Charlene Sands (20 page)

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Authors: Bodines Bounty

BOOK: Charlene Sands
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“Don’t move!” Bodine’s menacing voice came from behind. “I’ve got a shotgun aimed straight for your head, and I’m just itching to pull the trigger.”

Bodine was alive! He’d outsmarted Metcalf, somehow managing to get inside the back end of the house without their knowledge.

Emma felt Metcalf stiffen. He tightened his hold on her. “I’ve got a gun pointed at the little lady’s head,” Metcalf said desperately. “I’ll shoot her.”

“You won’t get the chance,” Bodine said. “Your men are in custody. The marshal and his deputies are right outside the door. You hurt one hair on her head, you’re a dead man. Drop the gun and turn around.”

When Metcalf hesitated, Bodine cocked his shotgun. The chilling sound seemed enough of an enticement for Metcalf. He dropped his weapon and Emma pushed away from him. She ran to Bodine, tears welling in her eyes. He grabbed her around the waist and brought her close.

“You gonna shoot me when I turn around?” Metcalf’s voice sounded faint and weak.

“Maybe,” Bodine said between tight lips, his whole body trembling with hatred.

The outlaw fell to the floor, great sobs escaping his throat. “Don’t kill me,” he pleaded, his back still to Bodine. “I’m begging, don’t shoot!” With one swift, unexpected movement, Metcalf grabbed a knife from under the rug and turned quickly, ready to throw the dagger.

A blast rang out. Metcalf fell forward with the knife still clutched in his hand, a look of shock on his face before he keeled over.

Emma and Bodine turned to the back of the house. Theresa stood in her bedroom doorway, staring at her brother’s limp body. She dropped the gun from her hand. Slowly, she walked over to view him lying facedown on the floor, his blood spilling out. “He had weapons hidden all through my house,” she said, quietly shaking over his body. “I guess he forgot he stashed a revolver in my room.”

She looked at Bodine, then at Emma, her eyes blank. “He won’t hurt anyone else now.”

Bodine nodded and folded Emma in his embrace. She went willingly, unable to hide her immense relief. “Bodine, I was trying to warn you. I put your life in danger.”

“No, Emmy,” he said, “you didn’t. You put
life in danger.”

He took her in a sweeping kiss that set her head spinning. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if he’d hurt you,” Bodine confessed, with more emotion than Emmy had ever heard from him. “Your father is out there, worried sick. He and the marshal helped me round up Metcalf’s men. And Theresa let me in through her bedroom window. That’s how I got the jump on him.”

Emma took in Theresa’s sullen eyes. “Thank you. You helped us. I’ll never forget that.”

Theresa sighed wearily, glancing at her brother’s limp body. “I couldn’t let him kill again.”

Emma swallowed hard, witnessing her deep anguish. “I’m sorry.”

“Yes, I am, too.”

Emma turned back to Bodine, grateful to be alive and to have his arms wrapped around her. “Did you hear, uh…what I said to him?”

Bodine nodded. “Every last word. You were very clever, Emmy. Nearly startled me out of my skin when you turned up with that derringer.”

Emma smiled for the first time tonight. “Mr. Crockett sold me a gun and taught me how to shoot. It was a quick lesson that day, but I remembered everything he said.”


“The driver from the Pioneer Stage Company.”

With a quick shake of his head, he admitted, “You amaze me, Emmy Marie.” There was more than admiration in his stormy-gray eyes. Every nerve in her body tingled from the promise in that look. “Let’s go see your father. Let him know you’re okay. Then, I’m taking you back to the hotel. To my room. We’re gonna see the sunrise together, sweetheart.”


Bodine didn’t care about Reverend Truman’s look of disapproval. He didn’t care that he’d left the marshal to deal with the outlaws. He didn’t care one hell or damn that he’d whisked Emmy away from the homestead immediately, pushing Lola to her limits.

All he cared about was Emmy.

