Golden Change (29 page)

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Authors: Lynn B. Davidson

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #Exhibitionism, #Ménage à Trois, #Gay, #Lesbian, #Science Fiction, #Voyeurism, #Sex Toys, #Romance

BOOK: Golden Change
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A younger man came out from the side and the photographer instructed him to get the bodies and expressions of the men, as he got pictures of her as she walked up the aisle.

“Slowly please,” he called waving her forward.

Kylie ignored the photographers as she walked forward. When she finally reached them, they both leaned in for a huddle kiss. She stood on her tiptoes to reach them. Their noses and mouths met for a soft kiss before they pulled apart.

For the next hour, the photographers took pictures of them. After he got family shots with Jacob’s parents and grandparents, they left them alone with the photographers.

When the door closed behind them, the photographer asked, “Would you like me to take your natural photos now? I understand you will be taking time in between the ceremony and reception.”

Aiden answered yes.

“I want you to pretend that you’ve finished with your ceremony, and you are getting ready for the reception. Please begin to disrobe each other,” he shot pictures as he talked.

Aiden and Jacob lifted her gown together, kissing her body as the fabric revealed her skin. They kissed their way from her bare toes, up her legs, placing chaste kisses on the lips of her pussy and up her abdomen. When they got to her breasts, they each sucked a nipple into their mouth as they lifted her dress over her head. Throughout both, photographers clicked photo after photo from different angles.

Then Aiden and Kylie helped Jacob remove his pants, first opening the flap to let his cock spring out, kissing and licking his erect cock before kneeling down to pull his pants off.

Kylie creamed in anticipation as she and Jacob turned to Aiden for similar erotic exposure.

Once they were naked, the photographer kept taking pictures, telling them to pretend like they were preparing for their reception. Kylie looked at Aiden in consternation. This was not something she was expecting at all.

Aiden whispered in her ear, “I want to remember us like this— young, in love, hot for each other.” After that, Kylie relished the photos, not for the poses of their bodies, but being able to show how much they desired each other.

Some of the pictures were soft and sweet, pictures of them holding each other, or pressing their bodies together. Sometimes, in the sweeter pictures she used her bouquet of flowers to hide her pussy or their cocks.

Some of the pictures were erotic. He took pictures of them pleasuring each other, licking and sucking each other intimately. They were all panting hard with unfulfilled lust when the wedding planner came forward. He said they needed to clear the space since guests were starting to queue outside the doors. He escorted Kylie to a small room off the back of the temple. Amanda, Abigail, and Victoria were waiting for her.

They helped her put her gown back on, fixed her hair from where it had gotten mussed up, and touched up her makeup. When the wedding planner gave them the ten-minute warning, Abigail and Victoria left the room for their seats. They both kissed her good-bye as they went out to sit with the guests.

“You ready for all of this?” Amanda asked her.

“Yeah,” Kylie replied. “Did you think I wouldn’t be?” she asked her.

“I don’t know. I guess your relationship with Aiden was such a revelation to me, and now with Jacob too. I guess it takes a while to get used to,” she explained.

“What was such a revelation?” Kylie asked.

“Up until I met you and Aiden, I had never seen a Zehavian man treat an earth woman with such love and respect. Many Zehavian men keep earthly mistresses. You are the first one I’ve ever met who is married to a Zehavian man,” she admitted.

“I also thought that, even if Aiden did love you, it would be foolish to add another into the mix, thinking Jacob would hold the same prejudices others had,” she continued. “I’m glad to see I was wrong,” she said with a smile.

There was a knock at the door. They turned as the wedding planner peeked in. “About two minutes,” he said before closing the door, leaving them alone again.

Amanda checked Kylie’s hair, bringing two ringlets forward over her shoulders, letting the rest flow down her back. They looked in the mirror to check her reflection one last time. Amanda put her arms around Kylie from behind and began twisting and pinching her nipples. Her legs almost buckled as she felt her pussy fill with heat and cream.

