Crimson Echo (21 page)

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Authors: Dusty Burns

BOOK: Crimson Echo
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            Within seconds Kane’s entire body erupted in flames. The progression
was fast. The fire quickly coated him from head to toe. It was like something you would only see on television or in a movie. He tried to stomp the fire out from his feet and when that failed he rolled around in the wet grass, but it didn’t dissipate the fire. I didn’t realize how right I was when I called him my own personal inferno.

“You… you’re on fire!” I screamed out to him.

He said nothing in return. His clothes began to burn away and I began to panic and then I looked up at the water tower and started to wish for a miracle. Then it occurred to me that we
at a water tower after all.

ane, the water tower!” I pointed up at the giant tower, hoping he would understand what I meant.

He stopped rolling around, stood up and deliberated for a second, then he disappeared. It was only an instant before he was standing in front of me soaking wet and breathing hard. There was a mixture of emotions in his eyes: embarrassment, shock, and anger. Large puffs of smoke trailed from his lips as he breathed in the chilly air.

“Are you okay?” I threw myself at him and wrapped my arms tightly around his
soaking wet torso.

“Tristan, maybe we should be a little more careful.” He delicately untangled my arms f
rom around his body. “I don’t think you would fare too well covered in fire, or should I remind you about…” His words trailed off.

I stood back and tried to hide the hurt from my face. “I’m sorry, I’m just glad you’re okay.”

He nodded stiffly. “I know, but my gifts are tied to my emotions. I can’t let myself get out of control like that again, especially around you.”

Are you saying I can never kiss you again?”

“No, I’m not saying never again. I’m saying let’s go about it cautiously until I know I can control myself.”

“Did you just say you have powers?” I eyed him apprehensively. It took me a minute for my mind to put all of the pieces together and then it started making sense.

“Gifts,” he corrected. “We call them gifts and yes I have them. What witch do you know that doesn’t have a gift?” He added with a laugh.

“None, that’s why I’m asking. Do you have more than one… gift?” 

“We have a few
active powers as you call it and we all have our basic gifts.”


“Yes, my family. You didn’t think I was the only one did you?”

“Can you show me… you’re powers, I mean?” My voice was too enthusiastic for the situation.

“You’ve just witnessed one of them, though it’s never been nearly as strong as what you just saw.
I think that’s enough magic for the human.” He paused. “Aren’t you frightened?”

A little, does that offend you?” I looked away, not wanting to see his reaction to my answer.

“No, it’s to be expected. If you weren’t scared at all I would question your sanity. I don’
t want you to feel that way about me though.”

I think it will take me a while to adjust, but I think I can handle it.”

“I’m honestly surprised that you haven’t ran away screaming yet.” He moved closer and took a seat beside an old spruce tree.

“Is that how most people react when you tell them your secret?” I sat down in front of him.

“A human has never gotten close enough for any of us to reveal what we
truly are.” He frowned.

“You must have a
lot of trust in me then.”

He nodded. “There is one rule that you must remember.”

“What’s that?” I asked curiously.

mustn’t tell a soul about us. No one can know. Do you understand?”

“Got it,” I reassured him. “I won’t say a word.”

            Many times I had imagined Kane as some sort of Greek God or a one of those beefy men from the cover of one of my mom’s romance novels, but never did I dream he was a witch— mostly because I wasn’t that creative and also because I had never thought anything like this actually existed, let alone that I would know one.

“What are you thinking right now?” He murmured, holding my hands in between his.

“I was thinking about how incredibly boring I must be to you.”

He laughed deeply and then stared up at me from behind his black lashes. “You could never be boring to me. I’m fascinated by your every move. Humans don’t do things like we do, it’s very… intriguing.”

            That night as Kane drove me home I began to piece everything he had ever told me together. It all made perfect sense, now that I knew exactly what he was hiding. I couldn’t blame him for holding back such a secret from me, but at the same time I was angry at him for not trusting me with it.

            I knew I couldn’t be too hard on him, after all he did trust me enough to let me into his world— even if it did take him this long. Though it frightened me to see K
ane erupt in flames, I was still attracted to him, maybe more now than ever. I had so many questions for him about this new world that had just been opened up to me, but I knew bombarding him would only make him push away— maybe if I ease into it I could get some answers. I thought to myself.

I took a deep breath and sorted my thoughts. “Did you plan on telling me your secret tonight or was it because I saw what I saw?”

“A little of both, I guess.” “He shrugged, keeping his face even. “Of course I’ve wanted to tell you for so long, but the right time has never presented itself. I’ve started to tell you many times, but I always back out at the last minute.”

“I don’t want you to ever be afraid of telling me…anything.”

“How’s your head?”
He frowned and looked away momentarily.

“Better, thanks.” I remembered the spot on my forehead. “How are you feeling?”

“Much better now that I’m not on fire.” He laughed playfully.

“I’m sorry about before. I didn’t mean to do that you.” I whispered.

“You have no reason to apologize. You’ve done nothing wrong.” With his free hand he ran his fingers along my cheek. “I’m the one who should be apologizing profusely.”

“No, you don’t have to. I’m just glad you’re okay.” I leaned in to his touch.

