Cadence Reflection (Wheels & Hogs Book 2) (22 page)

BOOK: Cadence Reflection (Wheels & Hogs Book 2)
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As the men argue about who is going to get water, Paula gives all the women a look as she reaches into her front pocket, glancing at her phone, then places it back into her pocket, then nods toward Dee Dee & Willow with a strange look and smile on her face. She locks eyes with me and mouths, “There, there, sweetie. You hang on.” 

As she moves around the interior, I notice that she’s placing all the machinery right in front of her, separating her from the men.  She squeezes my hand with the small gun then looks at me, “Prepare yourself.” 

As the men push the double doors open to go get water, it all happens so fast that I’m not sure what is going on.  I watch in horror as someone grabs Duke’s arm and pulls him from the vehicle, throwing him roughly to the concrete. As Roman turns to move back into the vehicle, Axe appears at the doors, leaping in and grabbing Roman from behind in a strangle hold.  As they struggle, Roman pulls the gun from his belt and aims it toward me with a crazy look on his face, “Little whore. You’ve been a fucking thorn in my ass for too long.  Burn in hell with your momma,” He pulls the trigger at the same time Paula jumps in front of me on the bed.  The force of contact has her landing heavily across me, taking my breath away. 

Struggling to remove Paula from lying over me, I hear her moan. Reaching to touch her, I feel something wet and look at my hand that’s covered in Paula’s blood.  Oh my God. She saved our lives.

I start to go into shock. My body is trembling as I feel my limbs go numb and my heart begins to beat erratically. My vision is going blurry and my throat is closing up.  Feeling someone moving Paula off me, the air whoosh’s back into my lungs, giving me a moment of relief as I hungrily take in a much needed breath.  Trying to focus my eyes on who is standing to my side holding my clammy hand, I can finally see that it’s Axe.  His eyes are watching me closely as his hand is gently rubbing my wrist. His closeness is having a strange effect on me, making me feel safe and protected.  I give Axe a small smile of gratitude and he gives me back a head nod before handing me off to another person as he goes to check on Paula who is being treated by way too many people. 

Dee Dee and Willow rush over in the cramped area, both grabbing a hand and gently helping me off the gurney. Immediately my head swims and I get dizzy.  Feeling like I’m about to pass out, I grab Dee’s hand, telling her, “No matter what happens, take care of my little baby.  Please, Dee Dee. Promise me that you will always take care of Cadence and the baby,” As Dee screams for help, I slide from their hands onto the floor as my legs crumble beneath me from the effects of the epidural.

Chapter 28

earing Dee screaming has me pushing my way through a crowd of police, MC members, paramedics, and God knows who else.  Even with my strength, I just can’t get close enough.  I can feel my frustration growing until I finally lose it, “Get the fuck out of the way, every fucking one of you,
! My fiancé and baby are in there and they need me. I said move your asses now,” As multiple heads turn in my direction, I hear Willow calling my name loudly. 

As I approach the vehicle, I see a woman covered in blood being worked on by a ton of people, and she doesn’t look good. I feel a presence and look up to see Axe watching intently as they continue to work on the woman, and from what I can see from the emotions crossing his face, he knows the woman, and he knows her very well.

Willow sticks her head out, “Cadence, get up here now. Trinity’s in trouble. Come on C, she needs you.”

As I push past Axe, I turn and grab his shoulders and quietly say, “Thanks, bro. I owe you. In fact, I am indebted to you for the rest of my life.” Axe looks directly into my eyes for a minute and nods before he turns back to his friend.

Once I get inside the medical vehicle, I see Trinity propped up on the table with both Dee and Willow beside her as a paramedic is working on her. I rush over to her side as Willow moves to stand next to Dee Dee, “Baby? Oh shit, please baby be okay. Come on now, we’re in the home stretch, sugar, so don’t do this now,” As I look down, I see blood pooling at her feet. 

“Motherfucker, she’s bleeding. Someone fucking help her. It’s the baby, isn’t it?” As more paramedics come in to help, they push all three of us out of the way.  One is checking her pulse; one is putting oxygen on her face as the other is listening intently to her belly.  We all hold our breath, waiting to see what is going on with Trinity. 