He carried her up the hotel stairs and shoved open his door, kicking it closed behind him. Emmy nuzzled his neck, kissing his throat, her warm breath making him hot and hungry for her.

He chucked away every noble thought in his head, refusing to let Eloisa Rourke’s demands or his promise to Josh enter his mind. Not this time. Not tonight.

He needed Emmy. He wanted Emmy. He’d almost lost her tonight. He couldn’t have sustained that loss.

“You’d better not cast me aside tonight, Bodine,” Emma said with a threat to her voice.

Bodine chuckled. He set her on her feet and trapped her against his door, his arms bracketing her head, his desire pressing hers. “Had just the opposite in mind, sweetheart.” Then he brushed his lips to hers, once, twice. He couldn’t get enough. He deepened the kiss, driving his tongue in her mouth, sweeping her up into his own powerful passion.

“Oh, Bodine,” she breathed. “I’ve waited for this. Wanted this for so long.”

“So have I, Emmy. You’ve broken my will.”

The quarter moon illuminated the room in light and shadows, but it was enough to see her beauty, the sheen on her soft skin and the shine of her hair. He whirled her around and began his nightly ritual of unfastening her buttons. This time, he touched her skin freely, skimming his fingers along the area he exposed, working fast, eager to get the gown off her once and for all.

“I must look a mess,” Emmy said, suddenly sounding shy.

“You’re a beautiful mess. Wouldn’t have it any other way.” Bodine kissed her neck and relished the rise of goose bumps he created on her flesh. “I need you, Emmy.”

He’d never spoken those words to a woman. He’d learned the hard way not to need anyone or anything in his life. But after all that had occurred tonight, he’d been proved wrong.

Emmy turned to him, her eyes flashing with love. Bodine couldn’t return the look. He had obligations. He couldn’t tell her what he wanted, what was in his heart, until he’d spoken with Rachel. Emmy would have to be patient a while longer.

Bodine whipped off his slicker and removed his hat, tossing both onto a chair by the window. Then he pried her hands free of the gown she held up by habit. In the past, he’d walked out the door, saying a reluctant goodnight, but this time, he stayed and worked the garment down slowly inch by inch, kissing her shoulders, her chest, then down further. He cupped her breasts, lifted them to his mouth and suckled, drawing her nipples deep.

A pleasured moan escaped her lips. “Feels so good, Bodine,” she whispered.

He dropped to his knees and continued to slide the garment off. When it was a puddle of silk, he shoved the dress aside and finished undressing her, touching every part of her slender body.

He marveled at her petite size, the flawless proportions and her perfect breasts. He’d never thought her the woman for him. He liked full-bodied women with rounded hips and big breasts. He liked light eyes and pouty mouths. Emmy was none of those things. Yet, she was more than he would’ve ever expected.

I love you, Emma Marie Rourke.

He couldn’t voice the emotion stirring in his heart. It would only hurt Emmy more when he left to see his brother’s widow. Until he was sure of the outcome, he would continue to protect her.

Bodine held her bare cheeks in his hands and kissed her belly, toying with the tiny rounded button where she’d been given life. He worked his mouth further south, meeting with soft curls. As he breathed in her female scent, his erection pushed the confines of his tight buckskin pants.

Emmy’s nearly silent sigh of pleasure spurred his desire. He brought his lips to her womanhood and stroked her with his tongue. She gasped, weaving her hands into his hair, her fingers in a firm grip, holding him steady.

He continued his ministrations, her body yielding, her sweet cries seeping into his soul. He stroked her harder, kissed her more deeply. “Bodine,” she called out. “I need…I need—”

“I know,” he said gently, rising and taking her in a lusty openmouthed kiss. “Be patient, sweet Emmy. Soon, you’ll be mine.”

He stroked her with his fingers now, spreading her folds of skin, rubbing in rhythm to her body’s rocking motions. “Oh…oh,” she cried, her voice louder.

And Bodine felt her passion erupt, a wealth of heat and moisture that exploded within, shaking her body, shaking him even more.

