Dance with Deception: Scandalous Secrets, Book 1 - Exclusive Edition (Scandalous Secrets - Exclusive Edition) (7 page)

BOOK: Dance with Deception: Scandalous Secrets, Book 1 - Exclusive Edition (Scandalous Secrets - Exclusive Edition)
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Victoria settled beside him then folded her hands before primly placing them on her lap. “You don’t want to know.”

“Like hell I don’t.”

“Very well,” She rolled her eyes. “It was obvious from your behavior at the Stocktons’ ball that you were smitten with Gwen. Knowing you as well as I do, I knew you’d need a little push in the right direction. That’s what I gave you today.”

Sebastian rubbed his clean-shaven jaw. “Have I been that obvious?”

“Oh, let’s see, shall we?” She placed her index finger on her lips for dramatic effect. “You couldn’t take your eyes off of her at the ball and today you were actually laughing as you walked to the stables
with her. That is an uncommon sound, Sebastian, and I think it suits you.”

“Promise me you will never do anything like that again.” He squeezed her hand.

His sister shook her head with vehemence. “I will promise no such thing.”

“Victoria.” His tone was grave. “I never should have gone anywhere with her without a chaperone.”

“Honestly!” She slapped his thigh. “It’s not as if anything happened.”

Sebastian bit his tongue. His sister had no idea what almost happened. “That’s not the point. I never would have allowed you to go somewhere unaccompanied with a member of the opposite sex. Gwen has a father and brothers who feel that same way about her. You must promise me you won’t do it again.”

“All right,” Her shoulders slumped.

Noting how dejected his sister appeared to be, he added, “I appreciate what you were trying to do for me.”

Her eyes widened. “You do?”

Sebastian nodded.

“Excellent!” Victoria threw her arms around his neck. “I knew you liked her.”

“I think you like her a little bit too.”

Her words tumbled with excitement. “I think she’d make the best sister, Sebastian.”

“Wait, just a moment.” He peeled his sister’s arms from around his neck then placed her hands in his, trying desperately to make her understand. “I never said anything about marrying her, Tori.”

Victoria grinned. “You didn’t need to say it. I
know you, Sebastian.”

He was growing frustrated with his sister and her self-proclaimed insight into his innermost self unnerved him. “I am not marrying anyone, ever. So, no more matchmaking, do you hear me?”

Victoria opened her mouth in protest.

“No.” Sebastian raised his finger to silence her objection. “I can manage on my own, thank you very much. My love life is hereby off limits to you.”

His sister rose and began skipping up the carpeted staircase. She slowed when she got to the top and called over her shoulder in a singsong voice, “You mentioned love.”

She continued to sing, “Love, he mentioned love,” until her voice faded.

Victoria was turning into a female version of him, Sebastian realized. No, worse, for while she exhibited his determination, cunning and infallible intuition, she also inherited their mother’s optimism. She was the best of both of them, he supposed.

God help him.

Life with his sister, Sebastian decided, made him worthy of sainthood.

Tristan sent his sister a note from London stating he had business to attend to and also needed time away from their father. She suspected that he was having a divine time, drinking and gaming with the sole purpose of releasing his frustration and anger.

Lucky man!

Gwen wished she could disappear as easily. Their father’s endless talk of her upcoming nuptials and future groom grated on her nerves. In addition, rain had forced her to remain indoors for several days, causing Gwen to feel as if she were a piece of muslin being stretched so tight that it was about to tear. Surely, if she stayed inside one minute more, she would unravel.

The weather cleared somewhat by midday. In spite of the gloomy gray clouds hovering above her family’s estate, Gwen jumped at her chance to escape and set off toward the stables, euphoric that she’d soon be feeling gusts of wind through her hair.

She mounted her gray and white mare then set out at a trot. When Majesty was limbered, they rode fast and furious. At the border of Ainsley, she untied the ribbon in her hair and stuffed it in the waist of her breeches.

