Las Vegas Sidewinders: Drake (Book 2) (26 page)

BOOK: Las Vegas Sidewinders: Drake (Book 2)
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Clay took another
drink. “Sonofabitch, the old bat is really off her rocker. She tried to kill
Erin and took out her own son instead. Awesome.” He walked back to his desk and
sat down again. “And she used my home phone to do her business so that it would
look like I did it?” He actually laughed. “Wow. That would make a great
miniseries, don’t you think?”

“You think this is funny?”

“My life is so far
beyond anything funny, I have no choice but to laugh.” He swirled his drink
around. “Look, Drake. I didn’t manage to get this message to my brother, so let
me give it to you: Take your wife and get far, far away from Washington. My
parents have political aspirations—for themselves and for me—that will only
hurt her. Find a way to get her out of the damn Marines—give her those babies
she’s always wanted and go live happily ever after. I don’t know what my mother
has been into, but she fancies herself as one day being the most powerful First
Lady in America. Really—no offense, but take Erin away from here and go make
little future hockey players.”

“And your brother’s
murder goes unsolved, unavenged?”

Clay’s eyes glittered.
“Don’t worry—I’ll find justice for Shay.”

“That’s what I’m trying
to do here.”

“Why do you care about

“Because Erin does.”

“You leave my mother’s
machinations and Shay’s death to me. Go take care of Erin—she didn’t deserve
all this.” He turned his back, indicating they were done.

This wasn’t the way
this was supposed to go, but Drake really had nothing more he could say or do.
With a curt nod, he slipped out. He felt dirty somehow, as though he’d just
witnessed something illicit, and he didn’t even know why.


As they drove the
Hummer off base, Erin felt the first twinge of panic since she’d arrived back
in Afghanistan. It was mild, just a slight tightness in her chest. Over the
last two years or so, this had indicated the beginning of a panic attack, but
that’s not who she was anymore. She was damned if she was going to let Jan,
Clay and Liv steal the independence and strength she’d worked so hard to
rebuild after the accident. Although, technically, she now knew it wasn’t an

“You okay?” Louie was
at the wheel, glancing at her with concern.

“I’m fine.” She gave
him a quick grin. “Really.”

“How come we gotta get
up so early?” Eric mumbled from the back. “I’m—”

“I swear to God,
Lopez,” Erin laughed. “If you say you’re hungry I’m going to make you run laps
until you drop!”

“I was
I’m tired!” he shot back, laughing too. “But if you got food, I could eat.”

“No!” she and Louie
spoke at the same time.

“So, is anybody gonna
tell me what happened yesterday with Liv?” Eric sounded dead serious, which was
a departure for him.

“She’s a traitor,” Erin
said sadly. “She’s been selling us out to some bad people for at least three

Eric muttered something
in Spanish that she didn’t quite understand, but judging by the look on his
face, it hadn’t been anything good. “She’s loco!” he said, growling. “I don’t
get it, man. We’re bros—family. How much money makes you do something like
that? I’m the first person in my family born in the U.S., but I love this
country and the Marines. I got a good life, a good job, good friends, and I do
something important. What else is there other than love, and she had that too,
didn’t she?” He glanced at Louie uncertainly.

“I don’t think Liv was
motivated by anything as basic as love,” Erin said gently. “I don’t think
anyone could have loved her enough to fix whatever is broken in her. There’s
something evil about someone who can betray not just their country, but their
friends and brothers in arms.”

“And do we know for
sure we’re not gonna get blown up this time?” Eric asked quietly. “I mean, I
know there are no guarantees out here, but last time…”

“It’s not like last
time.” Erin shook her head. “We’ve had scouts on the prowl for two days, and a
special ops team ran off a group of mercs that had been camping out about five
miles from the nuke site. If there’s more, we’ve got drones scouting now and
there’s air support just a few minutes away, waiting for a call should we
encounter anything unexpected.”

“But we could still hit
an IED.” Eric seemed almost sad, and Erin looked back at him.

“You’re not going to
think about that,” she said lightly. “You’re going to go home to Maria in a few

“She’s gonna find me in
the afterlife and kick my
if I die,” Eric said stoically.

