KNOCKOUT (6 page)

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Authors: Nikki Wild

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’m not surprised
she came back, but damn did she look good in that skirt. This girl was still a bit of a mystery. I could already tell she was gonna be a handful, though.

When I opened the passenger door of my car she slid in front of me, lingering long enough for me to smell her hair. I got so hard the zipper nearly blew off my jeans. She had an effect on me like I hadn’t experienced in years. Maybe it was the endorphins coursing through me when I met her… Maybe it was just the way her eyes melted my insides… I was hooked.


“If I knew you were coming out dressed like that I might have skipped dinner,” I said, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

“You know, you can throttle back a little bit on the act,” she said, poking me in the ribs.

This was driving me wild.

“You think it’s an act?” I asked. “I think maybe you’re the one who’s acting.”

She looked me up and down then settled back into the seat without answering.

“You didn’t ask me to dinner to thank me for what happened back in that alley, and you damn sure didn’t wear that skirt without knowing what it would do to me…”

After a long pause, she turned on her hip to face me. “Maybe I didn’t...”

“Glad we’re on the same page,” I replied, pointing to the dark building on the corner. “We’re here…”

Bria waited for me to put it in park then carefully opened the door.

“You’re not gonna break it,” I told her, laughing.

I walked around the front and extended my arm to her. She took it and followed me inside like a lost puppy dog. The Maître D’ scrambled to his podium as soon as I walked through the door.

“Mr. Greer, I didn’t know you would be joining us tonight. It’s so nice to have you. And who is the lovely young lady with you this evening?”

“This is my wife, Bria,” I said, sharply. She looked up at me with a hilarious amount of concern on her face.

“I’m so sorry sir,” said the Maître D’. “I didn’t know you had married. I’ll have a table set up right away.” With that, he hastily retreated to the dining room.

“What are you doing?!?” she asked with exasperation in her voice.

“Play along,” I whispered. “I bet that skinny little bastard will say something to the tabloids and it’ll be all over the news tomorrow. ‘Luke Greer’s secret wedding!’ You’ll be the mystery woman everyone wants to know about.”

“What if somebody at my job sees that?”

“What’s the big deal,” I asked. “Are people at your job not allowed to get married?”

She kind of stuttered and I could see she was a bit flustered.

“Okay, okay,” I relented. “I get it. You’re a private girl. Tell you what, if anyone else asks we’re just friends. And if anybody tries to get a picture of us together I’ll break their camera or their neck.”

That got a chuckle out of her and she started to loosen back up.

“That’s a plan. I need a drink.” She proclaimed.

“Off to the bar we go then. Follow me.” I waited for her to step to the side so I could lead.

Patrons were looking from all directions. I guess I was used to it by now, so it didn’t bother me. Bria, on the other hand, looked like she might have a panic attack.

A bus boy had stopped clearing the table he was working on to watch us. I motioned for him to come over.

“Yessir?” he said, enthusiastically.

“Hey, bud. Go tell that nervous little guy to make sure he puts us in a spot with a little privacy, okay?”

“Oh no problem, Mr. Greer. I’m a big fan.” He was a bit stars struck and still standing there.

“Alright man, thanks.” I said. “Now go ahead and get that done for me would ya? And next week be sure to come by my gym. I’ll get you set up with a couple of months of free training.”

He beamed with excitement and hurried away to make sure I would get what I wanted.

Bria settled into a stool at the end of the bar. I took the seat next to her. The place wasn’t half bad, actually. There looked to be a good selection of craft beers on tap and the top shelf stuff was front and center.

The bartender was a man in his late fifties with a tightly quaffed salt and peppered beard. He looked like the kind who might be mixing drinks for the city elites. It was not often you got an old guy for a bartender, and it made me believe he knew his stuff. Most places went with a girl with huge tits whether she could mix a drink or not.

“Good evening, folks,” he said. “What will you both be having?”

It seemed like he didn’t recognize me and I think I sensed a bit of relief from Bria.

“She’ll have a vodka martini,” I said. “And I’ll go with an old fashioned.”

“Excellent choice. We do a very good blackberry martini; would you like to try?”

Bria looked at me and I raised my eyebrows.

“That’ll be great,” she said.

The bartender hurried away to make our drinks.

“What do you think?” I asked.

“Honestly, I don’t know what to think. Isn’t it weird when people you’ve never met before know your name?”

“At first it was, but like anything else you get used to it. Sometimes I wish people would mind their own business. I’m not gonna lie to you, most of the time I love it.”

