Delicious Pain - a BDSM Collection (6 page)

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Authors: Portia Da Costa

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Delicious Pain - a BDSM Collection
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Perhaps a bit of an exaggeration -- there were still twinges -- but it was amazing how the first soreness had ebbed. Alice wondered again about Julian's experience, and whether it allowed him to spank without creating lasting pain.

Retiring to bed, they shared their wine at last. Julian had opened one of their better bottles, to mark the occasion, and Alice savored its rich, sophisticated bouquet, knowing she'd earned it. Lying naked on her stomach it was a bit awkward to drink from the large wine glass, but she managed. When she set it aside, it was time to ask the questions.

"You've done that before, obviously," she observed, reaching out to rest her hand on Julian's outstretched thigh. He was sitting up against the pillows, glass in hand, his eyes closed; but they snapped open at the sound of her voice.

"Yes, I have, but not for a while. Not since we met."

She believed him. Tiredness drifted down over her, and she almost didn't push it, but the spark of curiosity was just a bit too strong to be ignored.

"So, what happened before we met? You must have… well… done it quite a bit. I mean, I'm a complete newbie to it, but even I can tell you're very good, very skilled." She smiled encouragingly, and then looked beyond him to the little ledger that sat on his bedside table. "Maybe not quite on Mr. Grayson's level, but it's obvious you know what you're doing. How did you start?"

"When I was nineteen, and on my gap year, I spent a few summer months alone in our house with an old friend of my mother's who was sort of minding the place while Mum went on a cruise." Julian slid down to lie beside her, and Alice was glad of the little moment while he settled himself. Her husband had been into spanking and BDSM since his teens? Why had he never ever said anything?

"Margery was nice, and kind of sexy. She'd been in some kind of financial trouble and Mum had helped her out with a place to stay for a while. Anyway, one day when there were just the two of us in the house, I found a magazine… a spanking magazine." His blue eyes glittered and he grinned. "It really turned me on, even more than vanilla porn. I think Margery left it out on purpose to test me, to see if I was game." He paused, and settled his hand on Alice's back, right on the small of it, just above the margins of her still warm bottom. "And I was, and one thing led to another."

Alice wanted to look away, and absorb what she'd heard, but Julian's gaze was mesmerizing. It held her. She imagined him with another woman across his knee. A sexy, curvy middle aged cougar who liked her bottom spanked, someone who was juicy and experienced and irresistible to a horny young man. A latter day Mrs. Grayson.

Did he still think of her? Oh Lord, did he still
her? Surely he had to have an outlet for his preferences, and he was thirty now, as Alice herself was. If he'd been getting together with this Margery for over ten years, what did it say about their marriage?

Julian's fingers curved against her skin, not quite caressing, but somehow speaking to her. "I know what you're thinking, love, and yes, I did see her, on and off, for a few years, even while she was involved with other men. We were fond of each other, she liked to be spanked and I liked to spank her. She wasn't getting that from any of her boyfriends."

"But you don't see her now?" She had to be sure, really sure.

Julian's fingers spread across her back, and the little one just feathering over the upper edge of her bottom cheek, where he'd spanked her. A plume of heat blossomed, not so much there as in between her thighs.

"No, when I met you and fell in love with you at first sight, I ended my arrangement with Margery immediately." His little finger went rub, rub, rub. Alice wanted to squirm. Was he trying to distract her? Was she even bothered if he did? She believed him utterly, she always had. He might have kept this from her, but she knew he wasn't a liar, not at heart. "I only wanted to be with you, and fortunately, as it happened, Margery had finally met someone else who wanted to spank her. A rich older guy. They're married now, Mum tells me, and they dote on one another."

"That's nice."

"It is. But I sense more questions." His fingers slid further and spread, until he was cupping her bottom cheek. The heat grew, but not from her spanking, she barely felt that. No, it was the fires of desire that burned now, despite her curiosity.

