Big Bear Mountain - The Complete Series (32 page)

BOOK: Big Bear Mountain - The Complete Series
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Chapter 26


et me explain everything,” Declan pleaded.
“Come home with me and I promise to tell you the truth and answer your
questions. After that, you’re free to decide where you go from there.”

“What do you mean ‘free to decide’? I’m
free to do as I damn well please, now and any time I like, thanks!” Olivia

“I meant … it doesn’t matter. Come if you
want. If you don’t, well, goodnight, then.” Declan was betting her curiosity
would win out as he turned and walked up the alley, toward his waiting

Olivia waited just long enough for it to
look like she wasn’t coming because
asked her to, then she turned and
casually made her way up the alley. Toward Declan’s waiting motorcycle.


eeling his solid, well defined abs as they
rode, she couldn’t help but be reminded of the sinewy, rippling muscles that
lay beneath the gleaming skin of the dragon. Something about that image made
her shift slightly on the seat of the motorcycle as she felt a warm sensation
between her legs. Pressing her lavish breasts against his back, Olivia imagined
what it might be like to trust this dangerous man-beast.

“So, you’re definitely not afraid, then?
Quite the opposite,” Declan shouted into his helmet as they raced through the

“How did you —”

He still knows what I’m thinking!

Declan nodded. She couldn’t see his face,
but she knew he was smiling.

Cocky bastard.


nce they were inside Declan’s brownstone,
Declan poured them both a glass of wine and ushered Olivia into the elegantly
proportioned living room, where he gestured for her to be seated on the leather

“How can you afford all this?” she asked
without embarrassment. “Seriously, a place like this has got to be worth, what
… a few million?”

“Maybe twelve million, or so.” Declan waved
his hand dismissively, placing his glass on the fireplace mantle before
lighting the open fire in the authentically restored open fireplace with a jet
of flame from his mouth. “Dragons are hoarders, if you didn’t know,” he said as
a wisp of smoke followed his words. “We don’t ever sell anything. Although, we
do sometimes give some of our treasure away.”

“Like this?” she asked, touching the
necklace that still remained around her neck. “You know I can’t accept this,
don’t you?”

“We’ll see about that.”

“We won’t
about anything. I’m
not taking it,” she insisted. “When you say ‘hoarder’, you mean like on
‘Hoarding: Buried Alive’?” She looked around. “I’m not seeing piles of 1930’s
newspapers and mountains of crap.”

“Come with me,” he said, holding out his
hand to help her up from the sofa.

Before she realized what she was doing, she
took his hand and he pulled her to her feet with no apparent effort. Together,
they walked to the absurdly sized doors beneath the stairs.

“Stand back,” he instructed. “I have to
shift to my dragon before the doors will unlock. Humans can enter the hoard,
but only a dragon can unlock the entrance,” he explained.

Moving to the side to give him space,
Olivia watched in amazement as he transformed, once again, into a glorious,
mythical creature. Suddenly, what seemed like a cavernous entry hall was filled
with a black, winged dragon. She loved seeing him perform his little party

Declan’s dragon offered her a mock stage

“I’ll never get used to that mind reading
thing, you know. It’s quite unnerving.”

She heard the heavy metallic
as the doors unlocked. Then they opened, revealing a room, no a cavern as large
as a house in which were piled a glittering display of gold bullion, crates of
diamonds, chests overflowing with jewels and what appeared to be an
unfathomable collection of priceless antiquities.

I’m pretty sure they didn’t feature this
collection on Hoarders: Buried Alive.

Olivia was speechless, not for the first
time since she’d met Declan and she was pretty sure she could see a wry smile
on the dragon’s lips as she shook her head in response.

Chapter 27


he doors swung closed again, followed by the
solid clunk of the lock engaging. Olivia had a million questions going through
her mind, but words failed her.

All in good time, my princess. All in
good time.

The voice echoed in her head as Declan
returned to his human form and made his way back to the warmth of the living

“I wish you wouldn’t call me that. That’s
what guys like you call the pretty, slim girls who hang off their arm like
trophies, not girls like — me.”