The thick clouds grew darker and began to swirl in the ominous sky overhead; however, Gwen refused to head back. She’d felt imprisoned in her own estate for far too long. No matter how much
she loved her father, his avowals of Keir’s adoration were driving her mad. As if that weren’t enough, after she’d endured all she believed she could, her father would refer to his ill health, drawing even more guilt from her. At those very moments she felt certain she was the worst daughter in all of England and Scotland combined.

The gray clouds grew black, darkening the day to a light dusk. Gwen remained undaunted. As she approached her hill, her favorite place, she patted her mare’s mane in encouragement.

“Come on girl, to the top,” she urged.

She tapped her heels against the animal’s flanks and Majesty responded, transitioning into a wild gallop. As they neared their destination, another rider seated upon a large, black stallion spooked the duo.

Majesty neighed, abruptly veering to avoid a collision. The other horse responded alike; however, it seemed to be succeeding while Gwen’s was not.

As she fought to remain atop her saddle, Gwen found herself silently cursing her riding corset. Although short, it still restricted her motion somewhat. A storm cloud burst and sheets of rain began falling, further startling Majesty, who reared up on her hind legs.

Gwen fell sideways off the saddle, her body hitting the muddy ground with a loud thud, winding her. She groaned from the pain that pulsated within her chest and ribs then began tumbling down the hill, which further dazed her.

When at last Gwen had ceased rolling, she
found herself lying face down in the rain sodden grass. She lifted her head a few inches, blinking in an attempt to clear her blurry vision.

She caught sight of flailing hooves slicing through the driving rain then locked her gaze on a mysterious rider who was attempting to grab Majesty’s reins. As her sight remained somewhat limited by the sopping wet tendrils clinging to her face, it was impossible for Gwen to recognize her savior.

Placing her weight against her hands, Gwen attempted to stand up. The new pain that seared through her legs caused her to rethink her plan and she gently lowered herself back onto the mud-spattered ground.

A familiar voice called to her. Still dazed, it took her several seconds before she could place it.

“Gwen! Gwen!” Sebastian half ran and half slid down the muddy hill.

All she could muster was a loud painful groan.

He knelt beside her. “Can you move?” His quickened speech laced with urgency conveyed that he was worried.

“I think so,” Gwen managed, struggling to a kneeling position. She was aware of his hands upon her arm and back as he helped her sit upright.

Sebastian expelled his breath in a loud whoosh. “When I saw you fall, I feared the worst,” he brushed several wet curls away from her face. “Where does it hurt?”

“Everywhere.” She managed a feeble smile as chills raked her body. The cold rain combined with her tumble had weakened her. “I don’t think
anything is broken, though. How is my horse?”

“The beast that all but killed you?” Sebastian pointed to where Majesty was tied. “That creature is insane. I will tell your father about the way she bounded over the top of that hill.”

“No, Sebastian, don’t.” Gwen laid a hand on his arm. “It was my fault, not hers. I kicked her flanks to get her to go faster. Please, don’t tell my father.”

He didn’t answer her. Was he still deliberating? “Sebastian, please promise me you will not cause harm to come to Majesty. She shouldn’t suffer for my poor judgment.”

“I promise,” he said through gritted teeth. “But don’t think this is the end of it. You will tell me why you were so reckless, but first I must get you to shelter. If that fall didn’t succeed in killing you, the death grip of this cold will. Can you stand?”

“I think so.”

Sebastian removed his great coat and eased it over her shoulders to shelter her from more rain then offered her his hand. After she placed her hand in his, he gently pulled her to her feet. Gwen swayed as a wave of dizziness washed over her.

He effortlessly scooped her up in his arms, digging the heels of his boots into the mud as he carried her back to the top of the hill then placed her on the ground underneath the large tree where he’d tied their horses.

Gwen leaned against the trunk, grateful for the warmth of his coat and the leafy canopy that now sheltered them from the incessant rain.