He held her tight, his fingers still softly caressing her. He waited until she calmed then picked her up and brought her over to the bed.

He set her down gently and met her eyes as she watched him undress.

Chapter Twenty

mma gazed up at Bodine, her heart swelling with pride. With hair dark as midnight, eyes gleaming with lust, high cheekbones on a handsome face and a sculpted powerful body, he tempted her beyond her wildest imaginings. In her eyes, he was perfect—the man she would gladly grant her innocence to tonight. He would claim her virginity, but long ago he’d claimed her love.

Her attention traveled further down. His manhood astonished her with its large size and silken length. She knew she could accommodate such size. She knew she would welcome him. She needed Bodine inside her, claiming her as his.

He’d said as much just a short time ago.

Soon, you’ll be mine.

Yes, she wanted to be his.

“Is it your turn now, Bodine?” she asked, waiting impatiently for him to join her on the bed.

His smile grew wide, and he flashed her white teeth for a quick moment. “Emmy, darlin’, it’s
turn now.” He came down atop her carefully and kissed her soundly on the lips.

“I’m going to try to be gentle the first time.”

Emma’s heart raced with thrill. This was what she’d wanted, what she’d hoped and dreamed about. She wanted to be Bodine’s woman.

“It’s okay, Bodine. I’m not frightened.”

He chuckled deep in his throat. “No, not much frightens you, sweetheart.”

He kissed her again and she touched him. Unlike the times before when she had administered to his wounds, this time she explored his beautiful shoulders. She caressed his back, stroking up and down, and when her fingers dipped down further to touch his buttocks, Bodine groaned as if in pain. She cupped him then, her palms flat on his cheeks, feeling awe and wonder at his perfect body. “Emmy, I’m not going to hold off much longer.”

“Don’t, Bodine. Don’t worry over me. I’m ready for you.”

He stared at her then with appreciation and pride. Emma relished the sensation. She saw other raw emotions in his eyes and she understood.

Bodine kissed her, whispering into her mouth, “Spread your legs, sweetheart.” And when she did, he touched the tip of his manhood to her. Emma wanted to die from the sheer pleasure of that single touch.

He entered her an inch at a time, protecting her the way he always had. She took him in, her body adjusting, her heart pounding with excitement. When he reached resistance, he thrust hard and she held on to him tightly, hearing his rapid breathing, feeling his quick heartbeats.

“I’m okay,” she whispered, realizing that he’d breached her womanhood. The pain was nothing compared to the joy she felt at this moment. “I want more,” she said softly.

Bodine groaned, taking her at her word. He moved on her now, more quickly, filling her full, making her arch and bend to his powerful thrusts.

Heat enveloped her. Sensations whirled. She loved the feel of him inside her, stretching her, joining them together, the sensual movements seeming so right between them.

She lifted up and accommodated him, Bodine’s quiet commands showing her the way. He cupped her breasts and rode his thumb over her nipples, caressing them into hard pebbles. Heat shot through her again and again. He caressed harder now while plunging into her with long, powerful strides.

Emma’s body reacted. She looked into Bodine’s face and witnessed intense passion, his eyes narrowed, his face tight with need.

Oh, how she loved him. She loved bringing him pleasure. She’d never imagined she could.

“Are you with me, Emmy?” he said between tight lips.

She nodded.

And he rode her body harder, her passion lifting skyward, tingles surrounding every nerve.

He clenched then, his muscles tightening.

Emma felt the wave hit her. She bucked and an immense release flowed from her.

Bodine watched her then, witnessing the power of his lovemaking, his silvery eyes filled with raw hunger. Then Emma, too, beheld his powerful release, feeling that one last potent thrust that claimed all of his strength.

Together, they collapsed onto the bed.

Bodine’s breaths came hard and fast. He rolled over and took her with him, kissing her tenderly over and over.

“You amaze me, Emmy.”

Emma’s heart soared with joy. She’d never known that it could be this wonderful. “No more than you amaze me.”

