Forgotten (29 page)

Read Forgotten Online

Authors: Evangeline Anderson

Tags: #paranormal romance, #scifi erotica, #hot romance, #paranormal erotica, #scifi romance, #sexy romance, #alpha male, #evangeline anderson, #kindred, #brides of the kindred

BOOK: Forgotten
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Oh God, that feels
She couldn’t help
the little moan of pleasure that escaped her at his firm yet gentle
caress. He seemed to know just how to touch her.
Well, he should—he’s had years of
whispered the little voice in
the back of her head. But Kate felt too good to care what it

Rone finished with her hair and helped her
rinse. Then his hands came back, using the remains of the shampoo
to start on her shoulders. He was rubbing and kneading in just the
right way, finding the knots of tension that had been there for
what felt like days and melting them away. This felt even better
than having her hair washed and it was a moment before Kate could
make herself protest.

Hey,” she managed to say
at last. “I thought…thought you were supposed to be washing me, not
giving me a massage.”

You seemed so tense, I
thought it would help,” Rone rumbled. “Do you want me to

Kate bit her lip. “No…no, I guess not.”

Good,” he said simply and
kept massaging.

Um…did the gook come out
of my hair?” Kate asked, trying not to melt under his touch. She
grabbed a strand of her long hair which looked very dark red since
it was wet. It seemed clean enough and she breathed a sigh of
relief. “Oh, I think it did.”

Good,” he rumbled. “I
love your hair, baby. Would be a shame if you had to cut it because
of that stuff.”

I don’t think that’ll be
a problem,” Kate said, rather breathlessly.

His hands were gliding down her arms now and
everywhere he touched her, the black slime was melting away. It
felt so good to be getting clean again—almost as though his touch
was purifying her in some way.

Mmm…” Kate couldn’t help
herself. “That feels so

Glad you’re enjoying it,”
Rone murmured. He was finished with her hair and shoulders and arms
now and Kate expected him to turn his attention to other, more
sensitive areas. She tensed again. She wasn’t sure which was going
to be worse—having him run his hands all over her naked breasts and
belly and sex…or letting him touch the shameful scars on her

But to her surprise, Rone sank to his knees
behind her and began washing her hips and legs instead. He rubbed
her ass too—his big hands cupping her cheeks briefly before moving
on, obviously trying not to linger too long in any one place. Then
he came around to her front and began rubbing the front of her legs
and thighs.

Kate felt her breath catch
in her throat. His face was very close to an
sensitive area. It made
her feel nervous and uncertain and yet it gave her that strange
quiver in her stomach too, at the same time.

Rone?” she asked

He looked up, blindly. “Is this working? I
can’t see but your skin feels clean as I’m rubbing it.”

Uh, yeah…Yeah, I think
so.” She decided not to say anything about the proximity of his
face to her sex. After all, he was going to have to touch her there
in a minute. Since she’d been naked, the goop from the pool had
gotten all over her. In fact, she was terribly afraid that some of
it might even have gotten
her. But she didn’t want to think about that
now—not until she had to.

Give me some more soap,”
he said, holding up one hand. “I want to do your feet.”

Okay.” Kate squirted some
into his searching palm. “But be careful. My feet are

Ticklish. Yeah, I know.”
He sounded like he might be smiling but his head was bowed so it
was hard to tell.

He started to lift one of her feet and Kate
gave a little squeak of surprise and almost overbalanced.


Sorry—hang on to my
shoulder,” Rone said. “You got this stuff all over you, baby—I need
to do the soles of your feet too. And between your little

Feeling awkward, Kate leaned over him and
grabbed his muscular shoulder and back as he lifted first one foot
and then the other. She couldn’t help noticing that from palm to
fingers his hands were larger than her feet were from heel to

Rone scrubbed gently,
giving her another mini massage as he tended to her feet. He was
very careful not to tickle her which Kate appreciated since her
feet were extremely sensitive. She had to bite back another moan as
she felt herself melting against him while he worked on her—God, he
at this!
She caught herself wondering if he’d massaged her often when they
were together and if so, where else she’d let him

She tried to push the thought away but it
didn’t want to go. However, at last the big Kindred stood, facing
her again though his eyes were still blindfolded.

Kate looked down at herself—her legs and
feet and thighs and arms and head and shoulders were squeaky clean.
But her torso—her breasts and belly and sex and her back where the
ugly scars showed, were all still coated in a layer of black

Uh…Rone?” she asked
uncertainly. “I know you can’t see but I’m not really, you know,
all clean yet.”

I know that, baby,” he
said softly. “But I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. I think
for the next part, you need to guide me.”

Guide you?” Her voice
came out squeaky and high and Kate had to clear her throat and
continue. “Guide you how? What do you mean?”

I mean put my hands where
you need them,” he said softly. “Show me where you still need to be
cleaned and I’ll wash you there, but only as long as you keep my
hand on you. When you’re clean and ready to move on, just move my
hand. That way you don’t feel like I’m, uh, taking

Kate was touched by this consideration on
his part. She knew a lot of guys—most guys actually—would
definitely have taken advantage of this situation to grope and
squeeze and pry into every orifice they could. Rone clearly wasn’t
like that—he wanted her comfort over his own pleasure. That was
nice—really nice.

All right,” she said
softly. “I think…I think that’s an excellent idea. Um, just let me
give you some more soap.”

Wordlessly, he held out his big palms and
she noticed how well formed his hands were. His fingers were long
and artistic and elegantly shaped with short, clean nails. Okay,
that was a definite turn on—she liked nice hands on a man—liked it
a lot.