“Are you certain that you didn’t break anything?” he asked, lines of concern etched in
his brow.

She shook her head. A wave of lightheadedness made her regret the slight motion.

“You took one hell of a fall,” Sebastian said as he knelt beside her.

His clothes were soaked, mud splattered, and Gwen was certain he had never looked more handsome. Perhaps it was because he exuded authority and raw masculinity. Even without saying a word, he commanded attention.

Her heart slammed against her chest as she tried hard to control her labored breathing.

“I won’t put you back on your horse until I know you can ride.” A wet strand of jet-black hair fell just above his right eye. He shoved it away before continuing. “Tell me when it hurts, all right?”

Gwen nodded, and Sebastian began his assessment by removing her right boot. She stiffened causing a grin to tug at his full lips. “Now is no time for modesty. How else will I ascertain whether or not you’ve broken anything?”

“You’re right.” Gwen swallowed the lump in her throat. “I wasn’t thinking.”

“Relax, and tell me if you feel pain.”

She nodded once more. He removed her boot then carefully manipulated her foot and ankle, working his way up her right leg.

Gwen remembered bruising her ankle as a young child. The doctor examined her much the same way Sebastian was doing, but she couldn’t recall this tingling sensation. It surfaced everywhere Sebastian touched her. No pain beckoned as of yet,
just a stealthy desire surging within her, one she’d never before experienced.

She studied him, reveling in his nearness. Between his firm sensual lips, strong chiseled jaw and broad chin, his profile was one of strength and physical perfection.

Sebastian proceeded to her left boot, repeating the process once more. Gwen was aware that his hands were moving slowly. No physical pain let its presence be known through her left leg either, yet, his soft persistent touch was quickening her pulse and sending waves of heat through every limb he examined.

Her body responded as his assessment continued, challenging her with a force that took her by complete surprise. Her breasts became sensitive and taut, her womanhood throbbed with need, and the drumming of her heartbeat began to reach a crescendo within her ears. His gentle touch sent another tingle of excitement surging through Gwen as a low moan escaped her lips.

“Did that hurt?” he asked, searching her eyes.

“A little,” she lied from sheer embarrassment, then averted her gaze lower, to his chest. Sebastian’s ivory shirt was soaked; the wet fabric clinging to tight ripples of muscles that launched her pulse into a maddened rhythm.

Gwen looked up once more and her breath hitched. She’d never seen his eyes a deeper shade of blue than they were at that very moment.

The frantic tempo of her heart increased and Gwen became breathless, unable to keep up. The throbbing increased, spreading in parts of her she’d
never known existed. What had he awakened in her?

Sebastian stared at her. Even in her present muddied, grass-stained, disheveled state with her long curls dripping wet, Gwen was ravishing and he was enjoying playing doctor far too much for his own good. His throbbing loins told him so.

His great coat slipped off her shoulders and Sebastian’s arousal hardened at the sight of her wet, transparent shirt clinging to her breasts. Rounded, half hidden by her corset, the rosy tips of the globes surrounding her nipples could be seen through the wet, clinging fabric.

He was certain she had no idea how much she was revealing however he remained acutely aware as he moved his examination upward. He stroked her shoulders and she shuddered.

“Does this hurt?” He asked in a husky voice, glimpsing her bosom swell then fall with every breath she took.

“No. I felt a chill,” she whispered in a shaky voice.

His hands continued their exploration down her shoulder to her arm as he checked elbow, wrist, and fingers, inspecting every last inch of her until Sebastian moved to her other arm and repeated the process. From the corner of his eye, he caught her breasts once again, her chest heaving up and down.

He shifted his gaze to her creamy neck, noting the wet mahogany ringlets clinging to it.

His attention returned lower to her breasts, where he was certain that her nipples were at the heights of attention for him. He longed to free
Gwen of her corset and confirm his suspicions. He touched her ribs under the pretense of seeking a break.

A throaty moan escaped Gwen’s lips.

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