"But haven't you missed it? The spanking games, I… I mean." He was squeezing now, very lightly but it was impossible to ignore. "You just don't forget about something like that, surely? I know I wouldn't."

Julian's eyes were steady. So was his voice. "No, I haven't really missed it. Except perhaps very occasionally…" She believed him. He was her husband. She trusted him. "But right from the start, the sex between you and I was so great --
so great -- that it's always satisfied me completely." His fingers flexed, the action barely perceptible. "Now and then, the thought of it might have crossed my mind. But you and I met and then married so quickly. I didn't want to spring it on you that your new husband was a pervert. I just knew the right time to reveal it would come eventually. When you were ready…"

Alice's heart thudded. It was more than desire she felt now, much, much more. Julian had suppressed his needs for her sake, so as not to frighten her. Her soul seemed to roll over inside her, moved by his care and thoughtfulness.

"You should have said something, love. I'm not a completely vanilla person either. I have kinky thoughts. Fantasies, you know?"

Julian edged a little closer to her, his fingers tightening on her bottom, and below, his newly erect cock nudging her thigh. "In that case, I'm bloody glad I caught you fondling that cane on the market stall. Hell, I wanted to shout for joy. I got a raging hard-on right there and then. I could tell by the way you handled it, and your body language, that you understood straight away."

"You were watching me?"

He grinned. "Well, yes, but just for a few moments. I was looking for you and I came around the corner of that row of stalls and saw you with the cane. I was just going to come up to you, and then I saw you running your fingers along it, and bingo, Bob's your uncle, I was erect. And I knew you'd notice, so I hung back and thought I'd wait, to make sure." His grip on her bottom tightened into a fierce caress, and Alice was compelled to press her groin against the bed. Julian's eyes glinted as he noticed it. "And afterwards, when I headed for the stall myself and studied the inventory of that box, and found you'd bought the punishment ledger. Well, it was all I could do not to jerk myself off when I got to the car." He shifted his own hips, pushing his cock against her. "It took a massive effort of will to make that hard-on go down, I can tell you. It nearly killed me to wait until later, when we got home, to broach the issue."

Alice wanted to speak, to ask questions, but she was unable to. Julian's fingertips were playing in her anal groove now, and his other hand had sneaked in beneath her belly, heading for her pussy.

"So," he said as he found her clit, "do you think you like it? Being spanked, that is? Or was that just a one off?"

Alice was almost choking with lust and gathering pleasure. Her husband's fingertip circled and rubbed. "Oh… Oh, I do like it. I like it a lot," she gasped, "Don't get me wrong, I don't want to give up ordinary sex altogether. But, well, I'd like to play spanking games some of the time, too."

She ground her hips, pressing down on the clever digit that was pressing up between her labia. Her sex rippled. Her silky fluid coated his fingers. "I'd rather like to see what my limits are. That is, if you can accommodate me."

"You're a bold one, Mrs. Porter, and a very kinky woman." His voice was different now, it seemed to ring with authority, even though he spoke softly. Tormented by his fingers, Alice moaned, almost coming as he played with her anus.

"Are you going to spank me now?" she asked in a high, strained voice, not quite knowing what she wanted herself. She only knew that she did want something. Soon… "I need to come."

"And so do I, greedy, wicked girl," said Julian with a low laugh, "I don't know whether to tan your hide, or shag you senseless." He slid his fingertip teasingly away from her clit, while at the same time fingering the groove of her bottom.

Alice groaned, hiding her face in the pillow, biting it in frustration. She wanted to nudge Julian's finger back onto her clit, but he was in charge now. She had to behave and wait for his whim. But she let out a high squeak as he toyed with her vent.

"Dirty, disgusting little trollop," he taunted, his voice warm with love, "I think I'll do both. A few hard spanks might tame your lewd desires, and then I'll fuck you to relieve the erection you've caused."

In spite of the tormented state she was in, Alice giggled. Julian was playing at being Mr. Grayson again now, acting the role of the horny patriarch disciplining his wayward wife.

