Assassin Deception (26 page)

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Authors: C. L. Scholey

BOOK: Assassin Deception
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“Damien,” she moaned. He pulled her down to taste the sweetness of her nipples, his tongue flicking out to tease first, then draw her within, past his eager lips. She filled his hot demanding mouth.

“Please, Damien, I want you over me, protecting me, I had been so afraid, so lost and alone,” Chloe begged. “Cover me, Salvator.”

Damien wasted no time. Flipping her under him, he removed himself, stilling her whimpers of disappointment. Instead he turned her within his arms. His powerful grip settled around her middle, pulling her rounded behind to his hips.

He pushed her head downwards, wanting entry within her folds, exposing her complete vulnerability before him. Chloe’s fingers dug deeply into the ground beneath her as he penetrated her.

She cried out when his full length plunged and retreated, savoring the feel of each other. He shifted ever so slightly then plunged again. Chloe gasped when his penis pressed against her nub remaining outside her swollen flesh. She had been unprepared for that.

His erection was gloriously thick, long, hard and so hot he scorched her. She could feel his heat reach her very being and she wanted more. Chloe sucked her bottom lip into her mouth, biting gently to keep from begging, screaming.

Damien’s fingers reached before her to penetrate deeply. They worked slowly, sensuously searching, and she relaxed beneath him, accepting him. She released her lip to pant heavily, whimpering his name with each expelled breath.

Damien removed his fingers to once again enter her excruciatingly slowly. She groaned as his engorged head slipped within, only a short few inches before retreating, then thrusting. She clutched at the rumpled blanket beneath her. She could make out the occasional crackle of dry leaves. She wanted him harder, faster. She didn’t want to be played with, but taken.

Damien shifted, and once more Chloe moaned as his fingers parted her folds, seeking entry. He rubbed her nub while her backside wiggled against him. He removed his fingers and guided himself carefully into her, but Chloe had enough of his teasing.

She felt as though she might explode inside. Her veins sizzled as her blood pumped faster, hotter. She rammed her behind back, forcing his thrust deeper, harder. Damien chuckled.

Gripping her slender hips, Damien pulled her back to meet a rapid series of thrusts. She wanted to feel his power; it seemed he was going to grant her wish. Damien moved wildly. It wasn’t long before she turned beneath him, uncaring of the hard ground. She demanded he cover her completely, wrap her in his safety. She disappeared under his hard-muscled body coated in a heavy sheen of dripping sweat.

Only her moans and slender white creamy legs wrapped tightly around his hips were any indication she was beneath him. Her hands were pinned to her sides by her shoulders, each covered over by Damien’s own.

“Damien,” she cried out, begging for her release. “I want…I want…”

“I know what you want,” he shouted as they came together. Damien’s weight drove her relentlessly deeper into the blanket, while the hard ground met with his eager thrusts.

She could feel her warm wetness as her insides closed around him, welcoming him deeper, harder, faster. Her fingernails dug into the hard flesh of his seasoned hands and he groaned, tightening his grip.

Damien thrust once, then again, then again. Chloe cried out. Damien threw back his head and roared in an age old tradition of the victorious hunter as he bellowed his prowess to the moon. She was his, only his, only ever and forever his.

“Salvator,” Chloe whispered.

The luminescent moon shone brightly overhead through the branches, bathing his head like a halo, likening him to a stunning mystical Greek god. It felt so good to be held by him, so right.

“Marry me?” Chloe asked.

“Who else would have me?”

“I love you, Damien.”

“I love you, too, Chloe. Everything will work out fine, you’ll see. We’ll take care of this together.”

“What if Dirk won’t listen?” she asked with worry. The man could be so stubborn, yet she knew she needed him to believe her. It was important, not only to herself, but to Damien.

“You could always cook up something really special for him. With your talents you’ll have his undivided attention for quite some time,” Damien said, chuckling. “I’m certain Mitch will give you a rave review. I bet he’ll even share his bucket…maybe, maybe not.”

Smiling, Chloe snuggled into his strong, warm arms. She reached lower to caress him intimately. Somewhat surprised she felt him harden once more almost immediately.

With unveiled interest she explored him, enjoying his silky smoothness over the rock hardness of his enlarging penis. Damien reached for her hand to guide it over himself, to fondle him. He groaned, obviously enjoying the feel of her soft hand on his stunning erection. He leaned down to nibble her earlobe, then sucked gently. His hands began an exploration of their own.

“I missed you,” Chloe whispered into his ear.

“Show me how much,” Damien demanded. Once more Chloe was buried beneath him. She knew he planned on keeping her there for a long, long time.



Chapter Seventeen



Chloe lay in Damien’s arms nude, wrapped within the blanket. The sun was rising, warming them further. The fire flickered its last dying motion. Soft tendrils of smoke evaporated before exiting their structure.

Chloe lifted her hand to play with the tufts of dark blond hair on Damien’s broad, unclad chest. He pulled her closer, cuddling her to himself. He kissed the top of her forehead in a familiar gesture, then ran his lips back and forth over her smooth skin, caressing her.

The scent of their lovemaking lingered in the sweet aftermath of heated want, need, and desire. Never before had either clung to the other so passionately throughout an entire night. It had been breathtaking.