“No one is going to die
today,” Erin said firmly. “No one.”

They drove for almost
an hour, their eyes focused on the area surrounding them. It was quiet in the
predawn hours, no movement anywhere, not even a breeze. Every so often, Mark
would check in on the radio. He was driving the vehicle behind theirs, and he
stayed close.

“The plant is about a
mile ahead on the right,” Erin said. “We’re gonna have to get out and hike a
little. It’s too rocky to get the Hummers right up to it.”

“Man, we always gotta
be hiking and running and getting up early—somebody remind me why I became a
Marine?” Eric joked from the back seat.

“Can you possibly
complain any more than you do?” Erin snorted. Honestly, Eric was a great
guy—hard-working, strong and reliable. He did complain that he was hungry all
the time, but they knew he continued to do it because it made everyone laugh.
He was actually extremely bright and had a degree in international affairs. He
already spoke three languages fluently and was learning Arabic. He was the
first to volunteer to do something that needed to be done, and in the last week
she’d come to rely on him just as much as she relied on Mark. Despite Liv’s
betrayal, Erin was extremely grateful for the team that she had with her.

“Okay, this is it.” She
reached for her M16 as they pulled to a stop. Meeting Louie’s eyes, she said,
“Let’s do this.”


Chapter 16


As the plane descended
into Las Vegas, Erin debated whether or not she should have called Drake.
Everything had happened so fast in Afghanistan, she’d been back on U.S. soil
within 36 hours and gone straight to the airport. Still in her fatigues, more
than 24 hours since she’d had a shower and completely exhausted, all she could
think about was getting to her husband. She checked the Sidewinders’ schedule and
saw that they had a game at home tonight, so she would hopefully either find
him at his apartment or the arena.

She didn’t know much
about Las Vegas, but she’d put his address in her phone before she’d left for
Afghanistan and now she gave it to the cab driver, who’d thanked her for her
service. Right now, her service was the last thing on her mind. She was so
emotionally spent she just wanted to curl up in Drake’s arms and sleep for a
week. Of course, with him having a game tonight, that wasn’t possible, but she
hoped her appearance would be a nice surprise. Later, she could get the rest
she desperately needed; she was so tired.

Pulling up in front of
the big building, Erin asked the driver to wait. She rang the buzzer several
times and tapped her foot impatiently. She almost cried when no one answered
and she walked back to the taxi with a groan.

“Please take me to the
Franklin Bank Arena,” she said wearily.

The driver eyed her but
did as she asked. Irritated, she took out her phone and texted Kate.

What are you doing?

It was several minutes
before she got an answer.
How are you texting me?! Isn’t it like a dollar a
text from Afghanistan?

I married a rich guy,
remember? Where are you?

Arena. There’s a big PR
thing going on so I came to watch. What’s up?

Can you keep a secret?


I’m in a cab on my way
to the arena.


Don’t tell Drake—I want
to surprise him. Can you get me in? I have no idea where to go.

Kate quickly told her
which gate to use and promised she would meet her at the entrance. Erin closed
her phone with a sigh. She was so tired. It had been a long couple of days
since they’d stormed the building in the desert. It had been empty, not even a
chair or a toilet left. It had obviously been abandoned long ago, no longer
serving any purpose except to be used as a decoy by mercenaries and insurgents.
It had been such a disappointment knowing that their biggest mission was the
biggest joke—with her right in the middle of it. Somehow, her ex-mother-in-law
had managed to mislead the CIA, the NSA and the whole friggin’ Marine Corps.
Thanks to Jan and Liv, Shay was dead and Erin’s life had been changed forever.

It was the most
miserable feeling in the world to know that she’d trusted people who’d betrayed
her in the most horrible way possible. Shay had trusted them too, and he’d paid
for it with his life, but that probably wasn’t as bad as the fact that he’d
essentially been murdered by his own mother. Erin had no idea what the military
was going to do with the information she’d given them from Drake’s private
investigator, but there was going to be an investigation that would probably
take years. Even then, Erin doubted they would be able to prosecute Jan and the
whole thing made her sick. All she could think about was getting to Drake—he
was the only bright spot in everything that had happened.

