Hearts Are Wild (29 page)

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Authors: Patrice Michelle,Cheyenne McCray,Nelissa Donovan

Tags: #Erotic, #Romance

BOOK: Hearts Are Wild
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Lily frowned.

He raised an eyebrow. “Honesty, remember?”

She sighed, a slight smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. “Since we’re being honest, I spent the past four nights thinking of that, too. And how I was going to kill you the next time I saw you for abandoning me and Nhya like that.” She paused, then chewed her lower lip before blurting: “I thought you were messing around with some other woman!”

It had never occurred to Shain that Lily would be worried or even take the time to be jealous. The realization made his chest warm and his cock throb and he pulled her in closer, the fresh, sweet scent of her going straight to his head. “Darlin’, you had nothing to worry about. I spent every night in the saddle making sure those looters didn’t get a leg up on me or anywhere close to you girls. I was supposed to stay out there from day one.” Shain nuzzled her graceful neck, desire simmering in his belly like an over-fed furnace. Shain felt Lily relax into him, her high, firm breasts pressing against his chest, her legs tangled with his as they stood holding one another. “I knew it was a mistake to come back that morning. I couldn’t think of anything else but you, so I had to leave. Get out. Clear my head and focus on the ranch.”

“Did it work?” Lily asked softly.

Shain growled. “What do you think?”

He felt her smile against his chest and heat filled every pore of his body. “Fuck this,” Shain muttered as he swept Lily off her feet and into his arms. He tossed her gently onto the bed, following her down, pressing her into the mattress. “No more talk, woman. We’ve established parameters.” He dipped his head and caught Lily’s nipple between his teeth. She arched against him. One lick, then two before he blew cool air across the beaded tip. Shain looked up, every muscle in his body taut with longing—a soul-deep need. “I want all of you. You want all of me. Neither of us is sure where that will lead but we’re going to walk the path and find out, right?”

“Right,” Lily said breathlessly. “Now make love to me, Shain, before I lose my mind.”

Chapter Ten


Shain’s attention went back to her nipple, his teeth grazing the sensitive tip. Lily screamed, unable to control the wild need surging within her. His tongue felt rough, hot and magical as it wound around her areola, sucking, teasing until she thought she would lose her mind.

With her fingers digging into his forearms, Shain released the sensitive bud and leaned back, dark hair falling over his forehead. “I’ve never felt skin so soft.” He slid a hand beneath her upper thigh and lifted slightly. “That night in the bar, when I saw you hugging that bull between your long, beautiful legs, all I could think of was taking that delicate foot…” Shain ran his hand down the back of her leg, his eyes feasting on every inch. “And kissing your ankle.” Which he did, slowly, tenderly, in that soft spot on the inside of her foot. His eyes lifted, his lips next to her skin. “Then taking my tongue…” He flicked once, the cool of his tongue sending shivers all the way to Lily’s spine. “And running it up the back of those heart-stopping legs…”

Which Shain did with methodical, loving attention. Past the gentle swell of her calf, his hand holding her leg by the ankle, his head poised beneath it. He placed warm kisses behind her knee, then continued upward. His tongue painting spirals all the way to mid-thigh, where he paused. Lily’s breath fell out in ragged pants, her body quaking, her juices soaking the velvet folds of her slit.

“And here,” Shain whispered roughly. “Here is where I lick all the way up your ass cheek and bury my face into your hot pussy.” As good as his word, Shain’s head dipped back to the back of her leg, where he laved across the crest of her butt, stopping only when he was buried in her slick folds.

Lily cried out and bucked against his face, her hands digging into the bed.
His tongue…Ohmygod…
It darted in and out of her creamy hole and Lily felt the orgasm build like a tidal wave. The stubble on his checks rubbed against her sensitive lips and Lily gyrated against him, moans falling from her lips with abandon.

“Come for me,” Shain whispered against her and, with shocking force, Lily’s body complied. She screamed as her orgasm tore through her, her thighs vibrating on either side of Shain’s head, her heart slamming against her ribs.

For a moment, Lily literally saw stars. She sighed in pure contentment and fascination, each nerve in her body firing pleasure signals.

Lily felt warm hands under her hips and, a moment later, she was flipped onto her stomach then pulled up to her knees.

“Now,” came a deep rumble behind her ear. “We fuck.”

Lily drew in a startled breath, instantly burning with anticipation as Shain’s callused hands palmed her hips and drew her firmly back. She heard the telltale rip of foil, and loved him all the more for wanting to protect them both. Within seconds, the tip of his engorged cock stopped at her steamy entrance and she felt the warmth of his body as he bent low. His spice-and-leather scent enveloped her and she knew she would forever associate it with this powerful, beautiful man.