There was another knock at the door and the wedding planner opened the door for them. Amanda handed her the flowers she had set down. Kylie heard music begin to start as they rounded the corner to the back of the temple. Aiden and Jacob were standing by doors on either side at the front.

Chapter 20


Kylie felt everyone’s eyes on her as the three of them started walking towards each other to meet at the front. Aiden and Jacob had such a short distance they got there first. They held hands as she walked the rest of the way to meet them. Her pussy was creaming uncontrollably as she walked, her lips thick with desire. She didn’t look down, but she felt her erect nipples rasping against the fabric of her bodice.

When she reached them, they each held out their free hand to her. She wasn’t sure what to do with the flowers. She heard someone clearing their throat to the side. She gratefully handed her flowers to Abigail, who was sitting in the front row. Kylie clasped both of their hands. They smiled at each other as they dropped their held hands and came to stand on either side of her.

James would be performing their wedding ceremony and he wore a simple white robe. He nodded them forward. Kylie got lost in her own thoughts as he spoke of marriage until it was time to share their vows.

James indicated they should stand in a circle. Aiden was standing to her left, Jacob to her right. Aiden held out his right hand at a right angle to his body. Jacob put his right hand on Aiden’s wrist, while Kylie put her right hand on Jacob’s. Aiden connected the circle of hands by grabbing Kylie’s wrist.

“I, Aiden Duncan, do promise to love, trust, respect, and protect you, Jacob and Kylie, this day and all the days forward of our lives. I promise to laugh with you through our joys and comfort you through our sorrows. I give you both my heart to share this day, and every day forward.”

“I, Jacob Hayden, do promise to love, trust, respect, and follow you, Aiden, and promise to love, trust, respect, and protect you, Kylie. I promise to both of you I will be your partner through all of our lives. I give you both my heart to share this day, and every day forward.”

“I Kylie Duncan, do promise to love, trust, respect, and follow you, Aiden and Jacob. I promise to both of you I will be your partner through all of our lives, giving you my joy, hopes, and dreams, knowing you will share yours. I give you both my heart to share this day, and every day forward, for the rest of our lives.”

James pulled from his pocket their rings, which she hadn’t seen since she had taken hers off to be melted and braided with the others. Aiden and Jacob held Kylie’s ring between their fingers as they slipped it on her finger. Next James gave a ring to Jacob for him and Kylie to hold for Aiden, before Aiden and Kylie held a ring for Jacob.

James blessed their hands, now entwined with their matching rings. “The twining of three strands of metal is stronger than any one strand. May the symbol of these rings be a symbol of the strength of these three individuals. I now pronounce your family sacred and declare you married.”

They leaned in together for a kiss, smiling as they did. As they walked back down the temple, they said good-bye to Jacob’s parents, since they weren’t going to the reception.

Amanda met them in the small room off the temple that Kylie used before the ceremony. She paid them no attention as they helped each other disrobe, desperately pressing their bodies together. When they finally looked at her, she was holding a small pill with a glass of water.

“Are you sure?” Aiden asked her again.

“Yes.” Kylie took the pill, swallowing it with a gulp of water.

“She should keep standing, so you’ll be able to tell when the pill starts taking effect,” Amanda instructed.

They shared a private moment between the three of them as they waited. Soon Kylie’s legs gave a little wobble. “Oops.”

“Give her nipples a pinch,” Amanda instructed.

Each man reached for a nipple to give it a tweak. Immediately her pussy creamed, causing her legs to buckle. She gave an involuntary moan, her lips parting and her eyes glassing over. She almost fell to her knees before they each reached down to lift her back up.

“I think she’s ready,” Amanda stated with a smile.

Aiden and Jacob each took an arm to walk to the reception, which was in the restaurant next to the grotto. After only a few steps, when she stumbled repeatedly, it was apparent she was not going to be able to walk very far. Aiden scooped her into his arms to carry her to the reception.

As they walked into the reception, a loud cheer came from the guests.

In the middle of the reception hall, there was a large bed with two wedge-shaped pillows, one wedge each for Jacob and Aiden to lean back on.