“Are you all right?” he asked.

She chuckled. “I’m better than that, Bodine. I’m happy.”


Emma woke with a smile. Bodine’s body was draped over her, his legs entwined with hers and his arms wrapped around her, one hand planted on her breast. She couldn’t imagine being much happier.

They’d made love twice more last night, Bodine arguing that she’d be sore in the morning. Emma hadn’t relented and it hadn’t been difficult to break through his protective nature. She knew how to tempt him now, how much the very act of lovemaking could become an addiction between them.

She didn’t mind the soreness between her legs or her swollen womanhood. They were all reminders of the night she had spent with him and the way he’d claimed her. He’d taught her things to do with her mouth, her tongue and her body. He’d taught her positions she’d never have imagined and Emma wanted to do everything with him, again and again. She knew no shame with Bodine. She trusted him fully.

Emma rejoiced, reminded about the powerful emotions she witnessed in Bodine’s eyes last night, and she dared to hope.

The hand on her breast moved back and forth, teasing her nipple and she chuckled. “Good morning, Bodine.”

He rose up to look over her shoulder. “Morning, Emmy.” He kissed her cheek tenderly and flopped back onto the bed with a heavy sigh. She rolled over into his arms, setting her chin on his chest. “Something the matter?”

He lifted his eyebrows but didn’t respond. Curious, Emmy scanned his body, noting his immense erection. She hummed inside from the stunning sight. “Bodine.”

He blew out a slow breath. “You must be hurting.”

She hid her grin. “Just a little.”

His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down when he swallowed.

“Doesn’t mean we can’t—”

“Emmy.” He glared at her. “I’m trying to be noble.”

“Would you like me to sing to you?”

“No! Don’t sing! It only makes it worse.”

Emmy loved teasing Bodine. She’d gotten good at it over the past twelve hours. After each bout of lovemaking last night, she’d sung him a soft ballad. They’d shared some special moments and she’d managed to tempt him into making love to her again.

“Bodine,” she said softly, climbing up onto him and straddling his thighs. “You don’t need to protect me from this.”

“Emmy, I was hoping you’d say that.” He reached for her and brought her mouth down to his lips.

An hour later, after making incredible love with Bodine, Emma quietly rose from the bed and tiptoed to the washstand. She cleansed her body and dressed in Bodine’s shirt. She still hadn’t mastered the tiny pearl buttons on the gown that might have, in fact, saved lives last night. Later, she’d go to her own room to change into a simple dress, but right now, she was content to stay with Bodine and enjoy the morning.

She walked over to the window to peek outside. Though the temperatures were cool, the sun shone through fluffy white clouds and warmth radiated from the window. Down below, the day was just beginning, the first vestiges of a town waking anew taking shape.

Emma glanced back to Bodine’s form, noting only one tangled sheet that barely covered his lower body. She sighed gaily and was ready to climb back into bed with him when something half-falling out of the inner pocket of Bodine’s slicker caught her eye. A telegram. Emma recalled all the times she’d witnessed Bodine going in and out of telegraph offices on their journey, reminding her that he was pledged to another. She was certain the telegram had to be his correspondence with Rachel.

Her heart pressed hard against her chest with the notion. She bent to the slicker and lifted out the folded paper, debating. If only she knew what he’d written to her. And what she’d written back to him. Bodine kept so much to himself. Being a private man, he hadn’t told Emma much about Rachel and her expectations.

Emma turned toward the sunlight. She glanced at the telegram, still folded and hiding written words that might clear up her confusion. Then she glanced at Bodine again. He hadn’t stirred. Praying for forgiveness, for surely she’d done much worse in her lifetime, she opened the telegram and read the words silently.

Time’s running out. When are you bringing my granddaughter home? Her marriage is pending her return. Eloisa Rourke

Emma thought she was seeing things. She blinked. And reread the message, her heart thudding in her chest, her mind reeling. The words hadn’t changed, but the meaning was becoming clear.