As she entered the room, Declan stepped
beside her and wrapped his arm around her waist, drawing her closer to him as
they made their way to the fireplace.

“You’re wrong. In so many ways. For
starters,” he paused, looking her up and down, “you’re absolutely perfect. In
every way. I love how you look, how you feel, smell and taste. I’ve been
searching for someone like you all my life and had almost given up hope, until
I walked into the diner and saw … you.”

She believed him, even though part of her
didn’t want to. Even though her life might be easier, perhaps even safer, if
she didn’t. If you don’t trust someone, then they can’t hurt you. But there was
a bond she felt with him, maybe because he’d shared his blood with her or maybe
it was something more than that. Every inch of his lean, muscled body radiated
his love for her and cloaked her in his protection, like it was something
tangible. Even his dragon felt like a protector. A guardian. She felt safe with
both of them.

“I know,” she said, pressing her hips hard
against him and kissing him deeply and passionately, grabbing handfuls of his
soft hair as she explored his mouth hungrily.

“Did you really mean what you said?” she
moaned into his mouth.

“Which part?”

“All of it,” she whimpered, nuzzling his
neck and gently tugging his earlobe with her teeth.

“Of course. I meant every word. Dragons
can’t lie, you know. Neither can their human.”

“At least I know you’re not after my
money,” she laughed.

“Ah, no. That’s one thing you don’t have to
worry about and to answer your next question, yes, I think you’re gorgeous and
I adore your sweet, delectable curves. I adore all of you. I want you. Now.”

The primal tone of his voice made her
quiver. Her nipples hardened in response to the urgency and hunger of his
words. She wanted him, too. Dragon and all.

Chapter 28
Declan and Olivia


tanding next to the luxurious king sized
bed, Declan devoured his mate with his eyes, wordlessly, as she stood before
him. For the first time in her life, she wasn’t self-conscious. She felt
comfortable with her body and enjoyed how her man looked at her — eyes burning
with equal parts of lust and affection. She felt under the spell of his potent
and intoxicating scrutiny. She felt

Cupping her breasts in his hands, Declan
caressed her through the fabric of her uniform, enjoying the feel of her erect
nipples against his hands. He needed them in his mouth.

“Do you think it’s time you slipped into
something more comfortable?” he asked with a cheeky smile.

“What are you suggesting?” Olivia replied

With ferocious speed and incredible
strength, Declan put his fingers down the front of her dress and with one
blinding movement, tore the entire uniform from top to bottom before tossing it
across the room like an unwanted rag.

Olivia stood there in shock, wearing
nothing but her bra and panties. She wished she’d put on something other than
her beige Granny panties that morning.

The savage neediness of his actions stirred
the burning embers within her. She had never felt so desirable, so wanted.
Abandoning her initial restraint, Olivia was ready to give herself, in every
conceivable way, to Declan. But first, there was something she had to do.


re you sure?” he asked, breathless with

“I’m sure,” she answered, after pulling her
mouth off his cock. “I owe you one from last time and you know me, I always pay
my debts.”

Declan lay across the bed, on his back,
enjoying her version of a debt repayment plan. Looking down, he was thrilled by
the spray of golden blonde hair that softly brushed against his stomach. “Even
your hair is a treasure,” he said as he ran his fingers through it, fisting a
handful of it as she worked her mouth rhythmically on his cock.

“Stop for a minute. I need to tell you
something,” he told her.

“What? I’m giving you a blow job and you’re
telling me to

“Yeah, I know, right? Seriously, I need to
talk to you. I should have done this before, but I got carried away.
got me carried away.” He spanked her on the butt in jest.

Scooting her way up the bed, she kissed him
full on the mouth and looked at him seriously.

“OK, what’s so important that I can’t repay
the pleasure you gave me last time?”

“You’re the first human I’ve been with.
Hell, you’re the first
I’ve been with —”

“Are you for real?”

“It’s a long story and I meant to tell you,
but my primal urges just took over and before I knew it, I was ripping your
clothes off and getting ready to … you know.”