“Are you ready for me, Lily?” he whispered near her ear. His tongue snaked out and tickled the delicate outer rim and Lily shivered, her breasts tightening.

“I’ve been ready for you forever, cowboy. Give me all of—”

Lily cried out as Shain yanked on her hips, driving his thick rod past her slick opening and deep into her core. There was no stopping this time. No giving her pause to adjust to his girth and length. With one hand on the top of her ass, the other gripping her slender hip, Shain thrust rhythmically, each shift driving him full force into her center. Panting, Lily flattened her upper body against the bed, allowing him greater access, her hands gripping the quilt, her thighs meeting his diving plunges.

“Beautiful,” she heard him growl as his hand caressed her ass, his testes bouncing against her slit.

Shain’s palm flattened against the lower curve of her back and he leaned forward while pulling back on her hips with the other. The penetration was deep and Lily shuddered as another orgasm rocked through her.

Moaning, her hands dug into the quilt until they hurt, her head spinning. Shain didn’t break his rhythm but she could hear his ragged breath, his deep murmurs of passion. Each plunge brought her closer to the edge once more but Lily had little time to be amazed. It felt too good. Too perfect. Too heavenly to analyze.

“Shain,” she whispered, the slapping sound and musky scent of their lovemaking only heightening the erotic sensations.

“Jesus, Lily,” Shain groaned. “You feel so goddamn perfect, I’m gonna explode, darlin’.”

Lily smiled at the almost pain-filled tone of his voice. “Then do it. Come inside me, Shain. I asked for all of you…are you going to deny me?”

With an animal growl, Shain pulled her hard against his groin, driving his cock all the way to the tip of her womb. Lily cried out and gasped as Shain plunged into her at near manic speed, each stroke finding her center, each thrust forcing wild sounds from her throat and lips.

Shain literally roared as his rod contracted within her and Lily felt her own body respond, clamping around his cock. It was all she could do to breathe as the sensations washed through her and, within seconds, she felt herself doing the unexpected—crying. Tears poured down her flushed cheeks and she drew in a shaky breath.

Feeling Shain’s hot, slick chest connect with her back, Lily tried desperately to curtail her bizarre reaction to the most amazing experience she had ever had, but it was no use. The tears kept coming and, as Shain wrapped his muscled arm tight across her chest, withdrew, and gently turned her over to face him, she raised a hand to cover her face.

He stopped her and Lily bit her lower lip and closed her eyes.

“Lily,” came Shain’s husky tenor. “Open your eyes.”

She did. She had a hard time denying Shain anything. His rough, beautiful face was tense with concern, his gorgeous smoky eyes laced with worry. “I’m sorry, darlin’. Did I hurt you? Are you all right?”

A strangled laugh-sob escaped as Lily tried to smile. She raised her free hand and placed it lovingly along Shain’s strong jaw. “I know you won’t believe this but I never cry.” She hiccupped and laughed, feeling giddy. Shain still looked deeply concerned—like she might have popped a cork. She ran her hand across his stubbled chin to his full lips. “Shain, I’m fine. Well, maybe not fine, but so satisfied, I’m a little punch drunk, I think.”

She grinned and Shain raised a dark eyebrow before chuckling lowly. The sound made the hairs on the back of Lily’s neck tingle and she curled into Shain as he relaxed onto the bed, pulling her tight to his chest. “Woman, you are going to make my life damn interesting—among other things.” He nuzzled her neck and Lily nearly purred, feeling a tingle of need unfurl inside her once more.

How could I want him again so soon after what we just did?
Lily kissed the side of his cheek and was rewarded with a deep rumble not unlike the red bear in the woods.

Thoughts of the bear brought back the tingling and a sense of knowing filled Lily. Driving her words. Directing her thoughts. “The bear,” she murmured. “He’s connected to this land. To the ranch.” She drew back slightly so she could see Shain’s face. “To you and Nhya. Tell me why, Shain. Please. I need to know.”

Shain’s face was awash with emotions. Consternation. Disquiet. Pride. Fear. Then finally resignation. “You’ll never believe it.”

“Try me.” Lily kissed the edge of Shain’s jaw, then rested her head in the cup of her hand.

His expression softened and he pulled the blanket up to cover their legs. “There’s a legend in our family that tells about one of our ancestors. He lived in the long ago time—” Shain paused, as if embarrassed by his storytelling tenor.

Lily ran a finger over the back of his hand. “Tell it how your grandmother told it. I won’t judge you, Shain.”

Shain’s gaze snapped to Lily. “How did you know Grandmother told me this story?”

She smiled warmly. “Nhya. She told me a few things about your grandmother. It was a good guess.”

