Falling Capricorn (3 page)

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Authors: Dallas Adams

BOOK: Falling Capricorn
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Eric was a known collector of art. That was one of the biggest things that made Christen and him get along. Christen was a painter and he loved to look at her work. Eric had shared with her multiple times, that he always wanted to be an artist but lacked the ability to do so. To get to the next best thing, he decided to be a collector. This did not just include paintings, though. Eric collected old war guns, ancient books and grimoires, sculptures; everything and anything.

“Art gallery, that sounds fancy. Does everything you do have to be fancy?” Christen asked him.

“You’ll see, eventually. I am not crazy for just wanting the finer things in life,” Eric mused, rolling up his mat.

They all walked to where the cars were parked. Joey and Eric said their good-byes. Christen gave Eric a hug, and kiss on the cheek. Eric grumbled under his breath. She could have sworn she saw a small blush on his face, though it could have just been her imagination. She got into the car with Joey, and they headed back towards her apartment.

“Well, we are here,” Joey said, pulling up to Christen’s apartment complex. Christen just looked outside the window at the run-down apartment she called home. Her eyes wavered as she stared out the window. “Are you okay?” he asked her.

“Would it be alright if I asked you to stay with me tonight?” she answered.

“Of course, why wouldn’t it be? You are my future wife, aren’t you?” he laughed, pulling into a parking space. He looked at her as he turned off his car, giving her a childish smile.

“Thank you,” she smiled back at him. They got out of the car and entered the complex.  They climbed the stairs together, reaching her room. She unlocked the door and opened it, shuffling in. “Home sweet home,” she giggled. Joey trotted in after her, glancing around before looking back at Christen. She kicked off her shoes, falling back onto her couch sighing. “I don’t feel like studying anymore,” she breathed. Joey carefully walked over to her and sat down, leaning over her. Christen held her breath as his hand brushed the hair out of her face.

“Then what do you feel like doing, lovely?” Joey asked softly, eyes locking with hers. She felt her breath get caught in her throat. She realized in that moment that she wouldn’t be able to be that close to him for a long time. A sweeping feeling came over her, pushing into her chest. In order to make it go away, she moved up swiftly, her lips locking with his. Joey seemed a bit surprised since she normally was always so coy when it came to anything sexual, but that didn’t stop him from kissing her back. They stayed embraced for a while before Joey broke the kiss. He stroked her cheek a few more times, looking in her eyes. “What are you thinking?” he wondered.

“I’m going to miss you. I want you to take me away,” she breathed, her eyes a bit glassy. She still hadn’t been able to down the fact he was leaving. It hurt to even think about it. “I want to have you as close as I can; I want to feel you,” she added, looking away from him. He watched her gaze fall to the ground. His smile faded to a sad one. He tried to respond, but words escaped him. He sat up, sneaking his arm behind her. He lifted her so she was sitting up before slipping his hands underneath her summer dress. He pulled it off of her, leaving her in her worn-out blue undergarments. She looked to the ceiling, blushing crimson. He pulled off his own shirt and unbuttoned his pants, chuckling as she returned to that coy girl he knew.

“I’ll be gentle, and we can hold each other afterwards, so you can be as close to me as you can be,” he whispered. She swallowed hard, nodding her head with her red cheeks. She reached around and undid her bra as he pulled his pants and boxers down in one swoop. Her bra fell into her lap, and Joey flicked it off onto the floor. He ran his hands up and down her sides as if sculpting her, getting to the last of her clothes. With another tug they were both naked.  Joey looked her up and down in admiration. Her cheeks grew hot as he just stared at her, as though she was some grand monument.

“W-what? W-what is i-it?” she stuttered awkwardly.

“Just wondering how I discovered a goddess like you,” Joey whispered, nipping at her ears. Her breath shook at his comment, shutting her eyes to calm the animal inside that was pleading for Joey. He kissed down her neck to her breasts. He toyed with them, messing with them like a kitten would with balls of yarn. Christen gripped his hair softly, a soft moan escaping her lips. She squirmed, as the tantalizing sensations traveled deeper into her core.

“Stooop teasing me,” she whined.

