Confessions of a Mail Order Bride - Complete (13 page)

BOOK: Confessions of a Mail Order Bride - Complete
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“Is this seat taken?”

I looked up to see a short, curvy, purple haired woman. Her eyes were coated heavily in green shadow that matched the flouncy top she was wearing, and her arms were covered in an assortment of tats.

“Umm…no. It’s not taken. Help yourself.” I took a sip of my wine as the woman slid into the seat next to me. I was feeling pretty good actually. Just that morning I’d spotted an ad in the classified section of the paper for a car. It sounded great and it was only twelve hundred dollars. The owner had promised to save it for me till Sunday night. I’d had just enough time to get to the bank to withdraw my savings before they closed on Saturday morning—all one thousand, one hundred and eighty four dollars of it. I would combine that with my tips from my day shift at the restaurant on Sunday to buy it.

“This place looks awesome,” the purple haired woman said. “Judith did an amazing job planning everything.”

I glanced around the banquet room at Kane’s Bar and Grill and nodded. “Yes she did. It looks great! I love the chalkboards. What a cute touch.” Several of the blackboards were dotted around the room. One listed the order of events, another shared the menu, and yet another shared the major highlights of Judith’s, Grant’s, and Evan’s love story.

I had been to Kane’s on a few occasions before. It was a relaxed, down home bar where you could get tasty burgers and beer at a reasonable price, but now it looked totally different. It was still comfy, but the plain backdrop had been transformed for the wedding reception with low candles, colorful pinwheels in mason jars, blue and white patterned china, and lots of fresh flowers.  A bale of hay, small red wagon, and wooden barrels added to the ambience. The atmosphere was inviting; fresh and fun, yet classy at the same time.

“I’m Ava…Ava Adams.”

“Marcia Shore,” I said, shaking her hand. “Everyone calls me Marcie.”

“I did Judith’s makeup and hair for the wedding. Sherry Cole recommended me,” Ava said.

“Oh yeah, I haven’t met Sherry yet, but I’ve seen her around and I’ve heard of her.” Who hadn’t heard of Sherry? It had been the talk of Shifter Villages when she and Adrian Landen, the lion shifter owner of Sharp Cuts hair salon, became the first pair matched up through the ‘Luscious Lads and Ladies Marriage Mates’ site.

“I had to work so I missed Sherry’s wedding—the whole town was invited to that one, too,” I frowned as I remembered the day Sherry got married. I knew I’d have to miss the reception because I was working an early shift at the diner. I’d planned to go to the wedding ceremony, but hunky Brad Stanford, the guy I’d been crazy about, showed up at my door and well…I never made it to the ceremony, and I just barely got to my shift on time.

“Are you friends with Judith or her grooms, Evan and Grant Myles?” Ava asked.

“I’m uh…not really close to any of them,” I said. “I just know them from around.” I really didn’t want to get into the details with Ava on how I knew Judith. We didn’t meet under the best circumstances. Brad showed up at my door on the day of Sherry’s wedding. He sweet-talked me as usual and we went to bed together. Then, he left for the wedding reception and I went to work. To my shock, he showed up at the Dixie Diner with Judith that evening. I found out later that Brad had met Judith on the ‘Luscious Lads and Ladies’ site. He was supposed to meet her in person for the first time and take her to Sherry’s wedding. But instead he was in bed with me. I was disgusted by his callousness, but it wasn’t Judith’s fault. She didn’t have a clue that he’d been fucking my brains out earlier in the day.

“Grant and Evan look so happy,” I glanced over at the two men. “I bet they whipped up some treats for the dessert table!” The two men who owned the Crazy Cakes bakery looked majorly hot in their matching pinstripe gray suits. They were hovering over Judith protectively.

“They’re so cute!” Ava bubbled. “I want a baker boy too.”

“Haha,” I laughed. But I couldn’t blame her. Judith and her men looked so in love. I had to admit, I felt a little jealous.

“I’m going to put my profile on the ‘Luscious’ site,” Ava whispered. “I mean, just look around. These shifter guys are hot!”

I swallowed hard and took another sip of wine. She was right, the men were hot, and many were even hotter in bed. I knew that first hand…but forever mates? I wasn’t so sure how many of them would be good forever mates. I didn’t tell her I’d accidentally just put my profile on the ‘Luscious’ site. I was hoping that Vic, the owner, would take it off of there soon—really soon!

“Hey babe,” a pair of hands covered my eyes. Ugh. I jerked them away from my face. I’d recognize that voice anywhere—Brad Stanford. What a nerve he had, showing up at Judith’s wedding and talking to me!

Damn. He looked just as handsome as ever with his thick black hair and piercing blue eyes.

“Get lost, Brad,” I said sourly.

“Is that any way to talk to your man? How’s my hot little Marcie today?”

Without asking, Brad slid into one of the chairs at the table.

“You’re not my man,” I waved my hand dismissively at Brad. “Just get the hell out of my sight.”

Ava’s eyes widened as she stood up. “Um, I think I’m going to go check out the wedding cake. I heard it was red velvet…yum.”