As we watch, her eyes slowly start to flicker open. She looks dumbfounded for a minute then glances toward me, starting to break down into uncontrollable sobs. As I watch, her head starts to shake repeatedly from side to side as her eyes start to get glassy, then start to glaze over. She starts to hyperventilate as the medic ups the oxygen. 

The medics are advising her to breathe deeply but they are getting nowhere.  I push them out of the way, grabbing her cheeks forcing her eyes to mine, “Baby calm the fuck down now.  You have to relax because every time you get upset, it upsets our baby. Please Trinity listen to the medical people. They know what they are doing,” I start to gently caress her face then go down to her shoulders with soft pressure.  She lets out a sigh and seems to sink into the gurney.  I continue to massage her arms, hands and temples until she finally starts to calm down. 

As I watch the medics they all look up to me after trying to locate the blood running down her leg, “Sir the blood is from a cut on her thigh. It isn’t the baby.” 

I feel as if the world tilts at his words.  I stroke her hair, “Trinity, our baby is okay and safe. Thank God!” 

As she nods toward me, all of a sudden I hear a thunderous sound that almost shakes the vehicle.  Trinity grabs my hand “Oh my gosh, what is that?” 

I turn to the door then back at her with a huge smile, “Baby, you feel strong enough to stand?” She shakes her head no so I pick her up in my arms and carry her to the doors.  Pushing them open, she gasps. For as far as our eyes can see are motorcycles.  Both sides of the street are packed with bikes as they come to a stop about a half a block away from where we are watching. I continue to hold her close as we see through the center Wolf’s huge truck making its way slowly toward us.  Once the truck stops, Trinity and I watch as Doc steps down from the passenger side and opens the back door.  He reaches in and gently lifts Fern out. He starts to walk in our direction when we watch her squeeze his arms and say something in his ear. He shakes his head but she squeezes again. He stops and very carefully puts her feet down on the street. He waits for her to steady herself and they walk slowly toward we are in.  As they reach us, Fern reaches out for Trinity,  “How are you doing, honey? Is everything ok?”  Trinity shakes her head grabbing on to Fern’s hand and squeezing tightly.  Doc comes up behind his wife just as she seems to lose what little strength she has left. 

The bikes are idling softly in the background when all of a sudden a dirt bike comes up around Wolf’s truck with Jagger and Daisy on the back.  When the kid stops suddenly and shuts the bike off, they both jump off and run screaming “Mom, mom! Where are you?  Are you okay? Mom?” 

Dee Dee sticks her head out looking at her children with a serene smile on her face until she sees the bike in the middle of the street,  “Jagger Holden, please tell me you didn’t ride that thing here?”  He just shrugs his shoulders and runs up to hug her. Daisy comes up on the side of her brother and gets in on the hug also. Des approaches them and Daisy grabs his hand, pulling him into the family hug. 

“If everyone is okay, we need to get the Charity Ride going. All these bikers wouldn’t leave until they knew that Trinity, Dee Dee and Willow were safe. Can we tell them all is good so we can finally get this underway?” Wolf says with a smile.

As Wolf makes an announcement to all the bikers waiting, he also reminds them to stop by the kiosks and get checked while Fern and Doc stand at his side, “Now let’s get back to the starting line so we can get this ride started.”  All the bikers start revving up their engines until the sound is so fucking loud that the earth throbs under my feet.


t’s been a long day for everyone. Between the excitement with Duke and Roman to the Charity Ride, then the party after, the entire group is exhausted. As I look around at my crew, I see Trinity slumped against Cadence on a picnic bench, passed out while Cadence runs his fingers through her hair, keeping a watchful eye on the crowd.  Across from them at the same table are Dee Dee, Jagger and Daisy, all talking and drinking sodas.  To the side of the table Willow, Archie, Bear, Stash and Enforcer are sitting in the grass, talking and laughing. Even Cadence’s mother and two brothers seem to be enjoying themselves.  There is going to be a lot of work there to get that family back together.

All around me are groups of townsfolk, MC members, riders, cops, and Axe’s people, just relaxing and enjoying the nice evening, listening to the band that’s playing in the park.  I spot Deputy George with a couple of his guys just walking through, making sure there is no trouble.

Feeling eyes on me, I continue to look around until I hit a pair of aqua eyes staring intently at me.  Raising my eyebrows at Axe, I return the stare.  Finally, Axe leisurely heads toward me, looking this way and that way before he gets to me. 