Jacob climbed on the bed first, spreading his legs wide as he leaned back on the wedge. His gorgeous cock stood straight up as his legs fell open. Aiden sat down between Jacob’s legs. Aiden scooted forward until his cock stood straight up next to Jacob’s erect cock. Aiden grabbed Jacob’s cock, giving it a squeeze before wrapping the sheath around both of their cocks, pulling them tightly together so only their heads emerged.

Kylie was sitting on the bed waiting for them. Her mind was slightly fuzzy from the drugs, and Aiden had to help her straddle their cocks. Her back was to him so she was facing Jacob. Aiden whispered, “Are you sure you want to do this?” Kylie could only nod.

Her pussy was creaming and she couldn’t control her groan of agony and ecstasy as she tried to lower herself on their joined cocks. Aiden held her under her arms and slowly, by degrees, he let her body envelop their cocks. Kylie groaned a little louder as he lowered her. The pain was unbearable, yet as the burning ebbed she got used to the stretched feeling, pain giving way to pleasure.

Neither Aiden nor Jacob moved. She could see the effort it was causing Jacob by the sweat running down his face. He smiled up at her and she could see his lips move as she heard through a fog, “Good girl, Kylie. You are doing great.”

Then she heard from behind her in the same tunnel, “Almost there, Kylie. Another little bit, sweetheart. You can take us, that’s right,” as he continued to lower her.

Finally, Kylie was seated to the hilt. Her head swayed back, landing on Aiden’s chest. He reached forward and twisted her nipples. Kylie heard a keening sound come from her mouth, one she was sure it had never uttered before. Jacob started flexing his hips slightly, causing friction deep inside of her. He reached forward and rubbed her clit.

Slowly and carefully, they gently moved their cocks together. The friction of their cocks rubbing together with Kylie’s wet heat surrounding both was an experience they were never going to forget. Kylie couldn’t move up or down, her legs were so relaxed. She smiled at them as Aiden continued to move her by lifting and lowering her.

When Kylie started making the noises he knew she made when she was close to climax, he nodded to Jacob. Jacob’s head fell back as his balls started to vibrate, then his cock in release. Aiden was going to wait until Jacob finished before he climaxed but Kylie was coming too and the feeling was so overwhelming he let himself vibrate from balls to cock as he, too, shot golden cum deep in her pussy.

Kylie felt them vibrating deep in her pussy as her body exploded in waves of pleasure. When she finally caught her breath, she heard through the distance the crowd cheering. Kylie felt Aiden lift her up and a gush of fluid followed leaving her body.

Jacob had caught their golden cum in his hands as she was being lifted off. He rubbed it on her pussy folds. Aiden helped him rub their united cum on her pussy lips, marking her as theirs.

Jacob reached forward and gathered her in his arms. Aiden undid the sheath that had held them together. They used one of the wedges to lean on as they lay propped up, snuggling together.

Dylan brought them plates of food to nibble.

“How many times to you suppose we can make her come?” Jacob asked Aiden.

“At least three or four times, I think,” Aiden replied.

Kylie yawned, covering her mouth with her hand.

Soon the guests started coming by as they got their food, and Jacob and Aiden were relentless. They never stopped petting, pinching or kissing her as she cried out her completion. She couldn’t focus on the guests as they continued to come and talk when Jacob and Aiden were doing their best to distract her. Kylie lost count of the number of her orgasms.

Aiden and Jacob took turns feeding her and each other. “You are the most beautiful bride,” Jacob whispered in her ear.

Aiden agreed, “You look radiant.”

When the music started, Aiden led them to the dance floor. Kylie was sandwiched between them as they moved around the dance floor together. Soon they were joined by other couples dancing. Her legs were still pretty weak, though, so after a couple of dances they went back to the bed to lie down.

Soon the guests were so busy with each other, Aiden thought they could slip home without anyone saying anything. Jacob carried her out of the reception. As they walked out of the reception hall, Kylie asked, “Are we heading back to the room?”

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