“I’ll save your place for you,” I said.

As Ava scurried away, I faced Brad head on.

“What the fuck are you doing here, Brad? You have some nerve coming to Judith’s wedding and talking to me.”

Brad cocked his brows, “and why is that?”

“You know why! You were supposed to be Judith’s date for Sherry’s wedding. You stood her up.”

Brad raised his brows. “Well, things happened and it just didn’t go down that way.”

“Don’t act so innocent. You met her on the ‘Luscious Lads and Ladies’ site and you were planning to spend time with her to see if you were forever mates.”

Brad shrugged and winked at me. “Umm, I had better things to do.”

I shook my head. “That wasn’t right, Brad. She thought you were taking her to the wedding but instead you were in bed with me.”

Brad tilted his head back and laughed. “If I was screwing you, why are you allowed to be here but I’m not?”

I grimaced. “You know I knew nothing about Judith. I thought…I…”

“What did you think?” Brad asked.

“I…I thought we had a future together,” I blurted out.

“Look,” Brad leaned in, “I have to admit, I only put my profile on the ‘Luscious Lads and Ladies’ site because I was nervous.”

“What are you nervous about?” I asked. Brad Stanford nervous? That was hard to believe. I could feel my body tighten.

“You and I have been getting so close these days. You know I want you, and only you. But I just had to be sure.” Brad brushed his hand along my leg.

“Oh, really?” I asked sarcastically, pushing his hand away. But I had to admit, I’d been thinking about Brad constantly. Did he really feel the same way about me?

“Everyone makes mistakes,” Brad said softly.

“That was a big mistake, Brad. It’s one thing to go out with other women, but you even brought her into the diner to rub it into my face—and we’d been having sex just a short time before…” I took another sip of wine, blinking back the tears. It had hurt so much when Brad flaunted Judith in front of me.

“Baby…don’t you see. I didn’t want Judith. I wanted you…I want you!”

“So, why bring her into the diner then?” I took another long swill of my drink.

Brad buried his face in his hands. “I don’t know what I was thinking. Maybe I was scared…maybe I…”

He looked so forlorn.

“I don’t know Brad, I just don’t….” before I had a chance to finish my sentence, he had wrapped his arms around me and pressed my body towards his.

“I care so much about you,” Brad murmured in my ear.

I wanted to believe him so badly. “Brad, I…”

Brad put a finger to my lips, “Marcie, Marcie, Marcie…just shhh…”

Before I had a chance to protest, Brad leaned in and kissed me deep and long.

Breathing into my ear, he whispered, “Is there somewhere private we can go?”



Even though Brad had treated me pretty poorly, something inside me melted. I wasn’t sure why—maybe because he was one of the few guys in Shifter Villages that had actually paid attention to me after we’d had sex. Maybe it was because he had jet-black hair, blue eyes, and a gorgeous body. Maybe it was because I believed him when he said he cared about me. Or maybe it was because I’d had a couple glasses of wine. I don’t know. All I knew was that he made me feel weak at the knees. I was mad at myself that he had such an effect on me, but at the same time…

Brad grabbed my hand and pulled me up from my seat just as Ava came back to the table.

“It was great to meet you, Ava,” I said as Brad pressed his hand against the small of my back. “I’m…I’m not sure if I’ll be back or not.”

“She won’t be,” Brad growled confidently as he led me away.

Ava’s brows wrinkled as we past, her expression a mix of surprise and concern.

“Where are we going, Brad? Isn’t it rude to leave before the bride and gro...?”

Brad cut me off. “I noticed some doors off to the side of the restaurant. Let’s go in one of those and talk privately.”

“Can’t we talk privately at the table?”

“I want to do a little more than talk,” Brad grinned, running his tongue quickly along my neck. “I care about you, Marcie. I need to be with you.”

A shiver of anticipation ran through me. I thought I’d sworn off Brad when he flaunted Judith in my face at the diner. But here he was telling me he truly cared. He was just toying with me…wasn’t he? But maybe, just maybe he really had been afraid of getting to close to me. I wanted so much to believe him.

He opened the first door we came to in the hallway. It was a utility closet with a few brooms, mops, buckets and rags.

“Nope, that won’t do.” Brad said.

He pushed open a door across the hall from it. It was a small walk-in storage closet. Several shelves were lined with serving dishes, platters, bowls, and other items. Next to one of the shelves was a table with a few pieces of kitchen equipment on it.

“Too small,” Brad said, closing the door. “I need to spread you out.”

I swallowed hard. “Brad, maybe we should get back to the reception.”

“The reception is boring as hell. Who wants to eat cake? I have better things to do with my mouth.”


Pushing the next door open, Brad nodded. It was an office that was simply furnished with an oak desk and a copy machine on a small file cabinet.

“And this room is
right,” Brad pushed me against the file cabinet, nuzzling my neck.

“Brad, stop it or I’ll…”

“Or you’ll what?” Brad asked, grinning.

“I’ll…” I wasn’t sure what I would do.