“No, I don’t know, thanks to you. Yeah,
good talk, Declan. Now can I get back to business?” Olivia insisted.

“No, wait. Look, I really need to say this,
so let me finish, alright?” he continued without waiting for her to answer, “I
got exiled from my shifter clan by the Elders because I refused to take the
mate they assigned to me. I didn’t love her and the thought of having to spend
my life with someone I had no feelings for was soul destroying. I couldn’t do
it, so I had to leave.”

“Can you ever go back?” Olivia asked,
shocked at his revelation, but also afraid of his answer.

“Probably not, but that’s not all. You see,
dragon shifters have only ever mated with their own kind. We were always been
taught that human women can’t survive mating with a dragon shifter. They are
too weak. There are, though legends which refer to dragons mating with human
women, but they have always been regarded as just that — legends.

“I want you and I want to make love with
you, but I don’t want to hurt you and I really don’t know what the risks are.
I’ve never done it before. Neither has anyone else in my clan.”

“Is that it? Is that what you’re so worried

“Well … yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Have you even seen me?” Olivia asked
disbelievingly. “Do I look like some stick thin super model that’s going to
break from a good fucking with a hot guy?”

“You really think I’m hot?”

“Is that all you managed to take away from
that Mr. Dragon Shifter?”

“So you’re still willing to give it a try?
Are you sure? You’re not scared?” His brow furrowed with concern.

“In the past 48 hours I’ve worked four
shifts, been mugged, got shot, confronted a giant dragon and raced through the
streets of New York on the back of a motorcycle. Oh and I’ve been inside a
secret dragon treasure lair. And you’re asking if I’m scared of having sex with
you? Really?” She looked at him in earnest. “I doubt I’ll ever be afraid of
anything ever again.”

Rolling onto her back, Olivia positioned
Declan on top of her effortlessly, smiling at the look of surprise that swept
across his ruggedly handsome face as he appreciated her strength. “I think I
can handle myself, don’t you?”

He stroked her cheek with the back of his
hand then bent down to kiss her gently on the lips. “You really are amazing.”

Chapter 29


eclan took each of her wrists in his hands
and pinned them above her head as he used his knees to push her thighs apart
and holding eye contact with her the entire time. Her cheeks were flushed with
anticipation and he knew she was not only ready for him, but that she wanted

Guiding the head of his cock between her
slick folds, he teased her with a few short, gentle thrusts, enjoying the feel
of her heat on his sensitive shaft. Her back arched in an effort to take his
full and generous length deep inside her, but that wasn’t going to happen. He
was in charge right, this time and he was determined to make the most of the

“Please,” she begged, “I need to feel you
inside me. I want you to fill the emptiness. I need you!”

“Be patient princess.” He loved calling her

Releasing her arms, he took her breasts in
his strong hands and squeezed them, gently at first, then with increasing
strength as her moans of pleasure intensified.

“Mmmm. Harder. I like that,” she said
tilting her head back and closing her eyes.

Her nipples tightened, practically begging
to be taken into his mouth. Declan couldn’t resist and took turns taking each
one of the tight little pebbles into his mouth and sucking them deeply as his
tongue played on her areolae sending ripples of pleasure down to her eager and
waiting sex.

The tip of his cock felt the wave of
pleasure as the entrance to her silky channel contracted around the thickest
part of his head, bringing a sparkle to his eyes and a smile to his soft lips.

Olivia whimpered in frustration. “Are you
going to tease me to death or fuck me?”

“Which would you prefer?” he asked before
trailing kisses across her smooth, soft tummy, stopping at her pubic bone as
his nostrils flared at the scent of her arousal.

A firm hand grasped Declan’s head and
stopped him going any further south.

“Declan, right now, I need you inside me —
deep inside me!” she pleaded. “Please?”

Retracing his trail of kisses and nibbles
across her hips and up toward her full and tasty lips, he paused to bury his
head between her soft, cozy breasts for a moment before placing his mouth over
hers and kissing her furiously as he plunged his full length deeply into her
awaiting tunnel, indulging himself in the warmth and tightness it offered his
ample girth.

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