Engaged (The ABCs of Erotica) (8 page)

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Authors: Lexi Maxxwell

Tags: #erotica

BOOK: Engaged (The ABCs of Erotica)
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I look at her, wondering what prompted the question, and her tone.

“I’ll never forget you,” I promise.

“I want to make sure.”

I assure her: “You don’t have to.”

“I’m going to make you cum once more. The hardest of all.”

I feel a tingle as Jenny commands me: “Bend over and grab the edge of the seat. You’ll need it.”

I press my left knee into the cushion, dangle my right over the side, clutch the edges, nudge my ass into the air, back toward Jenny, and close my eyes, waiting.

Jenny gently plants her left hand on the back of my ass, presses the dildo to my pussy, and shoves the shaft deep inside me.

She holds it low so she can get it mostly into my hole. My body trembles at the edge of another orgasm. I should be empty, and my body numb. After yesterday’s morning with Richard, the afternoon with Leigh, then Leigh and Jenny through evening and the this morning, I should be spent. Instead I feel sparked and ready for fire.

I scream: “Make me cum!”

Jenny grunts and shoves the dildo deeper. I scream and squirm until my body explodes. The orgasm rips through my body.

Once finished, and Jenny can see that I’m no longer shaking, she turns so her ass is to mine, reaches behind her, grabs the rubber dick, pulls it so the tip is pushing against her pussy lips, then lowers her ass.

Her pussy swallows the dildo, and we start slapping our asses together.

My hand slithers past my stomach, between my legs. I strum my clit as Jenny matches the motion behind me. I want her to fuck me like Richard.

I pull away from the dildo, leaving it only in Jenny, and plant my back to the cushions. I lift my legs and bring my knees up so my ass and pussy are pointing straight up in the air. Looking craven, Jenny sits on my cunt, and plunges the rubber dick down into my open, soaking hole.

The next minute’s relentless. Gravity does most of the work, though Jenny’s rhythm and dildo are both in perfect orbit. She holds it steady as she plunges, repeatedly slamming her pelvis onto mine. Each time the rubber dick is buried in my pussy, it loses the same length in hers. We’re on opposite sides of one orgasmic mirror. We scream, shudder, and moan, as if from a single set of lungs. I swim in pleasure until my body stops purring and I collapse.

Jenny falls beside me. We stare into one another’s eyes, kissing.

Soon my thoughts are gone, away from Jenny to Leigh, then from Leigh to Zoe. I need to see her, but I’m not ready.

First, I need Cooper.

Finding Cooper

“Is Cooper there?”

Silence from the other side. Then breathing and waiting.

“Is Cooper there?”

I smile to myself, listening to Cooper decipher a voice from his past. I was slightly disguising it. In my normal voice I say, “Are you really going to pretend like you don’t know who this is?”

Not missing a beat, Cooper says, “Liza Elway! Holy shit. It’s about damned time you called me! I bet you wouldn’t believe it if I said I think about you every day.”

He laughs. I laugh back.

“No, I didn’t know that,” I say. “So you’ve been thinking about me — what sort of thoughts?”

“Well, let’s just say you’re not the sort of person a guy forgets.”

“You never seemed to care much when we were together,” I say, not realizing it’s going to hurt.

“That’s not true, Liza. At all. You’re a hard girl to grab, and I was too young to do a decent job. I’m sorry.” I feel slightly better, and am surprised that I care. “So, not that I’m not thrilled that you did, but why are you calling?”

“Can’t I call just to say hi?”

“You could, but you’re not. I’ve known you a long time, Liza. You’ve never called to say hi, or done anything without intention so far as I know. There’s a reason you’re calling. Tell me the reason, and we can spend the rest of our time playing bullshit.” He pauses, then adds, “Oh shit. This isn’t one of those STD calls, is it?”

He laughs, but not necessarily like something is funny.

I say, “I called to fuck you.”

Cooper laughs louder, harder. “You called to fuck me?”

“That’s right, Cooper. I called to fuck you. I want you to pound me with your long, hard cock.” Without letting him catch his breath or answer I aggressively whisper, “Are you still as skinny as you always were, Cooper? Like an ironing board of muscle? Want to know how often I’ve imagined you railing me hard since the last time you did?”

Cooper’s silent, trying to figure me out. Finally, he says, “Are you fucking with me, Liza?”

“No,” I whisper. “But will you be fucking with me?”

“So, just so I can get this straight, you’re calling me after all this time … for a booty call?”

“No, not exactly.”

“Well then, what is this,

“Can I come over?”

“How do you know I’m in the same place?”

“Are you kidding?” I laugh again, this time louder.

“Shut up, Liza.”

Cooper is laughing, but I can tell I’ve hurt him.

“No offense, Cooper. To each his own. I couldn’t imagine — or stand — living in my parents’ guesthouse, but I swear I’m not judging.”

Truth: If my parents had a guesthouse the size of Cooper’s, I probably would have lived there before I moved in with Richard.

“Stop being defensive, Cooper. I love your place. I’d be disappointed if you weren’t there. So do you?”

After a pause, “Yeah, I still live here.”

“So, can I come over?”

“You can’t just come over and fuck me, you know.”

“Sure I can,” I say, then hang up.

I turn off my cell, toss it onto the seat beside me, and drive to Cooper’s, alone with my thoughts. No radio, no calls. I don’t want to speak with anyone, except Richard.