“But it’s so fun,” he chuckled, and carried on. He entered her as deep as he could at a lightning speed, electrifying her with a sharp pain. She whimpered softly, the pulsing nearly shaking her like thunder. They stayed like that for a moment, Joey stroking her hair to soothe her. “Tell me when it stops hurting,” he said in a concerned and sweet way. It took a short while but the pain soon stopped. She could only feel the throbbing of his swollen member.

“It stopped,” she said breathlessly.

“Good.” He smiled before biting her lip. His body moved to her heart beat which he could feel, moving in a smooth and wave-like motion. She gasped, shivering from the pleasure that roared through her body. She found herself pushing him back, and moving with him so she was now on top. She rode him, rocking and sliding on him. They both groaned and moaned. The longer they went the louder they got. Soon ecstasy was reached, both purring from becoming one with the release. Christen laid on top of him, shutting her eyes as he continued pulsing. “I love you,” Christen said airily.

“I love you too,” Joey replied a bit hoarsely from earlier growls and groans. Joey wrapped his arms around Christen protectively, almost like a kid coddling a secret stash of candy. Christen rested her head on his chest. They soon both felt tired, passing out in each other’s arms, the connection remaining the whole time they slept.



Chapter 2



The few days that Christen had left with Joey were pretty much as fun-loving as normal. They promised that they wouldn't act any different just because he was leaving, and she did a pretty good job, for the most part. Though, the last day together she did have some issues, and she couldn’t help but voice them. Joey listened attentively.

She told him that she was worried. Worried that he would die, stressed that she would not be able to talk to him or even see him for months, and the concern of his own state; since she honestly still could not see Joey killing anyone. He told her that she worried too much and that he would return as he promised. That soothed her. Eric, on the other hand, had a few sharp words of his own.

“You’re going to fight a losing battle, Joey. It’s all about politics and the people with the money. You’re just going to be a puppet they are using for their own gain. Who are you helping by going? No one that NEEDS the help. Perhaps revenge for your dead brother… that is stupid. He would be ashamed of you,” Eric snapped at Joey. Eric drank a little bit too much that night, and wasn’t holding back what he had to say. Eric's words echoed for a moment in Joey's head.

“Someone one needs to fight the battle, Eric. Besides, even if I wanted to stay, I can’t because I am already part of it. I am not getting revenge. I am finishing what my brother would have wanted to be finished,” Joey replied. Eric and Joey then started to argue until finally Eric was fed up.

“Whatever! Go ahead and get yourself killed!” he shouted and stormed out the door. Joey just sat down, a hand to the side of his forehead. He was really shaken up by the argument. Christen sat next to him and massaged his shoulders, resting her head against his neck.

“He doesn’t understand,” Joey murmured to her. She looked around at him, eyes softening when she saw a few lone tears streaming down his face. She kissed the back of his neck, soothing him.

“He doesn’t, but he will with time. Eric is smart enough to do so. Don’t worry; do what you think is right. Do what you think you need to do,” she told him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. They sat in silence the rest of that night. Christen was disappointed that on Joey's last day, there had to be a fight between the two dear friends. Despite the heated words the night before, Eric was right there with her when they had to say their farewells, and give their best wishes to Joey.

They all stood there together when it was time for Joey to go. Joey was dressed in his uniform, ready to get going. He turned to leave, but moved like a turtle. Eric and Christen were both giving him an encouraging smile, though Christen was absolutely sure Eric was feeling as she was; not wanting him to leave at all.

“I’ll write to the both of you. Every time I get a chance to,” Joey promised them.

“We know you will Joey. If you didn’t, misses over here would get mad.” Eric joked, looking at Christen. She glared at him.

“I’m not the misses, at least not yet, Eric. Don’t say that, it makes me feel like I’m old,” she scolded him. The boys both nearly fell over with laughter.

“Well I best be heading out, before they leave without me,” Joey joked, giving her a big kiss, full of passion and longing since he knew it would be the last time for a while.

“Yeah, get out of here so I can steal your girl,” Eric joked when they broke the kiss.

“Ha, ha, good luck with that, man,” Joey laughed, giving Eric a big hug. “Well wish me luck. See you guys in no time!” he called heading to the car with his bag.

