. Rooster concentrated on relaxing and the stimulation Wheland was offering. He felt fingertips lightly grazing his shoulder, neck, and throat and goosebumps rose up on him. Once again, he could feel the heat of Wheland’s body and knew he was standing in very close proximity to him. His hands itched to touch Wheland, but he hadn’t been asked to do so, and Rooster wanted to do his best to follow the rules.

Rooster could smell the vanilla and honey scented shampoo Wheland used when showering and knew his face must be inches away from his. The excitement this was eliciting from him was intense and making his heart pound in his chest. A beat later Wheland nipped at Rooster’s bottom lip and tugged on it with his teeth. Rooster moaned and Wheland let go of his lip in favor of swiping his tongue along the plumpness of it.

“Do you remember your safe word?” Wheland asked.

Rooster nodded yes.

“Say it for me,” Wheland said.


“Very good,” Wheland said.

Rooster felt the warm puffs of Wheland’s breath bathing his face and bobbed his head in agreement to Wheland’s question, then Wheland moved away. Rooster knew that to be truth due to the sudden drop in temperature around him.

“Keep your safe word handy, because things are about to get serious,” Wheland said.

Rooster felt the cool, leather handcuffs wrap around his wrists and buckle into place. He heard the clink of metal nearby and shuddered. He had no idea what to expect, but the throbbing in his cock certainly didn’t reflect fear. He was overflowing with anticipation and arousal; every nerve ending was on high alert. He trusted Wheland implicitly and was willing to give over control, knowing Wheland would safely take him to that place he craved so much.

Rooster felt rope being dragged over his shoulders and down on to his forearms, then the rope was attached to the metal ring on the handcuffs. Rooster had noticed this ring connected the two cuffs together and it also served as a means to attach other items to it. A second later, the rope stretched his arms above his head in a fast jerking motion that stole Rooster’s breath. He heard the clatter of chain and felt himself being hooked and secured to it. Now his arms were pulled toward the ceiling and the beam that occupied so many of Rooster’s recent fantasies.

Rooster had to fight the urge to struggle in the restraints and the rush of panic that wanted to flood his system. He listened for Wheland, but couldn’t pinpoint where he was in the room. It felt like an hour passed with his arms extended over his head, even though Rooster was sure it was more likely a minute. Then he felt warmth radiating again and knew Wheland had returned to stand in front of him.

“Wanna safe word?” Wheland asked.

Rooster shook his head no.

“Breathe with me,” Wheland’s steady voice directed. “Slow and easy and calm yourself.”

A lone finger sliding over his breastbone soothed him more than Wheland’s words and Rooster released the tension in his arms and shoulders enough to relax.

“Good, sub,” Wheland said, pressing the palm of his hand flat to Rooster’s chest. “Remember, if you safe word we stop.”

Rooster nodded again, then he felt something cool and long like noodles swirling across his back, down his spine, and on to his ass cheeks. It tickled for a moment before Rooster felt the sting of a leather flogger as it lashed his ass. His breath hitched from the switch of a soft stroke to a biting strike. Four more times Wheland snapped the flogger at Rooster’s butt and the back of his thighs, then a hand replaced the flogger to soothe the reddening skin before smacking it to leave a perfect palm print on his ass.

Rooster moaned and Wheland moved around front to face him. “You like that?” he asked.

“Fuck, yes,” Rooster said softly.

“No talking!” Wheland said in a husky growl. “Are you looking to be punished?”


Wheland covered Rooster’s mouth with his hand. “Did you forget what ‘no talking’ means?” Wheland asked, then moved the hand from his mouth and placed it behind Rooster’s head to give Rooster a scorching kiss. With lips mashing, teeth connecting, and tongue fucking, this wasn’t a sweet, romantic gesture. It was meant to show possession and dominance and Rooster visibly swayed on his feet from the powerful effects of it. When Wheland pulled away, Rooster’s head was swimming and it rolled on his shoulders.

“Look at you, with your cock leaking all over yourself,” Wheland said. “Is there anything sexier than your thick cock all worked up for me?”

Rooster flinched at the sudden touch of Wheland’s finger caressing the underside of his shaft from his balls to the weeping head of his cock. Wheland collected the pre-come, then brought the finger up to Rooster’s lips and painted the fluid across Rooster’s lips like it were lipstick.

“Taste yourself,” Wheland instructed.

Rooster’s tongue darted out and swiped at his bottom lip, then Wheland’s mouth crashed against his mouth again taking his own taste.