I need to hear myself think. I don’t want Cooper to call and ask questions I can’t answer, or am not ready to. I don’t want Leigh or Jenny enticing me back. I’ve been gone for 20 minutes, yet after my fill of two women I’m still hungry for Cooper.

What has Richard done?

Cooper lives about an hour from Leigh’s. My heart swells as I turn into Cooper’s place and so many memories hit me at once: the first time I gave my body to another, the first time I stared at blue sky to dream, the first time I considered leaving town and never coming back, the first time I felt true freedom from my parents, knowing I was in a place where they wouldn’t find me, doing things they wouldn’t want me to do: swallowing cum, taking loads on the face, and taking a dick in my very young asshole.

I knock, but his door isn’t locked. Like old times I let myself in. Cooper is sprawled in a large, leather lounge chair. He looks up as I open the door.

“What took you so long?”

“I had to drive.”

He smiles. “I’ve missed you, Liza. I never thought I’d hear from you again.”

Cooper wants to talk, but I want to fuck.

I coo, “Where do you want me?”

“I don’t,” Cooper shakes his head.

It hurts more than I’ll admit.


“I don’t mean it like that,” he smiles. “I just mean, it’s been a long time, and I don’t want to just jump into fucking. I want to talk first. I meant it when I said that I miss you.”

I didn’t miss Cooper. Not like that. I missed some of the ways he made me feel. But I’ve outgrown him. In many ways, I think I outgrew him before we finished dating, not that dating was ever really what we did.

I say, “I’ve missed you, too,” but hate the lie as it leaves me.

“So, can we talk? You know, catch up?”

“Of course,” I say. I’m still horny, so he can’t get away that easy. “But first, tell me how you’ll fuck me. And where.”

Cooper smiles, liking this game.

He raises his eyebrows and looks at the ceiling, appearing to think. After a moment he looks back. “I’d like to fuck you in the sunroom. It’s nice out there.”

“Where we used to eat?” I ask. “Where do we fuck?”

“On the table.” His answer is fast. It’s had thought before now. He’s taken women in places he never took me. “The wood is soft. You’ll love it.”

“You can fuck me wherever, and however, you want. Just don’t wear those sunglasses like you used to. I hated that.”

He looks slightly embarrassed, but says nothing. I smile, wanting him.

I did always hate the glasses, but couldn’t deny that Cooper was both cool — and cheesy — enough to pull it off. He’s the only guy I’ve ever had sex with who didn’t take his glasses off, and the only one to have a tan dick.

“So, are you gonna sit?”

He gestures to the chair across from him.

I walk over to the chair and sit. I’m wearing a tiny, blue skirt, dressed by Jenny before leaving. She said neither she nor Leigh ever wore it, though they bought the skirt together, and that she’d love to see me sway in blue on my way to the car.

The skirt was cute, and I figured Cooper would enjoy taking it off. I have no panties, and keep crossing and uncrossing my legs, hoping to speed our exchange. He does his best to ignore me.

“So,” I say, after minutes of small talk. “Do you have a girlfriend?” In a teasing voice I add, “Anyone special?”

“No, not really,” he shrugs. “I mean, yeah, plenty of girls, and some are special, but no, no one in particular. How about you, anyone special?”

“Yes,” I nod. “I’m getting married.”

Cooper looks like he’s about to fall over. I burst into laughter. He cries out, “You’re getting married?”

“Yes,” I say. “To a man named Richard.”

“What the fuck, Liza?” He jumps up from his chair and walks toward the kitchen. I can see his tented pants. I think of his long cock, and how it will feel after it’s slipped up inside me. Cooper looks helpless, as if I’ve betrayed him. “Then
are you here?”

“I told you. I came to fuck.”

“But you’re getting married!”

“That’s right. My fiancé, Richard, told me I should fuck you.”

“What in the hell? Why would he say that? Is this some sort of set up?”

“Nope. Just your long cock in my tight, little hole. Move it around until you make something creamy, Cooper. You can start now, and keep going until I’m finished with you.”

“Nope,” he shakes his head. “I’m not doing any of this if you’re going to be a bitch. Giving me orders and shit. This is my house, Liza. Tell me why you’re here so I understand.”

“You’re right,” I say, crossing my legs to show him my pussy. “I promise, I’m not messing with you.”

He sits and shifts in his seat. Anxiety — usually nowhere near Cooper — changes his shape. Between his good looks, pure muscled body and unlimited funds, he’s always been one of the most confident guys I’ve ever known. Now, Cooper looks almost timid.

“So?” he looks at me, eyes assessing, almost demanding.

“Richard thinks I should revisit my past, be sure of who I am before I’m with him forever.”

Cooper raises his eyebrows.

“So, I’m doing what he wants. Going back to my past, so I can see what old things mean to me now.”

“What the fuck, Liza? That seems dangerous.”

“It’s what he wants.”

“No disrespect to Mr. Right, but what kind of guy sends his fiancée out to fuck old lovers before the wedding?” He pauses, then adds, “When are you getting married?”

“As soon as I’m through.”

“Oh.” Cooper shifts again in his chair. I can’t tell if he’s confused or uncomfortable. Probably both. “I figure I’m either the first stop or the last, so which is it?”

“Neither. I’m just coming from Leigh’s.”

“Oh yeah?” he brightens. “How’s she doing?”


I stand from my chair and sashay to his, then sit on Cooper’s lap to feel his hardened cock beneath me. He shifts underneath me, and tries to push me up and out of his chair. His hands are under my ass, nudging against my tiny frame.

“Not yet, Liza.”

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