But she tried to put the thought out of her
head as she put down the body wash bottle and took him by the

Okay, here goes. Might as
well get this over with,
she told herself.
Taking a deep breath, she put his big palms firmly on her breasts,
letting him cup them in his hands.

Rone made a low, indistinct noise in the
back of his throat but he said nothing aloud. Instead, he began
caressing her gently, rubbing and massaging just as he’d done with
the rest of her body.

Kate had to bite back a
moan of pleasure as his palms brushed over her tight nipples. God,
that felt
She’d been so nervous about this she had been sure she
wouldn’t get a bit of pleasure out of it. But having the big
Kindred’s hands all over her bare, soapy breasts was incredibly

Should stop…should have
him move on. You’re clean there,
a judgmental little voice in her head. But Kate didn’t want him to
move on—it felt too good. Her body seemed to be coming alive in
some way she hadn’t even understood was possible and she didn’t
want it to stop.

Feels good, doesn’t it? You need more, don’t

Kate frowned—where
come from? It didn’t sound like her own inner voice or even the
snarky, judgmental voice of her guilt. It just seemed to pop into
her head from nowhere.

Um…” Rone cleared his
throat, interrupting her thoughts. “Are you clean yet, Kate? I
can’t see, remember?”

Not…not quite,” Kate
heard herself saying. “There are…just a few spots where it
doesn’t…doesn’t want to come off.”

In fact, she was telling the truth. Looking
down she saw that black smudges from the pool were still clinging
to her sensitive nipples and areolas. What was the deal with that
stuff anyway? Was it a magnet for the more sensitive areas of the
body? For whatever reason, it was stuck and the gentle rubbing he
was doing with his palms, while very stimulating, wasn’t getting it

Show me,” Rone said in a
low voice. “Put my hands where you need them to be, Kate and show
me what to do.”

Okay. Um…” Hesitantly,
she cupped her hand around his much larger one and brought his
fingertips to one of her sensitive nipples. “Here,” she whispered.
“It just…it won’t come off of this…of this area.”

Maybe I should rub a
little harder then?” His voice was a soft growl as he pinched her
nipple gently between his thumb and fingers.

Yes…yes I think so.” Kate
wished her voice wasn’t so breathless. “And…and on the other side

All right.” His left hand
found her right nipple and then he began to pinch and tug gently,
rubbing her sensitive peaks between his soapy fingers until Kate
could barely hold still, it felt so good. She knew they were just
trying to get each other clean and she shouldn’t be getting
pleasure from this but she just couldn’t help it. It felt like
there was a direct line between her nipples and her pussy. The more
Rone touched her—the more he rubbed and twisted and gently tugged
her stiff peaks—the hotter and wetter she got between her

Shouldn’t be doing this.
Oh, God, we should really stop, this isn’t like me at all…
It really wasn’t—she’d always been shy and modest
when it came to sex or anything approaching sex. Yet somehow, she
didn’t feel completely in control of herself.
Then you need to get control, Kate,
she told herself sternly.

Looking down, she saw that her nipples were
finally clean. Still, it took another minute for her to bring her
hands up to his.

At her light touch, Rone stopped at once,
though she was pretty sure he’d been enjoying the intimate contact
as much as she had.

I…I think I’m clean now,”
she said in a voice that shook only a little. “Time to…to move

Just put my hands where
you need to be washed, baby,” he murmured. “Just show me where you
want me.”

Here.” Kate slid his
hands down so that he could wash her torso and belly, which he did.
The black stuff came off easily and now she found herself faced
with a choice…should she let him wash her back first? Or her

Rone seemed to know what she was thinking.
Though he was blindfolded, he had clearly been keeping track of
what was going on and what still needed to be washed.

Well?” he murmured when
she put her hands on his, stopping his motion. “What’s next, baby?
You’ve only got two places left you could need me.”

I…” Kate bit her lip. She
didn’t want him touching the ugly scars on her back but even more
than that, she felt shy about letting him put his big hands and
long fingers on her pussy. Or inside it because the damn black goop
had gotten

Kate?” Rone murmured

My back,” she blurted.
“Do my back. Here—I’ll turn around.”

She turned, putting her back to him, and
waited, feeling tense and uncomfortable all over again. But instead
of washing her right away, Rone put his hands on her shoulders.

I know you don’t like
this, Kate,” he said softly, in her ear. “I remember how long it
took you to let me see you or touch you here.”

Yeah, well…” She shifted

I just want you to know
that you’re beautiful,” he told her. “Every part of

Before Kate could respond, he was washing
her, rubbing his big hands in long, slow strokes over her shoulder
blades and back and spine. He didn’t give the scars any extra
attention but he didn’t avoid them either. He just washed her,
rubbing her thoroughly until every last speck of the black slime
was gone from her back.

Kate looked down at
herself. She was almost completely clean.

Rone finished washing her and put his hands
back on her shoulders.

Well?” he asked softly.
“Is there any place else?”

Kate bit her lip. “You know there is.”

I had an idea,” he
admitted. “But I wasn’t sure how much, uh, slime you got on

A lot,” Kate said
unhappily. “I mean, I
naked, you know.”

Yeah, I know. So…you want
to put me where you need me?” He was still standing behind her but
he held out his right hand, offering it to her.

Better get some more soap
first.” Kate wished she could sound more bored and businesslike but
she couldn’t manage it. She was about to let a man she barely knew
(at least to her recollection) touch her in the most intimate place
possible and it made her nervous as hell.

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