“Hmmm, so fucking sweet,” Wheland said against Rooster’s partially opened mouth. “I fucking love how you taste.”

Wheland’s tongue licked at Rooster’s lips again and again until all the pre-come was gone. Then he stepped back and the flogger snapped against the front of Rooster’s thigh. The flogger lashed against Rooster’s chest next. Once, twice; the leather strips hit and then the sting was eased with soft kisses from Wheland’s mouth placed across his chest. Wheland dropped to his knees and kissed the raised red marks on Rooster’s thighs. His mouth moved higher until his nose was buried in the space between Rooster’s sac and inner thigh. Teeth bit at the skin and Rooster groaned.

The tongue laving his balls had Rooster completely forgetting about the pain of Wheland’s bite and focusing on the pleasure rushing through his body. No other part of Wheland touched Rooster, just the tongue administrations swirling over the taut skin of his sac. Wheland’s tongue drew a long, wet line up the underside of Rooster’s shaft, inching toward the glistening head, and Rooster had to bite his bottom lip to keep from screaming out. Wheland flicked the head of Rooster’s cock first, then skimmed around the silky ridge before sucking just the tip into his mouth.

“Fuck! I could get off just from watching you become unglued,” Wheland said.

Rooster’s hips thrust forward, seeking friction or the heat of Wheland’s mouth and Wheland pushed his hips back and held him in place.

“I’m not sucking your cock right now, baby,” Wheland said, and stood up, rubbing his nose along the side or Rooster’s. “There is so much more I’m going to do to you before I let you come, and when I do finally send you over the edge, my cock is going to be buried balls deep inside your ass.”

Rooster’s head fell back over his shoulders. A muffled curse escaped his throat. Wheland’s hands ran the length of Rooster’s extended arms, rubbing the muscles, then he inched around to Rooster’s back. Fingertips bumped over each of Rooster’s vertebra and straight down into the warm crease of his ass and then the warmth was gone.

Rooster heard movement to his side; rustling in the toy box, and then the unmistakable snap of a cap opening. Rooster swore to himself and tried to stop his body from trembling, and then the heat of Wheland’s body was back, this time behind him. Wheland’s breath was at his nape, lips nuzzling along his shoulder blade, and then teeth biting the flesh at the bend of his neck. Rooster had to stop himself from crying out and then Wheland’s body was pressed to his back, his arms looping around him to cross over his chest. The hard length of Wheland’s cock was cradled in Rooster’s crack.

“Sonny, do you have any idea how hot you look strung up for me like this?” Wheland asked. “I am so fucking hard for you right now.” Wheland rocked his hips into Rooster. “Can you feel my cock?”

Rooster nodded and Wheland sunk to his knees again, this time his face was level with Rooster’s ass. Rooster’s hole clenched with anticipation. Wheland’s fingers spread Rooster’s cheeks apart and his tongue slipped between to torment his opening. Rooster was slowly losing his mind. He was convinced he’d pass out long before Wheland pushed his cock inside him. Wheland flicked at Rooster’s tight opening, licked and speared it, and Rooster was writhing in this restraints.

“Fuck me... please,” Rooster hissed through gritted teeth.

Wheland stopped moving and stood up. “Did I tell you to speak?” Wheland asked.

Rooster shook his head no.

Wheland stepped away. “You know the rules,” he said. “And you broke one of them. I will have to punish you now; which you may see as pleasurable at first, but it won’t be by the time I’m done with you.”

Rooster felt two of Wheland’s fingers slip between his ass cheeks. They were slick with lubricant and easily traversed his crease down to his hole.

“Spread your legs wider for me,” Wheland directed.

Rooster followed Wheland’s command, separating his legs to take a wider stance and swallowed hard. He was nervous and he wasn’t exactly sure why. Wheland would never hurt him, and Rooster knew that. But still, the uncertainty of how far Wheland might push Rooster’s limits is what was driving his anxiety. How far did Rooster want to go? Did he even have hard limits?

Wheland’s finger breached his opening and inched inside. “Mmmm, so hot and tight in there for me,” Wheland whispered. “You will feel amazing wrapped around my fucking cock.”

A second finger joined the first and soon a third and Rooster began to sweat. Wheland scissored his fingers, spinning them to brush over Rooster’s gland, and he was so close to coming. Fighting the rush of orgasm was exhausting him and his resolve was slipping fast. As if Wheland knew how close Rooster was, he removed his fingers from his quivering hole and replaced them with something else.

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