She cracked a smile and I knew I had her.

Our drinks came shortly after. We fell into an easy conversation.

Bria wrapped a strand of her pretty brown hair around two fingers. The way she twirled it made me dig my fingertips into the top of the bar. She was such a sexy little thing and she had no idea.

Her martini was empty in the blink of an eye. The bartender was all over it like a good soldier, swooping in with a fresh glass.

Somewhere into that second drink, I noticed the Maître D’ hanging around the far end of the bar. After we made eye contact, he hurried over.

“Your table is ready. I’m sorry it took so long but we wanted for you to have the perfect location.”

I sighed, annoyed for no other reason than we would have to put the flirting on hold to go to the table.

“You know what…” Bria piped up from behind me. “We’ve decided to drink our dinner tonight. We won’t be needing that table after all.”

I was more than surprised at her assertiveness. “Really?” I asked. “What about my steak?”

“I don’t think you’ll be missing it. No need to worry.” She hid her smile behind the back of her hand.

The Maître D’ looked mildly disappointed. “Well, maybe next time,” he said as he shuffled away.

For the first time in a long time, I wasn’t sure what to say. Bria took another long, slow drink from her glass. She wiggled her butt back and forth on the seat and puckered her mouth when the alcohol stung her taste buds.

“Ready to go?” she asked.


don’t think
Luke even considered the speed limit as we drove back to his place. The car shifted gears beautifully and he looked like he was made to drive it.

We made our way up a long winding road that I had never had reason to travel myself. It was the road out of Atlas that led to the upper scale neighborhood where the elite lived. It was full of surgeons and architects, and, apparently, one world-class MMA fighter. I think my boss’s house was even up here somewhere.

We passed million-dollar home after million-dollar home, each more extravagant than the last. Finally, we reached the apex, where Luke turned off and started up his driveway. I swear the back wheels of his car broke traction with the pavement when he turned.

“This is it,” he said proudly. “It’s my baby.”

The house was beautiful. It sat tall atop the hill and backed up to miles of wilderness. The pool wrapped around the side. It had an amazing rock waterfall like I’d never seen before.

“It’s awesome,” I said. I couldn’t find the right word but that one fit the best.

“Let me show you,” he said, speeding around the circular driveway, stopping right in front.

He jumped out of the car excitedly. I followed suit.

We held hands, stopping to admire it.

“Show me the bedroom first,” I demanded. Normally, I wasn’t so forward but he brought it out of me.

“No problem,” he said, scooping me into his strong arms and bounding up the stairs two at a time. He shoved the front door open, barely slowing long enough to disarm his alarm system.

I felt like a mouse. He was so big and strong. I shifted my wait so that I was hanging over his shoulder. I watched the expanse of his house fade behind me as he hurried to the room.

When the door flung open I felt like I was in a hotel suite. The bed was custom and over-sized. It sat up on risers and was surrounded by high wooden posts. There was a fireplace and a glass-enclosed shower that looked out over the woods behind the house.

“Wow!” I must have sounded like a little kid to him. “It’s so big!”

He tossed me on the bed and whipped his shirt off. “How do you know how big it is? You haven’t even seen it.”

When I rolled my eyes at his corny joke he leapt at me like a tiger. I threw my arms up to brace myself. The way he landed on the bed bounced me high enough for him to deftly slide underneath. He cradled me and pushed his nose lightly against my neck.

“Luke, how many girls do bring up here?” I asked. He let me hold him back.

“What happened babe? Suddenly feeling not so sure of yourself? Last I checked you’re the one who wanted to skip dinner,” he said, flashing a devilish grin.

“No… I just don’t want to be another notch on the bedpost...”

“I guess you aren’t as good of a judge of character as you think you are then.” He said it with a bit of anger, not the bemused flippant way I was used to from him.

“So your saying you don’t get with all those girls that come into your gym? I’m okay with it Luke, but I don’t like being lied to.”

“I’m a
relationship kind of guy, sweetheart. And when I find someone that fits, I go after her with everything I have.”

He slipped his hands under my hips and pushed his thumbs inside the band of my underwear. “And I think

I slid to the right, pulling my knee up so he could settle between my legs. Unable to hold out any longer, I grabbed a fistful of his thick hair and pulled his face to mine.

Our tongues flicked excitedly against each other. I ran my hands from his collarbone down to his squared pecs. I could nearly trace them from one side to the other.

His hands found the soft curves of my upper hips and squeezed. He knew how to man-handle me without making it hurt.