Pulling up at the
arena, she handed the cab driver what she owed him, along with a big tip, and
then grabbed her bag. Kate was running out the door to meet her, hugging her

“Oh my God, you’re
really here! Why are you still in your fatigues? Did you come straight from
Afghanistan?! Holy shit!”

Erin laughed, hugging
her friend. “I got off a military plane in Virginia and got on a commercial
flight out of D.C. I needed to get to Drake.”

“I guess there’s a long
story to tell, but you obviously need your husband more than your bestie right
now.” Kate led her inside, handing her a laminated pass to wear around her

“I need you too, but I
just—” Her voice faded as they stepped into the elevator. “I need to see him.”

“He needs to see you
too,” Kate smiled. “He’s a mess!”

“And you’re still
here,” Erin smirked. “Things good with Karl?”

“We’ve been a little
crazed with all your stuff going on, but I think so.” Kate shrugged happily.
“I’m taking it day by day.”

They got off the
elevator and Kate led her away from the seats towards what looked like offices.

“Where are we going?”
Erin whispered as they began to hear voices coming from the room.

“There’s a press
conference going on and since the guys won’t let me out of their sight right
now—we have a lot to tell you too—I had no choice but to come hang out.”

“Is Drake talking to
the press? I shouldn’t go in there if he is.”

“I don’t know who’s
talking now. Before it was Cody, Dom and Toli, because they’re the captain and
alternate captains, but I’m not sure. Only some of the players are here…” Her
voice faded as Drake and Karl walked out of the room towards them.

Erin stopped, biting
her lip as she took in her incredibly handsome husband, with his predictably
tousled hair and amazing amber eyes. He was absolutely the hottest guy on the
planet and right now she wanted to throw herself at him. He met her eyes in
confusion, and frowned slightly, having a hard time believing what he was

“Erin?!” He stepped
forward. “Jesus Christ, Erin!” He caught her as she all but vaulted into his
arms. Her face tilted up to his for a kiss and he swung her around. “What the
hell—what are you doing here?”

“It’s a long story,”
she whispered against his chest, holding on for dear life. “I got off one plane
and on another—I looked up your schedule and flew right to Vegas. I couldn’t
even wait a few more hours to see you.”

“I’m so fucking glad
you’re here.” He was holding her tightly. “I was so worried about you!”

“Me too.” She looked up
at him, grateful she’d taken a chance on him and that he’d fallen in love with

“Come on,” He took her
hand and picked up the bag she’d dropped. “I’ve got about two hours before I
have to start getting ready for the game.” He turned to Karl. “I’ll be back,

“I’ll be here!” Karl
smiled, his arm sliding around Kate’s shoulders.


After a brief stop to
get his keys, they made it out to the parking lot in record time.

“Where are we going?”
she asked, following him.

“Home,” he said with a
grin. “You need a shower and a nap—I can provide both.”

“I just need you,” she
said softly, getting into his car and looking around. They were married yet she
knew almost nothing about his life.

He drove with his right
hand firmly wrapped around her left. “You have no idea what’s been going on,”
he said wearily. “I have so much to tell you, but you look like you’re about to

“I didn’t sleep on the
plane back to the U.S.—Mark and I were debriefing and writing reports… I might
have dozed a little on the flight out here, but I’m wiped.”

“Where is Liv?” he
asked quietly.

“Don’t know.” She
shrugged. “She was on the transport with us, but she was taken away by military
police as soon as we landed and they wouldn’t tell us where.”

“Good riddance,” he

“You can say that
again.” She leaned her head back on the seat, closing her eyes.

The next thing she knew
he had picked her up and was carrying her into the building, her bag slung over
his arm. She blinked awake and tried to stand but he just shook his head. “I’ve
got you,” he whispered. He carried her through his apartment and right into his
bedroom. He put her on the bed and squatted on the floor so he could begin
unlacing her boots.