With trembling hands, Emma rummaged further into the secret pocket and came up with two more telegrams. All three were from her grandmother.

“‘Keep her safe, Bodine. Remember our deal. Unharmed and untouched,’” she whispered her grandmother’s words, her whole body shaking now.

“You talking to yourself, Emmy?” Bodine asked.

She whirled around to find him putting on his buckskin pants. She’d never forget the picture he made, tousled and handsome, gazing at her with soft silvery eyes and a smile.

“My name is Emma Marie Rourke. But,” she said with scorn, tossing the telegrams at him, “you already know that, don’t you?”

Emma thought about all the times Bodine had protected her and saved her and came to her rescue. She thought about all the times he’d given her mixed messages. He’d wanted her, but then he’d shove her away. Her grandmother’s demand stayed with her.


He was being paid to keep her pure!

Oh, God.

The pain of his betrayal ran deep. She’d never overcome this hurt. The humiliation seared her like a fire iron. She’d thought him special. She’d thought he cared for her. But all this time he’d only been doing his job. He was being paid to protect her. It was agonizingly clear. There was no other explanation.

Bodine’s eyes went wide when he realized she’d read the telegrams. He came toward her. “Emmy, please. Listen. It’s not—”

She put up a halting hand. “Don’t come near me.”

He stopped and a tic worked at his jaw. She knew his angry look but it couldn’t begin to compare to hers. “How much, Bodine? What were you being paid to keep me pure and out of harm’s way?”

“Emmy,” he said, “calm down.”

“No! I will not calm down. Tell me.” She raised her voice and stomped her foot like a child having a tantrum.

Bodine turned his back on her. He grabbed a shirt and put his arms through the sleeves.

“You owe me the truth, damn it!”

Bodine buttoned his shirt. “It’s confusing, Emmy.”

“Emma,” she said stubbornly. She narrowed her eyes. “Don’t ever call me Emmy again. I want to know about the deal you made with my grandmother!”

Bodine sighed wearily. He pursed his lips and shook his head. “I was healing up from my gunshot wound. Couldn’t very well go after Metcalf while I was injured. I knew your grandfather during the war. He was a good man and when your grandmother called on me, I couldn’t say no. I was only supposed to watch you and make sure you didn’t get hurt. She wanted you back by Christmas for—” Bodine stopped and refused to say any more.

Her heart breaking, Emma finished for him, “For my wedding to Grant Harper.”

Tears spilled freely down her cheeks. “You betrayed me. Lied to me over and over.” She laughed mirthlessly when she realized the irony. “The money my grandmother is paying you is going toward your new life with your brother’s widow, isn’t it? Or was that a lie, too?”

He looked her square in the eyes. “No, that’s the truth.”

“You didn’t earn your money, Bodine. You didn’t protect me from the one thing that hurt the most—loving you. And you certainly failed at keeping me pure!”

“Emma,” he said, finally calling her by her given name and the ache of that cut her like a sharp blade. “I told you, it got all turned around. I didn’t mean you any harm. I’m not taking a dollar from your grandmother.”

“She’ll be relieved. She’ll need it for my wedding. I’m going home, Bodine. To marry Grant Harper. You and my grandmother should be overjoyed.”

“Emma, damn it!”

“What, Bodine? What can you say that will make any difference?”

He cursed, the oaths loud and vile and she took some satisfaction in his frustration. Nothing had changed. Only now, she knew of his deceit and betrayal, and she’d not think of him with fondness.

“Do you have any idea how much I hate you?” she said, her anger strong and overshadowing her heartbreak.

“Hell, I got a good idea.”

“I never want to see you again.”

Emma pushed her way past him, furious, hurt and humiliated. She meant every word. She was going home. She would marry Grant Harper. And forget that she’d ever met the bounty hunter with only one name.


Bodine reined in Lola on a hilly rise when Josh’s small ranch came into view. He stared at the land that he would claim as his own and thought of the family he would also take on.

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