“Oh Luke,” I whispered into his ear.

He moved away from my mouth and down my neck, letting his lips linger lightly at the crease by my shoulder. I wanted to feel every inch of him inside me and the teasing was becoming unbearable.

My wet folds quivered in anticipation of him entering. Luke sat back on his knees, resting his butt on his heels.

“Slide your skirt down just a little bit,” he instructed. “But do it slow.”

I scrunched my nose and narrowed my eyes. He wanted me to push me out of my comfort zone.

“Like this,” I offered, slowly shimmying my hips, letting the friction from the bed tug my skirt down a couple of inches.

“Just like that,” he whispered. “Don’t be self-conscious.”

I bit my lower as I dropped it a bit lower. The wet spot on my underwear peaked above the waistband of my skirt and a flood of warmth hit my body like a wave.

“Pull my stocking off,” I said.

He held me at the ankle then slowly moved his hands up the length of my leg. When he grabbed the top of my stocking the back of his wrist brushed my aching lips.

“Like this?” he asked.

I nodded, helplessly.

He pulled slowly, exposing my bare leg. When it slipped off the ends of my toes I placed my foot flat against his muscular thigh. I could feel his throbbing bulge pulsing just below.

It was like we were playing a game of chicken and neither of us wanted to break first.

His heavy breathing made his abs contract in the most inviting way. There wasn’t an ounce of body fat on him. He could have been mistaken for a statue in the right circumstances

Without even realizing it, I had worked my skirt down to my knees.

“Now the shirt,” he demanded. “One button at a time.”

My hands followed his direction like it was under hypnosis.

“No start from the bottom,” he said. “Go up slowly, and leave the top one.”

I repositioned myself on bent elbows and started working at my top. It was simply made item and the buttons pulled loose easily. At the top, I let my fingers play at the last one.

“Leave it,” he said breathlessly.

I could see he was nearing his breaking point. My breast held tightly together, ready to burst forth if not for the strength of that last button. My nipples poked out above my bra and made perfect little bumps in the light blue material of the shirt.

He wore tight-fitting boxer briefs which outlined the length of his package. His size was breathtaking, if not a little worrisome. I waited for it come jutting from the space in the front of his shorts.

“Do you want me to fuck you?” he growled.

“Yes,” I uttered.

“Then ask me.”

“Please fuck me Luke, I need you.”

“You can do better than that,” he said, running his hot hands up my hamstrings to the small of my back. “Let me know you want it.”

He had no idea how much I wanted it.

“I need you Luke,” I moaned. “I need to feel your hard cock inside of me.”

It was like someone else was talking but using my voice. I’d never said anything like that, especially not in bed.

“Not yet,” he said. “Arch your back toward me.”

There was so much torture in the way he gave pleasure.

I threw my hips off the bed. My shoulders dug into the soft comforter.

From his knees, he leaned in a buried his face between my thighs. I don’t know if I was expecting a warning, but even with all of the anticipation, I still hadn’t been ready.

I trembled under his eager movements.

Luke tugged my underwear the side with his teeth and let his tongue go to work. I was so wet it was almost embarrassing but he seemed to love it.

He jabbed quickly, teasing my begging clit. Then, he slipped two fingers inside and found my spot. With a ‘come hither’ motion he played from the inside. Then, he changed up what he was doing and found the perfect rhythm with his tongue. His fingers and mouth worked in concert to bring me to the edge of orgasm.

He seemed to know right where I was at as I writhed beneath him. Luke was relentless in the way he went after me. He maintained that perfect pace until he pushed me over the edge.

I jerked and spasm’d like I’d been shot. My legs clamped down on him so hard, I was afraid I’d hurt him.

“Oh, ah,” I panted and rolled. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to squeeze you like that.”

He scooted himself back on the bed and laughed.

“You have good legs for Jiu Jitsu,” he said. “I could teach you a thing or two in the gym.”

I didn’t know what Jiu Jitsu was and I didn’t care. I only knew that I hadn’t felt so good in longer than I could remember.

Luke rolled me onto my stomach and yanked my underwear down to my knees in one fluid motion.

“Luke wait, I can’t yet,” I begged. I wasn’t anywhere near recovered from what he’d just done to me with his mouth.

“I don’t like being told what to do,” he growled into my ear. “Don’t forget that.”

The bed shook as he slipped his boxer briefs off. When he started to lower himself down over me I had to hold my breath to calm my nerves.