“Good luck,” they both stated after him. “And don’t you dare die. Remember, you promised,” Christen added with a jokingly angry tone. He laughed and waved at the both of them.

“Good-bye,” they both waved back.

“Hey, don’t say good-bye. Good-bye is what you say to people you will never see again.” Joey winked before disappearing in the car. The car drove off and soon disappeared down the road. Eric and Christen stood there, side by side in silence.

“Sooo…” she started since it felt extremely awkward, standing there like statues with him.

“I’ll see you later girly. I have some new guns coming in for my collection,” he stated, heading down the sidewalk.

“Yeah… I’ll see you later,” she said after him. Soon it was just Christen standing there. She honestly never remembered feeling that alone before.



After Joey left, Christen drowned herself in her school work and studies. She felt like she lost contact with Joey, and with Eric too. This feeling went on for a few weeks before Eric showed up, knocking on her door. It was a Friday night; Kat had come over with some ice cream and movies. Kat was Christen’s childhood friend who had been with her through thick and thin. She knew Christen was rather upset lately. Kat knew the best antidote for sadness: ice cream and a generic romantic comedy.

Kat was a bit of an oddball. She never went for the normal trappings of daily normal life-styles. She was interested and stuck on something even higher-minded; world religions and philosophies. She was intrigued by the beliefs and dogmas followed by various groups throughout history and cultures. She was fascinated with the different thoughts that everyone had on the world, and how to live the perfect and fullest life possible.

They had just got done making the popcorn, and were about to sit down when someone banged hard on the door. Christen looked at Kat whose blonde hair bounced with her shrug.

“Why are you looking at me? It’s your house,” Kat stated. Christen sighed, since she was correct. Christen got up and walked to the door, looking through the peephole. Deep down, a little part of her was hoping that it was Joey, even though she knew it wasn’t logically possible.

“Who is it?” she sang in a little old lady’s voice. Kat giggled as she hung over the side of the sofa.

“It’s Eric,” he stated. His tone was flat and serious as ever. Kat's giggling was cut short, rolling her brown eyes. She never did like Eric because he was, according to her, a kill-joy. Not only that, but he always gave Kat a bad feeling. She knew there was something that would cause trouble with that man being around. She just didn’t know what.

“Okay then. Let me just open the door for you. Give me a second,” Christen called through the door. She unlocked the deadbolt and the chain lock before opening the door to let Eric in. “What’s up Eric? How are you?” she asked him as he walked in. He waved a letter in her face casually.

“It’s a letter,” he said before adding, “It’s from Joey.” Christen’s eyes lit up instantly. Kat cheered with excitement for her friend.

“Well Mr. I Am No Fun, why aren’t you opening it up and reading it to us?” Kat asked him. Eric gave her a glare before doing just as she said. He opened up the envelope and pulled out two letters.

“The idiot forgot your address, so he put both of our letters in the same envelope,” he told them before opening the letter and started reading.


 “Dear Christen,


           I just got all settled at base for now. I’m already missing you and Eric like crazy. I made a few new friends, though I am scared to get attached to people. Then again, this must be ten times worse of a feeling for you. I’m sorry I left you after proposing, I really do feel like a dick for doing that to you. But no worries, I made a promise right? I’m not going to be dying, not until I am old and gray dying together with you, holding you in my arms. Our wedding will be amazing! You can start planning without me. I want you to have the perfect wedding of your dreams. I just want a black tux. That’s all I want. Oh. And some really good chocolate cake. Okay, almost drooled at the sound of that! Remember Eric’s dessert? Oh my god, that was delicious. Well I got to go now, so write me back. I’ll reply when I get the chance to. Love you sweetheart. P.S. I forgot your address… don’t shoot me.”


 Eric took a deep breath after reading.


“Oh give us the letter.” Kat told Eric, taking it out of his hand and then handing it over to Christen. Christen took it with a small smile.

“Thank you so much for bringing this over. It means a lot to me,” she said with obvious thankfulness and happiness. “Do you want to stay and watch a movie with us?” Christen winced as Kat rubbed her heel into Christen’s foot nice and hard. She gave her the look of disdain, but it was already too late. Eric looked at his watch, thought for a moment, and then gave a slow nod of his head.

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