“What did he tell you?” Chloe asked hesitantly, in a small voice. She needed to hear. She needed to understand why Dirk had turned on her.

“I’m sorry, Chloe, but it appears when Dirk asked Dad who had attacked him he, for some reason, said it had been you.”

Chloe’s moist eyes looked up into his own. “I admit I was angry with your father at his deception. I said some thing I shouldn’t have, but, Damien, please, please believe me when I say I would never hurt anyone…although I admit to having some evil thoughts towards your big brother at the moment.”

Damien kissed her forehead. Chloe felt his warm breath travel over her. “I believe you, sweetheart, I just can’t figure out why my dad would say such an awful thing. Dirk was beyond upset. I’ve never seen him look so completely at a loss. He knows you hate weapons; he knows you wouldn’t have had the time. He’s so terribly confused.”

“What is Dirk planning on doing with me?” Chloe asked with apprehension. She loathed being afraid of Dirk. He was so important to her. She hurt, knowing he thought so little of her. She had thought he loved her. It was devastating to think he didn’t.

Damien took a deep breath as though choosing his words carefully. “Dirk is distraught; he’s torn two ways. I’m uncertain he really believes you would harm Dad. He knows it’s not in your nature to hurt people, especially those you love…yet he wonders where you were for the six months you disappeared. He questions if perhaps you are working with someone. He also wonders if Dad may have just said your name, wanting to protect you, then had been unable to elaborate before falling unconscious.

“Dirk has seen death, lots of it.” He stopped for a brief pause when Chloe trembled at the insinuation.

“Dirk has been around for a lot of people's last dying words. Many utter the names of loved ones; maybe they see them in their minds before they die and try to talk to them one last time. Maybe if they exchanged hurtful words on their last encounter they want to offer an apology, hoping it will somehow make it from their lips to the rightful ears in time.”

“James wanted to talk to me that night, but I was too angry. Oh, Damien, do you really think he just wanted to say he was sorry?” Chloe asked in utter agony. To think his last thoughts had been on her, even while he was suffering so horribly.

“I honestly believe that. I know you would never hurt Dad, and I know how much he loves you. How much you both mean to each other. Dirk thinks my vision is clouded because of how close we are. I think he’s trying to be too objective because of how close he is to you. Never before have we butted heads. But it was worth it. You’re worth it to me. Dirk will come around.”

“None of that matters right now. We aren’t the important ones. We need to get to James. Whoever tried to kill him will try again. I remember the day James had been in the car accident, there had been a man after me. I hadn’t been mistaken. Someone tried to kill me. He had held a knife to my throat, then knocked me down the stairs. It must be the same man who shot your father,” Chloe said. Now that the sun was up it was imperative they move. She sat up while pulling on her shirt.

“Chloe, we need to go back to the chalet and wait for Dirk,” Damien said. He trailed his fingers in a soothing motion up and down her arm.

Chloe ceased her activity. Damien sat up, gazing into her eyes. “You want me to be where Dirk can keep an eye on me. You still think I was imagining things, don’t you?” she accused.

Damien cupped her face within his large hands. “I love you, Chloe. I love Dirk as well and, yes, I believe you. I promised Dirk we would stay put until this is figured out. If we don’t, make no mistake we will be hunted together…and found, you know what Dirk is like.

“Right now he needs his men close. Don’t worry, Dirk has guards on Dad. Wolf would never allow anyone to hurt my father. They have known each other for years, they hold great respect for one another, you know that. But whoever it is that’s out there might try for you next.

“Dirk loves you, he wants you safe. I know you only think he wants to keep you captive until he decides what to do with you. But you and I are going to be married. Trust me. I have never lied to you, never kept secrets from you. I learned what you did about your family the exact same night. We are in this together, I promise. We have been together forever and we will remain together forever.”

Chloe couldn’t help the feeling of dread that settled within her belly with the thought of returning to the chalet. “I hope you’re serious, and I hope that weapon of yours is loaded, because when Mitch sees me there’s going to be hell to pay. I may just want to lock myself in a room for safety’s sake.”

Damien chuckled. “Babe, I doubt Mitch can hold his own head up, let alone a weapon or fist.”

“Actually, I have Mitch’s gun,” Chloe admitted. She winced at Damien’s look.

“Chloe,” Damien admonished, scowling heavily.

“I was worried about wild animals,” she said defensively.

“Chloe, how many times have I told you a weapon in the hands of an amateur is deadly, more so to themselves? You could have hurt yourself.”

Chloe hung her head and offered not one word. Damien lifted her chin with a single finger. “I’m here now. I’ll protect you. Please give me the gun.”

In the light it was easier to see into the pillowcase and Chloe retrieved the weapon. She extended it to him. Damien took it, checked the safety, and placed it on the ground while he changed. Once they were both clothed and standing, Damien slung her belongings over his shoulder. He tucked Mitch’s gun into his belt. He cuddled her once more for reassurance, kissed her forehead, then offered a brilliant, cheeky grin.

“Ladies first,” he grandly said, waving a hand before himself.

Chloe stood smugly still, eyes raised, arms crossed over her chest. “You’re lost,” she declared.

“I am not!” Damien replied indignantly.

“Are too!”

Damien ran a quick hand over his face. “I was worried about you and wasn’t paying attention to where I was going…it was dark…there could be rabid bears out here, you know.”

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