“I’m pretty much indestructible. You don’t have to worry about me.” He murmured.

“How long have you had your powers…
er, I mean gifts?”

“For as long as I can remember. They weren’t always this strong— that comes with age and practice. I wasn’t always able to control them either, but you witnessed that tonight.” He frowned. “I hope you don’t think badly of me now that you know what I really am.”

“I don’t.” I shook my head. “I could never think badly of you.”

“Are you still frightened by me?” He
squinted his eyes at me, watching for a reaction.

“A little,” I lied. The truth was that I was more frightened than I was letting on, but he didn’t need to know that. “But I know the man behind the
magic, he’s the one I’m in love with.”

“You’re taking this better than I ever expected you to.” He admitted.

            It wasn’t long before we pulled into my driveway and he was unbuckling his seatbelt. He put the car in park and stared at me. Something was different in his eyes. It was like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders and the tension that was usually in his eyes had vanished.

“Good night.” I said as I reached for the door handle.

“Tristan, wait.” He grabbed my arm. “
I’m glad you came with me today, even if there was a… minor setback.”

“I had fun too. Thank you.” I contemplated kissing him, but settled for kissing his forehead. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“I’ll pick you up before school… if that’s okay with you?” He murmured, unsure of himself.

“Yes, I’ll be waiting.”

“Good night Tristan Young.”














     Chapter Nine


            For the first time in nearly six months I slept through the night. I wasn’t sure if it was because I now knew the truth about the fire at Echo High or because I had finally been able to bury the nightmare of that near fatal day— either way I felt like things were finally looking up for me, the only drawback being I
had lost my best friend.

            With all the new information I had acquired from Kane
in the last twenty four hours my head was still spinning. I was sure it was all a dream until I saw the purple tweed coat folded over the chair at the end of my bed this morning. It didn’t take long to realize Kane and his family were in fact witches and I was in the big middle of it all.

            I climbed out of bed and went to my closet to pick out something to wear and as I filtered through the
sad attempt at a wardrobe I noticed a bright light shining through my window. I immediately ran to see what it was and I was surprised to see everything covered in ivory white snow— which made me reconsider my outfit choices.

            As Kane promised Faith’
s body was found in a wrecked car that had been badly burned— it was all over the news before school. The Echo police department suspected underage drinking was to blame for the accident, but I knew the truth. The truth was what kept me going now— I made it my mission to find the people responsible for Faith’s death and I would make them suffer just like she had.

           Kane arrived
on time and I snuck down my balcony and made my way through the snow covered front yard to his Range Rover. The cab was warm and so was his smile. His smile quickly turned speculative after I settled in to the seat and buckled myself in.

“What are you wearing?” He laughed under his breath.

“What do you mean?” I played dumb.

“Black leather?”
He smirked. “It’s not really your style, is it?”

“Did you see the news this morning?” I didn’t wait for him to answer. “They found Faith’
s body not far from Echo High. I decided if I’m going to be around you and if my life is going to be at risk like Faith’s then I might as well dress for the occasion.”

“And the occasion calls for leather?”

“Just drive! We’re going to be late.” I huffed.

            The smirk never left Kane’s face for the rest of the drive to Emporia. His eyes would occasionally drift over to me and he would chuckle to himself. “I’m not saying it’s a bad look on you, to be honest you look bad ass. It’s just different that’s all.”

“You’re wearing leather, why can’t I?” I squared my shoulders and waited for a response.

He murmured.

            Kane walked me to my first class and everyone stared at us. It made me uncomfortable, but he seemed used to the attention. He held my hand as we walked through the hallways of Emporia and ignored the spectacle that was being made by everyone around us.

“Just keep walking.” He whispered. “Act like they’re not even there.”

“That’s easier said than done.”

“It’s just you and me, no one else exists.” He whispered and squeezed my hand.

            When we finally made it through the crowds and to my first hour class Kane stopped in the doorway and caught me by the waist. Now that we had gone public with our relationship I guess it was to be expected that a little P.D.A. would be thrown around here and there. But sadly that wasn’t his intention.

“I’ll see you at lunch.” His hands left my waist and his voice lowered.

“Oh…okay. Yeah, I’ll see you then.” I stuttered.

            As he began to turn away I saw every eye watching our every move and the butterflies in my stomach started to swarm around. It all happened so fast I hardly had time to think about what I was doing
. I grabbed his face and made a split decision to plant a kiss right on his lips.

“Tristan, what are you doing?” He pulled his lips away from me and pressed his cheek against mine.

“I don’t know, I’m sorry. I just thought that… They were all staring like they wanted a show so I gave them one.” I felt my pulse quicken.

“We mustn’t forget the little issue regarding fire.” He spoke through gritted teeth.

“Oh God, I’m sorry. I forgot. I don’t know what I was thinking. Are you okay?”

“It’s under control.” He whispered. “I’ll be by to pick you up at lunch.
Try to stay out of trouble for a few hours, okay?”

            I watched him walk away and tried to calm the butterflies in my stomach as I made my way to my seat. I had to put my hand over my mouth to keep from screaming or giggling too loud. I could still smell him on my
coat and thankfully that would last me until lunch.

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