“Babe, I want you so bad. You know you’re the only girl for me.”

Brad cupped his hands over my breasts and began fondling them on top of my blouse. I knew I should leave but something inside…that desire to be held and loved stopped me.

I managed to push him gently away, but his hands quickly found my breasts again.

“Your tits are so beautiful.”

Brad stared at me, his blue eyes holding mine as he unbuttoned my lacy cream blouse, pushing it back and revealing my bra.

“No need for this,” he pulled down the cups of my bra so my breasts jutted up and out of it, fully exposed. “Mmmm,” Brad leaned down and sucked each nipple, biting them lightly with his teeth as he caressed the tissue, and palmed my breasts with his hands.

“Oh my,” My nipples grew puffy and I could feel my panties getting damp. I ran my hands along his chest as I leaned into him.

Brad lowered his hands to my rear, grabbing my cheeks beneath my leather skirt. Then he reached under it, pulling it up so it wrapped around my waist.

“I love playing with your ass.” He slapped my butt cheeks with one hand and squeezed them with the other.

The sting from his slaps burned, but I could feel my pussy creaming in my panties.

“Take your clothes off, Marcie,” Brad growled.

I pulled my lace blouse off the rest of the way, unsnapped my bra, lowered the straps, and tossed it to the ground. My skirt was wrapped around my waist exposing my sheer panties. Before I had a chance to take them off, Brad pushed me down to the ground.

“Get down and suck my big dick,” Brad demanded. He unzipped his khakis and pulled them off along with his boxers.

I swallowed. Brad’s cock was thick, hard and ready.

Shifting so I was more comfortable on my knees, I licked the tip of his cock. Pre-cum dribbled into my mouth. Grasping the top of his thighs with my hands for balance, I ran my tongue along the girth and pulled the cap into my mouth, bobbing my head back and forth. I glanced up at him; his head was tilted back and his face contorted with intensity.

“More, Marcie, suck me harder…” Brad pushed my head deeper into his groin. I almost thought I would choke he pushed me in so hard, and I pulled my head away.

“Stop it, Brad. You’re hurting me.”

“Fuck, Marcie, you’re such a wimp, not taking it all in.”

“I can’t, it’s too big,” I whimpered. Why was it that I wanted to please this man so badly?

Brad took that moment to spin me around so my back was facing him and I was leaning down on the copy machine on top of the file cabinet. My skirt was already hiked up around my waist and Brad tore the thin, sheer panties off me, ripping the elastic and dropping them to the ground.

“I’m going to fuck you, Marcie.”

I gasped as he bent me over the copy machine and pushed his thick cock into me from behind.

The cover was up on the copier and I spread my arms out and grasped the edges on each side to balance myself.

“There, baby…” he pushed in deep, his massive dick filling me up. “See, you
take it all

“Oh…” I grunted as he began pummeling me. I held tightly onto the machine as he pushed his cock in and out, holding me at first by the curves of my hips and then moving his hands up and pressing down on my shoulders. The machine was rocking on the cabinet.

“Good, huh? You bet your ass it’s good. You got the tightest, hottest, wettest pussy on the planet.”

He pushed even harder, his balls slapping against me as my boobs jiggled against the glass of the copier in tandem with his rhythm.
I must have knocked against the copy button on the machine, because a light flashed and I heard a swooshing sound as the copier shot an image into the catch tray that collected finished copies. I realized I’d probably just made a photocopy of my boobs. I remembered reading about a woman who photocopied her breasts and ass at work…craziness. I moved my body back so I was gripping the front of the machine but I was not on the glass of the copier.

The small cabinet was rocking back and forth, jostling the copy machine. Brad pushed harder into me and I squeezed the edge of the copier to hold it in place as his big cock moved in and out.

“You’re so fucking good, Marcie,” Brad groaned. “You’re going to make me explode.”

My mind was a whirlwind of emotion. I wanted Brad to want me so bad, not just for sex, but to love and cherish me. But I didn’t feel any love in his thrusts. It was pure, raw sex. He wanted to get his rocks off and I was a convenience.

Brad pushed harder and deeper, and suddenly slammed me hard against the cabinet. The copy machine slid off the top of the file cabinet and onto the hardwood flooring beneath.

“Shit!” I cried out as it fell, making a large crashing noise and shattering into several pieces.

“Whew, that was good, babe,” Brad wheezed. “Was it good for you too?”

I could feel sticky cum running down my leg. “I…”

He didn’t wait to hear my answer.

But it wasn’t good for me. It hadn’t been good at all. My pussy was sore and my head hurt from being taken advantage of. The worst of it was I knew it was my own damn fault for letting him.

“Get dressed,” he demanded. “We need to get back to the reception. I’m hungry and there was some pork barbecue and beans calling out to me at the buffet table.”

Brad pulled on his boxers and started to pull up his khakis.

I picked up my ripped panties from the ground and glanced at the copy machine. It was broken and it was our fault.

“We can’t just go. We broke the machine!”

“So…who is going to know?”

At that moment, the door to the office swung open.



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