He placed one hand on either side of my shoulders and nudged my legs apart with his knee. Then I felt his warm cock fall between my legs. He pushed between my thighs. It felt heavy and firm.

Just as I steeled myself, waiting for him to enter, he stopped and slid back. He let himself move up and down gently between my quivering thighs. He made a soft sound from somewhere deep inside and exhaled slowly.

Then, he pulled completely away and before I could guess what was going to happen next, he slapped my butt hard with his big open palm.

I shrieked in surprise as the smack sent what felt like a wave all the way up my spine. My butt didn’t stop bouncing until long after the rest of me had.

“Damn, that’s a good ass,” he said through clenched teeth.

He moved to position himself in front of me at the head of the bed. His full-nude form was enough to send yet another shiver through my whole body.

He took me by the hair and gently lifted my head. I instinctively open my mouth and allowed him to feed me his manhood. I had to open as wide as I could to handle his girth. When he relaxed his grip on my I pushed my arms out in front and took his shaft in both of my hands. I allowed the rest of him to pop out of my mouth so I could flick at the head with my tongue.

He is cock was so smooth and stiff. I needed him inside of me more than I’d needed anything in my entire life. I teased more aggressively, trying to push him toward explosion.

I stroked gently with my left hand as I reached beneath and cupped him. He brought out the naughty in me... I worked his dick like a porn star. I attacked him from tip to balls, pulling back slightly whenever I feel him start to thrust.

“I have to be inside you,” he barked.

Luke took me by the crooks of elbows, yanking me up to my knees.

“That last button,” he whispered. “Let me...”

I bit my lip seductively and sat back, gasping as Luke grasped at the tails of my shirt. With a sharp pull the button shot off and over his shoulder. It hit the wall with a satisfying
and fell to the floor.

My breasts bounced forward, only restrained by my peach-colored bra. Luke took my hands and pulled me close. I bit at his neck as he deftly undid the clasp and let my last bit of clothing fall between us.

He had been eyeing my top half like a wolf after its prey. When there was nothing left to get in his way, he couldn’t help himself. Animal instinct took over and jumped me.

We both fell backward on the bed in a mess of arms and legs. He scrambled for top position and pinned my arms to the bed while he sucked at my left nipple. I gasped with pleasure as he alternated between flicking at my nipples with his tongue and massaging the globes of my breasts.

Just as my pussy started to quiver again in anticipation he slid his hands between my knees, pushing them apart. I waited for him to fill me, to make me whole.

His hand fell heavy on my shoulder, pushing me deep into the plush surface of the bed. With his other hand he guided his rock hard member toward beckoning depths.

Luke stroked my lips from bottom to top, gently, allowing me to prepare to take him in. I struggled and scooted to move myself further down the bed to try to capture him.

When he started to enter, my toes curled so hard my calves started to cramp. I had to kick my legs out akimbo to relieve the pressure, and when I did, I opened myself all the way to him.

He used slow thrusts at first to loosen me further. I couldn’t believe how big and hard he was inside of me. I leaned closer so I could reach his butt. When I squeezed the tips of my fingers into his muscular backside and pulled him forward, he knew it was okay to go all of the way in.

His body worked like a well-oiled machine. His core strength was a thing of beauty. I’d never been with a man who could move his own body with such control. All of his muscles worked in perfect harmony. Shoulders and biceps and abs and hips all fired with precision to deliver his pleasure into me.

To top it all off, he had hardly broken a sweat. I, on the other hand was a panting mess. He was handling all the work but in the process he was doing things to me that I’d never felt before. I tried to push myself back on to him but I couldn’t concentrate. Every stroke he put into me made my head spin.

Luke continued with strong thrusts deep into my body. My walls hugged his cock like a warm sleeve. I pushed to get on top but he pinned me easily back to the bed, pushing my legs further apart in the process.

When he grabbed me by the heels and pushed them to my ears I thought I was going to pass out from the satisfaction. He leaned forward and the tips of our noses touched. I strained forward to kiss him but he kept his lips just inches from mine. He refused to go the last little bit, instead making struggle to get closer.

I let my legs drape over his shoulders, using them to leverage my upper half just close enough to get a little peck on the lips. He smiled and drove himself deeper inside.

My body was ramping up in a way that I’d never felt before. The explosion that was going to come at the end of this had me scared.

I managed to get enough separation between us to slide out of the position. When his dick popped out of me I regretted it.

The look of surprise hadn’t had a chance to settle on his face before I shoved him to his back. I carefully straddle him and guided his member back inside.

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