After a deep breath Shain continued. “His tribe followed the buffalo to these lands when the sun was high and the days warm. Even as a child, it was clear he was a
pejula wacasa
—medicine man. At the age of naming, he earned the title of
Mato Luta,
or Red Bear, because wherever the young warrior went, there were sightings of a giant red bear watching and sometimes warning The People of trouble or danger. Most believed the bear to be Mato Luta’s totem animal but close family knew better, for he was more than a medicine man. Red Bear was an ancient shaman reborn, blessed by
Wakan Tanka
to be a spiritual warrior and guardian of his people. The bear was Mato Luta himself.”

Shain ran a hand through his hair, the muscles in his chest rippling. “Mato Luta grew strong, married and stayed in the tribe for many years, fathering three children—my direct relatives—and helping The People to stay healthy and prosperous. His time away from the tribe became greater and greater as years passed. One time he came back with a single, fist-long crimson bear claw strung around his neck. Any who were sensitive to the ways of spirit knew the claw was an object of high magic. A power token. The People began calling him Red Claw, in respect for this new, unknown power he held, and every time he went away and came back, there was another claw added to the necklace.”

Shain’s gaze held Lily’s. “While his wife and children aged, Red Claw stayed the same, virile, strong young warrior he always was. His family accepted this but the rest of the tribe was frightened by this unnatural thing.

“Relations between his family and the tribe deteriorated and, after his wife’s death, he made the decision to leave the tribe to preserve his children’s connection within it. They were saddened but understood and respected his choice. On the seventh day of the seventh month, Red Claw held ceremony, promising them that he would continue to watch over the tribe and the earth he loved. After kissing each of his children and grandchildren, he took one of the claws from his necklace and held it up while saying words of power. A ‘circle of light’ opened before him and he handed the claw to my great-, great-, great-grandfather before stepping into the circle of light. He was never seen again—in human form.”

The tale at its end, Shain leaned back and closed his eyes. The room hummed with an electrical charge and Lily rolled over on her stomach, her mind tripping with images of the shaman, his people, his life. It was unbelievable. A family myth, surely. A beautiful one, but—

“My great grandfather was killed because an acquaintance of his believed he had the pendant. When he couldn’t convince Hank to turn it over, he shot him.”

“That’s terrible. Did they catch—”

Shain shook his head. “Hell, no. He disappeared, leaving my grandmother, who was only five, to find the body when they got home from town.”

“Oh, Shain, how awful for her.”

“She survived. As did the rest of the legend, which says that through the next three centuries, our family has been helped, saved or assisted by our ancestor—always in the form of a great red bear.” He paused, his face grim. “I always wondered where in the hell the bear was when my great-grandfather was murdered.”

The tingling was back as a memory of the beast filled her mind. Of its eyes…its otherworldly presence. “But,” Lily said breathlessly. “I’m not a family member. And what would he be saving me from when Luke and I saw him?”

Shain grunted. “I don’t know. And I didn’t say
believe the stories.”

Her gaze traveled back to her lover’s stormy face and Lily was quick to recognize the thread of indecision in Shain’s eyes. He wanted to believe—but could he?

Do I?

Lily shivered. “Shain. Have
ever seen the bear?”

He was silent for a time, the steady tick-tock of the clock over the mantel filling the room like a low heartbeat. “No. But Nhya—” He paused, his expression grim. “My sister says she has seen him in his spirit form from early childhood.”

Shain looked decidedly uncomfortable with the path his words were taking them down and Lily couldn’t blame him. She was pragmatic herself but in the short time she’d spent with Nhya, she’d sensed how different Shain’s sister was. How…special.

In the same way that Lily had always felt her friend Susan was special.

Lily sat up, her heart thrumming. “Shain, I know this sounds crazy, but I believe that bear I saw today
something more than ordinary. I can’t tell you why, but if you had seen it…felt it, you would too. I know it.”

After a second Shain nodded curtly. “Well, if that’s true, then I’d have to wonder why he showed up now and what he was trying to—” Shain’s bronze face paled and he sat up, nearly bouncing Lily off the bed.

He stood and reached for his clothes. “There’s something I have to check on.”

“I’ll come with you.”

Shain spun. “No! You have to stay here.”

Bristling from his tone, Lily stood, hands on her hips. Her mouth opened, but, before she could give him an earful, Shain pulled her against his bare chest and kissed her so hard it stole any convincing argument she might have had.

His dark gaze caressed her face as he pulled back. “I need to do this on my own. Stay here. I’ll be back inside of an hour. I promise.”

Lily chewed her lower lip, tasting him there. Needing him more than anything else in her life. “But I might be able to help, to—”

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