For Our Son: A BWWM Parenting Romance For Adults (20 page)

BOOK: For Our Son: A BWWM Parenting Romance For Adults
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"Oh," was all Erica could think to say. Looking down at Avery
once more, she noted that Griffin was right, as the child wouldn’t stop raking
her hands across her droopy eyelids. It was obvious that she was exhausted.


Straightening, Griffin closed the car door and turned to look at Erica.
"Don't worry – she’ll be asleep by the time I start the car."


Erica laughed. "It’s weird,” she stated, "I mean, she was
running around happy one minute, and the next, she’s crying..."


Griffin smiled at Erica’s obvious ignorance over the whirlwind emotions
of his child. “Kids, right?”


Nodding, Erica glanced at the now nearly-sleeping Avery inside the car.
Smiling at the child, she looked up just in time to catch Griffin staring at


"What?" she asked him.


As if searching for the right words, Griffin hesitated before answering.
"I just…I wanted to apologize for the other night. I didn’t mean to make
you feel weird. I was only stating what I felt, but I guess it came out


"It’s fine,” Erica said as she remembered. Feeling suddenly
self-conscious, she looked down at her hands. "But it was kind of like you
were upset at me for being attractive – in
eyes, that is,” she


"I wasn’t – I mean…I’m not.” Griffin reached out to touch Erica’s
face without even thinking. When she looked up at him, he continued, “It’s
just…never mind.”


With that, Griffin averted his gaze from hers and took a step back. At
this, Erica straightened up and shook her head. Griffin would never change. He
still couldn’t express himself worth a damn.


“I have to go,” she mumbled as she casted one final look at Avery. “You
two have a good night.”


Without waiting for Griffin’s reply, Erica took off in the other
direction. Unfortunately for her, she barely made it a block before Griffin
pulled up beside her and slowed to a stop near the curb. After lowering the
passenger side window, he asked, "Erica, look, do you want a ride home or


Seeing no way out of the situation, Erica nodded and reluctantly got
inside the car beside Griffin. The brief ride to her place was silent, as there
was a lot of tension in the air between the two.


"Thanks for the ride,” Erica said when Griffin pulled to a stop in
front of her house. “I usually walk everywhere but to work…so…thanks." She
was reaching for the door handle when Griffin replied.


"No problem. Um, are you going to Lori’s launch party?"


Lori had been promoted to editor of the magazine she worked for, and the
company was throwing a party on her behalf.


"Yeah, it should be fun. It’s Friday night, right?" Erica asked
even though she already knew.


Griffin nodded as he stared at her. Reluctantly dragging her eyes from
his, Erica hopped out of the car. Bending down, she spoke to Griffin through
the open door. “Well, um…I guess I’ll see you then?”


"Sure thing,” Griffin replied with a tense smile.


"Great. Thanks again for the ride.” With that, Erica shut the car
door and headed up her driveway. Breathing deeply to calm her nerves, she
walked quickly into her home. For some strange reason she felt awkward around
Griffin, but she didn’t exactly know why. Their relationship was weird in that
they weren’t exactly friends or enemies.


Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Erica pushed Griffin out of her
mind and decided a nice tall glass of red wine was in order.


The rest of the week was normal for Erica, and it flew by relatively
quickly. She demolished all her projects at work, got together with a few
friends for dinner midweek, and mainly – she fought hard not to think of


On Friday night, Erica met up with Sabrina at her place, and two women
made the drive to the extravagant nightclub where Lori’s launch party was being
held. There, they mingled with Lori and some of her co-workers and distracted
themselves until the festivities began.


As the party became increasingly more lively, Erica’s eyes scanned the
room for Griffin a number of times. After about the fourth look, she shrugged
and decided that he was either late or not coming.


Glass of wine in hand, Erica turned to converse with Griffin’s best


"So, Evan, tell me about your date." Erica was inquiring about
the cute redhead Evan had introduced her to earlier. Her name was Julie, but
Erica didn't know much about her aside from that.


Smirking, Evan replied, “I met her at the gym a few months ago. She’s
really sweet. She works as a human resources manager at…" Evan trailed off
as he spotted Julie making her way back from the ladies’ room.


Curious, Erica looked from Julie to Evan and noted that their eyes were
glued to each other.


"Excuse me,” Evan absently said to Erica as he walked across the
room to meet his date halfway.


Erica watched as Evan pulled Julie into a tight embrace and kissed her
gently on the cheek. The two started to talk, but Erica couldn’t hear the
conversation as they were out of earshot.
They look happy,
she thought,
for Evan.


Sighing in contentment, Erica took another sip of her wine and looked
around the room. She spotted Sabrina in a corner flirting with one of Lori’s
co-workers and smiled before moving her gaze away from the couple and resting
it on Lori herself, who was engaged in a heated conversation with a few people
from her company. Erica was pleased for her friend. Lori worked hard. She
deserved this promotion.


All of a sudden realizing that she was alone in a room full of people,
Erica felt self-conscious. Smoothing a hand down her straightened hair, she
made her way into the buildings lobby. Once there, she made a beeline for the
front door with thoughts of fresh air in mind and ran smack-dab into Griffin.