"Oh, so it's funny, is it?" he demanded, giving her bottom just one last tickle and then rising up, onto his knees beside her. His cock bounced as he moved, and as Alice twisted her head to see what he was doing, she let out another giggle to see it up and swinging.

"You're willful and disrespectful, Mrs. Porter." Grasping her thighs, he parted them, and then edged a bit further down the bed, to get the right angle. "Hold onto the bedstead, then come up on your haunches. Present yourself for the punishment you deserve."

Alice shuffled to comply, resting her forearms on the pillow, her head between them.

"Tut-tut. Thighs wide apart and back dished. That's better. Show what you've got."

Alice thrilled as she moved, adjusting her position. She'd never felt so slutty or debauched in her life, but she loved it, exhibiting herself for Julian this way.

"You're a lascivious wench, my darling. I can see your juice running right down your leg, you atrocious woman." A single fingertip slid into her cleft from behind, drifting over her perineum, then poking into her channel, pressing in and stirring her until she hissed between her teeth.

Oh Julian, do something, please! Slap me or fuck me or diddle me, but please, please, do something.
The plea was silent, but Alice couldn't keep still as Julian pumped her with his finger. She clenched her inner muscles, trying to grab him, ashamed that the action would make her anus wink at him.

"Right. That's it. Now I'm going to spank you very hard, and then I'm going to fuck you."

The words, just the words, almost made her come, but before her body could obey its own imperative, Julian whirled his hand away from her and brought it down again, hard on her bottom, once, twice, and really hard. The shock threw her forward against the pillows and her buttocks flexed and seemed to burn, the fires alight again.

Alice mewled against the pillow, churning her hips, seeing crimson behind her closed eyelids. More spanks fell, and she found herself lifting her bottom, pushing up, pushing back, and enticing her husband to slap her harder. She wiggled her burning rump in order to goad him.

Julian growled at her, regaling her with a few words and rebukes that Mr. Grayson would probably have never uttered, but which sounded like pagan music to Alice's ears and drove her to even greater efforts to lure him.

"Do you want the cane? Is that what you want?" he hissed into her ear, and in that heartbeat Alice realized it was exactly what she wanted, no matter how awesome and how agonizing it's power was.

"Yes, I fucking well do!" she cried defiantly. "Bring it on!"

Julian slid off the bed for a moment, searched around beneath it and then popped back up again. Alice glanced towards him, her hips still swaying, and saw the forbidden treasure in his hand.

You fucking devil! You had the cane under the bed all along.

"Now brace yourself. This will hurt like hell," he said in a low, tight voice as if he were struggling to control himself, "But I'll give you something nice afterwards, almost immediately, to soften the pain."

Gritting her teeth, with her heart pumping and pounding and her spirit soaring, Alice dished her back as deeply as she could, making the best possible target.

"Good girl, good girl," praised Julian, pausing to slide a hand beneath her and feather a finger over her clit, "Good girl," he repeated, withdrawing and raising his arm.

There was a sound half way between a swish and a whistle, and then… nothing. No sensation at all for a heartbeat or two, and then a high white jolt of excruciating electric agony, right across the under-hang of her bottom.

Alice didn't scream. She hadn't the breath. She was rigid with shock. Then a second later, she howled out loud and grabbed her bottom.

"Oh no, no, no, I'll deal with that." Julian prized her fingers from her own flesh and conducted them back to the bed rail, curling them around it.

Oh, it hurt, it hurt. Alice rocked her hips, circling her bottom around, flexing the abused muscles and clenching her pussy at the same time. The stripe from the cane was like pure flame, but her emptiness was worse, far worse.

She crooned like an animal when she felt Julian push inside her, thrusting his cock in right to the hilt and knocking against the weal from the cane's descent with the base of his belly.

"Oh God, Alice, I love you!" he cried, jamming into her again and again and again, out of all control. Every wild shove knocked the root of her clitoris from within, and before she could draw breath, Alice was climaxing as never before, her pussy clamping and grabbing with love at her husband's cock.

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