“You did well, Desmond – Very well.  From what I heard, just about everyone has been to the kiosk to be tested, so even if they don’t help Fern, they will help someone, which is just amazing. Tomorrow I’ll need to talk to the folks involved with the situation involving Duke and Roman.  We need to get all the details so we make sure those two fuckers are locked up for a good long time. Hopefully they will lead us to the ones running the human trafficking ring/sex trade ring.”

“How’s your girl that got injured?”

Axe’s head spins, “What do you mean,
my girl
. We work together, Desmond, that’s it.” 

“Dude, I was just asking how she was doing, that’s all, so calm the fuck down.” 

Axe takes a breath and gazes over the crowd, “She went into surgery about two hours ago. I waited until they told me she was out and everything went well. Paula will be out of commission for a while, but thank God, she’ll pull through.”

As the day turns into night, Axe and I watch the sun set and the people start to thin as the benefit for Fern and Doc winds down.  I feel like a weight has been removed from my shoulders, realizing that all the work we’ve put into this paid off in more ways than I could have imagined.

Chapter 29

he day after the ride was extremely busy for Dee Dee, Willow and I. We all had to give statements in regards to what actually happened in the mobile medical unit.  With our combined statements and my report filed after my altercation with Roman at the doctor’s office, the police were sure that neither man would be let out on bail and would be held until their trials were complete. The more I found out about these two criminals, the more I came to realize how lucky the baby and I were.

Roman and Duke rolled over on their contacts, so those men were either dead or being picked up and arrested. Their abductees were already coming forward once they were freed from the grips of their captors. With Roman and Duke ratting out their contacts, Axel was sure that the head of the whole operation was already taking care of business, getting rid of anyone who could lead back to him, which he was already in the process of doing, already finding some dead, and that would eventually include Roman and Duke.

Axe and his team would have their work cut out for them now since they had no leads or witnesses to who the leader of this organization was. 



fter the incident with Roman and Duke, both Trinity and I sat down with Fern, Doc, and my mother, Ruthie.  I listened as Fern explained to Trinity and I that since these latest occurrences, we should make sure to talk to our therapists about it all, which we both intended to do. Therapy has helped Trinity and I so much over the months, and it was helping me tremendously since I really began opening up and telling my whole story and being honest about everything going on in my life. We were seeing therapists individually, and also a couple’s therapist together. It was a lot of time to put in, but it was worth it to us.

I wasn’t looking forward to admitting that Trinity’s father Roman was one of the many men who abused me that time with Duke, but I was ready to talk about it so I could begin to move past it and move forward with my family. I didn’t want this hanging over our heads any more than it already was.

Trinity, on the other hand, has bounced back like a gymnast. She likes her counselor a lot and has been able to open up easily.  I can see her finding her inner peace, and she’s just as ready to move past this and start our lives together, baggage free, so to speak.


Feeling Trinity start to wake, I pull her into my arms and nuzzle up against the back of her neck. He loved the smell of her and would scent her whenever he could. I can never get enough of her.  As she squirms closer to me, her back to my front, my cock hardens immediately.  She pushes her ass into me and giggles.  Reaching around, I tweak her nipple and listen to her squeal, as I continue to push my erection against her ass, making me moan, “Baby, you keep rubbing your ass on my cock, we won’t be getting out of this bed anytime soon.”

She reaches around and grabs my cock with a firm grip, “You can get up, Cadence. No one is tying you to the bed,” I takes her nipple in between my two fingers and pull until it’s swollen and elongated.

She’s now starting to breathe hard as I lean in and speak into her ear, “If you want to be tied to the bed, just tell me.  I’m up for anything darlin’. You know that,” She shivers in anticipation as I slowly reach my hand back and grab the cheek of her ass, massaging it and bringing my fingers close to her asshole.

Now moaning loudly, Trinity is trying to move her hand on my cock, but being pregnant is making it hard for her to move where she needs to. I can feel her frustration and get out of bed. I reach for her and help her to a sitting position, then I grab all the pillows and place them in front of the headboard, then help her sit directly in front so that she is half lying down.  I put one leg over a pillow so it spreads her wide for me. This position gives me access to everything. 

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