"Erica? You okay?" Griffin grabbed her arm to prevent her from
falling over.


"Sorry. I’m fine, thank you. I was just going out to get some fresh


"Oh. How’s the party?" Griffin inquired.


"Great! Everyone’s having a great time."


"And you? Are you having a good time?"


"Of course, Griffin,” exclaimed an exasperated Erica. "I just
needed some air is all."


"Ok, well I guess I’ll you leave you to it then..." Griffin
said as he moved aside to let Erica pass him.


Hesitating, Erica made a spur of the moment decision. "I changed my
mind. Are you going in?" she asked Griffin.


Griffin nodded. “Yeah, I’m going to apologize to Lori for being late. My
sitter was running a little behind tonight."


At that, Erica nodded, and the two walked into the hall together.


Once inside, Griffin and Erica moved as one unit as they chatted with
their friends and some of Lori’s associates. At twelve a.m. on the dot, Lori
and her co-workers made plans to head to another nightclub uptown.


Lori, excited and flushed from all the attention bestowed upon her, raced
to the table where her friends sat. “Guys, we’re all going to The Cellar. 
Anyone interested?" she asked with a huge grin on her face and excitement
shining in her eyes.


Sabrina was the first to answer. "Will Matt be there?" she
asked of the man she’d been flirting with all night.


"Yeah, he’s coming. You in?" Lori asked Sabrina.


"Hell yes I’m in!” Sabrina shouted as she stood up.


Everyone at the table laughed at Sabrina’s enthusiasm.


Next, Lori looked over at Evan and Julie inquiringly.


"What do you think babe?" Evan asked Julie gently.


"Um, I’m a little tired. How about we go back to my place for an
early night instead?" Julie’s eyes shone as she looked at Evan.


"There you have it,” was all Evan said to Lori.


Nodding, Lori turned to look at Griffin and Erica.


"Honestly, Lori, I’m heading home. I’ve had a trying week and I need
to sleep. Sorry,” Erica told her.


"Yeah, I’m gonna have to bow out also. I’ve got to get home to
relieve the babysitter,” Griffin said apologetically.


"Aw, you guys suck,” Lori joked. "That’s alright though. We can
catch up next week. I have an idea for a group trip I want to run by


With that, Lori and Sabrina took off to meet up with the others who were
heading to the club. Evan and Julie excused themselves and left shortly after
that, leaving Griffin and Erica alone at the table.


"I guess I should run,” Erica said to Griffin. Sure enough, there
was that awkward feeling again.


"Yeah…me too." They both stood up and walked out to the parking
lot. As he headed for his car, Griffin stopped, spun around, and headed to
where Erica was parked. "What are you gonna do now?" he asked. At
Erica’s confused expression, he continued, "I, uh…I was just wondering
because the babysitter will stay as long as I need her to. I just wasn’t in the
mood to go to another club. Not really my scene."


Erica hesitated. "That depends,” she responded, obviously skeptical.
“What are you suggesting?”


"Uh, I don't know…” Griffin rubbed his neck as he thought it over.
“How about we catch a movie at the Castro like old times?"


Taken somewhat aback by the memory, Erica’s eyes widened slightly.


"This isn’t a date or anything,” Griffin rushed to say. “Just two
friends catching a flick.”


"Who said anything about a date?” Erica retorted. "I guess I’m
just a bit surprised you'd want to hang out."


Sighing, Griffin looked above Erica’s head then back at her face. “We
always end up doing this. Why is that?"


Erica didn’t know if she should answer, as Griffin didn’t seem to be
asking a question. It was more like he was stating a fact.


"Screw it,” Griffin proclaimed. “We're both adults now, Erica. We've
matured. I think we can manage a friendship, don't you?”


Looking Griffin in the eye, Erica could see that he was trying his very
best to level with her. "Okay,” she said with a smile. "Let’s go see
that movie then,


As if to solidify the deal, Erica held out her hand for Griffin to shake.
With that, the pair made a silent truce to put the past behind them once and for


Chapter six


Erica felt relaxed and comfortable sitting across from Griffin sipping
her chai latte. They were on their second round of hot beverages and were
enjoying each other's company. After the movie, they’d decided to go out for
coffee at a café close to the theater. It was now just after 2:00 a.m., but
neither one them were ready to call it a night just yet.


Griffin had called home, and his sitter agreed to stay as long as he
needed her to. Avery was fine in that she had been sleeping for hours.


During a lull in the conversation, Griffin deciding to broach a subject
that had been bothering him for the better part of the evening. Looking at
Erica, he inquired about her relationships while she was in D.C.


"Um, I didn’t do very much dating in college,” Erica revealed with
slight embarrassment. She figured Griffin’s college experience was quiet the
opposite. Still, she continued, “After high school I decided that I wanted to
focus on my studies and not let anything distract me..."


At this, Griffin looked away from Erica. He felt bad that she missed out
on experiences near the end of high school because of the heartbreak she’d
suffered during the end of their relationship. Sensing this, she reached across
the table to give one of his hands a comforting squeeze.

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