“I can do it,” she

“Just lie there,” he
said softly. “Let me do this for you.”

She smiled as he pulled
off her boots, then her pants and top. Before she knew it, she was in her
sports bra and panties.

“Shower now or later?”
he asked.

“Now,” she murmured.
“If you’ll come with me.”

“Absolutely.” He pulled
her off the bed and they walked into a large bathroom with a huge shower. She
smiled happily when she saw it.

“Oh, that looks like

He turned on the water
and undressed as she stepped out of what was left of her clothes. When they
were both naked, he moved them so they were under the water and she was up
against him, her head resting against his chest.

“My favorite place in
the whole world,” she whispered. “Listening to your heart beat.”

“I kind of like it
too.” He slowly got her wet and then washed her hair as she leaned her head
back. He got a washcloth and washed her from head to toe, leaning over to brush
his lips across hers.

“You’re the best
husband ever,” she smiled faintly. She wound her arms around his neck and
brought his mouth back to hers. “I missed you so much.”

“Me too.” He ran his
hands down her back and couldn’t stop himself from reacting to her body.

“I see that,” she
grinned. She reached out to grip his erection in her hand. He moaned as she
touched him and leaned up for another kiss.

“You should rest,” he
said lightly, trying to stay focused.

“I can rest later,” she
replied. “I want you.”

“Here?” he asked,
raising his eyebrows.


He turned off the water
and picked her up, wrapping her in a big towel before laying her on the bed. He
rubbed the towel over her hair and then licked drops of water off her
shoulders. She was exhausted, but the moment he touched her, her body came
alive. Everything between them had always been physically intense but somewhat
reserved emotionally—she’d had so many things keeping her from giving herself
to him completely, and standing there in the middle of that empty building in
Afghanistan, all she’d been able to think about was getting back to him. Before
it was too late. Before she lost him.

“You’re thinking,” he
said knowingly.

“Remembering,” she
shook her head. “All I could think about when I was in Afghanistan was coming
home to you—your smile, your laugh, the way you make me feel. I love you
.” Her voice wavered slightly.

His mouth hovered above
hers as he looked into her eyes. “You say that like you’ve never said it

“I didn’t know exactly
what it meant before,” she admitted. “I was so confused about everything that
was going on—and it wasn’t until I was standing in the middle of an old,
abandoned building in fucking
that I realized that nothing
in my life mattered if I didn’t have you.”

He kissed her then, his
mouth devouring hers as they both realized how far they’d come in such a short
time. He’d known he loved her practically the first time he’d looked into her
mask-covered face, but it had taken her until now to love him back the same
way, and the passion sizzled between them like it never had before. He could
feel her body responding to his without reservation and it made him crazy with
desire. He knew they’d come close to this right before she’d left, but what he
felt now was something so intense he was positive he’d never felt it before.

Their bodies met with
such need he was already buried deep inside of her before he remembered he
wasn’t wearing a condom. He tried to pull back but she lifted her hips against
his, and he was lost. He shifted slightly, bringing her legs up around his
waist the way she liked. He heard her sigh his name and bit into her neck, not
hard enough to hurt her but enough to leave a mark. She was his, and he didn’t
give a damn who knew it.

“Drake!” she dug her
fingers into his hair as she felt herself spinning out of control.

“That’s it, baby.” He
was breathing hard, completely lost in this woman who’d become his whole world.
Sex was one thing, but whatever this was went way beyond anything physical.
What they had was overwhelming and he couldn’t stop himself from driving into
her until she was screaming his name.

Covered in a light
sheen of sweat, they collapsed against each other, limbs intertwined. Their
hearts still racing, she wrapped her arms around his neck, wiggling up so that
she could look into his eyes.

“Welcome home,
beautiful,” he whispered.

“Thank you.” She smiled
up at him lazily, still in a lust-filled haze.

He nuzzled her
shoulder, happy to have her in his arms, his bed and his life; it felt like it
had been a long time coming.

“I have a question for
you,” she whispered once she caught her breath.

“What?” He used his
hand to move her wet hair out of her eyes.

“Is there a drug store

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